alternative to BCD subtyping

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Siek 2019-06-13 13:44:19 -04:00
parent b2ec029852
commit ed1d572450

extra/extra/Value.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
open import Data.Nat using (; suc ; zero; _+_; _≤_; _<_; _<_; _≤_;
z≤n; s≤s; ≤′-refl; ≤′-step; _≟_) renaming (_⊔_ to max)
open import Data.Nat.Properties
using (n≤0⇒n≡0; ≤-refl; ≤-trans; m≤m⊔n; n≤m⊔n; ≤-step; ⊔-mono-≤;
+-mono-≤; +-mono-≤-<; +-mono-<-≤; +-comm; +-assoc; n≤1+n;
≤-pred; m≤m+n; n≤m+n; ≤-reflexive; ≤′⇒≤; ≤⇒≤′; +-suc)
open Data.Nat.Properties.≤-Reasoning using (begin_; _≤⟨_⟩_; _∎)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool) renaming (_≟_ to _=?_)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; Σ; Σ-syntax; ∃; ∃-syntax; proj₁; proj₂)
renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim) renaming ( to Bot)
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.List using (List ; _∷_ ; []; _++_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; sym; cong)
open Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.≡-Reasoning renaming (begin_ to start_; _∎ to _□)
module extra.Value where
data Base : Set where
Nat : Base
𝔹 : Base
data Prim : Set where
base : Base Prim
_⇒_ : Base Prim Prim
base-rep : Base Set
base-rep Nat =
base-rep 𝔹 = Bool
rep : Prim Set
rep (base b) = base-rep b
rep (b p) = base-rep b rep p
base-eq? : (B : Base) (B' : Base) Dec (B B')
base-eq? Nat Nat = yes refl
base-eq? Nat 𝔹 = no (λ ())
base-eq? 𝔹 Nat = no (λ ())
base-eq? 𝔹 𝔹 = yes refl
base-rep-eq? : {B} (k : base-rep B) (k : base-rep B) Dec (k k)
base-rep-eq? {Nat} k k = k k
base-rep-eq? {𝔹} k k = k =? k
infixr 7 _↦_
infixl 6 _⊔_
data Value : Set
data Value where
: Value
const : {b : Base} base-rep b Value
_↦_ : Value Value Value
_⊔_ : (u : Value) (v : Value) Value
infix 5 _∈_
_∈_ : Value Value Set
u = u
u const {B} k = u const {B} k
u v w = u v w
u (v w) = u v u w
infix 5 _⊆_
_⊆_ : Value Value Set
v w = {u} u v u w
AllFun : (u : Value) Set
AllFun = Bot
AllFun (const x) = Bot
AllFun (v w) =
AllFun (u v) = AllFun u × AllFun v
dom : (u : Value) Value
dom =
dom (const k) =
dom (v w) = v
dom (u v) = dom u dom v
cod : (u : Value) Value
cod =
cod (const k) =
cod (v w) = w
cod (u v) = cod u cod v
infix 4 _⊑_
data _⊑_ : Value Value Set where
⊑-⊥ : {v} v
⊑-const : {B}{k} const {B} k const {B} k
⊑-conj-L : {u v w}
v u
w u
