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This commit is contained in:
wadler 2019-07-01 10:41:43 -03:00
parent 1d43cc934c
commit 9982e0464c
49 changed files with 0 additions and 1844 deletions

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@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {title}{Programming Language Foundations in Agda}{1}}
\@writefile{toc}{\authcount {1}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {author}{Philip Wadler}{1}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Introduction}{1}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}Scope}{3}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Naturals: Natural numbers}{3}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Induction: Proof by induction}{4}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Relations: Inductive definitions of relations}{4}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Equality: Equality and equational reasoning}{4}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Isomorphism: Isomorphism and embedding}{4}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Connectives: Conjunction, disjunction, and implication}{4}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Negation: Negation, with intuitionistic and classical logic}{4}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Quantifiers: Universals and existentials}{4}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Lists: Lists and higher-order functions}{4}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Decidable: Booleans and decision procedures}{4}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Lambda: Introduction to lambda calculus}{4}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Properties: Progress and preservation}{5}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{DeBruijn: Inherently typed de Bruijn representation}{5}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{More: More constructs of simply-typed lambda calculus}{5}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Bisimulation: Relating reduction systems}{5}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Inference: Bidirectional type inference}{5}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Untyped: Untyped calculus with full normalisation}{5}}
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces PLFA, Progress (1/2)}}{6}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Proofs in Agda and Coq}{6}}
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces PLFA, Progress (2/2)}}{7}}
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3}{\ignorespaces SF, Progress (1/2)}}{8}}
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {4}{\ignorespaces SF, Progress (2/2)}}{9}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Progress + Preservation = Evaluation}{11}}
\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {5}{\ignorespaces PLFA, Evaluation}}{12}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5}Inherent typing is golden}{13}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6}Conclusion}{14}}
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {paragraph}{Acknowledgements}{14}}
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\bibcite{Altenkirch-and-Reus-1999}{{2}{1999}{{Altenkirch and Reus}}{{}}}
\bibcite{Bove-and-Capretta-2001}{{4}{2001}{{Bove and Capretta}}{{}}}
\bibcite{Bove-et-al-2009}{{5}{2009}{{Bove et~al.}}{{Bove, Dybjer, and Norell}}}
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\bibcite{Danas-et-al-2017}{{9}{2017}{{Danas et~al.}}{{Danas, Nelson, Harrison, Krishnamurthi, and Dougherty}}}
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o-duces de-pen-dent records, lambda
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@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
% I N F O R M A T I C S
% Honours Exam LaTeX Template for Exam Authors
% Created: 12-Oct-2009 by G.O.Passmore.
% Last Updated: 10-Sep-2018 by I. Murray
%%% The following define the status of the exam papers in the order
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% {aleone} - Adaptive Learning Environments 1 (Inf4)
% {adbs} - Advanced Databases (Inf4)
% {av} - Advanced Vision (Inf4)
% {av-dl} - Advanced Vision - distance learning (MSc)
% {apl} - Advances in Programming Languages (Inf4)
% {abs} - Agent Based Systems [L10] (Inf3)
% {afds} - Algorithmic Foundations of Data Science (MSc)
% {agta} - Algorithmic Game Theory and its Apps. (MSc)
% {ads} - Algorithms and Data Structures (Inf3)
% {ad} - Applied Databases (MSc)
% {aipf} - Artificial Intelligence Present and Future (MSc)
