lots of cleanup and some added text
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 231 additions and 264 deletions
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ as the substitution lemma:
In our setting, with de Bruijn indices for variables, the statement of
the lemma becomes:
M [ N ] [ L ] ≡ M〔 L 〕[ N [ L ] ]
where the notation M 〔 L 〕 is for subsituting L for index 1 inside M.
@ -36,19 +37,21 @@ In addition, because we define substitution in terms of parallel substitution,
we have the following generalization, replacing the substitution
of L with an arbitrary parallel substitution σ.
subst σ (M [ N ]) ≡ (subst (exts σ) M) [ subst σ N ]
The special case for renamings is also useful.
rename ρ (M [ N ]) ≡ (rename (ext ρ) M) [ rename ρ N ]
The secondary purpose of this chapter is to define the σ algebra of
parallel substitution due to Abadi, Cardelli, Curien, and Levy
(1991). The equations not only help us prove the substitution lemma,
but they are generally useful. Futhermore, when the equations are
applied from left to right, they form a rewrite system that _decides_
whether any two substitutions are equal.
(1991). The equations of this algebra not only help us prove the
substitution lemma, but they are generally useful. Futhermore, when
the equations are applied from left to right, they form a rewrite
system that _decides_ whether any two substitutions are equal.
We use the following more-succinct notation the `subst` function.
@ -57,6 +60,7 @@ We use the following more-succinct notation the `subst` function.
⧼ σ ⧽ = λ M → subst σ M
## The σ Algebra of Substitution
Substitutions map de Bruijn indices (natural numbers) to terms, so we
@ -150,16 +154,10 @@ The `sub-assoc` equation says that sequencing is associative.
Finally, `sub-dist` says that post-sequencing distributes through cons.
## Useful corollaries of the equations
(subst-subst) ((subst σ₂) ∘ (subst σ₁)) M ≡ subst (subst σ₂ ∘ σ₁) M
## Relating between σ algebra and rename, ext, exts, etc.
(rename-subst) ((subst σ) ∘ (rename ρ)) M ≡ subst (σ ∘ ρ) M
equations about ren, etc?
ren ρ = ids ∘ ρ
rename ρ M ≡ ⧼ ren ρ ⧽ M
@ -171,8 +169,8 @@ equations about ren, etc?
## Proofs of sub-head, sub-tail, sub-η, Z-shift, sub-idL, sub-dist, and sub-app
The proofs of these equations are all immediate from the definitions
of the operators.
We start with the proofs that are immediate from the definitions of
the operators.
sub-head : ∀ {Γ Δ} {A} {M : Δ ⊢ A}{σ : Subst Γ Δ}
@ -197,10 +195,13 @@ sub-η {Γ}{Δ}{A}{B}{σ} = extensionality λ x → lemma
Z-shift : ∀{Γ}{A B}{x : Γ , A ∋ B}
→ ((` Z) • ↑) x ≡ ids x
Z-shift {x = Z} = refl
Z-shift {x = S x} = refl
Z-shift : ∀{Γ}{A B}
→ ((` Z) • ↑) ≡ ids {Γ , A} {B}
Z-shift {Γ}{A}{B} = extensionality lemma
lemma : (x : Γ , A ∋ B) → ((` Z) • ↑) x ≡ ids x
lemma Z = refl
lemma (S y) = refl
@ -208,10 +209,10 @@ sub-idL : ∀{Γ Δ} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {A}
→ ids ⨟ σ ≡ σ {A}
sub-idL = extensionality λ x → refl
{- old version -}
id-seq : ∀{Γ Δ} {B} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {x : Γ ∋ B}
{- todo: remove this and directly use sub-idL -}
sub-idL-x : ∀{Γ Δ} {B} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {x : Γ ∋ B}
→ (ids ⨟ σ) x ≡ σ x
id-seq = refl
sub-idL-x = refl
@ -222,10 +223,6 @@ sub-dist {x = Z} = refl
sub-dist {x = S x} = refl
The equation `sub-app` is immediate from the definition of
sub-app : ∀{Γ Δ} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {L : Γ ⊢ ★}{M : Γ ⊢ ★}
→ ⧼ σ ⧽ (L · M) ≡ (⧼ σ ⧽ L) · (⧼ σ ⧽ M)
@ -235,6 +232,10 @@ sub-app = refl
## Interlude: congruences
In this section we establish congruence rules for the σ algebra
operators, in preparation for using them during equational
cong-cons : ∀{Γ Δ}{A}{M N : Δ ⊢ A}{σ τ : Subst Γ Δ}
→ M ≡ N → (∀{A} → σ {A} ≡ τ {A})
@ -246,7 +247,22 @@ cong-cons{Γ}{Δ}{A}{M}{N}{σ}{τ} refl st {A'} = extensionality lemma
lemma (S x) = cong-app st x
This is an ugly workaround :(
cons-congL : ∀{Γ Δ : Context} {A B} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {M M' : Δ ⊢ A}
{x : Γ , A ∋ B}
→ M ≡ M'
→ (M • σ) x ≡ (M' • σ) x
cons-congL{σ = σ}{x = x} s = cong (λ z → (z • σ) x) s
cons-congR : ∀{Γ Δ : Context} {A B} {σ τ : Subst Γ Δ} {M : Δ ⊢ A}
{x : Γ , A ∋ B}
→ (∀{x : Γ ∋ B} → σ x ≡ τ x)
→ (M • σ) x ≡ (M • τ) x
cons-congR {x = Z} s = refl
cons-congR {x = S x} s = s
The following same-subst business is an ugly workaround :(
I'm having trouble with equalities involving the subst function.
