revised text of Naturals
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 108 additions and 49 deletions
@ -77,7 +77,9 @@ after zero; and `2` is shorthand for `suc (suc zero)`, which is the
same as `suc 1`, the successor of one; and `3` is shorthand for the
successor of two; and so on.
**Exercise 1** Write out `7` in longhand.
### Exercise (`longhand`)
Write out `7` in longhand.
## Unpacking the inference rules
@ -113,11 +115,11 @@ corresponding `data` declaration. The lines
tell us that `zero` is a natural number and that `suc` takes a natural
number as argument and returns a natural number.
You may have notices that `ℕ` and `→` are don't appear on your
keyboard. They are symbols in *unicode*. At the end of each chapter
is a list of all the unicode used in the chapter, including
instructions on how to type them in the Emacs text editor using keys
that are on your keyboard.
You may have noticed that `ℕ` and `→` don't appear on your keyboard.
They are symbols in *unicode*. At the end of each chapter is a list
of all unicode symbols introduced in the chapter, including
instructions on how to type them in the Emacs text editor. (Here
*type* refers to typing with fingers as opposed to data typing!)
## The story of creation
@ -128,9 +130,9 @@ Let's look again at the rules that define the natural numbers:
+ *Inductive case*: if `m` is a natural number, then `suc m` is also a
natural number.
Wait a minute! The second line defines natural numbers
in terms of natural numbers. How can that posssibly be allowed?
Isn't this as meaningless as claiming "Brexit means Brexit"?
Hold on! The second line defines natural numbers in terms of natural
numbers. How can that posssibly be allowed? Isn't this as meaningless
as the claim "Brexit means Brexit"?
In fact, it is possible to assign our definition a meaning without
resorting to any unpermitted circularities. Furthermore, we can do so
@ -152,7 +154,7 @@ before today, so the inductive case doesn't apply.
-- on the first day, there is one natural number
zero : ℕ
Then we repeat the process, so on the next day we know about all the
Then we repeat the process. On the next day we know about all the
numbers from the day before, plus any numbers added by the rules. The
base case tells us that `zero` is a natural number, but we already knew
that. But now the inductive case tells us that since `zero` was a natural
@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ a base case is useless, as in the phrase "Brexit means Brexit".
A philosopher might observe that our reference to the first day,
second day, and so on, implicitly involves an understanding of natural
numbers. In this sense, our definition might indeed be regarded as in
some sense circular. We need not let this circularity disturb us.
some sense circular, but we need not let this disturb us.
Everyone possesses a good informal understanding of the natural
numbers, which we may take as a foundation for their formal
@ -241,7 +243,7 @@ As well as enabling the above shorthand, the pragma also enables a
more efficient internal representation of naturals as the Haskell type
integer. Representing the natural *n* with `zero` and `suc`
requires space proportional to *n*, whereas representing it as an integer in
Haskell only requires space proportional to the logarithm of *n*. In
Haskell only requires space proportional to the logarithm base 2 of *n*. In
particular, if *n* is less than 2⁶⁴, it will require just one word on
a machine with 64-bit words.
@ -255,7 +257,7 @@ about it from the Agda standard library.
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_)
open Eq using (_≡_; refl)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning using (begin_; _≡⟨⟩_; _∎)
@ -270,6 +272,11 @@ the `using` clause into the current scope. In this case, the
names added are `begin_`, `_≡⟨⟩_`, and `_∎`. We will see how
these are used below.
Agda uses underbars to indicate where terms appear in infix or mixfix
operators. Thus, `_≡_` and `_≡⟨⟩_` are infix (each operator is written
between two terms), while `begin_` is prefix (it is written before a
term), and `_∎` is postfix (it is written after a term).
## Operations on naturals are recursive functions
@ -279,8 +286,10 @@ addition and multiplication?
As a child I spent much time memorising tables of addition and
multiplication. At first the rules seemed tricky and I would often
make mistakes. So it came as a shock to me to realise that all of addition
and multiplication can be precisely defined in just a couple of lines.
make mistakes. It came as a shock to me to discover *recursion*,
a simple technique by which every one of the infinite possible
instances of addition and multiplication can be specified in
just a couple of lines.
Here is the definition of addition in Agda:
@ -307,7 +316,7 @@ If we write `zero` as `0` and `suc m` as `1 + m`, we get two familiar equations.