v w u
⊑-conj-R1 : {u v w}
u v
u v w
⊑-conj-R2 : {u v w}
u w
u v w
⊑-fun : {u u v w}
u u
AllFun u
dom u v
w cod u
v w u
⊑-refl : {v} v v
⊑-refl {} = ⊑-⊥
⊑-refl {const k} = ⊑-const
⊑-refl {v w} = ⊑-fun{v w}{v w} (λ {u} z z) tt (⊑-refl{v}) ⊑-refl
⊑-refl {v₁ v₂} = ⊑-conj-L (⊑-conj-R1 ⊑-refl) (⊑-conj-R2 ⊑-refl)
factor : (u : Value) (u : Value) (v : Value) (w : Value) Set
factor u u v w = AllFun u × u u × dom u v × w cod u
⊑-fun-inv : {u₁ u₂ v w}
u₁ u₂
v w u₁
Σ[ u₃ Value ] factor u₂ u₃ v w
⊑-fun-inv {.} {u₂} {v} {w} ⊑-⊥ ()
⊑-fun-inv {.(const _)} {.(const _)} {v} {w} ⊑-const ()
⊑-fun-inv {u11 u12} {u₂} {v} {w} (⊑-conj-L u₁⊑u₂ u₁⊑u₃) (inj₁ x) =
⊑-fun-inv u₁⊑u₂ x
⊑-fun-inv {u11 u12} {u₂} {v} {w} (⊑-conj-L u₁⊑u₂ u₁⊑u₃) (inj₂ y) =
⊑-fun-inv u₁⊑u₃ y
⊑-fun-inv {u₁} {u21 u22} {v} {w} (⊑-conj-R1 u₁⊑u₂) v↦w∈u₁
with ⊑-fun-inv {u₁} {u21} {v} {w} u₁⊑u₂ v↦w∈u₁
... | u₃ , afu₃ , u3⊆u₁ , du₃⊑v , w⊑codu₃ =
u₃ , afu₃ , (λ {x} x₁ inj₁ (u3⊆u₁ x₁)) , du₃⊑v , w⊑codu₃
⊑-fun-inv {u₁} {u21 u22} {v} {w} (⊑-conj-R2 u₁⊑u₂) v↦w∈u₁
with ⊑-fun-inv {u₁} {u22} {v} {w} u₁⊑u₂ v↦w∈u₁
... | u₃ , afu₃ , u3⊆u₁ , du₃⊑v , w⊑codu₃ =
u₃ , afu₃ , (λ {x} x₁ inj₂ (u3⊆u₁ x₁)) , du₃⊑v , w⊑codu₃
⊑-fun-inv {u11 u21} {u₂} {v} {w} (⊑-fun{u = u} u⊆u₂ afu du⊑u11 u21⊑cu)
refl =
u , afu , u⊆u₂ , du⊑u11 , u21⊑cu
sub-inv-trans : {u u₂ u : Value}
AllFun u u u
({v w} v w u Σ[ u₃ Value ] factor u₂ u₃ v w)
Σ[ u₃ Value ] factor u₂ u₃ (dom u) (cod u)
sub-inv-trans {} {u₂} {u} () u⊆u IH
sub-inv-trans {const k} {u₂} {u} () u⊆u IH
sub-inv-trans {u₁ u₂} {u₂} {u} fu u⊆u IH = IH refl
sub-inv-trans {u₁ u₂} {u₂} {u} afu₁ , afu₂ u⊆u IH
with sub-inv-trans {u₁} {u₂} {u} afu₁
(λ {u₁} z u⊆u (inj₁ z)) (λ {v} {w} z IH (inj₁ z))
| sub-inv-trans {u₂} {u₂} {u} afu₂
(λ {u₁} z u⊆u (inj₂ z)) (λ {v} {w} z IH (inj₂ z))
... | u₃ , afu₃ , u₃⊆ , du₃⊑ , ⊑cu₃
| u₄ , afu₄ , u₄⊆ , du₄⊑ , ⊑cu₄ =
(u₃ u₄) , afu₃ , afu₄ , G , H , I
G : {u₁} u₁ u₃ u₁ u₄ u₁ u₂
G {u₁} (inj₁ x) = u₃⊆ x
G {u₁} (inj₂ y) = u₄⊆ y
H : dom u₃ dom u₄ dom u₁ dom u₂
H = ⊑-conj-L (⊑-conj-R1 du₃⊑) (⊑-conj-R2 du₄⊑)
I : cod u₁ cod u₂ cod u₃ cod u₄
I = ⊑-conj-L (⊑-conj-R1 ⊑cu₃) (⊑-conj-R2 ⊑cu₄)
⊔⊑R : {B C A}
⊔⊑R (⊑-conj-L B⊔C⊑A B⊔C⊑A₁) = B⊔C⊑A
⊔⊑R (⊑-conj-R1 B⊔C⊑A) = ⊑-conj-R1 (⊔⊑R B⊔C⊑A)
⊔⊑R (⊑-conj-R2 B⊔C⊑A) = ⊑-conj-R2 (⊔⊑R B⊔C⊑A)
⊔⊑L : {B C A}
⊔⊑L (⊑-conj-L B⊔C⊑A B⊔C⊑A₁) = B⊔C⊑A₁
⊔⊑L (⊑-conj-R1 B⊔C⊑A) = ⊑-conj-R1 (⊔⊑L B⊔C⊑A)
⊔⊑L (⊑-conj-R2 B⊔C⊑A) = ⊑-conj-R2 (⊔⊑L B⊔C⊑A)