@ -260,19 +276,24 @@ same-subst-ext : ∀{Γ Δ}{σ σ' : Subst Γ Δ}{B}
same-subst-ext ss {x = Z} = refl
same-subst-ext ss {x = S x} = cong (rename (λ {A} → S_)) ss
cong-sub : ∀{Γ Δ}{σ σ' : Subst Γ Δ}{A}{M M' : Γ ⊢ A}
→ same-subst σ σ' → M ≡ M'
→ subst σ M ≡ subst σ' M'
cong-sub {Γ} {Δ} {σ} {σ'} {A} {` x} ss refl = ss
cong-sub {Γ} {Δ} {σ} {σ'} {A} {ƛ M} ss refl =
let ih = cong-sub {Γ = Γ , ★} {Δ = Δ , ★}
{σ = exts σ}{σ' = exts σ'} {M = M}
(λ {x}{A} → same-subst-ext {Γ}{Δ}{σ}{σ'} ss {x}{A}) refl in
cong ƛ_ ih
cong-sub {Γ} {Δ} {σ} {σ'} {A} {L · M} ss refl =
let ih1 = cong-sub {Γ} {Δ} {σ} {σ'} {A} {L} ss refl in
let ih2 = cong-sub {Γ} {Δ} {σ} {σ'} {A} {M} ss refl in
cong₂ _·_ ih1 ih2
subst-equal : ∀{Γ Δ}{σ σ' : Subst Γ Δ}{A}{M : Γ ⊢ A}
→ same-subst σ σ'
→ subst σ M ≡ subst σ' M
subst-equal {Γ} {Δ} {σ} {σ'} {A} {` x} ss = ss
subst-equal {Γ} {Δ} {σ} {σ'} {A} {ƛ M} ss =
let ih = subst-equal {Γ = Γ , ★} {Δ = Δ , ★}
{σ = exts σ}{σ' = exts σ'} {M = M}
(λ {x}{A} → same-subst-ext {Γ}{Δ}{σ}{σ'} ss {x}{A}) in
cong ƛ_ ih
subst-equal {Γ} {Δ} {σ} {σ'} {A} {L · M} ss =
let ih1 = subst-equal {Γ} {Δ} {σ} {σ'} {A} {L} ss in
let ih2 = subst-equal {Γ} {Δ} {σ} {σ'} {A} {M} ss in
cong₂ _·_ ih1 ih2
subst-equal{M = M} ss = cong-sub{M = M} ss refl
subst-equal2 : ∀{Γ Δ}{σ σ' : Subst Γ Δ}{A}{M : Γ ⊢ A}
→ (∀{A} → σ {A} ≡ σ' {A})
@ -323,10 +344,40 @@ cong-seq {Γ}{Δ}{Σ}{σ}{σ'}{τ}{τ'} ss' tt' {A} = extensionality lemma
cong-seqL : ∀{Γ Δ Σ : Context} {B} {σ σ' : Subst Γ Δ} {τ : Subst Δ Σ}
{x : Γ ∋ B}
→ (∀{x : Γ ∋ B} → σ x ≡ σ' x)
→ (σ ⨟ τ) x ≡ (σ' ⨟ τ) x
cong-seqL {τ = τ}{x = x} s = cong (subst τ) s
cong-seqR : ∀{Γ Δ Σ : Context} {B} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {τ τ' : Subst Δ Σ}
{x : Γ ∋ B}
→ (∀{A}{x : Δ ∋ A} → τ x ≡ τ' x)
→ (σ ⨟ τ) x ≡ (σ ⨟ τ') x
cong-seqR {Γ}{Δ}{Σ}{B}{σ}{τ}{τ'}{x} tt' =
cong-app (cong-seq {σ = σ}
(λ {A} → refl)
(λ{A} → extensionality λ x → tt'{A}{x}))
cong-subst-zero : ∀{Γ}{A B : Type}{M M' : Γ ⊢ B}{x : Γ , B ∋ A}
→ M ≡ M'
→ subst-zero M x ≡ subst-zero M' x
cong-subst-zero {x = x} mm' = cong (λ z → subst-zero z x) mm'
## Relating `rename`, `exts`, and `ext` to the σ algebra
## Relating `rename`, `exts`, `ext`, and `subst-zero` to the σ algebra
In this section we relate the functions involved with defining
substution (`rename`, `exts`, `ext`, and `subst-zero`) with terms in
the σ algebra.
