Logic, embedding
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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function, dependent product, Martin Löf equivalence).
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong)
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong; cong-app)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)
@ -155,6 +155,84 @@ We will make good use of isomorphisms in what follows to demonstrate
that operations on types such as product and sum satisfy properties
akin to associativity, commutativity, and distributivity.
## Embedding
We will also need the notion of *embedding*, which is a weakening
of isomorphism. While an isomorphism shows that two types are
in one-to-one correspondence, and embedding shows that the first
type is, in a sense, included in the second; or, equivalently,
that there is a many-to-one correspondence between the second
type and the first.
Here is the formal definition of embedding.
record _≲_ (A B : Set) : Set where
to : A → B
fro : B → A
invˡ : ∀ (x : A) → fro (to x) ≡ x
open _≲_
It is the same as an isomorphism, save that it lacks the `invʳ` field.
Hence, we know that `fro` is left inverse to `to`, but not that it is
a right inverse.
Embedding is reflexive and transitive. The proofs are cut down
versions of the similar proofs for isomorphism, simply dropping the
right inverses.
≲-refl : ∀ {A : Set} → A ≲ A
≲-refl =
{ to = λ x → x
; fro = λ y → y
; invˡ = λ x → refl
≲-tran : ∀ {A B C : Set} → A ≲ B → B ≲ C → A ≲ C
≲-tran A≲B B≲C =
{ to = λ x → to B≲C (to A≲B x)
; fro = λ y → fro A≲B (fro B≲C y)
; invˡ = λ x →
fro A≲B (fro B≲C (to B≲C (to A≲B x)))
≡⟨ cong (fro A≲B) (invˡ B≲C (to A≲B x)) ⟩
fro A≲B (to A≲B x)
≡⟨ invˡ A≲B x ⟩
It is also easy to see that if two types embed in each other,
and the embedding functions correspond, then they are isomorphic.
This is a weak form of anti-symmetry.
≲-antisym : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A≲B : A ≲ B) → (B≲A : B ≲ A) →
(to A≲B ≡ fro B≲A) → (fro A≲B ≡ to B≲A) → A ≃ B
≲-antisym A≲B B≲A to≡fro fro≡to =
{ to = to A≲B
; fro = fro A≲B
; invˡ = invˡ A≲B
; invʳ = λ y →
to A≲B (fro A≲B y)
≡⟨ cong (\w → to A≲B (w y)) fro≡to ⟩
to A≲B (to B≲A y)
≡⟨ cong (\w → w (to B≲A y)) to≡fro ⟩
fro B≲A (to B≲A y)
≡⟨ invˡ B≲A y ⟩
The first three components are copied from the embedding, while the
last combines the left inverse of `B ≲ A` with the equivalences of
the `to` and `fro` components from the two embeddings to obtain
the right inverse of the isomorphism.
@ -184,7 +262,7 @@ snd (x , y) = y
If `w` is evidence that `A × B` holds, then `fst w` is evidence
that `A` holds, and `snd w` is evidence that `B` holds.
Equivalently, we could also declare products as a record type.
Equivalently, we could also declare product as a record type.
record _×′_ (A B : Set) : Set where
@ -219,11 +297,12 @@ Thus, `m ≤ n × n ≤ p` parses as `(m ≤ n) × (n ≤ p)` and
Given two types `A` and `B`, we refer to `A x B` as the
*product* of `A` and `B`. In set theory, it is also sometimes
called the *cartesian product*. Among other reasons for
called the *cartesian product*, and in computing it corresponds
to a *record* type. Among other reasons for
calling it the product, note that if type `A` has `m`
distinct members, and type `B` has `n` distinct members,
then the type `A × B` has `m * n` distinct members.
For instance, consider a type `Bool` with three members, and
For instance, consider a type `Bool` with two members, and
a type `Tri` with three members.
data Bool : Set where
@ -257,11 +336,11 @@ that there is a sense in which it is commutative and associative. In
particular, product is commutative and associative *up to
For commutativity, the `to` function swaps a pair,
taking `(x , y)` to `(y , x)`, and
the `fro` function does the inverse
(which also swaps a pair). Replacing `invˡ`
or `invʳ` by `λ w → refl` will not work.
For commutativity, the `to` function swaps a pair, taking `(x , y)` to
`(y , x)`, and the `fro` function does the same (up to renaming).
Instantiating the patterns correctly in `invˡ` and `invʳ` is essential.
Replacing the definition of `invˡ` by `λ w → refl` will not work;
and similarly for `invʳ`, which does the same (up to renaming).
