added TakeDropDec and TakeDropBool
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 214 additions and 23 deletions
@ -19,13 +19,17 @@ open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong; cong₂; _≢_)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; _++_; map; foldr; filter;
reverse; partition; replicate; length; takeWhile; dropWhile)
open import Data.List.All using (All; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_; _∸_; _≤_; _⊔_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (≤-refl; ≤-trans; m≤m⊔n; n≤m⊔n; 1+n≰n)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false; T)
open import Data.Char using (Char)
open import Data.String using (String; toList; fromList; _≟_)
import Data.Char as Char using (_≟_)
open import Data.String using (String; toList; fromList; _≟_;
toList∘fromList; fromList∘toList)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; proj₁; proj₂; ∃; ∃-syntax)
renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Unit using (⊤; tt)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
@ -33,7 +37,6 @@ open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬?)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (⌊_⌋)
import Data.Nat as Nat
import Data.String as String
import Data.Char as Char
import Collections
pattern [_] x = x ∷ []
@ -49,21 +52,40 @@ pattern [_,_,_,_] x y z w = x ∷ y ∷ z ∷ w ∷ []
Id : Set
Id = String
module ListLemmas (A : Set) (P : A → Bool) where
data Head : List A → Set where
head : ∀ (x : A) (xs : List A) → T (P x) → Head (x ∷ xs)
drop-lemma : ∀ (s : List A) → ¬ Head (dropWhile P s)
drop-lemma [] = λ()
drop-lemma (c ∷ s) with P c
... | true = drop-lemma s
... | false = f
f : ¬ Head (c ∷ s)
f (head c s eq) = {!!}
take-lemma : ∀ (s : List A) → All (T ∘ P) (takeWhile P s)
take-lemma [] = []
take-lemma (c ∷ s) with P c
... | true = {!!} ∷ take-lemma s
... | false = []
open Collections (Id) (String._≟_)
module IdBase where
module IdBase
(P : Char → Bool)
(toℕ : List Char → ℕ)
(fromℕ : ℕ → List Char)
(toℕ∘fromℕ : ∀ (n : ℕ) → toℕ (fromℕ n) ≡ n)
(fromℕ∘toℕ : ∀ (s : List Char) → (All (T ∘ P) s) → fromℕ (toℕ s) ≡ s)
data Head {A : Set} (P : A → Bool) : List A → Set where
head : ∀ {x xs} → P x ≡ true → Head P (x ∷ xs)
prime : Char
prime = '′'
isPrime : Char → Bool
isPrime c = ⌊ c Char.≟ prime ⌋
open ListLemmas (Char) (P)
isPrefix : String → Set
isPrefix s = ¬ Head isPrime (reverse (toList s))
isPrefix s = ¬ Head (reverse (toList s))
Prefix : Set
Prefix = ∃[ x ] (isPrefix x)
@ -72,21 +94,22 @@ module IdBase where
body = proj₁
make : Prefix → ℕ → Id
make p n = fromList (toList (body p) ++ replicate n prime)
make p n = fromList (toList (body p) ++ fromℕ n)
prefixS : Id → String
prefixS = fromList ∘ dropWhile isPrime ∘ reverse ∘ toList
prefixS = fromList ∘ dropWhile P ∘ reverse ∘ toList
prefix : Id → Prefix
prefix x = ⟨ s , pr ⟩
prefixS-lemma : ∀ (x : Id) → isPrefix (prefixS x)
prefixS-lemma x = h (reverse (toList x))
s : String
s = prefixS x
pr : isPrefix s
pr = {!!}
h : ∀ (s : List Char) → isPrefix ((fromList ∘ dropWhile P) s)
h = {!!}
prefix : Id → Prefix
prefix x = ⟨ prefixS x , prefixS-lemma x ⟩
suffix : Id → ℕ
suffix = length ∘ takeWhile isPrime ∘ reverse ∘ toList
suffix = length ∘ takeWhile P ∘ reverse ∘ toList
_≟Pr_ : ∀ (p q : Prefix) → Dec (body p ≡ body q)
p ≟Pr q = (body p) String.≟ (body q)
@ -152,7 +175,25 @@ module IdLemmas
## Test cases
open IdBase
prime : Char
prime = '′'
isPrime : Char → Bool
isPrime c = ⌊ c Char.≟ prime ⌋
toℕ : List Char → ℕ
toℕ s = length s
fromℕ : ℕ → List Char
fromℕ n = replicate n prime
toℕ∘fromℕ : ∀ (n : ℕ) → toℕ (fromℕ n) ≡ n
toℕ∘fromℕ = {!!}
fromℕ∘toℕ : ∀ (s : List Char) → All (T ∘ isPrime) s → fromℕ (toℕ s) ≡ s
fromℕ∘toℕ = {!!}
open IdBase (isPrime) (toℕ) (fromℕ) (toℕ∘fromℕ) (fromℕ∘toℕ)