To relate renamings to the σ algebra, we define the following function
`ren` that turns a renaming `ρ` into a substitution by post-composing
@ -384,7 +435,7 @@ ren-shift {x = Z} = refl
ren-shift {x = S x} = refl
The substitution `rename S_` is equivalent to `⧼ ↑ ⧽`.
The substitution `rename S_` is equivalent to shifting: `⧼ ↑ ⧽`.
rename-shift : ∀{Γ} {A} {B} {M : Γ ⊢ A}
@ -408,14 +459,14 @@ So `exts` is equivalent to cons'ing Z onto the sequence formed
by applying `σ` and then shifting.
exts-cons-shift : ∀{Γ Δ} {A B} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {x : Γ , B ∋ A}
exts-cons-shift-x : ∀{Γ Δ} {A B} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {x : Γ , B ∋ A}
→ exts σ x ≡ (` Z • (σ ⨟ ↑)) x
exts-cons-shift {x = Z} = refl
exts-cons-shift {x = S x} = rename-subst-ren
exts-cons-shift-x {x = Z} = refl
exts-cons-shift-x {x = S x} = rename-subst-ren
exts-cons-shift2 : ∀{Γ Δ} {A B} {σ : Subst Γ Δ}
exts-cons-shift : ∀{Γ Δ} {A B} {σ : Subst Γ Δ}
→ exts σ {A} {B} ≡ (` Z • (σ ⨟ ↑))
exts-cons-shift2 = extensionality λ x → exts-cons-shift{x = x}
exts-cons-shift = extensionality λ x → exts-cons-shift-x{x = x}
As a corollary, we have a similar correspondence for `ren (ext ρ)`.
@ -428,33 +479,44 @@ ext-cons-Z-shift {Γ}{Δ}{ρ}{A}{B}{x} =
ren (ext ρ) x
≡⟨ ren-ext ⟩
exts (ren ρ) x
≡⟨ exts-cons-shift{σ = ren ρ}{x = x} ⟩
≡⟨ exts-cons-shift-x{σ = ren ρ}{x = x} ⟩
((` Z) • (ren ρ ⨟ ↑)) x
Finally, the `subst-zero M` substitution is equivalent to cons'ing `M`
onto the identity substitution.
{- obsolete: because ext-cons-Z-shift -}
ren-ext-cons-shift : ∀ {Γ Δ}{B C : Type} {ρ : Rename Γ Δ} {x : Γ , B ∋ C}
→ ren (ext ρ) x ≡ ((` Z) • ((ren ρ) ⨟ (ren S_))) x
ren-ext-cons-shift{Γ}{Δ}{B}{C}{ρ}{x} =
subst-Z-cons-ids : ∀{Γ}{A B : Type}{M : Γ ⊢ B}{x : Γ , B ∋ A}
→ subst-zero M x ≡ (M • ids) x
subst-Z-cons-ids {x = Z} = refl
subst-Z-cons-ids {x = S x} = refl
## Proofs of sub-abs and sub-id
The equation `sub-abs` follows immediately from the equation
sub-abs : ∀{Γ Δ} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {N : Γ , ★ ⊢ ★}
→ ⧼ σ ⧽ (ƛ N) ≡ ƛ ⧼ (` Z) • (σ ⨟ ↑) ⧽ N
sub-abs {σ = σ}{N = N} =
ren (ext ρ) x
≡⟨ ren-ext ⟩
exts (ren ρ) x
≡⟨ exts-cons-shift{x = x} ⟩
((` Z) • ((ren ρ) ⨟ (ren S_))) x
⧼ σ ⧽ (ƛ N)
ƛ ⧼ exts σ ⧽ N
≡⟨ cong ƛ_ (subst-equal2{M = N} exts-cons-shift) ⟩
ƛ ⧼ (` Z) • (σ ⨟ ↑) ⧽ N
## Proofs of sub-id, sub-app, sub-abs
To prove `⧼ ids ⧽ M ≡ M`, we need the following lemma which says that
The proof of `sub-id` requires the following lemma which says that
extending the identity substitution produces the identity
exts-ids : ∀{Γ}{A B}
→ exts ids ≡ ids {Γ , B} {A}
@ -465,7 +527,7 @@ exts-ids {Γ}{A}{B} = extensionality lemma
The proof of `⧼ ids ⧽ M ≡ M` now follows easily by induction on `M`,
using the above lemma in the case for `M ≡ ƛ N`.
