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Jeremy Siek 2019-05-19 16:45:27 -04:00
parent 57ca84d211
commit 8aa7027256
3 changed files with 144 additions and 142 deletions

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ open import plfa.LambdaReduction
using (β; ξ₁; ξ₂; ζ; _—→_; _—↠_; _—→⟨_⟩_; _[]; —↠-trans; appL-cong)
open import plfa.Soundness using (Subst)
open import plfa.Substitution
using (⧼_⧽; _•_; _⨟_; ids; sub-id; sub-sub; subst-zero-exts-cons)
using (⟪_⟫; _•_; _⨟_; ids; sub-id; sub-sub; subst-zero-exts-cons)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; trans; sym)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning using (begin_; _≡⟨⟩_; _≡⟨_⟩_; _∎)
@ -166,21 +166,21 @@ expand the conclusion of the statement, stating that the results are
We make the two notions of equivalence precise by defining the
following two mutually-recursive predicates `c ≈ M` and `γ σ`.
following two mutually-recursive predicates `c ≈ M` and `γ ≈ₑ σ`.
_≈_ : Clos → (∅ ⊢ ★) → Set
__ : ∀{Γ} → ClosEnv Γ → Subst Γ ∅ → Set
_≈ₑ_ : ∀{Γ} → ClosEnv Γ → Subst Γ ∅ → Set
(clos {Γ} M γ) ≈ N = Σ[ σ ∈ Subst Γ ∅ ] γ σ × (N ≡ ⧼ σ M)
(clos {Γ} M γ) ≈ N = Σ[ σ ∈ Subst Γ ∅ ] γ ≈ₑ σ × (N ≡ ⟪ σ M)
γ σ = ∀{x} → (γ x) ≈ (σ x)
γ ≈ₑ σ = ∀{x} → (γ x) ≈ (σ x)
We can now state the main lemma:
If γ ⊢ M ⇓ c and γ σ,
then σ M —↠ N and c ≈ N for some N.
If γ ⊢ M ⇓ c and γ ≈ₑ σ,
then σ M —↠ N and c ≈ N for some N.
Before starting the proof, we establish a couple lemmas
about equivalent environments and substitutions.
@ -188,33 +188,33 @@ about equivalent environments and substitutions.
The empty environment is equivalent to the identity substitution.
≃-id : ∅' ≃ ids
-id {()}
≈ₑ-id : ∅' ≈ₑ ids
≈ₑ-id {()}
We define an auxilliary function for extending a substitution.
ext-subst : ∀{Γ Δ} → Subst Γ Δ → Δ ⊢ ★ → Subst (Γ , ★) Δ
ext-subst{Γ}{Δ} σ N {A} = ⧼ subst-zero N ⧽ ∘ exts σ
ext-subst{Γ}{Δ} σ N {A} = ⟪ subst-zero N ⟫ ∘ exts σ
The next lemma states that if you start with an equivalent
environment and substitution `γ σ`, extending them with
environment and substitution `γ ≈ₑ σ`, extending them with
an equivalent closure and term `c ≈ N` produces
an equivalent environment and substitution:
`(γ ,' c) (ext-subst σ N)`.
`(γ ,' c) ≈ₑ (ext-subst σ N)`.
-ext : ∀ {Γ} {γ : ClosEnv Γ} {σ : Subst Γ ∅} {c} {N : ∅ ⊢ ★}
γ σ → c ≈ N
≈ₑ-ext : ∀ {Γ} {γ : ClosEnv Γ} {σ : Subst Γ ∅} {c} {N : ∅ ⊢ ★}
γ ≈ₑ σ → c ≈ N
→ (γ ,' c) (ext-subst σ N)
≃-ext {Γ} {γ} {σ} {c} {N} γ≃σ c≈N {x} = goal
→ (γ ,' c) ≈ₑ (ext-subst σ N)
≈ₑ-ext {Γ} {γ} {σ} {c} {N} γ≈ₑσ c≈N {x} = goal
ext-cons : (γ ,' c) (N • σ)
ext-cons : (γ ,' c) ≈ₑ (N • σ)
ext-cons {Z} = c≈N
ext-cons {S x} = γσ
ext-cons {S x} = γ≈ₑσ
goal : (γ ,' c) x ≈ ext-subst σ N x
@ -222,45 +222,45 @@ an equivalent environment and substitution:
... | a rewrite sym (subst-zero-exts-cons{Γ}{∅}{σ}{★}{N}{★}) = a
To prove `-ext`, we make use of the fact that `ext-subst σ N` is
To prove `≈ₑ-ext`, we make use of the fact that `ext-subst σ N` is
equivalent to `N • σ` (by `subst-zero-exts-cons`). So we just
need to prove that `(γ ,' c) (N • σ)`, which is easy.
need to prove that `(γ ,' c) ≈ₑ (N • σ)`, which is easy.
We proceed by cases on the input variable.