open IdLemmas (Prefix) (prefix) (suffix) (make) (body) (_≟Pr_)
(prefix-lemma) (suffix-lemma) (make-lemma)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong; cong₂; _≢_)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.All using (All; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false; T)
open import Data.Unit using (⊤; tt)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using ()
open import Function using (_∘_)
module TakeDropDec2 {A : Set} {P : A → Set} (P? : ∀ (x : A) → Dec (P x)) where
takeWhile : List A → List A
takeWhile [] = []
takeWhile (x ∷ xs) with P? x
... | yes _ = x ∷ takeWhile xs
... | no _ = []
dropWhile : List A → List A
dropWhile [] = []
dropWhile (x ∷ xs) with P? x
... | yes _ = dropWhile xs
... | no _ = x ∷ xs
Head : (A → Set) → List A → Set
Head P [] = ⊥
Head P (x ∷ xs) = P x
takeWhile-lemma : ∀ (xs : List A) → All P (takeWhile xs)
takeWhile-lemma [] = []
takeWhile-lemma (x ∷ xs) with P? x
... | yes px = px ∷ takeWhile-lemma xs
... | no _ = []
dropWhile-lemma : ∀ (xs : List A) → ¬ Head P (dropWhile xs)
dropWhile-lemma [] = λ()
dropWhile-lemma (x ∷ xs) with P? x
... | yes _ = dropWhile-lemma xs
... | no ¬px = ¬px
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong; cong₂; _≢_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _≟_)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
open import TakeDropDec2
_ : takeWhile (0 ≟_) (0 ∷ 0 ∷ 1 ∷ []) ≡ (0 ∷ 0 ∷ [])
_ = refl
_ : dropWhile (0 ≟_) (0 ∷ 0 ∷ 1 ∷ []) ≡ (1 ∷ [])
_ = refl
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong; cong₂; _≢_)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; takeWhile; dropWhile)
open import Data.List.All using (All; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false; T)
open import Data.Unit using (⊤; tt)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
open import Function using (_∘_)
module TakeDropLemmas (A : Set) (P : A → Bool) where
Head : ∀ {A : Set} → (A → Bool) → List A → Set
Head P [] = ⊥
Head P (c ∷ s) = T (P c)
drop-lemma : ∀ (s : List A) → ¬ Head P (dropWhile P s)
drop-lemma [] = λ()
drop-lemma (c ∷ s) with P c
... | true = drop-lemma s
... | false = {!!}
take-lemma : ∀ (s : List A) → All (T ∘ P) (takeWhile P s)
take-lemma [] = []
take-lemma (c ∷ s) with P c
... | true = {!!} ∷ take-lemma s
... | false = []
{- Hole 0
Goal: ⊥
s : List A
c : A
eq : T (P c)
P : A → Bool
s : List A
c : A
A : Set
{- Hole 1
Goal: T (P c)
s : List A
c : A
P : A → Bool
A : Set
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong; cong₂; _≢_)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.All using (All; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false; T)
open import Data.Unit using (⊤; tt)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using ()
open import Function using (_∘_)
module TakeDropDec {A : Set} {P : A → Set} where
Decidable : (A → Set) → Set
Decidable P = ∀ (x : A) → Dec (P x)
takeWhile : Decidable P → List A → List A
takeWhile P? [] = []
takeWhile P? (x ∷ xs) with P? x
... | yes _ = x ∷ takeWhile P? xs
... | no _ = []
dropWhile : Decidable P → List A → List A
dropWhile P? [] = []
dropWhile P? (x ∷ xs) with P? x
... | yes _ = dropWhile P? xs
... | no _ = x ∷ xs
Head : (A → Set) → List A → Set
Head P [] = ⊥
Head P (x ∷ xs) = P x
takeWhile-lemma : ∀ (P? : Decidable P) (xs : List A) → All P (takeWhile P? xs)
takeWhile-lemma P? [] = []
takeWhile-lemma P? (x ∷ xs) with P? x
... | yes px = px ∷ takeWhile-lemma P? xs
... | no _ = []
dropWhile-lemma : ∀ (P? : Decidable P) (xs : List A) → ¬ Head P (dropWhile P? xs)
dropWhile-lemma P? [] = λ()
dropWhile-lemma P? (x ∷ xs) with P? x
... | yes _ = dropWhile-lemma P? xs
... | no ¬px = ¬px
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
open import TakeDropDec
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