updated pairs in Connectives
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 194 additions and 245 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
title: Software Foundations in Agda
title: Programming Language Theory in Agda
# the author field should not be used in the template
author: Wen Kokke
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ contributors:
twitter_username: philipwadler
description: >
Software Foundations in Agda.
Programming Language Theory in Agda.
# include disqus to allow comments e.d.
@ -44,25 +44,31 @@ if both `A` holds and `B` holds. We formalise this idea by
declaring a suitable inductive type.
data _×_ : Set → Set → Set where
_,_ : ∀ {A B : Set} → A → B → A × B
⟨_,_⟩ : ∀ {A B : Set} → A → B → A × B
Evidence that `A × B` holds is of the form
`(M , N)`, where `M` is evidence that `A` holds and
`N` is evidence that `B` holds. By convention, we
parenthesise pairs, even though `M , N` is also
`⟨ M , N ⟩`, where `M` provides evidence that `A` holds and
`N` provides evidence that `B` holds. In the standard library,
the pair constructor is `_,_`, but here we rename it to
`⟨_,_⟩` so that comma is available for other notations
(in particular, lists and environments).
By convention, we parenthesise pairs, even though `M , N` is also
accepted by Agda.
Given evidence that `A × B` holds, we can conclude that either
`A` holds or `B` holds.
proj₁ : ∀ {A B : Set} → A × B → A
proj₁ (x , y) = x
proj₁ ⟨ x , y ⟩ = x
proj₂ : ∀ {A B : Set} → A × B → B
proj₂ (x , y) = y
proj₂ ⟨ x , y ⟩ = y
If `L` is evidence that `A × B` holds, then `fst L` is evidence
that `A` holds, and `proj₂ L` is evidence that `B` holds.
If `L` provides evidence that `A × B` holds, then `proj₁ L` provides evidence
that `A` holds, and `proj₂ L` provides evidence that `B` holds.
Equivalently, we could also declare conjunction as a record type.
@ -81,39 +87,41 @@ Here record construction
corresponds to the term
( M , N )
⟨ M , N ⟩
where `M` is a term of type `A` and `N` is a term of type `B`.
When `(_,_)` appears on the right-hand side of an equation we
refer to it as a *constructor*, and when it appears on the
left-hand side we refer to it as a *destructor*. We also refer
to `proj₁` and `proj₂` as destructors, since they play a similar role.
Other terminology refers to constructor as *introducing* a conjunction,
and to a destructor as *eliminating* a conjunction.
Indeed, `proj₁` and `proj₂` are sometimes given the names
`×-elim₁` and `×-elim₂`.
When `⟨_,_⟩` appears in a term on the right-hand side of an equation
we refer to it as a *constructor*, and when it appears in a pattern on
the left-hand side of an equation we refer to it as a *destructor*.
We also refer to `proj₁` and `proj₂` as destructors, since they play a
similar role. Other terminology refers to a constructor as
*introducing* a conjunction, and to a destructor as *eliminating* a
conjunction. Indeed, `proj₁` and `proj₂` are sometimes given the
names `×-elim₁` and `×-elim₂`.
Applying each destructor and reassembling the results with the
constructor is the identity over products.
η-× : ∀ {A B : Set} (w : A × B) → (proj₁ w , proj₂ w) ≡ w
η-× (x , y) = refl
η-× : ∀ {A B : Set} (w : A × B) → ⟨ proj₁ w , proj₂ w ⟩ ≡ w
η-× ⟨ x , y ⟩ = refl
The pattern matching on the left-hand side is essential, since
replacing `w` by `(x , y)` allows both sides of the equation to
replacing `w` by `⟨ x , y ⟩` allows both sides of the equation to
simplify to the same term.