* If it is `Z`, then we immediately conclude using the
premise `c ≈ N`.
* If it is `S x`, then we immediately conclude using
premise `γ σ`.
premise `γ ≈ₑ σ`.
We arive at the main lemma: if `M` big steps to a
closure `c` in environment `γ`, and if `γ σ`, then `⧼ σ M` reduces
closure `c` in environment `γ`, and if `γ ≈ₑ σ`, then `⟪ σ M` reduces
to some term `N` that is equivalent to `c`. We describe the proof
⇓→—↠×𝔹 : ∀{Γ}{γ : ClosEnv Γ}{σ : Subst Γ ∅}{M : Γ ⊢ ★}{c : Clos}
γ ⊢ M ⇓ c → γ σ
γ ⊢ M ⇓ c → γ ≈ₑ σ
→ Σ[ N ∈ ∅ ⊢ ★ ] (σ M —↠ N) × c ≈ N
⇓→—↠×𝔹 {γ = γ} (⇓-var{x = x} γx≡Lδ δ⊢L⇓c) γσ
with γ x | γσ {x} | γx≡Lδ
... | clos L δ | ⟨ τ , ⟨ δτ , σx≡τL ⟩ ⟩ | refl
with ⇓→—↠×𝔹{σ = τ} δ⊢L⇓c δτ
→ Σ[ N ∈ ∅ ⊢ ★ ] (σ M —↠ N) × c ≈ N
⇓→—↠×𝔹 {γ = γ} (⇓-var{x = x} γx≡Lδ δ⊢L⇓c) γ≈ₑσ
with γ x | γ≈ₑσ {x} | γx≡Lδ
... | clos L δ | ⟨ τ , ⟨ δ≈ₑτ , σx≡τL ⟩ ⟩ | refl
with ⇓→—↠×𝔹{σ = τ} δ⊢L⇓c δ≈ₑτ
... | ⟨ N , ⟨ τL—↠N , c≈N ⟩ ⟩ rewrite σx≡τL =
⟨ N , ⟨ τL—↠N , c≈N ⟩ ⟩
⇓→—↠×𝔹 {σ = σ} {c = clos (ƛ N) γ} ⇓-lam γσ =
σ ⧽ (ƛ N) , ⟨ ⧼ σ ⧽ (ƛ N) [] , ⟨ σ , ⟨ γ≃σ , refl ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ ⟩
⇓→—↠×𝔹{Γ}{γ} {σ = σ} {L · M} {c} (⇓-app {N = N} L⇓ƛNδ N⇓c) γσ
with ⇓→—↠×𝔹{σ = σ} L⇓ƛNδ γσ
... | ⟨ _ , ⟨ σL—↠ƛτN , ⟨ τ , ⟨ δτ , ≡ƛτN ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ rewrite ≡ƛτN
with ⇓→—↠×𝔹 {σ = ext-subst τ (σ M)} N⇓c
(λ {x} → ≃-ext{σ = τ} δ≃τ ⟨ σ , ⟨ γ≃σ , refl ⟩ ⟩ {x})
| β{∅}{⧼ exts τ ⧽ N}{⧼ σ M}
⇓→—↠×𝔹 {σ = σ} {c = clos (ƛ N) γ} ⇓-lam γ≈ₑσ =
σ ⟫ (ƛ N) , ⟨ ⟪ σ ⟫ (ƛ N) [] , ⟨ σ , ⟨ γ≈ₑσ , refl ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ ⟩
⇓→—↠×𝔹{Γ}{γ} {σ = σ} {L · M} {c} (⇓-app {N = N} L⇓ƛNδ N⇓c) γ≈ₑσ
with ⇓→—↠×𝔹{σ = σ} L⇓ƛNδ γ≈ₑσ
... | ⟨ _ , ⟨ σL—↠ƛτN , ⟨ τ , ⟨ δ≈ₑτ , ≡ƛτN ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ rewrite ≡ƛτN
with ⇓→—↠×𝔹 {σ = ext-subst τ (σ M)} N⇓c
(λ {x} → ≈ₑ-ext{σ = τ} δ≈ₑτ ⟨ σ , ⟨ γ≈ₑσ , refl ⟩ ⟩ {x})
| β{∅}{⟪ exts τ ⟫ N}{⟪ σ M}
... | ⟨ N' , ⟨ —↠N' , c≈N' ⟩ ⟩ | ƛτN·σM—→
rewrite sub-sub{M = N}{σ₁ = exts τ}{σ₂ = subst-zero (σ M)} =
let rs = (ƛ ⧼ exts τ ⧽ N) · ⧼ σ M —→⟨ ƛτN·σM—→ ⟩ —↠N' in
rewrite sub-sub{M = N}{σ₁ = exts τ}{σ₂ = subst-zero (σ M)} =
let rs = (ƛ ⟪ exts τ ⟫ N) · ⟪ σ M —→⟨ ƛτN·σM—→ ⟩ —↠N' in
let g = —↠-trans (appL-cong σL—↠ƛτN) rs in
⟨ N' , ⟨ g , c≈N' ⟩ ⟩
@ -270,51 +270,51 @@ to consider.
