More, up to empty type

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wadler 2018-07-09 15:42:03 -03:00
parent 0731dab05c
commit a44c33fd52

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Syntax
`proj₁ L project first component
`proj₂ L project second component
V, W ::= Values
V, W ::= ... Values
`⟨ V , W ⟩ pair
@ -85,18 +85,20 @@ Reduction
---------------------- β-proj₂
`proj₂ `⟨ V , W ⟩ —→ W
As an example, here is the definition of a function to swap
the components of a pair.
Here is the definition of a function to swap the components of a pair.
swap× : ∅ ⊢ A `× B ⇒ B `× A
swap× = ƛ z ⇒ `⟨ proj₂ z , proj₁ z ⟩
## An alternative formulation of products
## Alternative formulation of products
There is an alternative formulation of products, where projections
are replaced by a case term. We repeat the syntax in full, but
only give the new type and reduction rules.
There is an alternative formulation of products, where in place of two
ways to eliminate the type we have a case term that binds two
variables. We repeat the syntax in full, but only give the new type
and reduction rules.
@ -110,14 +112,14 @@ Syntax
V, W ::= Values
`⟨ V , W ⟩ pair
Γ ⊢ L ⦂ A `× B
Γ , x ⦂ A , y ⦂ B ⊢ N ⦂ C
------------------------------ case× or ×-E
Γ ⊢ case L [⟨ x , y ⟩⇒ N ] ⦂ C
L —→ L
----------------------- ξ-case×
@ -126,21 +128,198 @@ Reductions
---------------------------------- β-case×
case× `⟨ V , W ⟩ M —→ M [ V ][ W ]
Function to swap the components of a pair rewritten in the new notation.
swap×-case : ∅ ⊢ A `× B ⇒ B `× A
swap×-case = ƛ z ⇒ case× z
[⟨ x , y ⟩⇒ `⟨ y , x ⟩ ]
## Sums
A, B, C ::= ... Types
A `⊎ B sum type
L, M, N ::= ... Terms
`inj₁ M inject first component
`inj₂ N inject second component
V, W ::= ... Values
`inj₁ V inject first component
`inj₂ W inject second component
Γ ⊢ M ⦂ A
-------------------- `inj₁ or ⊎-I₁
Γ ⊢ `inj₁ M ⦂ A `⊎ B
Γ ⊢ B
----------- `inj₂ or ⊎-I₂
Γ ⊢ A `⊎ B
Γ ⊢ L ⦂ A `⊎ B
Γ , x ⦂ A ⊢ M ⦂ C
Γ , y ⦂ B ⊢ N ⦂ C
----------------------------------------- case⊎ or ⊎-E
Γ ⊢ case⊎ L [inj₁ x ⇒ M |inj₂ y ⇒ N ] ⦂ C
M —→ M
--------------------------- ξ-inj₁
`inj₁ {B = B} M —→ `inj₁ M
N —→ N
--------------------------- ξ-inj₂
`inj₂ {A = A} N —→ `inj₂ N
L —→ L
--------------------------- ξ-case⊎
case⊎ L M N —→ case⊎ L M N
Value V
------------------------------ β-inj₁
case⊎ (`inj₁ V) M N —→ M [ V ]
Value W
------------------------------ β-inj₂
case⊎ (`inj₂ W) M N —→ N [ W ]
Here is the definition of a function to swap the components of a sum.
swap⊎ : ∅ ⊢ A `⊎ B ⇒ B `⊎ A
swap⊎ = ƛ z ⇒ case⊎ z
[inl x ⇒ `inr x
|inr y ⇒ `inl y ]
## Unit type
In the case of the unit type, there is a way to introduce
values of the type, but no way to eliminate values of the type.
There are no reduction rules.
A, B, C ::= ... Types
` unit type
L, M, N ::= ... Terms
`tt unit value
V, W ::= ... Values
`tt unit value
------ `tt or -I
Γ ⊢ `
Here is the isomorphism between `A` and ``A `× ```.
to× : ∅ ⊢ A ⇒ A `× `
to× = ƛ x ⇒ `⟨ x , `tt ⟩
from× : ∅ ⊢ A `× ` ⇒ A
from× = ƛ z ⇒ proj₁ z
## Alternative formulation of unit type
There is an alternative formulation of the unit type, where in place of
no way to eliminate the type we have a case term that binds zero variables.
We repeat the syntax in full, but only give the new type and reduction rules.