% {ar} - Automated Reasoning (Inf3)
% {asr} - Automatic Speech Recognition (Inf4)
% {bioone} - Bioinformatics 1 (MSc)
% {biotwo} - Bioinformatics 2 (MSc)
% {bdl} - Blockchains and Distributed Ledgers (Inf4)
% {cqi} - Categories and Quantum Informatics (MSc)
% {copt} - Compiler Opimisation [L11] (Inf4)
% {ct} - Compiling Techniques (Inf3)
% {ccs} - Computational Cognitive Science (Inf3)
% {cmc} - Computational Complexity (Inf4)
% {ca} - Computer Algebra (Inf4)
% {cav} - Computer Animation and Visualisation (Inf4)
% {car} - Computer Architecture (Inf3)
% {comn} - Computer Comms. and Networks (Inf3)
% {cd} - Computer Design (Inf3)
% {cg} - Computer Graphics [L11] (Inf4)
% {cn} - Computer Networking [L11] (Inf4)
% {cp} - Computer Prog. Skills and Concepts (nonhons)
% {cs} - Computer Security (Inf3)
% {dds} - Data, Design and Society (nonhons)
% {dme} - Data Mining and Exploration (Msc)
% {dbs} - Database Systems (Inf3)
% {dmr} - Decision Making in Robots and Autonomous Agents(MSc)
% {dmmr} - Discrete Maths. and Math. Reasoning (nonhons)
% {ds} - Distributed Systems [L11] (Inf4)
% {epl} - Elements of Programming Languages (Inf3)
% {es} - Embedded Software (Inf4)
% {exc} - Extreme Computing (Inf4)
% {fv} - Formal Verification (Inf4)
% {fnlp} - Foundations of Natural Language Processing (Inf3)
% {hci} - Human-Computer Interaction [L11] (Inf4)
% {infonea} - Informatics 1 - Introduction to Computation(nonhons)
% different sittings for INF1A programming exams
% {infoneapone} - Informatics 1 - Introduction to Computation(nonhons)
% {infoneaptwo} - Informatics 1 - Introduction to Computation(nonhons)
% {infoneapthree} - Informatics 1 - Introduction to Computation(nonhons)
% {infonecg} - Informatics 1 - Cognitive Science (nonhons)
% {infonecl} - Informatics 1 - Computation and Logic (nonhons)
% {infoneda} - Informatics 1 - Data and Analysis (nonhons)
% {infonefp} - Informatics 1 - Functional Programming (nonhons)
% If there are two sittings of FP, use infonefpam for the first
% paper and infonefppm for the second sitting.
% {infoneop} - Informatics 1 - Object-Oriented Programming(nonhons)
% If there are two sittings of OOP, use infoneopam for the first
% paper and infoneoppm for the second sitting.
% {inftwoa} - Informatics 2A: Proc. F&N Languages (nonhons)
% {inftwob} - Informatics 2B: Algs., D.Structs., Learning(nonhons)
% {inftwoccs}- Informatics 2C-CS: Computer Systems (nonhons)
% {inftwocse}- Informatics 2C: Software Engineering (nonhons)
% {inftwod} - Informatics 2D: Reasoning and Agents (nonhons)
% {iar} - Intelligent Autonomous Robotics (Inf4)
% {it} - Information Theory (MSc)
% {imc} - Introduction to Modern Cryptography (Inf4)
% {iotssc} - Internet of Things, Systems, Security and the Cloud (Inf4)
% (iqc) - Introduction to Quantum Computing (Inf4)
% (itcs) - Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (Inf3)
% {ivc} - Image and Vision Computing (MSc)
% {ivr} - Introduction to Vision and Robotics (Inf3)
% {ivr-dl} - Introduction to Vision and Robotics - distance learning (Msc)
% {iaml} - Introductory Applied Machine Learning (MSc)
% {iaml-dl} - Introductory Applied Machine Learning - distance learning (MSc)
% {lpt} - Logic Programming - Theory (Inf3)
% {lpp} - Logic Programming - Programming (Inf3)
% {mlpr} - Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition (Inf4)
% {mt} - Machine Translation (Inf4)
% {mi} - Music Informatics (MSc)
% {nlu} - Natural Language Understanding [L11] (Inf4)
% {nc} - Neural Computation (MSc)
% {nat} - Natural Computing (MSc)
% {nluplus} - Natural Language Understanding, Generation, and Machine Translation(MSc)
% {nip} - Neural Information Processing (MSc)
% {os} - Operating Systems (Inf3)
% {pa} - Parallel Architectures [L11] (Inf4)
% {pdiot} - Principles and Design of IoT Systems (Inf4)
% {ppls} - Parallel Prog. Langs. and Sys. [L11] (Inf4)
% {pm} - Performance Modelling (Inf4)
% {pmr} - Probabilistic Modelling and Reasoning (MSc)
% {pi} - Professional Issues (Inf3)
% {rc} - Randomness and Computation (Inf4)
% {rl} - Reinforcement Learning (MSc)
% {rlsc} - Robot Learning and Sensorimotor Control (MSc)
% {rss} - Robotics: Science and Systems (MSc)
% {sp} - Secure Programming (Inf4)
% {sws} - Semantic Web Systems (Inf4)
% {stn} - Social and Technological Networks (Inf4)
% {sapm} - Software Arch., Proc. and Mgmt. [L11] (Inf4)
% {sdm} - Software Design and Modelling (Inf3)
% {st} - Software Testing (Inf3)
% {ttds} - Text Technologies for Data Science (Inf4)
% {tspl} - Types and Semantics for Programming Langs. (Inf4)
% {usec} - Usable Security and Privacy (Inf4)
% Set your exam rubric type.