×-comm : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A × B) ≃ (B × A)
×-comm = record
@ -280,12 +359,12 @@ isomorphism*. Compare the two statements:
In the first case, we might have that `m` is `2` and `n` is `3`, and
both `m * n` and `n * m` are equal to `6`. In the second case, we
might have that `A` is `Bool` and `B` is `Tri`, and `Bool × Tri` is
*not* the same as `Tri × Bool`. But there is an isomorphism---a
one-to-one correspondence---between the two types. For
*not* the same as `Tri × Bool`. But there is an isomorphism
between the two types. For
instance, `(true , aa)`, which is a member of the former, corresponds
to `(aa , true)`, which is a member of the latter.
For associativity, the `to` function reassociates a pair of pairs,
For associativity, the `to` function reassociates two uses of pairing,
taking `((x , y) , z)` to `(x , (y , z))`, and the `fro` function does
the inverse. Again, the evidence of left and right inverse requires
matching against a suitable pattern to enable simplificition.
@ -303,7 +382,7 @@ Again, being *associative* is not the same as being *associative
up to isomorphism*. For example, the type `(ℕ × Bool) × Tri`
is *not* the same as `ℕ × (Bool × Tri)`. But there is an
isomorphism between the two types. For instance `((1 , true) , aa)`,
which is a member of the former, corresponds to `(1 , (true , aa)`,
which is a member of the former, corresponds to `(1 , (true , aa))`,
which is a member of the latter.
Here we have used lambda-expressions with pattern matching.
@ -319,8 +398,8 @@ h (x , y) = (y , x)
Often using an anonymous lambda expression is more convenient than
using a named function: it avoids a lengthy type declaration; and the
definition appears exactly where the function is used, so there is no
need for the writer to remember to declare it in advance, or the reader
to search for the definition elsewhere in the code.
need for the writer to remember to declare it in advance, or for the
reader to search for the definition elsewhere in the code.
## Disjunction is sum
@ -356,7 +435,8 @@ Thus, `A × C ⊎ B × C` parses as `(A × C) ⊎ (B × C)`.
Given two types `A` and `B`, we refer to `A ⊎ B` as the
*sum* of `A` and `B`. In set theory, it is also sometimes
called the *disjoint union*. Among other reasons for
called the *disjoint union*, and in computing it corresponds
to a *variant record* type. Among other reasons for
calling it the sum, note that if type `A` has `m`
distinct members, and type `B` has `n` distinct members,
then the type `A ⊎ B` has `m + n` distinct members.
@ -379,102 +459,107 @@ possible arguments of type `Bool ⊎ Tri`:
⊎-count (inj₂ cc) = 5
Sum on types also shares a property with sum on numbers in
that there is a sense in which it is commutative and associative. In
particular, product is commutative and associative *up to
Sum on types also shares a property with sum on numbers in that it is
commutative and associative *up to isomorphism*.
For commutativity, the `to` function swaps a pair,
taking `(x , y)` to `(y , x)`, and
the `fro` function does the inverse
(which also swaps a pair). Replacing `invˡ`
or `invʳ` by `λ w → refl` will not work.
For commutativity, the `to` function swaps the two constructors,
taking `inj₁ x` to `inj₂ x`, and `inj₂ y` to `inj₁ y`; and the `fro`
function does the same (up to renaming). Replacing the definition of
`invˡ` by `λ w → refl` will not work; and similarly for `invʳ`, which
does the same (up to renaming).
×-comm : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A × B) ≃ (B × A)
×-comm = record
{ to = λ { (x , y) → (y , x)}
; fro = λ { (y , x) → (x , y)}
; invˡ = λ { (x , y) → refl }
; invʳ = λ { (y , x) → refl }
+-comm : ∀ {A B : Set} → (A ⊎ B) ≃ (B ⊎ A)
+-comm = record
{ to = λ { (inj₁ x) → (inj₂ x)
; (inj₂ y) → (inj₁ y)
; fro = λ { (inj₁ y) → (inj₂ y)
; (inj₂ x) → (inj₁ x)
; invˡ = λ { (inj₁ x) → refl
; (inj₂ y) → refl
; invʳ = λ { (inj₁ y) → refl
; (inj₂ x) → refl
Being *commutative* is different from being *commutative up to
isomorphism*. Compare the two statements:
m * n ≡ n * m
A × B ≃ B × A
m + n ≡ n + m
A + B ≃ B + A
In the first case, we might have that `m` is `2` and `n` is `3`, and
both `m * n` and `n * m` are equal to `6`. In the second case, we
might have that `A` is `Bool` and `B` is `Tri`, and `Bool × Tri` is
*not* the same as `Tri × Bool`. But there is an isomorphism---a
one-to-one correspondence---between the two types. For
instance, `(true , aa)`, which is a member of the former, corresponds
to `(aa , true)`, which is a member of the latter.
both `m + n` and `n + m` are equal to `5`. In the second case, we
might have that `A` is `Bool` and `B` is `Tri`, and `Bool + Tri` is
*not* the same as `Tri + Bool`. But there is an isomorphism between
the two types. For instance, `inj₁ true`, which is a member of the
former, corresponds to `inj₂ true`, which is a member of the latter.