We set the precedence of conjunction so that it binds less
tightly than anything save disjunction, and of the pairing
operator so that it binds less tightly than any arithmetic
tightly than anything save disjunction.
infixr 2 _×_
infixr 4 _,_
Thus, `m ≤ n × n ≤ p` parses as `(m ≤ n) × (n ≤ p)` and
Thus, `m ≤ n × n ≤ p` parses as `(m ≤ n) × (n ≤ p)`.
and of the pairing operator so that it binds less tightly
than any arithmetic operator.
`(m * n , p)` parses as `((m * n) , p)`.
Given two types `A` and `B`, we refer to `A x B` as the
*product* of `A` and `B`. In set theory, it is also sometimes
@ -136,19 +144,19 @@ data Tri : Set where
Then the type `Bool × Tri` has six members:
(true , aa) (true , bb) (true , cc)
(false , aa) (false , bb) (false , cc)
⟨ true , aa ⟩ ⟨ true , bb ⟩ ⟨ true , cc ⟩
⟨ false , aa ⟩ ⟨ false , bb ⟩ ⟨ false , cc ⟩
For example, the following function enumerates all
possible arguments of type `Bool × Tri`:
×-count : Bool × Tri → ℕ
×-count (true , aa) = 1
×-count (true , bb) = 2
×-count (true , cc) = 3
×-count (false , aa) = 4
×-count (false , bb) = 5
×-count (false , cc) = 6
×-count ⟨ true , aa ⟩ = 1
×-count ⟨ true , bb ⟩ = 2
×-count ⟨ true , cc ⟩ = 3
×-count ⟨ false , aa ⟩ = 4
×-count ⟨ false , bb ⟩ = 5
×-count ⟨ false , cc ⟩ = 6
Product on types also shares a property with product on numbers in
@ -162,13 +170,13 @@ Instantiating the patterns correctly in `from∘to` and `to∘from` is essential
Replacing the definition of `from∘to` by `λ w → refl` will not work;
and similarly for `to∘from`, which does the same (up to renaming).
×-comm : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A × B) ≃ (B × A)
×-comm : ∀ {A B : Set} → A × B ≃ B × A
×-comm =
{ to = λ{ (x , y) → (y , x)}
; from = λ{ (y , x) → (x , y)}
; from∘to = λ{ (x , y) → refl }
; to∘from = λ{ (y , x) → refl }
{ to = λ{ ⟨ x , y ⟩ → ⟨ y , x ⟩ }
; from = λ{ ⟨ y , x ⟩ → ⟨ x , y ⟩ }
; from∘to = λ{ ⟨ x , y ⟩ → refl }
; to∘from = λ{ ⟨ y , x ⟩ → refl }
@ -191,13 +199,13 @@ taking `((x , y) , z)` to `(x , (y , z))`, and the `from` function does
the inverse. Again, the evidence of left and right inverse requires
matching against a suitable pattern to enable simplification.
×-assoc : ∀ {A B C : Set} → ((A × B) × C) ≃ (A × (B × C))
×-assoc : ∀ {A B C : Set} → (A × B) × C ≃ A × (B × C)
×-assoc =
{ to = λ{ ((x , y) , z) → (x , (y , z)) }
; from = λ{ (x , (y , z)) → ((x , y) , z) }
; from∘to = λ{ ((x , y) , z) → refl }
; to∘from = λ{ (x , (y , z)) → refl }
{ to = λ{ ⟨ ⟨ x , y ⟩ , z ⟩ → ⟨ x , ⟨ y , z ⟩ ⟩ }
; from = λ{ ⟨ x , ⟨ y , z ⟩ ⟩ → ⟨ ⟨ x , y ⟩ , z ⟩ }
; from∘to = λ{ ⟨ ⟨ x , y ⟩ , z ⟩ → refl }
; to∘from = λ{ ⟨ x , ⟨ y , z ⟩ ⟩ → refl }
@ -250,12 +258,12 @@ identity, the `to` function takes `(tt , x)` to `x`, and the `from`
function does the inverse. The evidence of left inverse requires
matching against a suitable pattern to enable simplification.