using `exts-ids` in the case for `M ≡ ƛ N`.
sub-id : ∀{Γ} {A} {M : Γ ⊢ A}
@ -485,24 +547,9 @@ sub-id {M = L · M} = cong₂ _·_ sub-id sub-id
The equation `sub-abs` follows from the equation `exts-cons-shift2`.
sub-abs : ∀{Γ Δ} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {N : Γ , ★ ⊢ ★}
→ ⧼ σ ⧽ (ƛ N) ≡ ƛ ⧼ (` Z) • (σ ⨟ ↑) ⧽ N
sub-abs {σ = σ}{N = N} =
⧼ σ ⧽ (ƛ N)
ƛ ⧼ exts σ ⧽ N
≡⟨ cong ƛ_ (subst-equal2{M = N} exts-cons-shift2) ⟩
ƛ ⧼ (` Z) • (σ ⨟ ↑) ⧽ N
## Proof of sub-idR
The proof of `sub-idR` follows directly from `sub-id`.
sub-idR : ∀{Γ Δ} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {A}
@ -516,10 +563,10 @@ sub-idR {Γ}{σ = σ}{A} =
{- obsolete -}
seq-id : ∀{Γ Δ} {B} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {x : Γ ∋ B}
{- todo: remove this and use sub-idR dirctly. -}
sub-idR-x : ∀{Γ Δ} {B} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {x : Γ ∋ B}
→ (σ ⨟ ids) x ≡ σ x
seq-id {Γ}{σ = σ}{x = x} = cong-app (sub-idR{σ = σ}) x
sub-idR-x {Γ}{σ = σ}{x = x} = cong-app (sub-idR{σ = σ}) x
@ -530,8 +577,8 @@ are equivalent to first applying `σ` then applying `τ`.
⧼ τ ⧽ ⧼ σ ⧽ M ≡ ⧼ σ ⨟ τ ⧽ M
The proof of this equation requires several lemmas. First, we need to
prove the specialization for renaming.
The proof requires several lemmas. First, we need to prove the
specialization for renaming.
rename ρ (rename ρ' M) ≡ rename (ρ ∘ ρ') M
@ -544,8 +591,9 @@ compose-ext {x = Z} = refl
compose-ext {x = S x} = refl
We proceed by induction on the term `M`, using the `compose-ext`
lemma in the case for `M ≡ ƛ N`.
To prove that composing renamings is equivalent to appying one after
the other using `rename`, we proceed by induction on the term `M`,
using the `compose-ext` lemma in the case for `M ≡ ƛ N`.
compose-rename : ∀{Γ Δ Σ}{A}{M : Γ ⊢ A}{ρ : Rename Δ Σ}{ρ' : Rename Γ Δ}
@ -566,7 +614,8 @@ compose-rename {M = L · M} = cong₂ _·_ compose-rename compose-rename
The next lemma states that if a renaming and subtitution commute on
variables, then they also commute on terms.
variables, then they also commute on terms. We explain the proof in
detail below.
commute-subst-rename : ∀{Γ Δ}{M : Γ ⊢ ★}{σ : Subst Γ Δ}
@ -634,7 +683,8 @@ The proof is by induction on the term `M`.
The last lemma needed to prove `sub-sub` states that the `exts`
function distributes with sequencing.
function distributes with sequencing. It is a corollary of
`commute-subst-rename`. We describe the proof below.
subst-exts : ∀{Γ Δ Δ'}{A}{x : Γ , ★ ∋ A} {σ₁ : Subst Γ Δ}{σ₂ : Subst Δ Δ'}
@ -662,7 +712,7 @@ The proof proceed by cases on `x`.
definition of sequencing.
Now we come to the proof of `sub-sub`.
Now we come to the proof of `sub-sub`, which we explain below.
sub-sub : ∀{Γ Δ Σ}{A}{M : Γ ⊢ A} {σ₁ : Subst Γ Δ}{σ₂ : Subst Δ Σ}
@ -697,112 +747,109 @@ We proceed by induction on the term `M`.
for both subterms.