u∈v⊑w→u⊑w : {B A C} C B B A C A
u∈v⊑w→u⊑w {} C∈B B⊑A rewrite C∈B = B⊑A
u∈v⊑w→u⊑w {const k} C∈B B⊑A rewrite C∈B = B⊑A
u∈v⊑w→u⊑w {B₁ B₂} C∈B B⊑A rewrite C∈B = B⊑A
u∈v⊑w→u⊑w {B₁ B₂}{A}{C} (inj₁ C∈B₁) B⊑A = u∈v⊑w→u⊑w {B₁}{A}{C} C∈B₁ (⊔⊑R B⊑A)
u∈v⊑w→u⊑w {B₁ B₂}{A}{C} (inj₂ C∈B₂) B⊑A = u∈v⊑w→u⊑w {B₂}{A}{C} C∈B₂ (⊔⊑L B⊑A)
u⊆v⊑w→u⊑w : {u v w} u v v w u w
u⊆v⊑w→u⊑w {} {v} {w} u⊆v v⊑w = ⊑-⊥
u⊆v⊑w→u⊑w {const k} {v} {w} u⊆v v⊑w
with u⊆v refl
... | k∈v = u∈v⊑w→u⊑w k∈v v⊑w
u⊆v⊑w→u⊑w {u₁ u₂} {v} {w} u⊆v v⊑w
with u⊆v refl
... | u₁↦u₂∈v = u∈v⊑w→u⊑w u₁↦u₂∈v v⊑w
u⊆v⊑w→u⊑w {u₁ u₂} {v} {w} u⊆v v⊑w =
⊑-conj-L (u⊆v⊑w→u⊑w u₁⊆v v⊑w) (u⊆v⊑w→u⊑w u₂⊆v v⊑w)
u₁⊆v : u₁ v
u₁⊆v {u} u∈u₁ = u⊆v (inj₁ u∈u₁)
u₂⊆v : u₂ v
u₂⊆v {u} u∈u₂ = u⊆v (inj₂ u∈u₂)
depth : (v : Value)
depth = zero
depth (const k) = zero
depth (v w) = suc (max (depth v) (depth w))
depth (v₁ v₂) = max (depth v₁) (depth v₂)
size : (v : Value)
size = zero
size (const k) = zero
size (v w) = suc (size v + size w)
size (v₁ v₂) = suc (size v₁ + size v₂)
∈→depth≤ : {v u : Value} u v depth u depth v
∈→depth≤ {} {u} u∈v rewrite u∈v = _≤_.z≤n
∈→depth≤ {const x} {u} u∈v rewrite u∈v = _≤_.z≤n
∈→depth≤ {v w} {u} u∈v rewrite u∈v = ≤-refl
∈→depth≤ {v₁ v₂} {u} (inj₁ x) =
≤-trans (∈→depth≤ {v₁} {u} x) (m≤m⊔n (depth v₁) (depth v₂))
∈→depth≤ {v₁ v₂} {u} (inj₂ y) =
≤-trans (∈→depth≤ {v₂} {u} y) (n≤m⊔n (depth v₁) (depth v₂))
max-lub : {x y z : } x z y z max x y z
max-lub {.0} {y} {z} _≤_.z≤n y≤z = y≤z
max-lub {suc x} {.0} {suc z} (_≤_.s≤s x≤z) _≤_.z≤n = _≤_.s≤s x≤z
max-lub {suc x} {suc y} {suc z} (_≤_.s≤s x≤z) (_≤_.s≤s y≤z) =
let max-xy≤z = max-lub {x}{y}{z} x≤z y≤z in
_≤_.s≤s max-xy≤z
⊔⊆-inv : {u v w : Value}
(u v) w
u w × v w
⊔⊆-inv uvw = (λ x uvw (inj₁ x)) , (λ x uvw (inj₂ x))
⊆→depth≤ : {u v : Value} u v depth u depth v
⊆→depth≤ {} {v} u⊆v = _≤_.z≤n
⊆→depth≤ {const x} {v} u⊆v = _≤_.z≤n
⊆→depth≤ {u₁ u₂} {v} u⊆v = ∈→depth≤ (u⊆v refl)
⊆→depth≤ {u₁ u₂} {v} u⊆v
with ⊔⊆-inv u⊆v
... | u₁⊆v , u₂⊆v =
let u₁≤v = ⊆→depth≤ u₁⊆v in
let u₂≤v = ⊆→depth≤ u₂⊆v in
max-lub u₁≤v u₂≤v
dom-depth-≤ : {u : Value} depth (dom u) depth u
dom-depth-≤ {} = _≤_.z≤n
dom-depth-≤ {const k} = _≤_.z≤n
dom-depth-≤ {v w} = ≤-step (m≤m⊔n (depth v) (depth w))
dom-depth-≤ {u v} =
let ih1 = dom-depth-≤ {u} in
let ih2 = dom-depth-≤ {v} in
⊔-mono-≤ ih1 ih2
cod-depth-≤ : {u : Value} depth (cod u) depth u
cod-depth-≤ {} = _≤_.z≤n
cod-depth-≤ {const k} = _≤_.z≤n