⊤-identityˡ : ∀ {A : Set} → (⊤ × A) ≃ A
⊤-identityˡ : ∀ {A : Set} → ⊤ × A ≃ A
⊤-identityˡ =
{ to = λ{ (tt , x) → x }
; from = λ{ x → (tt , x) }
; from∘to = λ{ (tt , x) → refl }
{ to = λ{ ⟨ tt , x ⟩ → x }
; from = λ{ x → ⟨ tt , x ⟩ }
; from∘to = λ{ ⟨ tt , x ⟩ → refl }
; to∘from = λ{ x → refl }
@ -300,8 +308,8 @@ data _⊎_ : Set → Set → Set where
inj₂ : ∀ {A B : Set} → B → A ⊎ B
Evidence that `A ⊎ B` holds is either of the form `inj₁ M`, where `M`
is evidence that `A` holds, or `inj₂ N`, where `N` is evidence that
`B` holds.
provides evidence that `A` holds, or `inj₂ N`, where `N` provides
evidence that `B` holds.
Given evidence that `A → C` and `B → C` both hold, then given
evidence that `A ⊎ B` holds we can conclude that `C` holds.
@ -356,19 +364,19 @@ a type `Tri` with three members, as defined earlier.
Then the type `Bool ⊎ Tri` has five
(inj₁ true) (inj₂ aa)
(inj₁ false) (inj₂ bb)
(inj₂ cc)
inj₁ true inj₂ aa
inj₁ false inj₂ bb
inj₂ cc
For example, the following function enumerates all
possible arguments of type `Bool ⊎ Tri`:
⊎-count : Bool ⊎ Tri → ℕ
⊎-count (inj₁ true) = 1
⊎-count (inj₁ false) = 2
⊎-count (inj₂ aa) = 3
⊎-count (inj₂ bb) = 4
⊎-count (inj₂ cc) = 5
⊎-count (inj₁ true) = 1
⊎-count (inj₁ false) = 2
⊎-count (inj₂ aa) = 3
⊎-count (inj₂ bb) = 4
⊎-count (inj₂ cc) = 5
Sum on types also shares a property with sum on numbers in that it is
@ -382,18 +390,18 @@ does the same (up to renaming).
⊎-comm : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A ⊎ B) ≃ (B ⊎ A)
⊎-comm = record
{ to = λ{ (inj₁ x) → (inj₂ x)
; (inj₂ y) → (inj₁ y)
; from = λ{ (inj₁ y) → (inj₂ y)
; (inj₂ x) → (inj₁ x)
; from∘to = λ{ (inj₁ x) → refl
; (inj₂ y) → refl
; to∘from = λ{ (inj₁ y) → refl
; (inj₂ x) → refl
{ to = λ{ (inj₁ x) → (inj₂ x)
; (inj₂ y) → (inj₁ y)
; from = λ{ (inj₁ y) → (inj₂ y)
; (inj₂ x) → (inj₁ x)
; from∘to = λ{ (inj₁ x) → refl
; (inj₂ y) → refl
; to∘from = λ{ (inj₁ y) → refl
; (inj₂ x) → refl
Being *commutative* is different from being *commutative up to
@ -413,24 +421,24 @@ For associativity, the `to` function reassociates, and the `from` function does
the inverse. Again, the evidence of left and right inverse requires
matching against a suitable pattern to enable simplification.
