revised Lambda, ready to rename type rules
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 151 additions and 91 deletions
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ open import Data.String using (String; _≟_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no; ¬_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no; ¬_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬?)
## Syntax of terms
## Syntax of terms
@ -667,7 +668,7 @@ above are equivalent.
## Examples
## Examples
Here is a sample reduction demonstating that two plus two is four.
Here is a sample reduction demonstrating that two plus two is four.
_ : four ⟶* `suc `suc `suc `suc `zero
_ : four ⟶* `suc `suc `suc `suc `zero
_ =
_ =
@ -829,11 +830,22 @@ For example,
is the context that associates variable ` "s" ` with type `` `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ ``,
is the context that associates variable ` "s" ` with type `` `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ ``,
and variable ` "z" ` with type `` `ℕ ``.
and variable ` "z" ` with type `` `ℕ ``.
Contexts are formalised as follows.
infixl 5 _,_⦂_
data Context : Set where
∅ : Context
_,_⦂_ : Context → Id → Type → Context
We have two forms of _judgement_. The first is written
We have two forms of _judgement_. The first is written
Γ ∋ x ⦂ A
Γ ∋ x ⦂ A
and indicates in context `Γ` that variable `x` has type `A`.
and indicates in context `Γ` that variable `x` has type `A`.
It is called _lookup_.
For example
For example
* `` ∅ , "s" ⦂ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ , "z" ⦂ `ℕ ∋ "z" ⦂ `ℕ ``
* `` ∅ , "s" ⦂ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ , "z" ⦂ `ℕ ∋ "z" ⦂ `ℕ ``
@ -844,6 +856,37 @@ The symbol `∋` (pronounced "ni", for "in" backwards) is chosen because
checking that `Γ ∋ x ⦂ A` is anologous to checking whether `x ⦂ A` appears
checking that `Γ ∋ x ⦂ A` is anologous to checking whether `x ⦂ A` appears
in a list corresponding to `Γ`.
in a list corresponding to `Γ`.
If two variables in a context have the same name, then lookup
should return the most recently bound variable, which _shadows_
the other variables. For example,
* `` ∅ , "x" : `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ , "x" : `ℕ ∋ "x" ⦂ `ℕ
Here ` "x" ⦂ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ ` is shadowed by ` "x" ⦂ `ℕ `.
Lookup is formalised as follows.
infix 4 _∋_⦂_
data _∋_⦂_ : Context → Id → Type → Set where
Z : ∀ {Γ x A}
→ Γ , x ⦂ A ∋ x ⦂ A
S : ∀ {Γ x y A B}
→ x ≢ y
→ Γ ∋ x ⦂ A
→ Γ , y ⦂ B ∋ x ⦂ A
The constructors `Z` and `S` correspond roughly to the constructors
`here` and `there` for the element-of relation `_∈_` on lists.
Constructor `S` takes an additional paramemer, which ensures that
when we look up a variable that it is not _shadowed_ by another
variable with the same name earlier in the list.
The second judgement is written
The second judgement is written
Γ ⊢ M ⦂ A
Γ ⊢ M ⦂ A
@ -856,40 +899,9 @@ For example
* `` ∅ , "s" ⦂ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ ⊢ (ƛ "z" ⇒ # "s" · (# "s" · # "z")) ⦂ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ ``
* `` ∅ , "s" ⦂ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ ⊢ (ƛ "z" ⇒ # "s" · (# "s" · # "z")) ⦂ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ ``
* `` ∅ ⊢ ƛ "s" ⇒ ƛ "z" ⇒ # "s" · (# "s" · # "z")) ⦂ (`ℕ ⇒ `ℕ) ⇒ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ ``
* `` ∅ ⊢ ƛ "s" ⇒ ƛ "z" ⇒ # "s" · (# "s" · # "z")) ⦂ (`ℕ ⇒ `ℕ) ⇒ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ ``
The proof rules come in pairs, with rules to introduce and to
Typing is formalised as follows.
eliminate each connective, labeled `-I` and `-E`, respectively. As we
read the rules from top to bottom, introduction and elimination rules
do what they say on the tin: the first _introduces_ a formula for the
connective, which appears in the conclusion but not in the premises;
while the second _eliminates_ a formula for the connective, which appears in
a premise but not in the conclusion. An introduction rule describes
how to construct a value of the type (abstractions yield functions,
`` `suc `` and `` `zero `` yield naturals), while an elimination rule describes
how to deconstruct a value of the given type (applications use
functions, case expressions use naturals).