For associativity, the `to` function reassociates a pair of pairs,
taking `((x , y) , z)` to `(x , (y , z))`, and the `fro` function does
For associativity, the `to` function reassociates, and the `fro` function does
the inverse. Again, the evidence of left and right inverse requires
matching against a suitable pattern to enable simplificition.
×-assoc : ∀ {A B C : Set} → ((A × B) × C) ≃ (A × (B × C))
×-assoc = record
{ to = λ { ((x , y) , z) → (x , (y , z)) }
; fro = λ { (x , (y , z)) → ((x , y) , z) }
; invˡ = λ { ((x , y) , z) → refl }
; invʳ = λ { (x , (y , z)) → refl }
+-assoc : ∀ {A B C : Set} → ((A ⊎ B) ⊎ C) ≃ (A ⊎ (B ⊎ C))
+-assoc = record
{ to = λ { (inj₁ (inj₁ x)) → (inj₁ x)
; (inj₁ (inj₂ y)) → (inj₂ (inj₁ y))
; (inj₂ z) → (inj₂ (inj₂ z))
; fro = λ { (inj₁ x) → (inj₁ (inj₁ x))
; (inj₂ (inj₁ y)) → (inj₁ (inj₂ y))
; (inj₂ (inj₂ z)) → (inj₂ z)
; invˡ = λ { (inj₁ (inj₁ x)) → refl
; (inj₁ (inj₂ y)) → refl
; (inj₂ z) → refl
; invʳ = λ { (inj₁ x) → refl
; (inj₂ (inj₁ y)) → refl
; (inj₂ (inj₂ z)) → refl
Again, being *associative* is not the same as being *associative
up to isomorphism*. For example, the type `(ℕ × Bool) × Tri`
is *not* the same as `ℕ × (Bool × Tri)`. But there is an
isomorphism between the two types. For instance `((1 , true) , aa)`,
which is a member of the former, corresponds to `(1 , (true , aa)`,
up to isomorphism*. For example, the type `(ℕ + Bool) + Tri`
is *not* the same as `ℕ + (Bool + Tri)`. But there is an
isomorphism between the two types. For instance `inj₂ (inj₁ true)`,
which is a member of the former, corresponds to `inj₁ (inj₂ true)`,
which is a member of the latter.
Here we have used lambda-expressions with pattern matching.
For instance, the term
Here we have used lambda-expressions with pattern matching
and multiple cases. For instance, the term
λ { (x , y) → (y , x) }
λ { (inj₁ x) → (inj₂ x)
; (inj₂ y) → (inj₁ y)
corresponds to the function `h`, where `h` is defined by
corresponds to the function `k`, where `k` is defined by
h : ∀ {A B : Set} → A × B → B × A
h (x , y) = (y , x)
k : ∀ {A B : Set} → A ⊎ B → B ⊎ A
k (inj₁ x) = inj₂ x
k (inj₂ y) = inj₁ y
Often using an anonymous lambda expression is more convenient than
using a named function: it avoids a lengthy type declaration; and the
definition appears exactly where the function is used, so there is no
need for the writer to remember to declare it in advance, or the reader
to search for the definition elsewhere in the code.
## Distribution
Distribution of `×` over `⊎` is an isomorphism.
×-distributes-+ : ∀ {A B C : Set} → ((A ⊎ B) × C) ≃ ((A × C) ⊎ (B × C))
×-distributes-+ =
×-distributes-⊎ : ∀ {A B C : Set} → ((A ⊎ B) × C) ≃ ((A × C) ⊎ (B × C))
×-distributes-⊎ =
record {
to = λ { (inj₁ a , c) → (inj₁ (a , c)) ;
(inj₂ b , c) → (inj₂ (b , c)) } ;
fro = λ { (inj₁ (a , c)) → (inj₁ a , c) ;
(inj₂ (b , c)) → (inj₂ b , c) } ;
invˡ = λ { (inj₁ a , c) → refl ;
(inj₂ b , c) → refl } ;
invʳ = λ { (inj₁ (a , c)) → refl ;
(inj₂ (b , c)) → refl }
to = λ { ((inj₁ x) , z) → (inj₁ (x , z)) ;
((inj₂ y) , z) → (inj₂ (y , z)) } ;
fro = λ { (inj₁ (x , z)) → ((inj₁ x) , z) ;
(inj₂ (y , z)) → ((inj₂ y) , z) } ;
invˡ = λ { ((inj₁ x) , z) → refl ;
((inj₂ y) , z) → refl } ;
invʳ = λ { (inj₁ (x , z)) → refl ;
(inj₂ (y , z)) → refl }
Distribution of `⊎` over `×` is half an isomorphism.
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