added unequal to Negation

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wadler 2018-03-17 12:27:07 -03:00
parent 81b5da1ebd
commit 83776712ac

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@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ and classical logic.
open import Isomorphism using (_≃_; ≃-sym; ≃-trans; _≲_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ we have only half of this equivalence, namely that `A` implies `¬ ¬ A`.
Let `x` be evidence of `A`. We will show that assuming
`¬ A` leads to a contradiction, and hence `¬ ¬ A` must hold.
Let `¬x` be evidence of `¬ A`. Then from `A` and `¬ A`
we have a contradiction (evidenced by `¬x x`). Hence, we have
we have a contradiction, evidenced by `¬x x`. Hence, we have
shown `¬ ¬ A`.
We cannot show that `¬ ¬ A` implies `A`, but we can show that
@ -77,8 +79,8 @@ We cannot show that `¬ ¬ A` implies `A`, but we can show that
Let `¬¬¬x` be evidence of `¬ ¬ ¬ A`. We will show that assuming
`A` leads to a contradiction, and hence `¬ A` must hold.
Let `x` be evidence of `A`. Then by the previous result, we
can conclude `¬ ¬ A` (evidenced by `¬¬-intro x`). Then from
`¬ ¬ ¬ A` and `¬ ¬ A` we have a contradiction (evidenced by
can conclude `¬ ¬ A`, evidenced by `¬¬-intro x`. Then from
`¬ ¬ ¬ A` and `¬ ¬ A` we have a contradiction, evidenced by
`¬¬¬x (¬¬-intro x)`. Hence we have shown `¬ A`.
Another law of logic is *contraposition*,
@ -90,10 +92,33 @@ contraposition f ¬y x = ¬y (f x)
Let `f` be evidence of `A → B` and let `¬y` be evidence of `¬ B`. We
will show that assuming `A` leads to a contradiction, and hence
`¬ A` must hold. Let `x` be evidence of `A`. Then from `A → B` and
`A` we may conclude `B` (evidenced by `f x`), and from `B` and `¬ B`
we may conclude `⊥` (evidenced by `¬y (f x)`). Hence, we have shown
`A` we may conclude `B`, evidenced by `f x`, and from `B` and `¬ B`
we may conclude `⊥`, evidenced by `¬y (f x)`. Hence, we have shown
`¬ A`.
Using negation, it is straightforward to define unequal.
_≢_ : ∀ {A : Set} → A → A → Set
x ≢ y = ¬ (x ≡ y)
It is straightforward to show distinct numbers are unequal.
_ : 1 ≢ 2
_ = λ()
This is our first use of an absurd patters in a lambda expression.
The type `M ≡ N` is occupied exactly when `M` and `N` simplify to
identical terms. Since `1` and `2` simplify to distinct normal forms,
Agda determines that the absurd pattern `()` matches all arguments of
type `1 ≡ 2`. As a second example, it is also easy to validate
Peano's postulate that zero is not the successor of any number.
peano : ∀ {m : } → zero ≢ suc m
peano = λ()
The evidence is essentially the same, as the absurd pattern matches
all arguments of type `zero ≡ suc m`.
Given the correspondence of implication to exponentiation and
false to the type with no members, we can view negation as
raising to the zero power. This indeed corresponds to what