0 + n = n
(1 + m) + n = 1 + (m + n)
The first follows because zero is a left identity for addition,
The first follows because zero is an identity for addition,
and the second because addition is associative. In its most general
form, associativity is written
@ -325,8 +334,8 @@ numbers. Such a definition is called *well founded*.
For example, let's add two and three.
ex₀ : 2 + 3 ≡ 5
ex₀ =
2+3 : 2 + 3 ≡ 5
2+3 =
2 + 3
≡⟨⟩ -- is shorthand for
@ -344,8 +353,8 @@ ex₀ =
We can write this more compactly by only expanding shorthand as needed.
ex₁ : 2 + 3 ≡ 5
ex₁ =
2+3′ : 2 + 3 ≡ 5
2+3′ =
2 + 3
≡⟨⟩ -- (ii)
@ -362,14 +371,42 @@ The first use of (ii) matches by taking `m = 1` and `n = 3`,
The second use of (ii) matches by taking `m = 0` and `n = 3`,
and the use of (i) matches by taking `n = 3`.
In Agda, we write out chains of equivalences starting with
`begin` and finishing with `∎` (pronounced "qed" or "tombstone",
the latter from its appearance), and writing `≡⟨⟩` between
two terms that have the same normal form. We take equivalence and
these notations as given for now, but will see how they are
Agda uses two different symbols for equality. Definitions
are written with `=`, while assertions that two already defined
things are the same are written with `≡`. Here `2 + 3 ≡ 5`
is the name of a type, which is occupied by evidence asserting
that the equivalence holds.
Here, we have written out our evidence that `2` and `3` sum to `5`
as a chain of equivalences. The chain starts with `begin` and
finishes with `∎` (pronounced "qed" or "tombstone",
the latter from its appearance), and consists of a series
of terms separated by `≡⟨⟩`.
The proof can also be written out much more compactly in Agda.
2+3″ : 2 + 3 ≡ 5
2+3″ = refl
Agda knows how to compute the value of `2 + 3`, and so can immediately
check it is the same as `5`. The assertion that a value is equal to
itself is written `refl`, which is short for *reflexivity*.
We take equivalence and the notations for chains of equivalences
as given for now, but will see how they are
defined in Chapter [Equivalence](Equivalence).
**Exercise** Compute `3 + 4` by the same technique.
In most languages, identifiers must consist only of letters, or
perhaps start with a letter and then consist of letters, digits, and
perhaps a few other symbols. In Agda, identifiers can consist of
almost any sequence of symbols, and hence `2+3` and `2+3′` are
perfectly fine names. This convention means we often need to use space
in Agda. Thus `2 + 3` combines two numbers with the operator for
addition, while `2+3` is a name.
### Exercise (`3+4`)
Compute `3 + 4`, writing it out in the same style as above.
## Multiplication
@ -388,23 +425,23 @@ Again, rewriting gives us two familiar equations.
(1 + m) * n = n + (m * n)
The first follows because zero times anything is zero,
and the second follow because multiplication distributes
and the second follows because multiplication distributes
over addition. In its most general form, distribution of
multiplication over addition is written
(m + n) * p = (m * p) + (n * p)
We get the second equation from this one by taking `m` to be `1`, `n`
to be `m`, and `p` to be `n`, and then using the fact that one is a
left identity for multiplication, so `1 * n = n`.
to be `m`, and `p` to be `n`, and then using the fact that one is an
identity for multiplication, so `1 * n = n`.
Again, the definition is well-founded in that multiplication of
larger numbers is defined in terms of multiplication of smaller numbers.
For example, let's multiply two and three.
ex₂ : 2 * 3 ≡ 6
ex₂ =
2*3 : 2 * 3 ≡ 6
2*3 =
2 * 3
≡⟨⟩ -- (iv)
@ -421,7 +458,9 @@ The first use of (iv) matches by taking `m = 1` and `n = 3`,
The second use of (iv) matches by taking `m = 0` and `n = 3`,
and the use of (iii) matches by taking `n = 3`.
**Exercise** Compute `3 * 4` by the same technique.
### Exercise (`3*4`)
Compute `3 * 4`.
## Exponentiation
@ -434,7 +473,9 @@ n ^ zero = suc zero -- (v)
n ^ (suc m) = n * (n ^ m) -- (vi)
**Exercise** Compute `4 ^ 3`.
### Exercise (`3^4`)
Compute `3 ^ 4`.