* Case `⇓-var`.
So we have `γ x ≡ clos L δ` and `δ ⊢ L ⇓ c`.
We need to show that `σ x —↠ N` and `c ≈ N` for some `N`.
The premise `γ σ` tells us that `γ x ≈ σ x`, so `clos L δ ≈ σ x`.
We need to show that `σ x —↠ N` and `c ≈ N` for some `N`.
The premise `γ ≈ₑ σ` tells us that `γ x ≈ σ x`, so `clos L δ ≈ σ x`.
By the definition of `≈`, there exists a `τ` such that
≃ τ` and `σ x ≡ ⧼ τ ⧽ L `.
Using `δ ⊢ L ⇓ c` and `δ τ`,
≈ₑ τ` and `σ x ≡ ⟪ τ ⟫ L `.
Using `δ ⊢ L ⇓ c` and `δ ≈ₑ τ`,
the induction hypothesis gives us
`⧼ τ ⧽ L —↠ N` and `c ≈ N` for some `N`.
So we have shown that `σ x —↠ N` and `c ≈ N` for some `N`.
`⟪ τ ⟫ L —↠ N` and `c ≈ N` for some `N`.
So we have shown that `σ x —↠ N` and `c ≈ N` for some `N`.
* Case `⇓-lam`.
We immediately have `σ ⧽ (ƛ N) —↠ ⧼ σ (ƛ N)`
and `clos (σ ⧽ (ƛ N)) γ ≈ ⧼ σ (ƛ N)`.
We immediately have `σ ⟫ (ƛ N) —↠ ⟪ σ (ƛ N)`
and `clos (σ ⟫ (ƛ N)) γ ≈ ⟪ σ (ƛ N)`.
* Case `⇓-app`.
Using `γ ⊢ L ⇓ clos N δ` and `γ σ`,
Using `γ ⊢ L ⇓ clos N δ` and `γ ≈ₑ σ`,
the induction hypothesis gives us
σ ⧽ L —↠ ƛ ⧼ exts τ ⧽ N (1)
σ ⟫ L —↠ ƛ ⟪ exts τ ⟫ N (1)
and `δ τ` for some `τ`.
From `γ≃σ` we have `clos M γ ≈ ⧼ σ M`.
and `δ ≈ₑ τ` for some `τ`.
From `γ≈ₑσ` we have `clos M γ ≈ ⟪ σ M`.
Then with `(δ ,' clos M γ) ⊢ N ⇓ c`,
the induction hypothesis gives us `c ≈ N'` and
⧼ exts τ ⨟ subst-zero (⧼ σ ⧽ M) ⧽ N —↠ N' (2)
⟪ exts τ ⨟ subst-zero (⟪ σ ⟫ M) ⟫ N —↠ N' (2)
Meanwhile, by `β`, we have
⧼ exts τ ⧽ N) · ⧼ σ ⧽ M —→ ⧼ subst-zero (⧼ σ ⧽ M) ⧽ (⧼ exts τ ⧽ N)
⟪ exts τ ⟫ N) · ⟪ σ ⟫ M —→ ⟪ subst-zero (⟪ σ ⟫ M) ⟫ (⟪ exts τ ⟫ N)
which is the same as the following, by `sub-sub`.
