updated Confluence

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@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ open import extra.LambdaReduction
open import plfa.Denotational using (Rename)
open import plfa.Soundness using (Subst)
open import plfa.Untyped hiding (_—→_; _—↠_; begin_; _∎)
-- renaming (_—→_ to _——→_; _—↠_ to _——↠_; begin_ to commence_; _∎ to _fini)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; _≢_; refl; trans; sym; cong; cong₂; cong-app)
open import Function using (_∘_)
@ -20,10 +19,11 @@ open import Data.Product using (_×_; Σ; Σ-syntax; ∃; ∃-syntax; proj₁; p
## Introduction
In this chapter we prove that beta reduction is _confluent_. That is,
if there is a reduction sequence from any term `L` to two different
terms `M₁` and `M₂`, then there exist reduction sequences from those
two terms to some common term `N`. In pictures:
In this chapter we prove that beta reduction is _confluent_, a
property also known as _Church-Rosser_. That is, if there is a
reduction sequence from any term `L` to two different terms `M₁` and
`M₂`, then there exist reduction sequences from those two terms to
some common term `N`. In pictures:
/ \
@ -45,13 +45,7 @@ diamond property if whenever `L ⇛ M₁` and `L ⇛ M₂`, then there exists
an `N` such that `M₁ ⇛ N` and `M₂ ⇛ N`. This is just an instance of
the same picture above, where downward lines are now instance of `⇛`.
If we write `⇛*` for the reflexive and transitive closure of `⇛`, then
confluence of `⇛*` follows immediately from the diamon property.
<!-- Let `⇛*` stand for sequences of `⇛` reductions.
The proof of confluence requires one easy lemma, that if
`M ⇛ N` and `M ⇛* N'`, then there exists an `L` such that `N ⇛* L` and
`N' ⇛ L. With this lemma in hand, confluence is proved by induction
on the reduction sequence `M ⇛* N`. -->
confluence of `⇛*` follows immediately from the diamond property.
Unfortunately, reduction in the lambda calculus does not satisfy the
diamond property. Here is a counter example.
@ -65,10 +59,10 @@ to get there, not one.
To side-step this problem, we'll define an auxilliary reduction
relation, called _parallel reduction_, that can perform many
reductions simultaneously and thereby satisfy the diamond property.
Furthermore, we will show that a parallel reduction sequence exists
between any two terms if and only if a reduction sequence exists
between them. Thus, confluence for reduction will fall out as a
corollary to confluence for parallel reduction.
Furthermore, we show that a parallel reduction sequence exists between
any two terms if and only if a reduction sequence exists between them.
Thus, we can reduce the proof of confluence for reduction to
confluence for parallel reduction.
## Parallel Reduction
@ -454,23 +448,23 @@ The proof is by induction on both premises.
As promised at the beginning, the proof that parallel reduction is
confluent is easy now that we know it satisfies the diamond property.
We just need one more lemma which states that
if `M ⇛ N` and `M ⇛* N'`, then
`N ⇛* L` and `N' ⇛ L` for some `L`.
The proof is a straightforward induction on `M * N'`,
We just need to prove the strip lemma, which states that
if `M ⇒ N` and `M ⇒* N'`, then
`N ⇒* L` and `N' ⇒ L` for some `L`.
The proof is a straightforward induction on `M * N'`,
using the diamond property in the induction step.
par-confR : ∀{Γ A} {L M₁ M₂ : Γ ⊢ A}
L ⇛ M₁
L ⇛* M₂
→ Σ[ N ∈ Γ ⊢ A ] (M₁ ⇛* N) × (M₂ ⇛ N)
par-confR{Γ}{A}{M}{N}{N'} mn (M ∎) = ⟨ N , ⟨ N ∎ , mn ⟩ ⟩
par-confR{Γ}{A}{M}{N}{N'} mn (_⇛⟨_⟩_ M {M'} mm' mn')
strip : ∀{Γ A} {M N N' : Γ ⊢ A}
M ⇛ N
M ⇛* N'
→ Σ[ L ∈ Γ ⊢ A ] (N ⇛* L) × (N' ⇛ L)
strip{Γ}{A}{M}{N}{N'} mn (M ∎) = ⟨ N , ⟨ N ∎ , mn ⟩ ⟩
strip{Γ}{A}{M}{N}{N'} mn (M ⇛⟨ mm' ⟩ m'n')
with par-diamond mn mm'
... | ⟨ L , ⟨ nl , m'l ⟩ ⟩
with par-confR m'l mn'
with strip m'l m'n'
... | ⟨ L' , ⟨ ll' , n'l' ⟩ ⟩ =
⟨ L' , ⟨ (N ⇛⟨ nl ⟩ ll') , n'l' ⟩ ⟩
@ -487,7 +481,7 @@ par-confluence : ∀{Γ A} {L M₁ M₂ : Γ ⊢ A}
→ Σ[ N ∈ Γ ⊢ A ] (M₁ ⇛* N) × (M₂ ⇛* N)
par-confluence {Γ}{A}{L}{.L}{N} (L ∎) L⇛*N = ⟨ N , ⟨ L⇛*N , N ∎ ⟩ ⟩
par-confluence {Γ}{A}{L}{M₁}{M₂} (L ⇛⟨ L⇛M₁ ⟩ M₁⇛*M₁) L⇛*M₂
with par-confR L⇛M₁ L⇛*M₂
with strip L⇛M₁ L⇛*M₂
... | ⟨ N , ⟨ M₁⇛*N , M₂⇛N ⟩ ⟩
with par-confluence M₁⇛*M₁ M₁⇛*N
... | ⟨ N , ⟨ M₁⇛*N , N⇛*N ⟩ ⟩ =
@ -540,4 +534,17 @@ confluence L↠M₁ L↠M₂
## Notes
Broadly speaking, this proof of confluence, based on parallel
reduction, is due to W. Tait and P. Martin-Lof (see Barendredgt 1984,
Section 3.2). Details of the mechanization come from several sources.
The `subst-par` lemma is the "strong substitutivity" lemma of Shafer,
Tebbi, and Smolka (ITP 2015). The proofs of `par-diamond`, `strip`,
and `par-confluence` are based on Pfenning's 1992 technical report
about the Church-Rosser theorem. In addition, we consulted Nipkow and
Berghofer's mechanization in Isabelle, which is based on an earlier
article by Nipkow (JAR 1996). We opted not to use the "complete
developments" approach of Takahashi (1995) because we felt that the
proof was simple enough based solely on parallel reduction. There are
many more mechanizations of the Church-Rosser theorem that we have not
yet had the time to read, including Shankar's (J. ACM 1988) and
Homeier's (TPHOLs 2001).

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@ -477,3 +477,10 @@ subst-commute {Γ}{Δ}{N}{M}{σ} =
subst σ (N [ M ])
## Notes
Most of the properties and proofs in this file are based on the paper
_Autosubst: Reasoning with de Bruijn Terms and Parallel Substitution_
by Schafer, Tebbi, and Smolka (ITP 2015).