cod-depth-≤ {v w} = ≤-step (n≤m⊔n (depth v) (depth w))
cod-depth-≤ {u v} =
let ih1 = cod-depth-≤ {u} in
let ih2 = cod-depth-≤ {v} in
⊔-mono-≤ ih1 ih2
≤′-trans : {x y z} x ≤′ y y ≤′ z x ≤′ z
≤′-trans x≤y y≤z = ≤⇒≤′ (≤-trans (≤′⇒≤ x≤y) (≤′⇒≤ y≤z))
data _<<_ : × × Set where
fst : {x x' y y'} x < x' x , y << x' , y'
snd : {x x' y y'} x ≤′ x' y < y' x , y << x' , y'
<<-nat-wf : (P : Set)
( x y ( {x' y'} x' , y' << x , y P x' y') P x y)
x y P x y
<<-nat-wf P ih x y = ih x y (help x y)
where help : (x y : ) { x' y'} x' , y' << x , y P x' y'
help .(suc x') y {x'}{y'} (fst ≤′-refl) =
ih x' y' (help x' y')
help .(suc x) y {x'}{y'} (fst (≤′-step {x} q)) =
help x y {x'}{y'} (fst q)
help x .(suc y) {x'}{y} (snd x'≤x ≤′-refl) =
let h : {x₁} {x₂} ( x₁ , x₂ << x , y ) P x₁ x₂
h = help x y in
ih x' y G
G : {x'' y'} x'' , y' << x' , y P x'' y'
G {x''} {y'} (fst x''<x') =
help x y (fst {y = y'}{y' = y} (≤′-trans x''<x' x'≤x))
G {x''} {y'} (snd x''≤x' y'<y) =
help x y {x''}{y'} (snd (≤′-trans x''≤x' x'≤x) y'<y)
help x .(suc y) {x'}{y'} (snd x≤x (≤′-step {y} q)) =
help x y {x'}{y'} (snd x≤x q)
⊑-trans-P : Set
⊑-trans-P d s = {u v w} d depth u + depth w s size u + size v
u v v w u w
⊑-trans-rec : d s ⊑-trans-P d s
⊑-trans-rec = <<-nat-wf ⊑-trans-P helper
helper : x y
( {x' y'} x' , y' << x , y ⊑-trans-P x' y')
⊑-trans-P x y
helper d s IH {.} {v} {w} d≡ s≡ ⊑-⊥ v⊑w = ⊑-⊥
helper d s IH {.(const _)} {.(const _)} {w} d≡ s≡ ⊑-const v⊑w = v⊑w
helper d s IH {u₁ u₂} {v} {w} d≡ s≡ (⊑-conj-L u₁⊑v u₂⊑v) v⊑w
rewrite d≡ | s≡ =
let u₁⊑w = IH M1 {u₁}{v}{w} refl refl u₁⊑v v⊑w in
let u₂⊑w = IH M2 {u₂}{v}{w} refl refl u₂⊑v v⊑w in
⊑-conj-L u₁⊑w u₂⊑w
M1a = begin
depth u₁ + depth w
≤⟨ +-mono-≤ (m≤m⊔n (depth u₁) (depth u₂)) ≤-refl
max (depth u₁) (depth u₂) + depth w
M1b = begin
suc (size u₁ + size v)
≤⟨ s≤s (+-mono-≤ ≤-refl (n≤m+n (size u₂) (size v)))
suc (size u₁ + (size u₂ + size v))
≤⟨ s≤s (≤-reflexive (sym (+-assoc (size u₁) (size u₂) (size v))))
suc (size u₁ + size u₂ + size v)
M1 : depth u₁ + depth w , size u₁ + size v <<
max (depth u₁) (depth u₂) + depth w ,
suc (size u₁ + size u₂ + size v)
M1 = snd (≤⇒≤′ M1a) (≤⇒≤′ M1b)
M2a = begin
depth u₂ + depth w
≤⟨ +-mono-≤ (n≤m⊔n (depth u₁) (depth u₂)) ≤-refl
max (depth u₁) (depth u₂) + depth w
M2b = begin
suc (size u₂ + size v)
≤⟨ s≤s (+-mono-≤ (n≤m+n (size u₁) (size u₂)) ≤-refl)
suc ((size u₁ + size u₂) + size v)
