moving infix decls
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1 changed files with 20 additions and 21 deletions
@ -101,11 +101,13 @@ The syntax includes that of the STLC with a few additions regarding
records that we explain in the following sections.
infixl 5 _,_
infix 4 _⊆_
infix 5 _<:_
infix 4 _⊢_⦂_
infix 4 _⊢*_⦂_
infix 4 _∋_⦂_
infixl 5 _,_
infix 5 _[_]
infix 4 Canonical_⦂_
infixr 7 _⇒_
@ -115,10 +117,11 @@ infixl 7 _·_
infix 8 `suc_
infix 9 `_
infixl 7 _#_
infix 4 _⊆_
infix 5 {_⦂_}
infix 5 {_:=_}
infix 5 _[_]
infix 2 _—→_
## Record Fields and their Properties
@ -273,8 +276,6 @@ definition specifies the subtyping rules for natural numbers,
functions, and record types. We discuss each rule below.
infix 5 _<:_
data _<:_ : Type → Type → Set where
<:-nat : `ℕ <: `ℕ
@ -613,7 +614,7 @@ define simultaneous substitution using the same recipe as in the
[DeBruijn]({{ site.baseurl }}/DeBruijn/) chapter, but adapted to extrinsic
terms. Thus, the `subst` function is split into two parts: a raw
`subst` function that operators on terms and a `subst-pres` lemma that
proves that substitution preserves types. We define `subst` in the
proves that substitution preserves types. We define `subst` in this
section and postpone `subst-pres` to the
[Preservation](#subtyping-pres) section. Likewise for `rename`.
@ -714,9 +715,11 @@ data Value : Term → Set where
## Reduction
infix 2 _—→_
The following datatype `_—→_` defines the reduction relation for the
STLC with records. We discuss the two new rules for records in the
following paragraph.
data _—→_ : Term → Term → Set where
ξ-·₁ : ∀ {L L′ M : Term}
@ -762,10 +765,10 @@ data _—→_ : Term → Term → Set where
→ M —→ M′
→ M # l —→ M′ # l
β-# : ∀ {n}{ls : Vec Name n}{Ms : Vec Term n} {lⱼ}{j : Fin n}
→ lookup ls j ≡ lⱼ
β-# : ∀ {n}{ls : Vec Name n}{Ms : Vec Term n} {l}{j : Fin n}
→ lookup ls j ≡ l
→ { ls := Ms } # lⱼ —→ lookup Ms j
→ { ls := Ms } # l —→ lookup Ms j
We have just two new reduction rules:
@ -773,21 +776,17 @@ We have just two new reduction rules:
provided that `M` reduces to `M′`.
* Rule `β-#`: When field access is applied to a record,
and if the label is at position `j` in the vector of field names,
and if the label `l` is at position `j` in the vector of field names,
then result is the term at position `j` in the field initializers.
## Canonical Forms
As in the [Properties]({{ site.baseurl }}/Properties/) chapter, we define a
`Canonical V ⦂ A` relation that characterizes the well-typed values.
The presence of subtyping and the subsumption rule impacts its
definition because we must allow the type of the value `V` to be a
subtype of `A`.
As in the [Properties]({{ site.baseurl }}/Properties/) chapter, we
define a `Canonical V ⦂ A` relation that characterizes the well-typed
values. The presence of the subsumption rule impacts its definition
because we must allow the type of the value `V` to be a subtype of `A`.
infix 4 Canonical_⦂_
data Canonical_⦂_ : Term → Type → Set where
C-ƛ : ∀ {N A B C D}
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