added tests for all error cases
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 150 additions and 118 deletions
@ -4,28 +4,6 @@ layout : page
permalink : /Inference
Given Raw terms and inherently typed terms, specify
an algorithm going from one to the other.
There are *many* ways to do this. Which is best?
First dimension: staged/direct
* Staged: Raw -> Scoped, Scoped -> Typed
* Direct: Raw -> Typed in one fell swoop
Second dimension: derivation/function
* Derviation: Type derivations similar to usual rules, erasure of typing to Typed
* Function: Function to compute Typed term directly
Let's fiddle about with a couple of these to see which is best.
The Agda manual gives a solution for Staged/Function (second half of staged).
I'm quite keen to try Direct/Derivation.
## Imports
@ -69,10 +47,11 @@ infix 4 _∋_`:_
infix 4 _⊢_↑_
infix 4 _⊢_↓_
infixl 5 _,_`:_
infix 5 _↓_
infixr 6 _`→_
infix 6 `λ_`→_
infix 6 `μ_`→_
infix 7 _↓_
infix 7 _↑
infixr 8 _`→_
infixl 9 _·_
data Type : Set where
@ -82,50 +61,59 @@ data Type : Set where
data Ctx : Set where
ε : Ctx
_,_`:_ : Ctx → Id → Type → Ctx
data Term : Set where
⌊_⌋ : Id → Term
`λ_`→_ : Id → Term → Term
_·_ : Term → Term → Term
`zero : Term
`suc : Term → Term
`case_[`zero`→_|`suc_`→_] : Term → Term → Id → Term → Term
`μ_`→_ : Id → Term → Term
_↓_ : Term → Type → Term
Terms that synthesize `Term⁺` and inherit `Term⁻` their types.
data Term⁺ : Set
data Term⁻ : Set
data Term⁺ where
⌊_⌋ : Id → Term⁺
_·_ : Term⁺ → Term⁻ → Term⁺
_↓_ : Term⁻ → Type → Term⁺
data Term⁻ where
`λ_`→_ : Id → Term⁻ → Term⁻
`zero : Term⁻
`suc : Term⁻ → Term⁻
`case_[`zero`→_|`suc_`→_] : Term⁺ → Term⁻ → Id → Term⁻ → Term⁻
`μ_`→_ : Id → Term⁻ → Term⁻
_↑ : Term⁺ → Term⁻
## Example terms
two : Term
two = `suc (`suc `zero) ↓ `ℕ
two : Term⁻
two = `suc (`suc `zero)
plus : Term
plus : Term⁺
plus = (`μ "p" `→ `λ "m" `→ `λ "n" `→
`case ⌊ "m" ⌋ [`zero`→ ⌊ "n" ⌋
|`suc "m" `→ `suc (⌊ "p" ⌋ · ⌊ "m" ⌋ · ⌊ "n" ⌋) ])
`case ⌊ "m" ⌋ [`zero`→ ⌊ "n" ⌋ ↑
|`suc "m" `→ `suc (⌊ "p" ⌋ · (⌊ "m" ⌋ ↑) · (⌊ "n" ⌋ ↑) ↑) ])
↓ `ℕ `→ `ℕ `→ `ℕ
four : Term
four : Term⁺
four = plus · two · two
Ch : Type
Ch = (`ℕ `→ `ℕ) `→ `ℕ `→ `ℕ
twoCh : Term
twoCh = (`λ "s" `→ `λ "z" `→ ⌊ "s" ⌋ · (⌊ "s" ⌋ · ⌊ "z" ⌋)) ↓ Ch
twoCh : Term⁻
twoCh = (`λ "s" `→ `λ "z" `→ ⌊ "s" ⌋ · (⌊ "s" ⌋ · (⌊ "z" ⌋ ↑) ↑) ↑)
plusCh : Term
plusCh : Term⁺