% Most courses in the School have exams that add up to 50 marks,
% and your choices are:
% {qu1_and_either_qu2_or_qu3, any_two_of_three, do_exam}
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% {qu1_and_either_qu2_or_qu3_calc, any_two_of_three_calc, do_exam_calc}
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% Beginning of your exam text.
\item \rubricqA
This question uses the library definition of $\List$ in Agda.
Here is an informal definition of the predicates $\in$
and $\subseteq$. (In Emacs, you can type $\in$ as \verb$\in$ and $\subseteq$ as \verb$\subseteq$.)
{x \in (x \cons xs)}
{x \in ys}
{x \in (y \cons ys)}
{\nil \subseteq ys}
{xs \subseteq ys}
{(x \cons xs) \subseteq (x \cons ys)}
{xs \subseteq ys}
{xs \subseteq (y \cons ys)}
\item[(a)] Formalise the definition above.
\item[(b)] Prove each of the following.
\item[(i)] $\key{2} \in \key{[1,2,3]}$
\item[(ii)] $\key{[1,3]} \subseteq \key{[1,2,3,4]}$
\item[(c)] Prove the following.
If $xs \subseteq ys$ then $z \in xs$ implies $z \in ys$ for all $z$.
\item \rubricqB
You will be provided with a definition of intrinsically-typed lambda
calculus in Agda. Consider constructs satisfying the following rules,
written in extrinsically-typed style.
{\Gamma \vdash M \typecolon A}
{\Gamma \vdash \leaf~M \typecolon \Tree~A}
{\Gamma \vdash M \typecolon \Tree~A \\
\Gamma \vdash N \typecolon \Tree~A}
{\Gamma \vdash M~\branch~N \typecolon \Tree~A}
{\Gamma \vdash L \typecolon \Tree~A \\
\Gamma \comma x \typecolon A \vdash M \typecolon B \\
\Gamma \comma y \typecolon \Tree~A \comma z \typecolon \Tree~A \vdash N \typecolon B}
{\Gamma \vdash \caseT{L}{x}{M}{y}{z}{N} \typecolon B}
{\Value~V \\
{M \becomes M'}
{\leaf{M} \becomes \leaf{M'}}
{M \becomes M'}
{M~\branch~N \becomes M'~\branch~N}
{\Value~V \\
N \becomes N'}
{V~\branch~N \becomes V~\branch~N'}
{L \becomes L'}
\caseT{L}{x}{M}{y}{z}{N} \becomes \\
{} \quad \caseT{L'}{x}{M}{y}{z}{N}
{\caseT{(\leaf~V)}{x}{M}{y}{z}{N} \becomes \subst{M}{x}{V}}
{\Value~V \\
{\caseT{(V~\branch~W)}{x}{M}{y}{z}{N} \becomes \subst{\subst{N}{y}{V}}{z}{W}}
\item[(a)] Extend the given definition to formalise the evaluation and
typing rules, including any other required definitions.
\item[(b)] Prove progress. You will be provided with a proof of
progress for the simply-typed lambda calculus that you may
Please delimit any code you add as follows.
-- begin
-- end
\item \rubricqC
You will be provided with a definition of inference for extrinsically-typed lambda
calculus in Agda. Consider constructs satisfying the following rules,
written in extrinsically-typed style that support bidirectional inference.
{\Gamma \vdash M \dn A}
{\Gamma \vdash \delay~M \dn \Lift~A}
{\Gamma \vdash L \up \Lift~A}
{\Gamma \vdash \force~L \up A}
\item[(a)] Extend the given definition to formalise the typing rules,
and update the definition of equality on types.
\item[(b)] Extend the code to support type inference for the new features.
Please delimit any code you add as follows.
-- begin
-- end
% End of your exam text.

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