changed the denot-church exercise
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 44 additions and 19 deletions
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; Σ; Σ-syntax; ∃; ∃-syntax; proj₁; proj₂)
renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
using (_≡_; _≢_; refl; sym; cong; cong₂; cong-app)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
@ -511,27 +512,53 @@ for your choice of `v`.
#### Exercise `denot-church` (recommended)
Church numerals are more general than natural numbers in that they
represent paths in a graph. The following `Path` predicate specifies
when a value of the form `f ↦ a ↦ b` represents a path from the
starting point `a` to the end point `b` in the graph of the function `f`.
represent paths. A path consists of `n` edges and `n + 1` vertices.
We store the vertices in a vector of length `n + 1` in reverse
order. The edges in the path map the ith vertex to the `i + 1` vertex.
The following function `Dˢᵘᶜ` (for denotation of successor) constructs
a table whose entries are all the edges in the path.
data Path : (n : ℕ) → Value → Set where
singleton : ∀{f a} → Path 0 (f ↦ a ↦ a)
edge : ∀{n f a b c}
→ Path n (f ↦ a ↦ b)
→ b ↦ c ⊑ f
→ Path (suc n) (f ↦ a ↦ c)
Dˢᵘᶜ : (n : ℕ) → Vec Value (suc n) → Value
Dˢᵘᶜ zero (a[0] ∷ []) = ⊥
Dˢᵘᶜ (suc i) (a[i+1] ∷ a[i] ∷ ls) = a[i] ↦ a[i+1] ⊔ Dˢᵘᶜ i (a[i] ∷ ls)
* A singleton path is of the form `f ↦ a ↦ a`.
We use the following auxilliary function to obtain the last element of
a non-empty vector. (This formulation is more convenient for our
purposes than the one in the Agda standard library.)
* If there is a path from `a` to `b` and
an edge from `b` to `c` in the graph of `f`,
then there is a path from `a` to `c`.
vec-last : ∀{n : ℕ} → Vec Value (suc n) → Value
vec-last {0} (a ∷ []) = a
vec-last {suc n} (a ∷ b ∷ ls) = vec-last (b ∷ ls)
This exercise is to prove that if `f ↦ a ↦ b` is a path of length `n`,
then `f ↦ a ↦ b` is a meaning of the Church numeral `n`.
The function `Dᶜ` computes the denotation of the nth Church numeral
for a given path.
Dᶜ : (n : ℕ) → Vec Value (suc n) → Value
Dᶜ zero (a[0] ∷ []) = ⊥ ↦ a[0] ↦ a[0]
Dᶜ (suc n) (a[n+1] ∷ a[n] ∷ ls) =
(Dˢᵘᶜ (suc n) (a[n+1] ∷ a[n] ∷ ls)) ↦ (vec-last (a[n] ∷ ls)) ↦ a[n+1]
* The Church numeral for 0 ignores its first argument and returns
its second argument, so for the singleton path consisting of
just `a[0]`, its denotation is
⊥ ↦ a[0] ↦ a[0]
* The Church numeral for `suc n` takes two arguments:
a successor function whose denotation is given by `Dˢᵘᶜ`,
and the start of the path (last of the vector).
It returns the `n + 1` vertex in the path.
(Dˢᵘᶜ (suc n) (a[n+1] ∷ a[n] ∷ ls)) ↦ (vec-last (a[n] ∷ ls)) ↦ a[n+1]
The exercise is to prove that for any path `ls`, the meaning of the
Church numeral `n` is `Dᶜ n ls`.
To fascilitate talking about arbitrary Church numerals, the following
`church` function builds the term for the nth Church numeral,
@ -548,10 +575,8 @@ church n = ƛ ƛ apply-n n
Prove the following theorem.
denot-church : ∀{n v}
→ Path n v
→ `∅ ⊢ church n ↓ v
denot-church : ∀{n : ℕ}{ls : Vec Value (suc n)}
→ `∅ ⊢ church n ↓ Dᶜ n ls
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