⊎-assoc : ∀ {A B C : Set} → ((A ⊎ B) ⊎ C) ≃ (A ⊎ (B ⊎ C))
⊎-assoc : ∀ {A B C : Set} → (A ⊎ B) ⊎ C ≃ A ⊎ (B ⊎ C)
⊎-assoc = record
{ to = λ{ (inj₁ (inj₁ x)) → (inj₁ x)
; (inj₁ (inj₂ y)) → (inj₂ (inj₁ y))
; (inj₂ z) → (inj₂ (inj₂ z))
; from = λ{ (inj₁ x) → (inj₁ (inj₁ x))
; (inj₂ (inj₁ y)) → (inj₁ (inj₂ y))
; (inj₂ (inj₂ z)) → (inj₂ z)
; from∘to = λ{ (inj₁ (inj₁ x)) → refl
; (inj₁ (inj₂ y)) → refl
; (inj₂ z) → refl
; to∘from = λ{ (inj₁ x) → refl
; (inj₂ (inj₁ y)) → refl
; (inj₂ (inj₂ z)) → refl
{ to = λ{ (inj₁ (inj₁ x)) → (inj₁ x)
; (inj₁ (inj₂ y)) → (inj₂ (inj₁ y))
; (inj₂ z) → (inj₂ (inj₂ z))
; from = λ{ (inj₁ x) → (inj₁ (inj₁ x))
; (inj₂ (inj₁ y)) → (inj₁ (inj₂ y))
; (inj₂ (inj₂ z)) → (inj₂ z)
; from∘to = λ{ (inj₁ (inj₁ x)) → refl
; (inj₁ (inj₂ y)) → refl
; (inj₂ z) → refl
; to∘from = λ{ (inj₁ x) → refl
; (inj₂ (inj₁ y)) → refl
; (inj₂ (inj₂ z)) → refl
@ -451,13 +459,12 @@ data ⊥ : Set where
There is no possible evidence that `⊥` holds.
Given evidence that `⊥` holds, we might conclude anything! Since
false never holds, knowing that it holds tells us we are in a
paradoxical situation. This is a basic principle of logic,
known in medieval times by the latin phrase *ex falso*,
and known to children through phrases such as
"if pigs had wings, then I'd be the Queen of Sheba".
We formalise it as follows.
Since false never holds, knowing that it holds tells us we are in a
paradoxical situation. Given evidence that `⊥` holds, we might
conclude anything! This is a basic principle of logic, known in
medieval times by the latin phrase *ex falso*, and known to children
through phrases such as "if pigs had wings, then I'd be the Queen of
Sheba". We formalise it as follows.
⊥-elim : ∀ {A : Set} → ⊥ → A
⊥-elim ()
@ -473,8 +480,7 @@ is equal to any arbitrary function from `⊥`.
uniq-⊥ : ∀ {C : Set} (h : ⊥ → C) (w : ⊥) → ⊥-elim w ≡ h w
uniq-⊥ h ()
The pattern matching on the left-hand side is essential. Using
the absurd pattern asserts there are no possible values for `w`,
Using the absurd pattern asserts there are no possible values for `w`,
so the equation holds trivially.
We refer to `⊥` as *empty* type. And, indeed,
@ -497,16 +503,14 @@ a suitable pattern to enable simplification.
⊥-identityˡ : ∀ {A : Set} → (⊥ ⊎ A) ≃ A
⊥-identityˡ =
{ to = λ{ (inj₁ ())
; (inj₂ x) → x
; from = λ{ x → inj₂ x
; from∘to = λ{ (inj₁ ())
; (inj₂ x) → refl
; to∘from = λ{ x → refl
{ to = λ{ (inj₁ ())
; (inj₂ x) → x
; from = λ{ x → inj₂ x }
; from∘to = λ{ (inj₁ ())
; (inj₂ x) → refl
; to∘from = λ{ x → refl }
@ -609,15 +613,15 @@ arguments of the type `Bool → Tri`:
→-count : (Bool → Tri) → ℕ
→-count f with f true | f false
... | aa | aa = 1
... | aa | bb = 2
... | aa | cc = 3
... | bb | aa = 4
... | bb | bb = 5
... | bb | cc = 6
... | cc | aa = 7
... | cc | bb = 8
... | cc | cc = 9
... | aa | aa = 1
... | aa | bb = 2
... | aa | cc = 3
... | bb | aa = 4
... | bb | bb = 5
... | bb | cc = 6
... | cc | aa = 7
... | cc | bb = 8
... | cc | cc = 9
Exponential on types also share a property with exponential on
@ -640,10 +644,10 @@ The proof of the right inverse requires extensionality.