## More stuff
rename-subst used by ℍ-ext in CallByName.
The following corollary of `sub-sub` specializes the first
substitution to a renaming.
rename-subst : ∀{Γ Δ Δ'}{M : Γ ⊢ ★}{ρ : Rename Γ Δ}{σ : Subst Δ Δ'}
→ ((subst σ) ∘ (rename ρ)) M ≡ subst (σ ∘ ρ) M
rename-subst {M = ` x} = refl
rename-subst {Γ}{Δ}{Δ'}{M = ƛ M}{ρ}{σ} =
let ih : subst (exts σ) (rename (ext ρ) M)
≡ subst ((exts σ) ∘ ext ρ) M
ih = rename-subst {M = M}{ρ = ext ρ}{σ = exts σ} in
cong ƛ_ g
ss : same-subst ((exts σ) ∘ (ext ρ)) (exts (σ ∘ ρ))
ss {A} {Z} = refl
ss {A} {S x} = refl
h : subst ((exts σ) ∘ (ext ρ)) M ≡ subst (exts (σ ∘ ρ)) M
h = subst-equal{Γ , ★}{Δ = Δ' , ★}{σ = ((exts σ) ∘ (ext ρ))}
{σ' = (exts (σ ∘ ρ))}{M = M} (λ {A} {x} → ss{A}{x})
g : subst (exts σ) (rename (ext ρ) M)
≡ subst (exts (σ ∘ ρ)) M
g =
subst (exts σ) (rename (ext ρ) M)
≡⟨ rename-subst {M = M}{ρ = ext ρ}{σ = exts σ} ⟩
subst ((exts σ) ∘ ext ρ) M
≡⟨ h ⟩
subst (exts (σ ∘ ρ)) M
rename-subst {M = L · M} =
cong₂ _·_ (rename-subst{M = L}) (rename-subst{M = M})
rename-subst {Γ}{Δ}{Δ'}{M}{ρ}{σ} =
⧼ σ ⧽ (rename ρ M)
≡⟨ cong ⧼ σ ⧽ (rename-subst-ren{M = M}) ⟩
⧼ σ ⧽ (⧼ ren ρ ⧽ M)
≡⟨ sub-sub{M = M} ⟩
⧼ ren ρ ⨟ σ ⧽ M
⧼ σ ∘ ρ ⧽ M
## Proof of seq-assoc
The proof of `seq-assoc` follows directly from `sub-sub` and the
definition of sequencing.
seq-assoc : ∀{Γ Δ Σ Ψ : Context}{B} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {τ : Subst Δ Σ}
{θ : Subst Σ Ψ} {x : Γ ∋ B}
→ ((σ ⨟ τ) ⨟ θ) x ≡ (σ ⨟ (τ ⨟ θ)) x
→ ((σ ⨟ τ) ⨟ θ) x ≡ (σ ⨟ τ ⨟ θ) x
seq-assoc{Γ}{Δ}{Σ}{Ψ}{B}{σ}{τ}{θ}{x} =
((σ ⨟ τ) ⨟ θ) x
subst θ (subst τ (σ x))
≡⟨ sub-sub{M = σ x} ⟩
(subst ((subst θ) ∘ τ)) (σ x)
(σ ⨟ (τ ⨟ θ)) x
((σ ⨟ τ) ⨟ θ) x
⧼ θ ⧽ (⧼ τ ⧽ (σ x))
≡⟨ sub-sub{M = σ x} ⟩
⧼ τ ⨟ θ ⧽ (σ x)
(σ ⨟ τ ⨟ θ) x
{- Z-shift -}
cons-zero-S : ∀{Γ}{A B}{x : Γ , A ∋ B} → ((` Z) • (ren S_)) x ≡ ids x
cons-zero-S {x = Z} = refl
cons-zero-S {x = S x} = refl
## Proof of the substitution lemma
We first prove the generalized form of the substitution lemma, showing
that a substitution `σ` commutes with the subusitution of `M` into
⧼ exts σ ⧽ N [ ⧼ σ ⧽ M ] ≡ ⧼ σ ⧽ (N [ M ])
This proof is where the σ algebra pays off. The proof is by direct
equational reasoning. Starting with the left-hand side, we apply σ
algebra equations, oriented left-to-right, until we arive at the
normal form
⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • σ ⧽ N
We then do the same with the right-hand side, arriving at the same
normal form.