Here are contexts, lookup rules, and type rules formalised in Agda.
infix 4 _∋_⦂_
infix 4 _⊢_⦂_
infix 4 _⊢_⦂_
infixl 5 _,_⦂_
data Context : Set where
∅ : Context
_,_⦂_ : Context → Id → Type → Context
data _∋_⦂_ : Context → Id → Type → Set where
Z : ∀ {Γ x A}
→ Γ , x ⦂ A ∋ x ⦂ A
S : ∀ {Γ x y A B}
→ x ≢ y
→ Γ ∋ x ⦂ A
→ Γ , y ⦂ B ∋ x ⦂ A
data _⊢_⦂_ : Context → Term → Type → Set where
data _⊢_⦂_ : Context → Term → Type → Set where
@ -898,26 +910,31 @@ data _⊢_⦂_ : Context → Term → Type → Set where
→ Γ ⊢ # x ⦂ A
→ Γ ⊢ # x ⦂ A
-- ⇒-I
⇒-I : ∀ {Γ x N A B}
⇒-I : ∀ {Γ x N A B}
→ Γ , x ⦂ A ⊢ N ⦂ B
→ Γ , x ⦂ A ⊢ N ⦂ B
→ Γ ⊢ ƛ x ⇒ N ⦂ A ⇒ B
→ Γ ⊢ ƛ x ⇒ N ⦂ A ⇒ B
-- ⇒-E
⇒-E : ∀ {Γ L M A B}
⇒-E : ∀ {Γ L M A B}
→ Γ ⊢ L ⦂ A ⇒ B
→ Γ ⊢ L ⦂ A ⇒ B
→ Γ ⊢ M ⦂ A
→ Γ ⊢ M ⦂ A
→ Γ ⊢ L · M ⦂ B
→ Γ ⊢ L · M ⦂ B
-- ℕ-I₁
ℕ-I₁ : ∀ {Γ}
ℕ-I₁ : ∀ {Γ}
→ Γ ⊢ `zero ⦂ `ℕ
→ Γ ⊢ `zero ⦂ `ℕ
-- ℕ-I₂
ℕ-I₂ : ∀ {Γ M}
ℕ-I₂ : ∀ {Γ M}
→ Γ ⊢ M ⦂ `ℕ
→ Γ ⊢ M ⦂ `ℕ
→ Γ ⊢ `suc M ⦂ `ℕ
→ Γ ⊢ `suc M ⦂ `ℕ
-- ℕ-E
ℕ-E : ∀ {Γ L M x N A}
ℕ-E : ∀ {Γ L M x N A}
→ Γ ⊢ L ⦂ `ℕ
→ Γ ⊢ L ⦂ `ℕ
→ Γ ⊢ M ⦂ A
→ Γ ⊢ M ⦂ A
@ -931,32 +948,72 @@ data _⊢_⦂_ : Context → Term → Type → Set where
→ Γ ⊢ μ x ⇒ M ⦂ A
→ Γ ⊢ μ x ⇒ M ⦂ A
The rules are deterministic, in that
Each type rule is named after the constructor for the
at most one rule applies to every term.
corresponding term.
Most of the rules have a second name,
derived from a convention in logic, whereby the rule is
named after the type connective that it concerns;
rules to introduce and to
eliminate each connective are labeled `-I` and `-E`, respectively. As we
read the rules from top to bottom, introduction and elimination rules
do what they say on the tin: the first _introduces_ a formula for the
connective, which appears in the conclusion but not in the premises;
while the second _eliminates_ a formula for the connective, which appears in
a premise but not in the conclusion. An introduction rule describes
how to construct a value of the type (abstractions yield functions,
`` `suc `` and `` `zero `` yield naturals), while an elimination rule describes
how to deconstruct a value of the given type (applications use
functions, case expressions use naturals).
The rules are deterministic, in that at most one rule applies to every term.
### Checking inequality and postulating the impossible
The following function makes it convenient to assert an inequality.
_≠_ : ∀ (x y : Id) → x ≢ y
x ≠ y with x ≟ y
... | no x≢y = x≢y
... | yes _ = ⊥-elim impossible
where postulate impossible : ⊥
Here `_≟_` is the function that tests two identifiers for equality.