currying : ∀ {A B C : Set} → (A → B → C) ≃ (A × B → C)
currying =
{ to = λ{ f → λ{ (x , y) → f x y }}
; from = λ{ g → λ{ x → λ{ y → g (x , y) }}}
{ to = λ{ f → λ{ ⟨ x , y ⟩ → f x y }}
; from = λ{ g → λ{ x → λ{ y → g ⟨ x , y ⟩ }}}
; from∘to = λ{ f → refl }
; to∘from = λ{ g → extensionality λ{ (x , y) → refl }}
; to∘from = λ{ g → extensionality λ{ ⟨ x , y ⟩ → refl }}
@ -658,7 +662,7 @@ is isomorphic to a function that accepts a pair of arguments:
_+′_ : (ℕ × ℕ) → ℕ
Agda is optimised for currying, so `2 + 3` abbreviates `_+_ 2 3`.
In a language optimised for pairing, we would take `2 +′ 3` as
In a language optimised for pairing, we would instead take `2 +′ 3` as
an abbreviation for `_+′_ (2 , 3)`.
Corresponding to the law
@ -676,10 +680,10 @@ is the same as the assertion that if `A` holds then `C` holds and if
→-distrib-⊎ : ∀ {A B C : Set} → (A ⊎ B → C) ≃ ((A → C) × (B → C))
→-distrib-⊎ =
{ to = λ{ f → ( (λ{ x → f (inj₁ x) }) , (λ{ y → f (inj₂ y) }) ) }
; from = λ{ (g , h) → λ{ (inj₁ x) → g x ; (inj₂ y) → h y } }
{ to = λ{ f → ⟨ f ∘ inj₁ , f ∘ inj₂ ⟩ }
; from = λ{ ⟨ g , h ⟩ → λ{ (inj₁ x) → g x ; (inj₂ y) → h y } }
; from∘to = λ{ f → extensionality λ{ (inj₁ x) → refl ; (inj₂ y) → refl } }
; to∘from = λ{ (g , h) → refl }
; to∘from = λ{ ⟨ g , h ⟩ → refl }
@ -699,10 +703,10 @@ and the rule `η-×` for products.
→-distrib-× : ∀ {A B C : Set} → (A → B × C) ≃ (A → B) × (A → C)
→-distrib-× =
{ to = λ{ f → ( (λ{ x → proj₁ (f x) }) , (λ{ y → proj₂ (f y)}) ) }
; from = λ{ (g , h) → λ{ x → (g x , h x) } }
{ to = λ{ f → ⟨ proj₁ ∘ f , proj₂ ∘ f ⟩ }
; from = λ{ ⟨ g , h ⟩ → λ{ x → ⟨ g x , h x ⟩ } }
; from∘to = λ{ f → extensionality λ{ x → η-× (f x) } }
; to∘from = λ{ (g , h) → refl }
; to∘from = λ{ ⟨ g , h ⟩ → refl }
@ -715,17 +719,17 @@ this fact is similar in structure to our previous results.
×-distrib-⊎ : ∀ {A B C : Set} → (A ⊎ B) × C ≃ (A × C) ⊎ (B × C)
×-distrib-⊎ =
{ to = λ{ ((inj₁ x) , z) → (inj₁ (x , z))
; ((inj₂ y) , z) → (inj₂ (y , z))
{ to = λ{ ⟨ inj₁ x , z ⟩ → (inj₁ ⟨ x , z ⟩)
; ⟨ inj₂ y , z ⟩ → (inj₂ ⟨ y , z ⟩)
; from = λ{ (inj₁ (x , z)) → ((inj₁ x) , z)
; (inj₂ (y , z)) → ((inj₂ y) , z)
; from = λ{ (inj₁ ⟨ x , z ⟩) → ⟨ inj₁ x , z ⟩
; (inj₂ ⟨ y , z ⟩) → ⟨ inj₂ y , z ⟩
; from∘to = λ{ ((inj₁ x) , z) → refl
; ((inj₂ y) , z) → refl
; from∘to = λ{ ⟨ inj₁ x , z ⟩ → refl
; ⟨ inj₂ y , z ⟩ → refl
; to∘from = λ{ (inj₁ (x , z)) → refl
; (inj₂ (y , z)) → refl
; to∘from = λ{ (inj₁ ⟨ x , z ⟩) → refl
; (inj₂ ⟨ y , z ⟩) → refl
@ -735,21 +739,21 @@ Sums do not distribute over products up to isomorphism, but it is an embedding.