⧼ exts τ ⧽ N) · ⧼ σ ⧽ M —→ ⧼ exts τ ⨟ subst-zero (⧼ σ ⧽ M) ⧽ N (3)
⟪ exts τ ⟫ N) · ⟪ σ ⟫ M —→ ⟪ exts τ ⨟ subst-zero (⟪ σ ⟫ M) ⟫ N (3)
Using (3) and (2) we have
⧼ exts τ ⧽ N) · ⧼ σ M —↠ N' (4)
⟪ exts τ ⟫ N) · ⟪ σ M —↠ N' (4)
From (1) we have
σ ⧽ L · ⧼ σ ⧽ M —↠ (ƛ ⧼ exts τ ⧽ N) · ⧼ σ M
σ ⟫ L · ⟪ σ ⟫ M —↠ (ƛ ⟪ exts τ ⟫ N) · ⟪ σ M
which we combine with (4) to conclude that
σ ⧽ L · ⧼ σ M —↠ N'
σ ⟫ L · ⟪ σ M —↠ N'
With the main lemma complete, we establish the forward direction
@ -326,10 +326,10 @@ cbn→reduce : ∀{M : ∅ ⊢ ★}{Δ}{δ : ClosEnv Δ}{N : Δ , ★ ⊢
→ Σ[ N ∈ ∅ , ★ ⊢ ★ ] (M —↠ ƛ N)
cbn→reduce {M}{Δ}{δ}{N} M⇓c
with ⇓→—↠×𝔹{σ = ids} M⇓c -id
with ⇓→—↠×𝔹{σ = ids} M⇓c ≈ₑ-id
... | ⟨ N , ⟨ rs , ⟨ σ , ⟨ h , eq2 ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ ⟩
rewrite sub-id{M = M} | eq2 =
⧼ exts σ N , rs ⟩
⟪ exts σ N , rs ⟩
The proof of the backward direction, that beta reduction to a lambda
@ -359,5 +359,10 @@ reduction. Finally, Corollary 2 combines these results to show that
## Unicode
This chapter uses the following unicode:
≈ U+2248 ALMOST EQUAL TO (\~~ or \approx)
⊢ U+22A2 RIGHT TACK (\|- or \vdash)
⇓ U+21DB DOWNWARDS DOUBLE ARROW (\d= or \Downarrow)

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@ -13,12 +13,10 @@ module plfa.Confluence where
## Imports
open import plfa.Substitution
using (subst-commute; rename-subst-commute)
open import plfa.Substitution using (subst-commute; rename-subst-commute)
open import plfa.LambdaReduction
using (_—→_; β; ξ₁; ξ₂; ζ; _—↠_; _—→⟨_⟩_; _[];
abs-cong; appL-cong; appR-cong;
abs-cong; appL-cong; appR-cong; —↠-trans)
open import plfa.Denotational using (Rename)
open import plfa.Soundness using (Subst)
open import plfa.Untyped

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@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ system that _decides_ whether any two substitutions are equal.
We use the following more succinct notation the `subst` function.
⧼_⧽ : ∀{Γ Δ A} → Subst Γ Δ → Γ ⊢ A → Δ ⊢ A
σ = λ M → subst σ M
⟪_⟫ : ∀{Γ Δ A} → Subst Γ Δ → Γ ⊢ A → Δ ⊢ A
σ = λ M → subst σ M
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ _•_ : ∀{Γ Δ A} → (Δ ⊢ A) → Subst Γ Δ → Subst (Γ , A) Δ
Given two substitutions `σ` and `τ`, the sequencing operation `σ ⨟ τ`
produces the sequence
⧼τ⧽(σ 0), ⧼τ⧽(σ 1), ⧼τ⧽(σ 2), ...
⟪τ⟫(σ 0), ⟪τ⟫(σ 1), ⟪τ⟫(σ 2), ...
That is, it composes the two substitutions by first applying
`σ` and then applying `τ`.
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ That is, it composes the two substitutions by first applying
infixr 5 _⨟_
_⨟_ : ∀{Γ Δ Σ} → Subst Γ Δ → Subst Δ Σ → Subst Γ Σ
σ ⨟ τ = ⧼ τ ⧽σ
σ ⨟ τ = ⟪ τ ⟫σ
For the sequencing operation, Abadi et al. use the notation of
@ -131,20 +131,20 @@ the standard notation for forward function composition.
The σ algebra includes the following equations.
(sub-head) ⧼ M • σ (` Z) ≡ M
(sub-head) ⟪ M • σ (` Z) ≡ M
(sub-tail) ↑ ⨟ (M • σ) ≡ σ
(sub-η) (σ (` Z)) • (↑ ⨟ σ) ≡ σ
(sub-η) (σ (` Z)) • (↑ ⨟ σ) ≡ σ
(Z-shift) (` Z) • ↑ ≡ ids
(sub-id) ⧼ ids ⧽ M ≡ M
(sub-app) σ ⧽ (L · M) ≡ (⧼ σ ⧽ L) · (⧼ σ M)
(sub-abs) σ ⧽ (ƛ N) ≡ ƛ ⧼ σ N
(sub-sub) ⧼ τ ⧽ ⧼ σ ⧽ M ≡ ⧼ σ ⨟ τ ⧽ M
(sub-id) ⟪ ids ⟫ M ≡ M
(sub-app) σ ⟫ (L · M) ≡ (⟪ σ ⟫ L) · (⟪ σ M)
(sub-abs) σ ⟫ (ƛ N) ≡ ƛ ⟪ σ N
(sub-sub) ⟪ τ ⟫ ⟪ σ ⟫ M ≡ ⟪ σ ⨟ τ ⟫ M
(sub-idL) ids ⨟ σσ
(sub-idR) σ ⨟ ids ≡ σ
(sub-assoc) (σ ⨟ τ) ⨟ θ ≡ σ ⨟ (τ ⨟ θ)
(sub-dist) (M • σ) ⨟ τ ≡ (⧼ τ ⧽ M) • (σ ⨟ τ)
(sub-dist) (M • σ) ⨟ τ ≡ (⟪ τ ⟫ M) • (σ ⨟ τ)
The first group of equations describe how the `•` operator acts like cons.
The equation `sub-head` says that the variable zero `Z` returns the
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ the σ algebra.