A, B, C ::= ... Types
` unit type
L, M, N ::= ... Terms
`tt unit value
`case[⟨⟩⇒ N ] case
V, W ::= ... Values
`tt unit value
Γ ⊢ L ⦂ `
Γ ⊢ M ⦂ A
--------------------- case or -E
Γ ⊢ case[⟨⟩⇒ M ] ⦂ A
L —→ L
----------------------- ξ-case
case L M —→ case L M
---------------- β-case
case `tt M —→ M
Here is half the isomorphism between `A` and ``A `× ``` rewritten in the new notation.
from×-case : ∅ ⊢ A `× ` ⇒ A
from×-case = ƛ z ⇒ case× z
[⟨ x , y ⟩⇒ case
[⟨⟩⇒ y ] ]
## Empty type
In the case of the empty type, there is no way to introduce values of
the type, but a way to eliminate values of the type. There are no
values of the type and no β rule, but there is a ξ rule. The `case⊥`
construct plays a role similar to `⊥-elim` in Agda.
A, B, C ::= ... Types
`⊥ empty type
L, M, N ::= ... Terms
case⊥ L [] case
Γ ⊢ `⊥
------- case⊥ or ⊥-E
Γ ⊢ A
L —→ L
------------------- ξ-case⊥
case⊥ L —→ case⊥ L
Here is the isomorphism between `A` and ``A `⊎ `⊥``.
to⊎⊥ : ∅ ⊢ A ⇒ A `⊎ `⊥
to⊎⊥ = ƛ x ⇒ `inj₁ x
from⊎⊥ : ∅ ⊢ A `⊎ `⊥ ⇒ A
from⊎⊥ = ƛ z ⇒ case⊎ z
[inj₁ x ⇒ x
|inj₂ y ⇒ case⊥ y
[] ]
## Lists
@ -292,6 +471,12 @@ data _⊢_ : Context → Type → Set where
→ Γ ⊢ `
case : ∀ {Γ A}
→ Γ ⊢ `
→ Γ ⊢ A
→ Γ ⊢ A
case⊥ : ∀ {Γ A}
→ Γ ⊢ `⊥
@ -345,9 +530,6 @@ count {∅} _ = ⊥-elim impossible
## Test examples
## Substitution
### Renaming
@ -373,6 +555,7 @@ rename ρ (`inj₁ M) = `inj₁ (rename ρ M)
rename ρ (`inj₂ N) = `inj₂ (rename ρ N)
rename ρ (case⊎ L M N) = case⊎ (rename ρ L) (rename (ext ρ) M) (rename (ext ρ) N)
rename ρ `tt = `tt
rename ρ (case L M) = case (rename ρ L) (rename ρ M)
rename ρ (case⊥ L) = case⊥ (rename ρ L)
rename ρ `[] = `[]
rename ρ (M `∷ N) = (rename ρ M) `∷ (rename ρ N)
@ -403,6 +586,7 @@ subst σ (`inj₁ M) = `inj₁ (subst σ M)
subst σ (`inj₂ N) = `inj₂ (subst σ N)
subst σ (case⊎ L M N) = case⊎ (subst σ L) (subst (exts σ) M) (subst (exts σ) N)
subst σ `tt = `tt
subst σ (case L M) = case (subst σ L) (subst σ M)
subst σ (case⊥ L) = case⊥ (subst σ L)
subst σ `[] = `[]
subst σ (M `∷ N) = (subst σ M) `∷ (subst σ N)
@ -607,6 +791,15 @@ data _—→_ : ∀ {Γ A} → (Γ ⊢ A) → (Γ ⊢ A) → Set where
→ case⊎ (`inj₂ W) M N —→ N [ W ]
ξ-case : ∀ {Γ A} {L L : Γ ⊢ `} {M : Γ ⊢ A}
→ L —→ L
→ case L M —→ case L M
β-case : ∀ {Γ A} {M : Γ ⊢ A}
→ case `tt M —→ M
ξ-case⊥ : ∀ {Γ A} {L L : Γ ⊢ `⊥}
→ L —→ L
@ -769,6 +962,9 @@ progress (case⊎ L M N) with progress L
... | done (V-inj₁ VV) = step (β-inj₁ VV)
... | done (V-inj₂ VW) = step (β-inj₂ VW)
progress (`tt) = done V-tt
progress (case L M) with progress L
... | step L—→L = step (ξ-case L—→L)
... | done V-tt = step β-case
progress (case⊥ {A = A} L) with progress L
... | step L—→L = step (ξ-case⊥ {A = A} L—→L)
... | done ()