⊎-distrib-× : ∀ {A B C : Set} → (A × B) ⊎ C ≲ (A ⊎ C) × (B ⊎ C)
⊎-distrib-× =
{ to = λ{ (inj₁ (x , y)) → (inj₁ x , inj₁ y)
; (inj₂ z) → (inj₂ z , inj₂ z)
{ to = λ{ (inj₁ ⟨ x , y ⟩) → ⟨ inj₁ x , inj₁ y ⟩
; (inj₂ z) → ⟨ inj₂ z , inj₂ z ⟩
; from = λ{ (inj₁ x , inj₁ y) → (inj₁ (x , y))
; (inj₁ x , inj₂ z) → (inj₂ z)
; (inj₂ z , _ ) → (inj₂ z)
; from = λ{ ⟨ inj₁ x , inj₁ y ⟩ → (inj₁ ⟨ x , y ⟩)
; ⟨ inj₁ x , inj₂ z ⟩ → (inj₂ z)
; ⟨ inj₂ z , _ ⟩ → (inj₂ z)
; from∘to = λ{ (inj₁ (x , y)) → refl
; (inj₂ z) → refl
; from∘to = λ{ (inj₁ ⟨ x , y ⟩) → refl
; (inj₂ z) → refl
Note that there is a choice in how we write the `from` function.
As given, it takes `(inj₂ z , inj₂ z′)` to `(inj₂ z)`, but it is
easy to write a variant that instead returns `(inj₂ z′)`. We have
As given, it takes `⟨ inj₂ z , inj₂ z′ ⟩` to `inj₂ z`, but it is
easy to write a variant that instead returns `inj₂ z′`. We have
an embedding rather than an isomorphism because the
`from` function must discard either `z` or `z′` in this case.
@ -796,7 +800,7 @@ Show that `A ⇔ B` is isomorphic to `(A → B) × (B → A)`.
Definitions similar to those in this chapter can be found in the standard library.
import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
import Data.Product using (_×_; proj₁; proj₂) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
import Data.Unit using (⊤; tt)
import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂) renaming ([_,_] to ⊎-elim)
import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ layout : page
permalink : /Lists
This chapter discusses the list data type. It uses many of the techniques
developed for natural numbers in a different context, and provides
This chapter discusses the list data type. It gives further examples
of many of the techniques we have developed so far, and provides
examples of polymorphic types and functions.
## Imports
@ -26,52 +26,44 @@ open import Isomorphism using (_≃_)
Lists are defined in Agda as follows.
data List (A : Set) : Set where
[] : List A
[] : List A
_∷_ : A → List A → List A
infixr 5 _∷_
Let's unpack this definition. The phrase
List (A : Set) : Set
tells us that `List` is a function from a `Set` to a `Set`.
We write `A` consistently for the argument of `List` throughout
the declaration. The next two lines tell us that `[]` (pronounced *nil*)
is the empty list of type `A`, and that `_∷_` (pronounced *cons*,
short for *constructor*) takes a value of type `A` and a `List A` and
returns a `List A`. Operator `_∷_` has precedence level 5 and associates
to the right.
Let's unpack this definition. If `A` is a set, then `List A` is a set.