M2 : depth u₂ + depth w , size u₂ + size v <<
max (depth u₁) (depth u₂) + depth w ,
suc (size u₁ + size u₂ + size v)
M2 = snd (≤⇒≤′ M2a) (≤⇒≤′ M2b)
helper d s IH {u} {v₁ v₂} {w} d≡ s≡ (⊑-conj-R1 u⊑v₁) v₁⊔v₂⊑w
rewrite d≡ | s≡ =
let v₁⊑w = ⊔⊑R v₁⊔v₂⊑w in
IH M {u}{v₁}{w} refl refl u⊑v₁ v₁⊑w
Ma = begin
suc (size u + size v₁)
≤⟨ ≤-reflexive (sym (+-suc (size u) (size v₁)))
size u + suc (size v₁)
≤⟨ +-mono-≤ ≤-refl (s≤s (m≤m+n (size v₁) (size v₂)))
size u + suc (size v₁ + size v₂)
M : depth u + depth w , size u + size v₁ <<
depth u + depth w , size u + suc (size v₁ + size v₂)
M = snd (≤⇒≤′ ≤-refl) (≤⇒≤′ Ma)
helper d s IH {u} {v₁ v₂} {w} d≡ s≡ (⊑-conj-R2 u⊑v₂) v₁⊔v₂⊑w
rewrite d≡ | s≡ =
let v₂⊑w = ⊔⊑L v₁⊔v₂⊑w in
IH M {u}{v₂}{w} refl refl u⊑v₂ v₂⊑w
Ma = begin
suc (size u + size v₂)
≤⟨ ≤-reflexive (sym (+-suc (size u) (size v₂)))
size u + suc (size v₂)
≤⟨ +-mono-≤ ≤-refl (s≤s (n≤m+n (size v₁) (size v₂)))
size u + suc (size v₁ + size v₂)
M : depth u + depth w , size u + size v₂ <<
depth u + depth w , size u + suc (size v₁ + size v₂)
M = snd (≤⇒≤′ ≤-refl) (≤⇒≤′ Ma)
helper d s IH {u₁ u₂}{v}{w}d≡ s≡ (⊑-fun{u = v}v⊆v afv dv⊑u₁ u₂⊑cv) v⊑w
rewrite d≡ | s≡
with sub-inv-trans afv v⊆v
(λ {v₁}{v₂} v₁↦v₂∈v ⊑-fun-inv {v} {w} (u⊆v⊑w→u⊑w v⊆v v⊑w)
... | w , afw , w⊆w , dw⊑dv , cv⊑cw =
let dw⊑u₁ = IH M1 {dom w}{dom v}{u₁} refl refl dw⊑dv dv⊑u₁ in
let u₂⊑cw = IH M2 {u₂}{cod v}{cod w} refl refl u₂⊑cv cv⊑cw in
⊑-fun{u = w} w⊆w afw dw⊑u₁ u₂⊑cw
dw≤w : depth (dom w) depth w
dw≤w = ≤-trans (dom-depth-≤{w}) (⊆→depth≤ w⊆w)
cw≤w : depth (cod w) depth w
cw≤w = ≤-trans (cod-depth-≤{w}) (⊆→depth≤ w⊆w)
M1a = begin
suc (depth (dom w) + depth u₁)
≤⟨ s≤s (≤-reflexive (+-comm (depth (dom w)) (depth u₁)))
suc (depth u₁ + depth (dom w))
≤⟨ s≤s (+-mono-≤ (m≤m⊔n (depth u₁) (depth u₂)) dw≤w)
suc (max (depth u₁) (depth u₂) + depth w)
M1 : depth (dom w) + depth u₁ , size (dom w) + size (dom v)
<< suc (max (depth u₁) (depth u₂) + depth w) ,
suc (size u₁ + size u₂ + size v)
M1 = fst (≤⇒≤′ M1a)
M2a = begin
suc (depth u₂ + depth (cod w))
≤⟨ s≤s (+-mono-≤ (n≤m⊔n (depth u₁) (depth u₂)) cw≤w)
suc (max (depth u₁) (depth u₂) + depth w)
M2 : depth u₂ + depth (cod w) ,
size u₂ + size (cod v)
<< suc (max (depth u₁) (depth u₂) + depth w) ,
suc (size u₁ + size u₂ + size v)
M2 = fst (≤⇒≤′ M2a)
⊑-trans : {u v w} u v v w u w
⊑-trans {u} {v} {w} u⊑v v⊑w =
⊑-trans-rec (depth u + depth w) (size u + size v) refl refl u⊑v v⊑w