seq-congL : ∀{Γ Δ Σ : Context} {B} {σ σ' : Subst Γ Δ} {τ : Subst Δ Σ}
{x : Γ ∋ B}
→ (∀{x : Γ ∋ B} → σ x ≡ σ' x)
→ (σ ⨟ τ) x ≡ (σ' ⨟ τ) x
seq-congL {τ = τ}{x = x} s = cong (subst τ) s
seq-congR : ∀{Γ Δ Σ : Context} {B} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {τ τ' : Subst Δ Σ}
{x : Γ ∋ B}
→ (∀{A}{x : Δ ∋ A} → τ x ≡ τ' x)
→ (σ ⨟ τ) x ≡ (σ ⨟ τ') x
seq-congR {Γ}{Δ}{Σ}{B}{σ}{τ}{τ'}{x} s =
subst-commute : ∀{Γ Δ}{N : Γ , ★ ⊢ ★}{M : Γ ⊢ ★}{σ : Subst Γ Δ }
→ ⧼ exts σ ⧽ N [ ⧼ σ ⧽ M ] ≡ ⧼ σ ⧽ (N [ M ])
subst-commute {Γ}{Δ}{N}{M}{σ} =
(σ ⨟ τ) x
⧼ exts σ ⧽ N [ ⧼ σ ⧽ M ]
subst τ (σ x)
≡⟨ subst-equal{M = σ x} s ⟩
subst τ' (σ x)
⧼ subst-zero (⧼ σ ⧽ M) ⧽ (⧼ exts σ ⧽ N)
≡⟨ subst-equal{M = ⧼ exts σ ⧽ N}
(λ {A}{x} → subst-Z-cons-ids{A = A}{x = x}) ⟩
⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • ids ⧽ (⧼ exts σ ⧽ N)
≡⟨ sub-sub{M = N} ⟩
⧼ (exts σ) ⨟ ((⧼ σ ⧽ M) • ids) ⧽ N
≡⟨ subst-equal{M = N}
(λ {A}{x} → cong-seqL{σ = exts σ}{σ' = ((` Z) • (σ ⨟ ↑))}
{x = x} (λ {x} → exts-cons-shift-x{x = x}) ) ⟩
⧼ (` Z • (σ ⨟ ↑)) ⨟ (⧼ σ ⧽ M • ids) ⧽ N
≡⟨ subst-equal{M = N} (λ {A}{x} → sub-dist{M = ` Z}{x = x}) ⟩
⧼ ⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • ids ⧽ (` Z) • ((σ ⨟ ↑) ⨟ (⧼ σ ⧽ M • ids)) ⧽ N
(σ ⨟ τ') x
⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • ((σ ⨟ ↑) ⨟ (⧼ σ ⧽ M • ids)) ⧽ N
≡⟨ subst-equal{M = N} (λ {A} {x} → cons-congR {x = x}
λ {x} → seq-assoc{σ = σ}) ⟩
⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • (σ ⨟ ↑ ⨟ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • ids) ⧽ N
≡⟨ (subst-equal{M = N} λ {A} {x} → cons-congR {x = x}
λ {x} → cong-seqR {σ = σ} λ {A}{x} → refl) ⟩
⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • (σ ⨟ ids) ⧽ N
≡⟨ (subst-equal{M = N} λ {A} {x} → cons-congR{x = x} (sub-idR-x{σ = σ})) ⟩
⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • σ ⧽ N
≡⟨ subst-equal{M = N} (λ {A}{x} → cons-congR{x = x} (sub-idL-x{σ = σ})) ⟩
⧼ ⧼ σ ⧽ M • (ids ⨟ σ) ⧽ N
≡⟨ (subst-equal{M = N} λ {A}{x} → sym (sub-dist{x = x})) ⟩
⧼ M • ids ⨟ σ ⧽ N
≡⟨ sym (sub-sub{M = N}) ⟩
⧼ σ ⧽ (⧼ M • ids ⧽ N)
≡⟨ cong ⧼ σ ⧽ (sym (subst-equal{M = N}λ{A}{x} → subst-Z-cons-ids{x = x})) ⟩
⧼ σ ⧽ (N [ M ])
cons-congL : ∀{Γ Δ : Context} {A B} {σ : Subst Γ Δ} {M M' : Δ ⊢ A}
{x : Γ , A ∋ B}
→ M ≡ M'
→ (M • σ) x ≡ (M' • σ) x
cons-congL{σ = σ}{x = x} s = cong (λ z → (z • σ) x) s
cons-congR : ∀{Γ Δ : Context} {A B} {σ τ : Subst Γ Δ} {M : Δ ⊢ A}
{x : Γ , A ∋ B}
→ (∀{x : Γ ∋ B} → σ x ≡ τ x)
→ (M • σ) x ≡ (M • τ) x
cons-congR {x = Z} s = refl
cons-congR {x = S x} s = s
subst-zero-cons-ids : ∀{Γ}{A B : Type}{M : Γ ⊢ B}{x : Γ , B ∋ A}
→ subst-zero M x ≡ (M • ids) x
subst-zero-cons-ids {x = Z} = refl
subst-zero-cons-ids {x = S x} = refl
rename-subst-commute is used in Confluence
A corollary of `subst-commute` is that `rename` also commutes with
substitution. In the proof below, we first exchange `rename ρ` for
the substitution `⧼ ren ρ ⧽`, and apply `subst-commute`, and
then convert back to `rename ρ`.
