second example in DeBruijn
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title : "DeBruijn: Inherently typed De Bruijn representation"
title : "DeBruijn: Inherently typed de Bruijn representation"
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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The previous two chapters introduced lambda calculus, with a
formalisation based on named variables, and terms defined separately
from types. We began with that approach because it is traditional,
but it is not the one we recommend. This chapter presents an
alternative approach, where named variables are replaced by De Bruijn
alternative approach, where named variables are replaced by de Bruijn
indices and terms are inherently typed. Our new presentation is more
compact, using less than half the lines of code required previously to
do cover the same ground.
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ example, here is the term for the Church numeral two:
twoᶜ : Term
twoᶜ = ƛ "s" ⇒ ƛ "z" ⇒ ` "s" · (` "s" · ` "z")
and here is its corresponding type derivation:
And here is its corresponding type derivation:
⊢twoᶜ : ∀ {A} ⇒ ∅ ⊢ two ⦂ Ch A
⊢twoᶜ = ⊢ƛ (⊢ƛ (Ax ∋s · (Ax ∋s · Ax ∋z)))
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ abstraction (count outward past zero abstractions) and "s" is bound by
the outer abstraction (count outward past one abstraction).
In this chapter, we are going to exploit this correspondence, and
introduce a new notation for terms that simultaneously resembles the
introduce a new notation for terms that simultaneously represents the
term and its type derivation. Now we will write the following.
twoᶜ : ∅ ⊢ Ch `ℕ
@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ abbreviated in the usual way), and tells us how many enclosing binding terms
to count to find the binding of that variable. Thus, `# 0` is bound at the
inner `ƛ`, and `# 1` at the outer `ƛ`.
Replacing variables by numbers in this way is called _De Bruijn
representation_, and the numbers themselves are called _De Bruijn
indices_, after the Dutch mathematician Nicolaas Govert (Dick) De
Replacing variables by numbers in this way is called _de Bruijn
representation_, and the numbers themselves are called _de Bruijn
indices_, after the Dutch mathematician Nicolaas Govert (Dick) de
Bruijn (1918—2012), a pioneer in the creation of proof assistants.
One advantage of replacing named variables with De Bruijn indices
One advantage of replacing named variables with de Bruijn indices
is that each term now has a unique representation, rather than being
represented by the equivalence class of terms under alpha renaming.
@ -107,13 +107,75 @@ we will terms that are not typed with De Bruijn indices
are inherently scoped.
## A second example
De Bruijn indices can be tricky to get the hang of, so before
proceeding further let's consider a second example. Here is the
term that adds two naturals:
plus : Term
plus = μ "+" ⇒ ƛ "m" ⇒ ƛ "n" ⇒
`case ` "m"
[zero⇒ ` "n"
|suc "m" ⇒ `suc (` "+" · ` "m" · ` "n") ]
Note variable "m" is bound twice, once in a lambda abstraction and once
in the successor branch of the case. Any appearance of "m" in the successor
branch must refer to the latter binding, due to shadowing.
Here is its corresponding type derivation:
⊢plus : ∅ ⊢ plus ⦂ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ
⊢plus = ⊢μ (⊢ƛ (⊢ƛ (⊢case (Ax ∋m) (Ax ∋n)
(⊢suc (Ax ∋+ · Ax ∋m′ · Ax ∋n′)))))
∋+ = (S ("+" ≠ "m") (S ("+" ≠ "n") (S ("+" ≠ "m") Z)))
∋m = (S ("m" ≠ "n") Z)
∋n = Z
∋m′ = Z
∋n′ = (S ("n" ≠ "m") Z)
The two definitions are in close correspondence, where in addition
to the previous correspondences we have
* `` `zero `` corresponds to `⊢zero`
* `` `suc_ `` corresponds to `⊢suc`
* `` `case_[zero⇒_|suc_⇒_] `` corresponds to `⊢case`
* `μ_⇒_` corresponds to `⊢μ`
Note the two lookup judgements `∋m` and `∋m′` refer to two different
bindings of variables named `"m"`. In contrast, the two judgements `∋n` and
`∋n′` both refer to the same binding of `"n"` but accessed in different
contexts, the first where "n" is the last binding in the context, and
the second after "m" is bound in the successor branch of the case.
Here is the term and its type derivation in the notation of this chapter.
plus : ∀ {Γ} → Γ ⊢ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ
plus = μ ƛ ƛ `case (# 1) (# 0) (`suc (# 3 · # 0 · # 1))
Readering from left to right, each de Bruijn index corresponds to a lookup derivation:
* `# 1` corresponds to `∋m`
* `# 0` corresponds to `∋n`
* `# 3` corresponds to `∋+`
* `# 0` corresponds to `∋m′`
* `# 1` corresponds to `∋n′`
The de Bruijn index counts the number of `S` constructs in the
corresponding lookup derivation. Variable "n" bound in the inner
abstraction is referred to as `# 0` in the zero branch of the case but
as `# 1` in the successor banch of the case, because of the
intervening binding. Variable "m" bound in the lambda abstraction is
referred to by the first `# 1` in the code, while variable "m" bound
in the successor branch of the case is referred to by the second
`# 0`. There is no shadowing: with variable names, there is no way to
refer to the former binding in the scope of the latter, but with de
Bruijn indices it could be referred to as `# 2`.
For each constructor
of terms `M`, there is a corresponding constructor of type derivations,
@ -143,17 +143,17 @@ plus = μ "+" ⇒ ƛ "m" ⇒ ƛ "n" ⇒
[zero⇒ ` "n"
|suc "m" ⇒ `suc (` "+" · ` "m" · ` "n") ]
four : Term
four = plus · two · two
2+2 : Term
2+2 = plus · two · two
The recursive definition of addition is similar to our original
definition of `_+_` for naturals, as given in
Chapter [Naturals]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link out/plta/ %}#plus).
Note that there are two different binding occurrences of the
variable "m", one in a lambda abstraction and one in a case term;
the occurrence of "m" in the argument of the case refers to the former
and the occurrence of "m" in the successor branch of the case refers to the latter.
Later we will confirm that two plus two is four, in other words that
Here variable "m" is bound twice, once in a lambda abstraction and once in
the successor branch of the case; the first use of "m" refers to
the former and the second to the latter. Any use of "m" in the successor branch
must refer to the latter binding, and so we say that the latter binding _shadows_
the former. Later we will confirm that two plus two is four, in other words that
the term
plus · two · two
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ _ =
Here is a sample reduction demonstrating that two plus two is four.
_ : four ↠ `suc `suc `suc `suc `zero
_ : plus · two · two ↠ `suc `suc `suc `suc `zero
_ =
plus · two · two
@ -1084,12 +1084,11 @@ Here are the typings corresponding to computing two plus two.
⊢2+2 : ∅ ⊢ plus · two · two ⦂ `ℕ
⊢2+2 = ⊢plus · ⊢two · ⊢two
The two occcurrences of variable `"n"` in the original term appear
in different contexts, and correspond here to the two different
lookup judgements, `∋n` and `∋n′`. The first looks up `"n"` in
a context that ends with the binding for "n", while the second looks
it up in a context extended by the binding for "m" in the second
branch of the case expression.
Here the two lookup judgements `∋m` and `∋m′` refer to two different
bindings of variables named `"m"`. In contrast, the two judgements `∋n` and
`∋n′` both refer to the same binding of `"n"` but accessed in different
contexts, the first where "n" is the last binding in the context, and
the second after "m" is bound in the successor branch of the case.
And here are typings for the remainder of the Church example.
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