2 changed files with 148 additions and 22 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
module Issue488 where
open import Data.Product using (∃-syntax; -,_; _×_; _,_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans)
module CounterExample where
data Term : Set where
A B C D : Term
data _—→_ : (M N : Term) → Set where
B—→C : B —→ C
C—→B : C —→ B
B—→A : B —→ A
C—→D : C —→ D
infix 2 _—↠_
infix 1 begin_
infixr 2 _—→⟨_⟩_
infix 3 _∎
data _—↠_ : Term → Term → Set where
_∎ : ∀ M
→ M —↠ M
_—→⟨_⟩_ : ∀ L {M N}
→ L —→ M
→ M —↠ N
→ L —↠ N
begin_ : ∀ {M N}
→ M —↠ N
→ M —↠ N
begin M—↠N = M—↠N
diamond : ∀ {L M N}
→ ((L —→ M) × (L —→ N))
→ ∃[ P ] ((M —↠ P) × (N —↠ P))
diamond (B—→A , B—→A) = -, ((A ∎) , (A ∎))
diamond (C—→B , C—→B) = -, ((B ∎) , (B ∎))
diamond (B—→C , B—→C) = -, ((C ∎) , (C ∎))
diamond (C—→D , C—→D) = -, ((D ∎) , (D ∎))
diamond (B—→C , B—→A) = -, ((begin C —→⟨ C—→B ⟩ B —→⟨ B—→A ⟩ A ∎) , (A ∎))
diamond (C—→B , C—→D) = -, ((begin B —→⟨ B—→C ⟩ C —→⟨ C—→D ⟩ D ∎) , (D ∎))
diamond (B—→A , B—→C) = -, ((A ∎) , (begin C —→⟨ C—→B ⟩ B —→⟨ B—→A ⟩ A ∎))
diamond (C—→D , C—→B) = -, ((D ∎) , (begin B —→⟨ B—→C ⟩ C —→⟨ C—→D ⟩ D ∎))
A—↠A : ∀ {P} → A —↠ P → P ≡ A
A—↠A (.A ∎) = refl
D—↠D : ∀ {P} → D —↠ P → P ≡ D
D—↠D (.D ∎) = refl
¬confluence : ¬ (∀ {L M N}
→ ((L —↠ M) × (L —↠ N))
→ ∃[ P ] ((M —↠ P) × (N —↠ P)))
¬confluence confluence
with confluence ( (begin B —→⟨ B—→A ⟩ A ∎)
, (begin B —→⟨ B—→C ⟩ C —→⟨ C—→D ⟩ D ∎) )
... | (P , (A—↠P , D—↠P))
with trans (sym (A—↠A A—↠P)) (D—↠D D—↠P)
... | ()
module DeterministicImpliesDiamondPropertyAndConfluence where
infix 2 _—↠_
infix 1 begin_
infixr 2 _—→⟨_⟩_
infix 3 _∎
Term : Set
_—→_ : Term → Term → Set
deterministic : ∀ {L M N}
→ L —→ M
→ L —→ N
→ M ≡ N
data _—↠_ : Term → Term → Set where
_∎ : ∀ M
→ M —↠ M
_—→⟨_⟩_ : ∀ L {M N}
→ L —→ M
→ M —↠ N
→ L —↠ N
begin_ : ∀ {M N}
→ M —↠ N
→ M —↠ N
begin M—↠N = M—↠N
diamond : ∀ {L M N}
→ ((L —→ M) × (L —→ N))
→ ∃[ P ] ((M —↠ P) × (N —↠ P))
diamond (L—→M , L—→N)
rewrite deterministic L—→M L—→N = -, ((_ ∎) , (_ ∎))
confluence : ∀ {L M N}
→ (L —↠ M)
→ (L —↠ N)
→ ∃[ P ] ((M —↠ P) × (N —↠ P))
confluence {L} {.L} { N} (.L ∎) L—↠N = -, (L—↠N , (N ∎))
confluence {L} { M} {.L} L—↠M (.L ∎) = -, ((M ∎) , L—↠M)
confluence {L} { M} { N} (.L —→⟨ L—→M′ ⟩ M′—↠M) (.L —→⟨ L—→N′ ⟩ N′—↠N)
rewrite deterministic L—→M′ L—→N′ = confluence M′—↠M N′—↠N
@ -53,12 +53,13 @@ four.
## Imports
## Imports
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
open import Data.String using (String; _≟_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no; ¬_)
open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; [])
open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; [])
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product using (∃-syntax; _×_)
open import Data.String using (String; _≟_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no; ¬_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; _≢_; refl)
## Syntax of terms
## Syntax of terms
@ -582,7 +583,7 @@ replaces the formal parameter by the actual parameter.
If a term is a value, then no reduction applies; conversely,
If a term is a value, then no reduction applies; conversely,
if a reduction applies to a term then it is not a value.
if a reduction applies to a term then it is not a value.
We will show in the next chapter that
We will show in the next chapter that
this exhausts the possibilities: every well-typed term
this exhausts the possibilities: every well-typed term
either reduces or is a value.
either reduces or is a value.
@ -788,28 +789,33 @@ while if the top two lines stand for a single reduction
step and the bottom two stand for zero or more reduction
step and the bottom two stand for zero or more reduction
steps it is called the diamond property. In symbols:
steps it is called the diamond property. In symbols:
confluence : ∀ {L M N} → ∃[ P ]
( ((L —↠ M) × (L —↠ N))
confluence : ∀ {L M N}
→ ((M —↠ P) × (N —↠ P)) )
→ ((L —↠ M) × (L —↠ N))
→ ∃[ P ] ((M —↠ P) × (N —↠ P))
diamond : ∀ {L M N} → ∃[ P ]
diamond : ∀ {L M N}
( ((L —→ M) × (L —→ N))
→ ((L —→ M) × (L —→ N))
→ ((M —↠ P) × (N —↠ P)) )
→ ∃[ P ] ((M —↠ P) × (N —↠ P))
The reduction system studied in this chapter is deterministic.
The reduction system studied in this chapter is deterministic.
In symbols:
In symbols:
deterministic : ∀ {L M N}
→ L —→ M
→ L —→ N
deterministic : ∀ {L M N}
→ L —→ M
→ M ≡ N
→ L —→ N
→ M ≡ N
It is easy to show that every deterministic relation satisfies
It is easy to show that every deterministic relation satisfies
the diamond property, and that every relation that satisfies
the diamond and confluence properties. Hence, all the reduction
the diamond property is confluent. Hence, all the reduction
systems studied in this text are trivially confluent.
systems studied in this text are trivially confluent.
@ -1104,13 +1110,13 @@ infix 4 _⊢_⦂_
data _⊢_⦂_ : Context → Term → Type → Set where
data _⊢_⦂_ : Context → Term → Type → Set where
-- Axiom
-- Axiom
⊢` : ∀ {Γ x A}
⊢` : ∀ {Γ x A}
→ Γ ∋ x ⦂ A
→ Γ ∋ x ⦂ A
→ Γ ⊢ ` x ⦂ A
→ Γ ⊢ ` x ⦂ A
-- ⇒-I
-- ⇒-I
⊢ƛ : ∀ {Γ x N A B}
⊢ƛ : ∀ {Γ x N A B}
→ Γ , x ⦂ A ⊢ N ⦂ B
→ Γ , x ⦂ A ⊢ N ⦂ B
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