rename-subst-commute : ∀{Γ Δ}{N : Γ , ★ ⊢ ★}{M : Γ ⊢ ★}{ρ : Rename Γ Δ }
@ -810,101 +857,20 @@ rename-subst-commute : ∀{Γ Δ}{N : Γ , ★ ⊢ ★}{M : Γ ⊢ ★}{ρ : Ren
rename-subst-commute {Γ}{Δ}{N}{M}{ρ} =
(rename (ext ρ) N) [ rename ρ M ]
subst (subst-zero (rename ρ M)) (rename (ext ρ) N)
≡⟨ subst-equal{M = rename (ext ρ) N}
(λ {A}{x} → subst-zero-cons-ids{x = x}) ⟩
subst ((rename ρ M) • ids) (rename (ext ρ) N)
≡⟨ (subst-equal{M = rename (ext ρ) N}
λ{A}{x} → cons-congL {σ = ids}{x = x} rename-subst-ren) ⟩
subst ((subst (ren ρ) M) • ids) (rename (ext ρ) N)
≡⟨ cong (subst ((subst (ren ρ) M) • ids))
(rename-subst-ren{ρ = ext ρ}{M = N}) ⟩
subst ((subst (ren ρ) M) • ids) (subst (ren (ext ρ)) N)
≡⟨ sub-sub {M = N} ⟩
subst ((ren (ext ρ)) ⨟ ((subst (ren ρ) M) • ids)) N
≡⟨ (subst-equal{M = N}
λ{A}{x} → seq-congL{σ = ren (ext ρ)}
{σ' = ((` Z) • ((ren ρ) ⨟ (ren S_)))}{x = x}
λ{x} → ren-ext-cons-shift{ρ = ρ}{x = x} ) ⟩
subst (((` Z) • ((ren ρ) ⨟ (ren S_))) ⨟
((subst (ren ρ) M) • ids)) N
≡⟨ (subst-equal{M = N} λ{A}{x} → sub-dist{x = x} ) ⟩
subst ( (subst ((subst (ren ρ) M) • ids) (` Z)) •
( ((ren ρ) ⨟ (ren S_)) ⨟ ((subst (ren ρ) M) • ids))) N
≡⟨ subst-equal{M = N} (λ{A}{x} → cons-congL{x = x}
(sub-head{σ = ids})) ⟩
subst ((subst (ren ρ) M) •
(((ren ρ) ⨟ (ren S_)) ⨟ ((subst (ren ρ) M) • ids))) N
≡⟨ subst-equal{M = N} (λ{A}{x} → cons-congR{x = x}
(λ{x} → seq-assoc {σ = ren ρ} {τ = ren S_}
{θ = ((subst (ren ρ) M) • ids)} {x = x})) ⟩
subst ((subst (ren ρ) M) •
((ren ρ) ⨟ ((ren S_) ⨟ ((subst (ren ρ) M) • ids)))) N
≡⟨ (subst-equal{M = N}λ{A}{x} → cons-congR{x = x}
λ{x} → seq-congR {σ = ren ρ}
{τ = ( (ren S_) ⨟ ((subst (ren ρ) M) • ids))}
{τ' = ids} {x = x}
λ{A}{x} → refl ) ⟩
subst ((subst (ren ρ) M) • ( (ren ρ) ⨟ ids)) N
≡⟨ (subst-equal{M = N}λ{A}{x} → sym (sub-dist{x = x}) ) ⟩
subst ((M • ids) ⨟ (ren ρ)) N
≡⟨ sym (sub-sub {M = N}) ⟩
subst (ren ρ) (subst (M • ids) N)
≡⟨ cong-sub (λ{A}{x} → cong-subst-zero (rename-subst-ren{M = M}))
(rename-subst-ren{M = N}) ⟩
(⧼ ren (ext ρ) ⧽ N) [ ⧼ ren ρ ⧽ M ]
≡⟨ cong-sub ((λ {A}{x} → refl)) (subst-equal{M = N} ren-ext) ⟩
(⧼ exts (ren ρ) ⧽ N) [ ⧼ ren ρ ⧽ M ]
≡⟨ subst-commute{N = N} ⟩
subst (ren ρ) (N [ M ])
≡⟨ sym (rename-subst-ren) ⟩
rename ρ (subst (M • ids) N)
≡⟨ cong (rename ρ) (subst-equal{M = N}
(λ {A}{x} → sym (subst-zero-cons-ids{x = x}))) ⟩
rename ρ (subst (subst-zero M) N)
rename ρ (N [ M ])
subst-commute : ∀{Γ Δ}{N : Γ , ★ ⊢ ★}{M : Γ ⊢ ★}{σ : Subst Γ Δ }
