diff --git a/courses/icfp/icfp19-tutorials-form.txt b/courses/icfp/icfp19-tutorials-form.txt
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+                            ICFP 2019
+ 24th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming
+                       August 18 - 23, 2019 
+                          Berlin, Germany
+                    https://icfp19.sigplan.org/
+                         TUTORIAL PROPOSAL FORM
+This form is due May 10th, 2019.
+   Programming Language Foundations in Agda
+   (Please complete the following table for each presenter.)
+   Name    : Philip Wadler
+   Address : LFCS, School of Informatics, University of Edinbugh
+   Email   : wadler@inf.ed.ac.uk
+   Phone   : +44 131 650 5174 (after 21 July)
+   Mobile  : +55 71 99652 2018 (before 13 July)
+             +44 7976 507 543 (after 14 July)
+   This course is in two parts, each three hours long. Part I is an
+   introduction to formal methods in Agda, covering datatypes,
+   recursion, structural induction, indexed datatypes, dependent
+   functions, and induction over evidence; with focus on formal
+   definitions of naturals, addition, and inequality, and their
+   properties.  Part II is an introduction to formal models of
+   simply-typed lambda calculus in Agda, including reduction, type
+   rules, and progress and preservation, and (as a consequence)
+   evaluation of lambda terms. Part II depends on Part I, but Part I
+   can be skipped by those already familiar with Agda.
+   The textbook is freely available online:
+     Programming Language Foundations in Agda
+     plfa.inf.ed.ac.uk
+     github.com/plfa/plfa.github.io/
+   The books has been used for teaching by me at:
+     University of Edinburgh (Sep-Dec 2018)
+     Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) (Mar-Jul 2019)
+     University of Padova (Jun 2019)
+   and by others at
+     University of Vermont
+     Google Seattle.
+   The book is described in a paper (of the same title) at the XXI
+   Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, 28--30 Nov 2018, which is
+   available here:
+     http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/topics/agda.html#sbmf
+   The paper won the SBMF 2018 Best Paper Award, 1st Place.
+   (What background knowledge and skills will be assumed? Is the
+   tutorial primarily intended for industrial users of functional
+   programming, researchers in functional programming, or some other
+   audience?)
+   No prerequisites required. Any or all of the following will be
+   helpful:
+     * Familiarity with functional programming, particularly
+       data types, recursion, and pattern matching.
+     * Familiarity with proof by induction.
+     * Familiarity with a proof assistant.
+     * Familiarity with Emacs.
+   (What will participants be able to do after the tutorial?)
+   Part I: Formulate and prove in Agda properties of
+   operations of naturals (such as addition and multiplication), and
+   relations on naturals (such as inequality), using structural
+   induction and induction over evidence of a relation.
+   Part II: Formulate and prove in Agda formal models of simply-typed
+   lambda calculus in Agda, including reduction, type rules, and
+   progress and preservation, and (as a consequence) evaluation of
+   lambda terms.
+    (Does the tutorial need Internet access for the presenter? For the
+    participants?)
+    If the participants follow the instructions under 'Participant
+    Preparation' in advance, then no internet access is required.
+    (Are there any days on which you cannot hold the tutorial?)
+    None
+    (What preparation is required? Do participants need to bring
+    laptops?  If so, do they need to have any particular software?)
+    Clone the repository at
+      https://github.com/plfa/plfa.github.io/
+    This is the textbook for the course.
+    Install Agda, the Agda standard library, and configure the
+    plfa library. This can be done by following the instructions
+    under the heading
+      Getting Started with PLFA
+    at
+      https://plfa.github.io/GettingStarted/
+   (Including, but not limited to, web pages, mailing lists, and
+   newsgroups.)
+   I will advertise on my home page and blog, and on the home page for
+   the textbook, and mail to Types and other standard lists.
+   (If there is any additional information that you would like
+   to make us aware of, please include the details here.
+   For example, you may wish to indicate a preference for particular
+   dates, or that the tutorial should not be run in parallel with
+   certain workshops; in such cases, please also include the
+   reasons for your preference.)
+   None.