The next two lines tell us that `[]` (pronounced *nil*) is a list of
type `A` (often called the *empty* list), and that `_∷_` (pronounced
*cons*, short for *constructor*) takes a value of type `A` and a `List
A` and returns a `List A`. Operator `_∷_` has precedence level 5 and
associates to the right.
For example,
ex₀ : List ℕ
ex₀ = 0 ∷ 1 ∷ 2 ∷ []
_ : List ℕ
_ = 0 ∷ 1 ∷ 2 ∷ []
denotes the list of the first three natural numbers. Since `_::_`
associates to the right, the term above parses as `0 ∷ (1 ∷ (2 ∷ []))`.
associates to the right, the term parses as `0 ∷ (1 ∷ (2 ∷ []))`.
Here `0` is the first element of the list, called the *head*,
and `1 ∷ (2 ∷ [])` is a list of the remaining elements, called the
*tail*. Lists are a rather strange beast: a head and a tail,
*tail*. Lists are a rather strange beast: they have a head and a tail,
nothing in between, and the tail is itself another list!
The definition of lists could also be written as follows.
As we've seen, parameterised types can be translated to
indexed types. The definition above is equivalent to the following.
data List′ : Set → Set where
[]′ : ∀ {A : Set} → List′ A
[]′ : ∀ {A : Set} → List′ A
_∷′_ : ∀ {A : Set} → A → List′ A → List′ A
This is essentially equivalent to the previous definition,
and lets us see that constructors `[]` and `_∷_` each act as
if they take an implicit argument, the type of the list.
The previous form is preferred because it is more compact
and easier to read; using it also improves Agda's ability to
reason about when a function definition based on pattern matching
is well defined. An important difference is that in the previous
form we must write `List A` consistently everywhere, whereas in
the second form it would be permitted to replace an occurrence
of `List A` by `List ℕ`, say.
Each constructor takes the parameter as an implicit argument.
Thus, our example list could also be written
_ : List ℕ
_ = _∷_ {ℕ} 0 (_∷_ {ℕ} 1 (_∷_ {ℕ} 2 ([] {ℕ})))
where here we have made the implicit parameters explicit.
Including the lines
@ -81,37 +73,25 @@ tells Agda that the type `List` corresponds to the Haskell type
list, and the constructors `[]` and `_∷_` correspond to nil and
cons respectively, allowing a more efficient representation of lists.
## List syntax
We can write lists more conveniently by introducing the following definitions.
-- [_] : ∀ {A : Set} → A → List A
-- pattern [ z ] = z ∷ []
pattern [_] z = z ∷ []
-- [_,_] : ∀ {A : Set} → A → A → List A
-- pattern [ y , z ] = y ∷ z ∷ []
pattern [_,_] y z = y ∷ z ∷ []
-- [_,_,_] : ∀ {A : Set} → A → A → A → List A
-- pattern [ x , y , z ] = x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []
pattern [_,_,_] x y z = x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []
-- [_,_,_,_] : ∀ {A : Set} → A → A → A → A → List A
-- pattern [ w , x , y , z ] = w ∷ x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []
pattern [_,_,_,_] w x y z = w ∷ x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []
-- [_,_,_,_,_] : ∀ {A : Set} → A → A → A → A → A → List A
-- pattern [ v , w , x , y , z ] = v ∷ w ∷ x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []
pattern [_,_,_,_,_] v w x y z = v ∷ w ∷ x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []
-- [_,_,_,_,_,_] : ∀ {A : Set} → A → A → A → A → A → A → List A
-- pattern [ u , v , w , x , y , z ] = u ∷ v ∷ w ∷ x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []
pattern [_,_,_,_,_,_] u v w x y z = u ∷ v ∷ w ∷ x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []
Agda recognises that this is a bracketing notation,
and hence we can write things like `length [ 0 , 1 , 2 ]`
rather than `length ([ 0 , 1 , 2 ])`.