→ (subst (exts σ) N) [ subst σ M ] ≡ subst σ (N [ M ])
subst-commute {Γ}{Δ}{N}{M}{σ} =
(subst (exts σ) N) [ subst σ M ]
subst (subst-zero (subst σ M)) (subst (exts σ) N)
≡⟨ subst-equal{M = subst (exts σ) N}
(λ {A}{x} → subst-zero-cons-ids{A = A}{x = x}) ⟩
subst ((subst σ M) • ids) (subst (exts σ) N)
≡⟨ sub-sub{M = N} ⟩
subst ((exts σ) ⨟ ((subst σ M) • ids)) N
≡⟨ subst-equal{M = N}
(λ {A}{x} → seq-congL{σ = exts σ}{σ' = ((` Z) • (σ ⨟ (ren S_)))}
{x = x} (λ {x} → exts-cons-shift{x = x}) ) ⟩
subst (((` Z) • (σ ⨟ (ren S_))) ⨟ ((subst σ M) • ids)) N
≡⟨ subst-equal{M = N} (λ {A}{x} → sub-dist{M = ` Z}{x = x}) ⟩
subst ((subst ((subst σ M) • ids) (` Z)) •
((σ ⨟ (ren S_)) ⨟ ((subst σ M) • ids))) N
subst ((subst σ M) •
((σ ⨟ (ren S_)) ⨟ ((subst σ M) • ids))) N
≡⟨ subst-equal{M = N} (λ {A} {x} → cons-congR {x = x}
λ {x} → seq-assoc{σ = σ}) ⟩
subst ((subst σ M) •
(σ ⨟ ((ren S_) ⨟ ((subst σ M) • ids)))) N
≡⟨ (subst-equal{M = N} λ {A} {x} → cons-congR {x = x}
λ {x} → seq-congR {σ = σ}
λ {A}{x} → refl) ⟩
subst ((subst σ M) • (σ ⨟ ids)) N
≡⟨ (subst-equal{M = N} λ {A} {x} → cons-congR{x = x} (seq-id{σ = σ})) ⟩
subst ((subst σ M) • σ) N
≡⟨ subst-equal{M = N} (λ {A}{x} → cons-congR{x = x} (id-seq{σ = σ})) ⟩
subst ((subst σ M) • (ids ⨟ σ)) N
≡⟨ (subst-equal{M = N} λ {A}{x} → sym (sub-dist{x = x})) ⟩
subst ((M • ids) ⨟ σ) N
≡⟨ sym (sub-sub{M = N}) ⟩
subst σ (subst (M • ids) N)
≡⟨ cong (subst σ) (sym (subst-equal{M = N}
λ {A}{x} → subst-zero-cons-ids{x = x})) ⟩
subst σ (N [ M ])
To present the substitution lemma, we introduce the following notation
for substituting a term `M` for index 1 within term `N`.
_〔_〕 : ∀ {Γ A B C}
@ -916,6 +882,9 @@ _〔_〕 {Γ} {A} {B} {C} N M =
subst {Γ , B , C} {Γ , C} (exts (subst-zero M)) {A} N
The substitution lemma is stated as follows and proved as a corollary
of the `subst-commute` lemma.
substitution : ∀{Γ}{M : Γ , ★ , ★ ⊢ ★}{N : Γ , ★ ⊢ ★}{L : Γ ⊢ ★}
→ (M [ N ]) [ L ] ≡ (M 〔 L 〕) [ (N [ L ]) ]
@ -924,13 +893,11 @@ substitution{M = M}{N = N}{L = L} =
## Notes
Most of the properties and proofs in this file are based on the paper
_Autosubst: Reasoning with de Bruijn Terms and Parallel Substitution_
by Schafer, Tebbi, and Smolka (ITP 2015).
by Schafer, Tebbi, and Smolka (ITP 2015). That paper, in turn, is
based on the paper of Abadi, Cardelli, Curien, and Levy (1991) that
defines the σ algebra.
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