To begin with, renaming can be expressed in terms of substitution.
We have
rename ρ M ≡ ⧼ ren ρ M (rename-subst-ren)
rename ρ M ≡ ⟪ ren ρ M (rename-subst-ren)
where `ren` turns a renaming `ρ` into a substitution by post-composing
`ρ` with the identity substitution.
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ shift.
ren S_ ≡ ↑ (ren-shift)
rename S_ M ≡ ⧼ ↑ ⧽ M (rename-shift)
rename S_ M ≡ ⟪ ↑ ⟫ M (rename-shift)
Next we relate the `exts` function to the σ algebra. Recall that the
`exts` function extends a substitution as follows:
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ renamings.
It is also useful to specialize the `sub-sub` equation of the σ
algebra to the situation where the first substitution is a renaming.
σ ⧽ (rename ρ M) ≡ ⧼ σρ M (rename-subst)
σ ⟫ (rename ρ M) ≡ ⟪ σρ M (rename-subst)
The `subst-zero M` substitution is equivalent to cons'ing
`M` onto the identity substitution.
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ the operators.
sub-head : ∀ {Γ Δ} {A} {M : Δ ⊢ A}{σ : Subst Γ Δ}
⧼ M • σ (` Z) ≡ M
⟪ M • σ (` Z) ≡ M
sub-head = refl
@ -253,10 +253,10 @@ sub-tail = extensionality λ x → refl
sub-η : ∀{Γ Δ} {A B} {σ : Subst (Γ , A) Δ}
→ (σ (` Z) • (↑ ⨟ σ)) {A = B} ≡ σ
→ (σ (` Z) • (↑ ⨟ σ)) {A = B} ≡ σ
sub-η {Γ}{Δ}{A}{B}{σ} = extensionality λ x → lemma
lemma : ∀ {x} → ((σ (` Z)) • (↑ ⨟ σ)) x ≡ σ x
lemma : ∀ {x} → ((σ (` Z)) • (↑ ⨟ σ)) x ≡ σ x
lemma {x = Z} = refl
lemma {x = S x} = refl
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ sub-dist {Γ}{Δ}{Σ}{A}{B}{σ}{τ}{M} = extensionality λ x → lemma {x = x}
sub-app : ∀{Γ Δ} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {L : Γ ⊢ ★}{M : Γ ⊢ ★}
σ ⧽ (L · M) ≡ (⧼ σ ⧽ L) · (⧼ σ M)
σ ⟫ (L · M) ≡ (⟪ σ ⟫ L) · (⟪ σ M)
sub-app = refl
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ in the σ algebra.
The first equation we prove is
rename ρ M ≡ ⧼ ren ρ M (rename-subst-ren)
rename ρ M ≡ ⟪ ren ρ M (rename-subst-ren)
Because `subst` uses the `exts` function, we need the following lemma
which says that `exts` and `ext` do the same thing except that `ext`
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ the term `M`.
rename-subst-ren : ∀ {Γ Δ}{A} {ρ : Rename Γ Δ}{M : Γ ⊢ A}
→ rename ρ M ≡ ⧼ ren ρ M
→ rename ρ M ≡ ⟪ ren ρ M
rename-subst-ren {M = ` x} = refl
rename-subst-ren {ρ = ρ}{M = ƛ N} =
@ -434,11 +434,11 @@ rename-subst-ren {ρ = ρ}{M = ƛ N} =
ƛ rename (ext ρ) N
≡⟨ cong ƛ_ (rename-subst-ren {ρ = ext ρ}{M = N}) ⟩
ƛ ⧼ ren (ext ρ) ⧽ N
ƛ ⟪ ren (ext ρ) ⟫ N
≡⟨ cong ƛ_ (cong-sub {M = N} ren-ext refl) ⟩
ƛ ⧼ exts (ren ρ) ⧽ N
ƛ ⟪ exts (ren ρ) ⟫ N
⧼ ren ρ (ƛ N)
⟪ ren ρ (ƛ N)
rename-subst-ren {M = L · M} = cong₂ _·_ rename-subst-ren rename-subst-ren
@ -455,18 +455,18 @@ ren-shift {Γ}{A}{B} = extensionality λ x → lemma {x = x}
lemma {x = S x} = refl
The substitution `rename S_ M` is equivalent to shifting: `⧼ ↑ ⧽ M`.
