first complete draft of StlcProp
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1 changed files with 23 additions and 8 deletions
@ -344,10 +344,10 @@ $$Γ ⊢ M ∈ A$$.
weaken Γ~Γ′ (Ax Γx≡justA) rewrite (Γ~Γ′ free-varᵀ) = Ax Γx≡justA
weaken Γ~Γ′ (Ax Γx≡justA) rewrite (Γ~Γ′ free-varᵀ) = Ax Γx≡justA
weaken {Γ} {Γ′} {λᵀ x ∈ A ⇒ N} Γ~Γ′ (⇒-I ⊢N) = ⇒-I (weaken Γx⊆Γ′x ⊢N)
weaken {Γ} {Γ′} {λᵀ x ∈ A ⇒ N} Γ~Γ′ (⇒-I ⊢N) = ⇒-I (weaken Γx~Γ′x ⊢N)
Γx⊆Γ′x : ∀ {y} → y FreeIn N → (Γ , x ↦ A) y ≡ (Γ′ , x ↦ A) y
Γx~Γ′x : ∀ {y} → y FreeIn N → (Γ , x ↦ A) y ≡ (Γ′ , x ↦ A) y
Γx⊆Γ′x {y} y∈N with x ≟ y
Γx~Γ′x {y} y∈N with x ≟ y
... | yes refl = refl
... | yes refl = refl
... | no x≢y = Γ~Γ′ (free-λᵀ x≢y y∈N)
... | no x≢y = Γ~Γ′ (free-λᵀ x≢y y∈N)
weaken Γ~Γ′ (⇒-E ⊢L ⊢M) = ⇒-E (weaken (Γ~Γ′ ∘ free-·ᵀ₁) ⊢L) (weaken (Γ~Γ′ ∘ free-·ᵀ₂) ⊢M)
weaken Γ~Γ′ (⇒-E ⊢L ⊢M) = ⇒-E (weaken (Γ~Γ′ ∘ free-·ᵀ₁) ⊢L) (weaken (Γ~Γ′ ∘ free-·ᵀ₂) ⊢M)
@ -480,23 +480,38 @@ just-injective refl = refl
preservation-[:=] {_} {x} (Ax {_} {x′} Γx′≡B) ⊢V with x ≟ x′
preservation-[:=] {_} {x} (Ax {_} {x′} [Γ,x↦A]x′≡B) ⊢V with x ≟ x′
...| yes x≡x′ rewrite just-injective Γx′≡B = weaken-closed ⊢V
...| yes x≡x′ rewrite just-injective [Γ,x↦A]x′≡B = weaken-closed ⊢V
...| no x≢x′ = Ax Γx′≡B
...| no x≢x′ = Ax [Γ,x↦A]x′≡B
preservation-[:=] {Γ} {x} {A} {varᵀ x′} {B} {V} (Ax {.(Γ , x ↦ A)} {.x′} {.B} Γx′≡B) ⊢V with x ≟ x′
preservation-[:=] {Γ} {x} {A} {varᵀ x′} {B} {V} (Ax {.(Γ , x ↦ A)} {.x′} {.B} Γx′≡B) ⊢V with x ≟ x′
...| yes x≡x′ rewrite just-injective Γx′≡B = weaken-closed ⊢V
...| yes x≡x′ rewrite just-injective Γx′≡B = weaken-closed ⊢V
...| no x≢x′ = Ax {Γ} {x′} {B} Γx′≡B
...| no x≢x′ = Ax {Γ} {x′} {B} Γx′≡B
preservation-[:=] {Γ} {x} {A} {λᵀ x′ ∈ A′ ⇒ N′} {.A′ ⇒ B′} {V} (⇒-I {.(Γ , x ↦ A)} {.x′} {.N′} {.A′} {.B′} ⊢N′) ⊢V with x′ ≟ x
preservation-[:=] {Γ} {x} {A} {λᵀ x′ ∈ A′ ⇒ N′} {.A′ ⇒ B′} {V} (⇒-I {.(Γ , x ↦ A)} {.x′} {.N′} {.A′} {.B′} ⊢N′) ⊢V with x ≟ x′
...| yes x≡x′ rewrite x≡x′ = weaken Γ′~Γ (⇒-I ⊢N′)
Γ′~Γ : ∀ {y} → y FreeIn (λᵀ x′ ∈ A′ ⇒ N′) → (Γ , x′ ↦ A) y ≡ Γ y
Γ′~Γ {y} (free-λᵀ x′≢y y∈N′) with x′ ≟ y
...| yes x′≡y = ⊥-elim (x′≢y x′≡y)
...| no _ = refl
...| no x≢x′ = ⇒-I ⊢N′V
x′x⊢N′ : (Γ , x′ ↦ A′ , x ↦ A) ⊢ N′ ∈ B′
x′x⊢N′ rewrite update-permute Γ x A x′ A′ x≢x′ = {!⊢N′!}
⊢N′V : (Γ , x′ ↦ A′) ⊢ N′ [ x := V ] ∈ B′
⊢N′V = preservation-[:=] x′x⊢N′ ⊢V
...| yes x′≡x rewrite x′≡x | update-shadow Γ x A A′ = {!!}
...| yes x′≡x rewrite x′≡x | update-shadow Γ x A A′ = {!!}
-- ⇒-I ⊢N′
-- ⇒-I ⊢N′
...| no x′≢x rewrite update-permute Γ x′ A′ x A x′≢x = {!!}
...| no x′≢x rewrite update-permute Γ x′ A′ x A x′≢x = {!!}
-- ⇒-I {Γ} {x′} {N′} {A′} {B′} (preservation-[:=] {(Γ , x′ ↦ A′)} {x} {A} ⊢N′ ⊢V)
-- ⇒-I {Γ} {x′} {N′} {A′} {B′} (preservation-[:=] {(Γ , x′ ↦ A′)} {x} {A} ⊢N′ ⊢V)
preservation-[:=] (⇒-E ⊢L ⊢M) ⊢V = ⇒-E (preservation-[:=] ⊢L ⊢V) (preservation-[:=] ⊢M ⊢V)
preservation-[:=] (⇒-E ⊢L ⊢M) ⊢V = ⇒-E (preservation-[:=] ⊢L ⊢V) (preservation-[:=] ⊢M ⊢V)
preservation-[:=] 𝔹-I₁ ⊢V = 𝔹-I₁
preservation-[:=] 𝔹-I₁ ⊢V = 𝔹-I₁
preservation-[:=] 𝔹-I₂ ⊢V = 𝔹-I₂
preservation-[:=] 𝔹-I₂ ⊢V = 𝔹-I₂
preservation-[:=] (𝔹-E ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N) ⊢V = 𝔹-E (preservation-[:=] ⊢L ⊢V) (preservation-[:=] ⊢M ⊢V) (preservation-[:=] ⊢N ⊢V)
preservation-[:=] (𝔹-E ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N) ⊢V =
𝔹-E (preservation-[:=] ⊢L ⊢V) (preservation-[:=] ⊢M ⊢V) (preservation-[:=] ⊢N ⊢V)
[:=]-preserves-⊢ {Γ} {x} v∶A (var y y∈Γ) with x ≟ y
[:=]-preserves-⊢ {Γ} {x} v∶A (var y y∈Γ) with x ≟ y
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