## Monus
@ -467,8 +508,8 @@ small numbers.
For example, let's subtract two from three.
ex₃ : 3 ∸ 2 ≡ 1
ex₃ =
3∸2 : 3 ∸ 2 ≡ 1
3∸2 =
3 ∸ 2
≡⟨⟩ -- (ix)
@ -482,8 +523,8 @@ ex₃ =
We did not use equation (viii) at all, but it will be required
if we try to subtract a smaller number from a larger one.
ex₄ : 2 ∸ 3 ≡ 0
ex₄ =
2∸3 : 2 ∸ 3 ≡ 0
2∸3 =
2 ∸ 3
≡⟨⟩ -- (ix)
@ -495,17 +536,21 @@ ex₄ =
**Exercise** Compute `5 ∸ 3` and `3 ∸ 5` by the same technique.
### Exercise (`5∸3`, `3∸5`)
Compute `5 ∸ 3` and `3 ∸ 5`.
## The story of creation, revisited
As with the definition of the naturals by induction, in the definition
of addition by recursion we have defined addition in terms of addition.
Just as our inductive definition defines the naturals in terms of the
naturals, so does our recursive definition define addition in terms
of addition.
Again, it is possible to assign our definition a meaning without
resorting to unpermitted circularities. We do so by reducing our
definition to equivalent inference rules for judgements about equality.
n : ℕ
zero + n = n
@ -576,7 +621,7 @@ Application *binds more tightly than* (or *has precedence over*) any
operator, and so we may write `suc m + n` to mean `(suc m) + n`.
As another example, we say that multiplication binds more tightly than
addition, and so write `n + m * n` to mean `n + (m * n)`.
We also sometimes say that addition is *associates to the left*, and
We also sometimes say that addition *associates to the left*, and
so write `m + n + p` to mean `(m + n) + p`.
In Agda the precedence and associativity of infix operators
@ -591,8 +636,7 @@ binds more tightly that addition or subtraction because it has a
higher precedence. Writing `infixl` indicates that all three
operators associate to the left. One can also write `infixr` to
indicate that an operator associates to the right, or just `infix` to
indicate that it has no associativity and parentheses are always
required to disambiguate.
indicate that parentheses are always required to disambiguate.
## More pragmas
@ -607,8 +651,8 @@ and enables it to perform these computations using the corresponing
Haskell operators on the integer type. Representing naturals with
`zero` and `suc` requires time proportional to *m* to add *m* and *n*,
whereas representing naturals as integers in Haskell requires time
proportional to the larger of the logarithms of *m* and *n*. In
particular, if *m* and *n* are both less than 2⁶⁴, it will require
proportional to the larger of the logarithms (base 2) of *m* and *n*. In
particular, if *m* and *n* are both less than 2⁶⁴, addition requires
constant time on a machine with 64-bit words. Similarly, representing
naturals with `zero` and `suc` requires time proportional to the
product of *m* and *n* to multiply *m* and *n*, whereas representing
@ -645,12 +689,27 @@ At the end of each chapter, we will also list relevant unicode.
→ U+2192 RIGHTWARDS ARROW (\to, \r)
∸ U+2238 DOT MINUS (\.-)
∎ U+220E END OF PROOF (\qed)
′ U+2032 PRIME (\')
″ U+2033 DOUBLE PRIME (\')
Each line consists of the Unicode character (`ℕ`), the corresponding
code point (`U+2115`), the name of the character (`DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL N`),
and the sequence to type into Emacs to generate the character (`\bN`).
The command `\r` is a little different to the others, because it gives
access to a wide variety of Unicode arrows. After typing `\r`, one can access
the many available arrows by using the left, right, up, and down
keys on the keyboard to navigate.
The command `\r` gives access to a wide variety of rightward arrows.
After typing `\r`, one can access the many available arrows by using
the left, right, up, and down keys to navigate. Similarly, `\'` gives
access to several primes, which one can access by using the left and
right keys to navigate. The commands remember where you navigated to
the last time, and start with the same character next time.
In place of left, right, up, and down keys, one may also use control characters.
^B left (Backward)
^F right (Forward)
^P up (uP)
^N down (dowN)
We use `^B` to mean `control B`, and similarly.
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