plusCh = (`λ "m" `→ `λ "n" `→ `λ "s" `→ `λ "z" `→
⌊ "m" ⌋ · ⌊ "s" ⌋ · (⌊ "n" ⌋ · ⌊ "s" ⌋ · ⌊ "z" ⌋))
⌊ "m" ⌋ · (⌊ "s" ⌋ ↑) · (⌊ "n" ⌋ · (⌊ "s" ⌋ ↑) · (⌊ "z" ⌋ ↑) ↑) ↑)
↓ Ch `→ Ch `→ Ch
fromCh : Term
fromCh = (`λ "m" `→ ⌊ "m" ⌋ · (`λ "x" `→ `suc ⌊ "x" ⌋) · `zero)
fromCh : Term⁺
fromCh = (`λ "m" `→ ⌊ "m" ⌋ · (`λ "x" `→ `suc (⌊ "x" ⌋ ↑)) · `zero ↑)
↓ Ch `→ `ℕ
fourCh : Term
fourCh = fromCh · (plusCh · twoCh · twoCh)
fourCh : Term⁺
fourCh = fromCh · (plusCh · twoCh · twoCh ↑)
## Bidirectional type checking
@ -142,8 +130,8 @@ data _∋_`:_ : Ctx → Id → Type → Set where
→ Γ , x `: A ∋ w `: B
data _⊢_↑_ : Ctx → Term → Type → Set
data _⊢_↓_ : Ctx → Term → Type → Set
data _⊢_↑_ : Ctx → Term⁺ → Type → Set
data _⊢_↓_ : Ctx → Term⁻ → Type → Set
data _⊢_↑_ where
@ -194,8 +182,8 @@ data _⊢_↓_ where
⊢↑ : ∀ {Γ M A B}
→ Γ ⊢ M ↑ A
→ A ≡ B
→ Γ ⊢ M ↓ B
→ Γ ⊢ (M ↑) ↓ B
## Type checking monad
@ -205,15 +193,17 @@ Msg : Set
Msg = String
data TC (A : Set) : Set where
error : Msg → Term → List Type → TC A
error⁺ : Msg → Term⁺ → List Type → TC A
error⁻ : Msg → Term⁻ → List Type → TC A
return : A → TC A
_>>=_ : ∀ {A B : Set} → TC A → (A → TC B) → TC B
error msg M As >>= k = error msg M As
return v >>= k = k v
error⁺ msg M As >>= k = error⁺ msg M As
error⁻ msg M As >>= k = error⁻ msg M As
return v >>= k = k v
## Type inferencer
## Decide type equality
_≟Tp_ : (A B : Type) → Dec (A ≡ B)
@ -224,72 +214,76 @@ _≟Tp_ : (A B : Type) → Dec (A ≡ B)
... | no A≢ | _ = no (λ{refl → A≢ refl})
... | yes _ | no B≢ = no (λ{refl → B≢ refl})
... | yes refl | yes refl = yes refl
## Lookup type of a variable in the context
data Lookup (Γ : Ctx) (x : Id) : Set where
ok : ∀ (A : Type) → (Γ ∋ x `: A) → Lookup Γ x
lookup : ∀ (Γ : Ctx) (x : Id) → TC (Lookup Γ x)
lookup ε x =
error "variable not bound" ⌊ x ⌋ []
error⁺ "variable not bound" ⌊ x ⌋ []
lookup (Γ , x `: A) w with w ≟ x
... | yes refl =
return (ok A Z)
... | no w≢ =
do ok A ⊢x ← lookup Γ w
return (ok A (S w≢ ⊢x))
data Synthesize (Γ : Ctx) (M : Term) : Set where
## Synthesize and inherit types
data Synthesize (Γ : Ctx) (M : Term⁺) : Set where
ok : ∀ (A : Type) → (Γ ⊢ M ↑ A) → Synthesize Γ M
synthesize : ∀ (Γ : Ctx) (M : Term) → TC (Synthesize Γ M)
inherit : ∀ (Γ : Ctx) (M : Term) (A : Type) → TC (Γ ⊢ M ↓ A)
synthesize : ∀ (Γ : Ctx) (M : Term⁺) → TC (Synthesize Γ M)