This is our first use of pattern declarations. For instance,
the third line tells us that `[ x , y , z ]` is equivalent to
`x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []`, and permits the former to appear either in
a pattern on the left-hand side of an equation, or a term
on the right-hand side of an equation.
Agda recognises `[_,_,_]` as a bracketing notation, and hence `length
[ 0 , 1 , 2 ]` parses as `length ([ 0 , 1 , 2 ])`.
## Append
@ -13,15 +13,21 @@ March 2018. When that is done it will be announced here, and that would be
an excellent time to comment on the first part.
## Personal remarks
## Personal remarks: From TAPL to PLTA
Since 2013, I teach a course on Types and Semantics for Programming
Languages to fourth-year undergraduates and masters students at the
University of Edinburgh. That course had been based on the textbook
[Software Foundations][sf], by Pierce and others, written in Coq. I
am convinced of Pierce's claim that basing a course around a proof
assistant aids learning, as summarised in his ICFP Keynote, [Lambda,
The Ultimate TA][ta].
I, along with many others, am a fan of Peirce's [Types and Programming
Languages][tapl], known by the acronym TAPL. One of my best students
started writing his own systems with no help from me, trained by that
Since 2013, I have taught a course on Types and Semantics for
Programming Languages to fourth-year undergraduates and masters
students at the University of Edinburgh. That course is not based on
TAPL, but on Pierce's subsequent textbook, [Software Foundations],
written in collaboration with others and based on Coq. I am convinced
of Pierce's claim that basing a course around a proof assistant aids
learning, as summarised in his ICFP Keynote, [Lambda, The Ultimate
However, after five years of experience, I have come to the conclusion
that Coq may not be the best vehicle. Too much of the course needs to
@ -69,6 +75,7 @@ Most of the text was written during a sabbatical in the first half of 2018.
-- Philip Wadler, Rio de Janeiro, January--June 2018
[tapl]: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/tapl/index.html
[sf]: https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/
[ta]: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/plcurriculum.pdf
[stump]: http://www.morganclaypoolpublishers.com/catalog_Orig/product_info.php?cPath=24&products_id=908
@ -271,48 +271,6 @@ given `suc m ≤ suc n` and `suc n ≤ suc m` and must show `suc m ≡ suc n`.
The inductive hypothesis `≤-antisym m≤n n≤m` establishes that `m ≡ n`,
and our goal follows by congruence.
In the base case, both relations hold by `z≤n`,
so it must be the case that `m` and `n` are both `zero`,
in which case `m ≡ n` holds by reflexivity. (The reflexivity
of `_≡_`, that is, not the reflexivity of `_≤_`.)
In the inductive case, `m ≤ n` holds by `s≤s m≤n` and `n ≤ m` holds by
`s≤s n≤m`, so it must be that `m` is `suc m′` and `n` is `suc n′`, for
some `m′` and `n′`, where `m≤n` is evidence that `m′ ≤ n′` and `n≤m`
is evidence that `n′ ≤ m′`. The inductive hypothesis `≤-antisym m≤n n≤m`
establishes that `m′ ≡ n′`, and so the final result follows by congruence.
## Disjunction
In order to state totality, we need a way to formalise disjunction,
the notion that given two propositions either one or the other holds.
In Agda, we do so by declaring a suitable inductive type.
data _⊎_ : Set → Set → Set where
inj₁ : ∀ {A B : Set} → A → A ⊎ B
inj₂ : ∀ {A B : Set} → B → A ⊎ B
This tells us that if `A` and `B` are propositions then `A ⊎ B` is
also a proposition. Evidence that `A ⊎ B` holds is either of the form
`inj₁ x`, where `x` is evidence that `A` holds, or `inj₂ y`, where
`y` is evidence that `B` holds.
We set the precedence of disjunction so that it binds less tightly than
infixr 1 _⊎_
Thus, `m ≤ n ⊎ n ≤ m` parses as `(m ≤ n) ⊎ (n ≤ m)`.
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