The substitution `rename S_ M` is equivalent to shifting: `⟪ ↑ ⟫ M`.
rename-shift : ∀{Γ} {A} {B} {M : Γ ⊢ A}
→ rename (S_{B = B}) M ≡ ⧼ ↑ ⧽ M
→ rename (S_{B = B}) M ≡ ⟪ ↑ ⟫ M
rename-shift{Γ}{A}{B}{M} =
rename S_ M
≡⟨ rename-subst-ren ⟩
⧼ ren S_ ⧽ M
⟪ ren S_ ⟫ M
≡⟨ cong-sub{M = M} ren-shift refl ⟩
⧼ ↑ ⧽ M
⟪ ↑ ⟫ M
@ -523,14 +523,14 @@ The equation `sub-abs` follows immediately from the equation
sub-abs : ∀{Γ Δ} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {N : Γ , ★ ⊢ ★}
σ ⧽ (ƛ N) ≡ ƛ ⧼ (` Z) • (σ ⨟ ↑) ⧽ N
σ ⟫ (ƛ N) ≡ ƛ ⟪ (` Z) • (σ ⨟ ↑) ⟫ N
sub-abs {σ = σ}{N = N} =
σ (ƛ N)
σ (ƛ N)
ƛ ⧼ exts σ N
ƛ ⟪ exts σ N
≡⟨ cong ƛ_ (cong-sub{M = N} exts-cons-shift refl) ⟩
ƛ ⧼ (` Z) • (σ ⨟ ↑) ⧽ N
ƛ ⟪ (` Z) • (σ ⨟ ↑) ⟫ N
@ -547,20 +547,20 @@ exts-ids {Γ}{A}{B} = extensionality lemma
lemma (S x) = refl
The proof of `⧼ ids ⧽ M ≡ M` now follows easily by induction on `M`,
The proof of `⟪ ids ⟫ M ≡ M` now follows easily by induction on `M`,
using `exts-ids` in the case for `M ≡ ƛ N`.
sub-id : ∀{Γ} {A} {M : Γ ⊢ A}
⧼ ids ⧽ M ≡ M
⟪ ids ⟫ M ≡ M
sub-id {M = ` x} = refl
sub-id {M = ƛ N} =
⧼ ids ⧽ (ƛ N)
⟪ ids ⟫ (ƛ N)
ƛ ⧼ exts ids ⧽ N
ƛ ⟪ exts ids ⟫ N
≡⟨ cong ƛ_ (cong-sub{M = N} exts-ids refl) ⟩
ƛ ⧼ ids ⧽ N
ƛ ⟪ ids ⟫ N
≡⟨ cong ƛ_ sub-id ⟩
ƛ N
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ sub-idR {Γ}{σ = σ}{A} =
The `sub-sub` equation states that sequenced substitutions `σ ⨟ τ`
are equivalent to first applying `σ` then applying `τ`.
⧼ τ ⧽ ⧼ σ ⧽ M ≡ ⧼ σ ⨟ τ ⧽ M
⟪ τ ⟫ ⟪ σ ⟫ M ≡ ⟪ σ ⨟ τ ⟫ M
The proof requires several lemmas. First, we need to prove the
specialization for renaming.
@ -718,9 +718,9 @@ exts-seq = extensionality λ x → lemma {x = x}
(exts σ₁ ⨟ exts σ₂) (S x)
⧼ exts σ₂ ⧽ (rename S_ (σ₁ x))
⟪ exts σ₂ ⟫ (rename S_ (σ₁ x))
≡⟨ commute-subst-rename{M = σ₁ x}{σ = σ₂}{ρ = S_} refl ⟩
rename S_ (⧼ σ₂ ⧽ (σ₁ x))
rename S_ (⟪ σ₂ ⟫ (σ₁ x))
rename S_ ((σ₁ ⨟ σ₂) x)
@ -740,17 +740,17 @@ Now we come to the proof of `sub-sub`, which we explain below.
sub-sub : ∀{Γ Δ Σ}{A}{M : Γ ⊢ A} {σ₁ : Subst Γ Δ}{σ₂ : Subst Δ Σ}
⧼ σ₂ ⧽ (⧼ σ₁ ⧽ M) ≡ ⧼ σ₁ ⨟ σ₂ ⧽ M
⟪ σ₂ ⟫ (⟪ σ₁ ⟫ M) ≡ ⟪ σ₁ ⨟ σ₂ ⟫ M
sub-sub {M = ` x} = refl
sub-sub {Γ}{Δ}{Σ}{A}{ƛ N}{σ₁}{σ₂} =
⧼ σ₂ ⧽ (⧼ σ₁ ⧽ (ƛ N))
⟪ σ₂ ⟫ (⟪ σ₁ ⟫ (ƛ N))
ƛ ⧼ exts σ₂ ⧽ (⧼ exts σ₁ ⧽ N)
ƛ ⟪ exts σ₂ ⟫ (⟪ exts σ₁ ⟫ N)
≡⟨ cong ƛ_ (sub-sub{M = N}{σ₁ = exts σ₁}{σ₂ = exts σ₂}) ⟩
ƛ ⧼ exts σ₁ ⨟ exts σ₂ ⧽ N
ƛ ⟪ exts σ₁ ⨟ exts σ₂ ⟫ N
≡⟨ cong ƛ_ (cong-sub{M = N} (λ {A} → exts-seq) refl) ⟩
ƛ ⧼ exts ( σ₁ ⨟ σ₂) ⧽ N
ƛ ⟪ exts ( σ₁ ⨟ σ₂) ⟫ N
sub-sub {M = L · M} = cong₂ _·_ (sub-sub{M = L}) (sub-sub{M = M})
@ -761,11 +761,11 @@ We proceed by induction on the term `M`.