inherit : ∀ (Γ : Ctx) (M : Term⁻) (A : Type) → TC (Γ ⊢ M ↓ A)
synthesize Γ ⌊ x ⌋ =
do ok A ⊢x ← lookup Γ x
return (ok A (Ax ⊢x))
synthesize Γ (L · M) =
do ok (A `→ B) ⊢L ← synthesize Γ L
where ok `ℕ _ → error "must apply function" (L · M) []
where ok `ℕ _ → error⁺ "must apply function" (L · M) []
⊢M ← inherit Γ M A
return (ok B (⊢L · ⊢M))
synthesize Γ (M ↓ A) =
do ⊢M ← inherit Γ M A
return (ok A (⊢↓ ⊢M))
{-# CATCHALL #-}
synthesize Γ M =
error "cannot synthesize type for term" M []
inherit Γ (`λ x `→ N) (A `→ B) =
do ⊢N ← inherit (Γ , x `: A) N B
return (⊢λ ⊢N)
inherit Γ (`λ x `→ N) `ℕ =
error "lambda cannot be natural" (`λ x `→ N) []
error⁻ "lambda cannot be natural" (`λ x `→ N) []
inherit Γ `zero `ℕ =
return ⊢zero
inherit Γ `zero (A `→ B) =
error "zero cannot be function" `zero [ A `→ B ]
error⁻ "zero cannot be function" `zero [ A `→ B ]
inherit Γ (`suc M) `ℕ =
do ⊢M ← inherit Γ M `ℕ
return (⊢suc ⊢M)
inherit Γ (`suc M) (A `→ B) =
error "suc cannot be function" (`suc M) [ A `→ B ]
error⁻ "suc cannot be function" (`suc M) [ A `→ B ]
inherit Γ `case L [`zero`→ M |`suc x `→ N ] A =
do ok `ℕ ⊢L ← synthesize Γ L
where ok (A `→ B) _ → error "cannot case on function"
(`case L [`zero`→ M |`suc x `→ N ])
[ A `→ B ]
where ok (A `→ B) _ → error⁻ "cannot case on function"
(`case L [`zero`→ M |`suc x `→ N ])
[ A `→ B ]
⊢M ← inherit Γ M A
⊢N ← inherit (Γ , x `: `ℕ) N A
return (⊢case ⊢L ⊢M ⊢N)
inherit Γ (`μ x `→ M) A =
do ⊢M ← inherit (Γ , x `: A) M A
return (⊢μ ⊢M)
{-# CATCHALL #-}
inherit Γ M B =
inherit Γ (M ↑) B =
do ok A ⊢M ← synthesize Γ M
yes refl ← return (A ≟Tp B)
where no _ → error "inheritance and synthesis conflict" M [ A , B ]
return (⊢↑ ⊢M refl)
yes A≡B ← return (A ≟Tp B)
where no _ → error⁺ "inheritance and synthesis conflict" M [ A , B ]
return (⊢↑ ⊢M A≡B)
## Test Cases
@ -308,63 +302,101 @@ _ : synthesize ε four ≡
(⊢case (Ax (S ("m" ≠ "n") Z)) (⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
(⊢case (Ax (S (_≠_ "m" "n") Z)) (⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
(Ax (S ("p" ≠ "m") (S ("p" ≠ "n") (S ("p" ≠ "m") Z)))
(S (_≠_ "p" "m")
(S (_≠_ "p" "n")
(S (_≠_ "p" "m") Z)))
· ⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl
· ⊢↑ (Ax (S ("n" ≠ "m") Z)) refl)
· ⊢↑ (Ax (S (_≠_ "n" "m") Z)) refl)
· ⊢↑ (⊢↓ (⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero))) refl