* If `M = ƛ N`, we first use the induction hypothesis to show that
ƛ ⧼ exts σ₂ ⧽ (⧼ exts σ₁ ⧽ N) ≡ ƛ ⧼ exts σ₁ ⨟ exts σ₂ ⧽ N
ƛ ⟪ exts σ₂ ⟫ (⟪ exts σ₁ ⟫ N) ≡ ƛ ⟪ exts σ₁ ⨟ exts σ₂ ⟫ N
and then use the lemma `exts-seq` to show
ƛ ⧼ exts σ₁ ⨟ exts σ₂ ⧽ N ≡ ƛ ⧼ exts ( σ₁ ⨟ σ₂) ⧽ N
ƛ ⟪ exts σ₁ ⨟ exts σ₂ ⟫ N ≡ ƛ ⟪ exts ( σ₁ ⨟ σ₂) ⟫ N
* If `M` is an application, we use the induction hypothesis
for both subterms.
@ -776,16 +776,16 @@ substitution to a renaming.
rename-subst : ∀{Γ Δ Δ′}{M : Γ ⊢ ★}{ρ : Rename Γ Δ}{σ : Subst Δ Δ′}
σ ⧽ (rename ρ M) ≡ ⧼ σρ M
σ ⟫ (rename ρ M) ≡ ⟪ σρ M
rename-subst {Γ}{Δ}{Δ′}{M}{ρ}{σ} =
σ (rename ρ M)
≡⟨ cong σ (rename-subst-ren{M = M}) ⟩
σ ⧽ (⧼ ren ρ M)
σ (rename ρ M)
≡⟨ cong σ (rename-subst-ren{M = M}) ⟩
σ ⟫ (⟪ ren ρ M)
≡⟨ sub-sub{M = M} ⟩
⧼ ren ρσ M
⟪ ren ρσ M
σρ M
σρ M
@ -806,9 +806,9 @@ sub-assoc {Γ}{Δ}{Σ}{Ψ}{σ}{τ}{θ}{A} = extensionality λ x → lemma{x = x}
((σ ⨟ τ) ⨟ θ) x
⧼ θ ⧽ (⧼ τ ⧽ (σ x))
⟪ θ ⟫ (⟪ τ ⟫ (σ x))
≡⟨ sub-sub{M = σ x} ⟩
⧼ τ ⨟ θ ⧽ (σ x)
⟪ τ ⨟ θ ⟫ (σ x)
(σ ⨟ τ ⨟ θ) x
@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ subst-zero-exts-cons {Γ}{Δ}{σ}{B}{M}{A} =
≡⟨ cong-seq exts-cons-shift subst-Z-cons-ids ⟩
(` Z • (σ ⨟ ↑)) ⨟ (M • ids)
≡⟨ sub-dist ⟩
(⧼ M • ids ⧽ (` Z)) • ((σ ⨟ ↑) ⨟ (M • ids))
(⟪ M • ids ⟫ (` Z)) • ((σ ⨟ ↑) ⨟ (M • ids))
≡⟨ cong-cons (sub-head{σ = ids}) refl ⟩
M • ((σ ⨟ ↑) ⨟ (M • ids))
≡⟨ cong-cons refl (sub-assoc{σ = σ}) ⟩
@ -849,56 +849,56 @@ We first prove the generalized form of the substitution lemma, showing
that a substitution `σ` commutes with the subusitution of `M` into
⧼ exts σ ⧽ N [ ⧼ σ ⧽ M ] ≡ ⧼ σ (N [ M ])
⟪ exts σ ⟫ N [ ⟪ σ ⟫ M ] ≡ ⟪ σ (N [ M ])
This proof is where the σ algebra pays off. The proof is by direct
equational reasoning. Starting with the left-hand side, we apply σ
algebra equations, oriented left-to-right, until we arive at the
normal form
⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • σ N
⟪ ⟪ σ ⟫ M • σ N
We then do the same with the right-hand side, arriving at the same
normal form.
subst-commute : ∀{Γ Δ}{N : Γ , ★ ⊢ ★}{M : Γ ⊢ ★}{σ : Subst Γ Δ }
⧼ exts σ ⧽ N [ ⧼ σ ⧽ M ] ≡ ⧼ σ (N [ M ])
⟪ exts σ ⟫ N [ ⟪ σ ⟫ M ] ≡ ⟪ σ (N [ M ])
subst-commute {Γ}{Δ}{N}{M}{σ} =
⧼ exts σ ⧽ N [ ⧼ σ M ]
⟪ exts σ ⟫ N [ ⟪ σ M ]
⧼ subst-zero (⧼ σ ⧽ M) ⧽ (⧼ exts σ N)
≡⟨ cong-sub {M = ⧼ exts σ N} subst-Z-cons-ids refl ⟩
⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • ids ⧽ (⧼ exts σ N)
⟪ subst-zero (⟪ σ ⟫ M) ⟫ (⟪ exts σ N)
≡⟨ cong-sub {M = ⟪ exts σ N} subst-Z-cons-ids refl ⟩
⟪ ⟪ σ ⟫ M • ids ⟫ (⟪ exts σ N)
≡⟨ sub-sub {M = N} ⟩
⧼ (exts σ) ⨟ ((⧼ σ ⧽ M) • ids) ⧽ N
⟪ (exts σ) ⨟ ((⟪ σ ⟫ M) • ids) ⟫ N
≡⟨ cong-sub {M = N} (cong-seq exts-cons-shift refl) refl ⟩
⧼ (` Z • (σ ⨟ ↑)) ⨟ (⧼ σ ⧽ M • ids) ⧽ N
⟪ (` Z • (σ ⨟ ↑)) ⨟ (⟪ σ ⟫ M • ids) ⟫ N
≡⟨ cong-sub {M = N} (sub-dist {M = ` Z}) refl ⟩
⧼ ⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • ids ⧽ (` Z) • ((σ ⨟ ↑) ⨟ (⧼ σ ⧽ M • ids)) ⧽ N
⟪ ⟪ ⟪ σ ⟫ M • ids ⟫ (` Z) • ((σ ⨟ ↑) ⨟ (⟪ σ ⟫ M • ids)) ⟫ N
⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • ((σ ⨟ ↑) ⨟ (⧼ σ ⧽ M • ids)) ⧽ N
⟪ ⟪ σ ⟫ M • ((σ ⨟ ↑) ⨟ (⟪ σ ⟫ M • ids)) ⟫ N
≡⟨ cong-sub{M = N} (cong-cons refl (sub-assoc{σ = σ})) refl ⟩
⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • (σ ⨟ ↑ ⨟ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • ids) ⧽ N
⟪ ⟪ σ ⟫ M • (σ ⨟ ↑ ⨟ ⟪ σ ⟫ M • ids) ⟫ N
≡⟨ cong-sub{M = N} refl refl ⟩
⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • (σ ⨟ ids) ⧽ N
⟪ ⟪ σ ⟫ M • (σ ⨟ ids) ⟫ N
≡⟨ cong-sub{M = N} (cong-cons refl (sub-idR{σ = σ})) refl ⟩
⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • σ N
⟪ ⟪ σ ⟫ M • σ N
≡⟨ cong-sub{M = N} (cong-cons refl (sub-idL{σ = σ})) refl ⟩
⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • (ids ⨟ σ) ⧽ N
⟪ ⟪ σ ⟫ M • (ids ⨟ σ) ⟫ N
≡⟨ cong-sub{M = N} (sym sub-dist) refl ⟩
⧼ M • ids ⨟ σ N
⟪ M • ids ⨟ σ N
≡⟨ sym (sub-sub{M = N}) ⟩
σ ⧽ (⧼ M • ids ⧽ N)
≡⟨ cong σ (sym (cong-sub{M = N} subst-Z-cons-ids refl)) ⟩
σ (N [ M ])
σ ⟫ (⟪ M • ids ⟫ N)
≡⟨ cong σ (sym (cong-sub{M = N} subst-Z-cons-ids refl)) ⟩
σ (N [ M ])
A corollary of `subst-commute` is that `rename` also commutes with
substitution. In the proof below, we first exchange `rename ρ` for
the substitution `⧼ ren ρ`, and apply `subst-commute`, and
the substitution `⟪ ren ρ`, and apply `subst-commute`, and
then convert back to `rename ρ`.
@ -909,9 +909,9 @@ rename-subst-commute {Γ}{Δ}{N}{M}{ρ} =
(rename (ext ρ) N) [ rename ρ M ]
≡⟨ cong-sub (cong-sub-zero (rename-subst-ren{M = M}))
(rename-subst-ren{M = N}) ⟩
(⧼ ren (ext ρ) ⧽ N) [ ⧼ ren ρ M ]
(⟪ ren (ext ρ) ⟫ N) [ ⟪ ren ρ M ]
≡⟨ cong-sub refl (cong-sub{M = N} ren-ext refl) ⟩
(⧼ exts (ren ρ) ⧽ N) [ ⧼ ren ρ M ]
(⟪ exts (ren ρ) ⟫ N) [ ⟪ ren ρ M ]
≡⟨ subst-commute{N = N} ⟩
subst (ren ρ) (N [ M ])
≡⟨ sym (rename-subst-ren) ⟩
@ -955,9 +955,8 @@ defines the σ algebra.
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