· ⊢↑ (⊢↓ (⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero))) refl))
· ⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero)
· ⊢suc (⊢suc ⊢zero)))
_ = refl
_ : synthesize ε fourCh ≡
(ok `ℕ
(⊢↓ (⊢λ (⊢↑ (Ax Z · ⊢λ (⊢suc (⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)) · ⊢zero) refl)) ·
(ok `ℕ
(⊢↓ (⊢λ (⊢↑ (Ax Z · ⊢λ (⊢suc (⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)) · ⊢zero) refl)) ·
(S ("m" ≠ "z")
(S ("m" ≠ "s")
(S ("m" ≠ "n") Z)))
· ⊢↑ (Ax (S ("s" ≠ "z") Z)) refl
(Ax (S ("n" ≠ "z") (S ("n" ≠ "s") Z))
· ⊢↑ (Ax (S ("s" ≠ "z") Z)) refl
· ⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
(S (_≠_ "m" "z")
(S (_≠_ "m" "s")
(S (_≠_ "m" "n") Z)))
· ⊢↑ (Ax (S (_≠_ "s" "z") Z)) refl
(S (_≠_ "n" "z")
(S (_≠_ "n" "s") Z))
· ⊢↑ (Ax (S (_≠_ "s" "z") Z)) refl
· ⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
(Ax (S ("s" ≠ "z") Z) ·
⊢↑ (Ax (S ("s" ≠ "z") Z) · ⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
(Ax (S (_≠_ "s" "z") Z) ·
⊢↑ (Ax (S (_≠_ "s" "z") Z) · ⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
(Ax (S ("s" ≠ "z") Z) ·
⊢↑ (Ax (S ("s" ≠ "z") Z) · ⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
(Ax (S (_≠_ "s" "z") Z) ·
⊢↑ (Ax (S (_≠_ "s" "z") Z) · ⊢↑ (Ax Z) refl)
_ = refl
## Testing all possible errors
_ : synthesize ε ((`λ "x" `→ ⌊ "y" ⌋ ↑) ↓ `ℕ `→ `ℕ) ≡
error⁺ "variable not bound" ⌊ "y" ⌋ []
_ = refl
_ : synthesize ε ((two ↓ `ℕ) · two) ≡
error⁺ "must apply function"
((`suc (`suc `zero) ↓ `ℕ) · `suc (`suc `zero)) []
_ = refl
_ : synthesize ε (twoCh ↓ `ℕ) ≡
error⁻ "lambda cannot be natural"
(`λ "s" `→ (`λ "z" `→ ⌊ "s" ⌋ · (⌊ "s" ⌋ · (⌊ "z" ⌋ ↑) ↑) ↑)) []
_ = refl
_ : synthesize ε (`zero ↓ `ℕ `→ `ℕ) ≡
error⁻ "zero cannot be function" `zero [ `ℕ `→ `ℕ ]
_ = refl
_ : synthesize ε (two ↓ `ℕ `→ `ℕ) ≡
error⁻ "suc cannot be function" (`suc (`suc `zero)) [ `ℕ `→ `ℕ ]
_ = refl
_ : synthesize ε
((`case (twoCh ↓ Ch) [`zero`→ `zero |`suc "x" `→ ⌊ "x" ⌋ ↑ ] ↓ `ℕ) ) ≡
error⁻ "cannot case on function"
`case (`λ "s" `→ (`λ "z" `→ ⌊ "s" ⌋ · (⌊ "s" ⌋ · (⌊ "z" ⌋ ↑) ↑) ↑))
↓ (`ℕ `→ `ℕ) `→ `ℕ `→ `ℕ [`zero`→ `zero |`suc "x" `→ ⌊ "x" ⌋ ↑ ]
[ (`ℕ `→ `ℕ) `→ `ℕ `→ `ℕ ]
_ = refl
_ : synthesize ε (((`λ "x" `→ ⌊ "x" ⌋ ↑) ↓ `ℕ `→ (`ℕ `→ `ℕ))) ≡
error⁺ "inheritance and synthesis conflict" ⌊ "x" ⌋ [ `ℕ , `ℕ `→ `ℕ ]
_ = refl
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