We intend to apply the function only when the
two arguments are indeed unequal, and indicate that the second
case should never arise by postulating a term `impossible` of
with the empty type `⊥`. If we use ^C ^N to normalise the term
"a" ≠ "a"
Agda will return an answer warning us that the impossible has occurred:
⊥-elim (.plta.Lambda.impossible "a" "a" refl)
While postulating the impossible is a useful technique, it must be
used with care, since such postulation could allow us to provide
evidence of _any_ proposition whatsoever, regardless of its truth.
### Example type derivations
### Example type derivations
Here is a typing example. First, here is how
Type derivations correspond to trees. In informal notation, here
it would be written in an informal description of the
is a type derivation for the Church numberal two:
formal semantics.
Derivation of for the Church numeral two:
∋s ∋s ∋z
∋s ∋s ∋z
------------------- Ax ------------------- Ax --------------- Ax
------------------- ⌊_⌋ ------------------- ⌊_⌋ --------------- ⌊_⌋
Γ₂ ⊢ # "s" ⦂ A ⇒ A Γ₂ ⊢ # "s" ⦂ A ⇒ A Γ₂ ⊢ # "z" ⦂ A
Γ₂ ⊢ # "s" ⦂ A ⇒ A Γ₂ ⊢ # "s" ⦂ A ⇒ A Γ₂ ⊢ # "z" ⦂ A
------------------- Ax ------------------------------------------ ⇒-E
------------------- ⌊_⌋ ------------------------------------------ _·_
Γ₂ ⊢ # "s" ⦂ A ⇒ A Γ₂ ⊢ # "s" · # "z" ⦂ A
Γ₂ ⊢ # "s" ⦂ A ⇒ A Γ₂ ⊢ # "s" · # "z" ⦂ A
-------------------------------------------------- ⇒-E
-------------------------------------------------- _·_
Γ₂ ⊢ # "s" · (# "s" · # "z") ⦂ A
Γ₂ ⊢ # "s" · (# "s" · # "z") ⦂ A
---------------------------------------------- ⇒-I
---------------------------------------------- ƛ_
Γ₁ ⊢ ƛ "z" ⇒ # "s" · (# "s" · # "z") ⦂ A ⇒ A
Γ₁ ⊢ ƛ "z" ⇒ # "s" · (# "s" · # "z") ⦂ A ⇒ A
---------------------------------------------------------- ⇒-I
---------------------------------------------------------- ƛ_
∅ ⊢ ƛ "s" ⇒ ƛ "z" ⇒ # "s" · (# "s" · # "z") ⦂ A ⇒ A
∅ ⊢ ƛ "s" ⇒ ƛ "z" ⇒ # "s" · (# "s" · # "z") ⦂ A ⇒ A
Where `∋s` and `∋z` abbreviate the two derivations:
where `∋s` and `∋z` abbreviate the two derivations:
---------------- Z
---------------- Z
"s" ≢ "z" Γ₁ ∋ "s" ⦂ A ⇒ A
"s" ≢ "z" Γ₁ ∋ "s" ⦂ A ⇒ A
@ -965,8 +1022,7 @@ Where `∋s` and `∋z` abbreviate the two derivations:
and where `Γ₁ = ∅ , s ⦂ A ⇒ A` and `Γ₂ = ∅ , s ⦂ A ⇒ A , z ⦂ A`.
and where `Γ₁ = ∅ , s ⦂ A ⇒ A` and `Γ₂ = ∅ , s ⦂ A ⇒ A , z ⦂ A`.
Here is the above derivation formalised in Agda.
Here is the above typing derivation formalised in Agda.
Ch : Type → Type
Ch : Type → Type
Ch A = (A ⇒ A) ⇒ A ⇒ A
Ch A = (A ⇒ A) ⇒ A ⇒ A
@ -975,14 +1031,11 @@ Ch A = (A ⇒ A) ⇒ A ⇒ A
⊢twoᶜ = ⇒-I (⇒-I (⇒-E (Ax ∋s) (⇒-E (Ax ∋s) (Ax ∋z))))
⊢twoᶜ = ⇒-I (⇒-I (⇒-E (Ax ∋s) (⇒-E (Ax ∋s) (Ax ∋z))))
s≢z : "s" ≢ "z"
∋s = S ("s" ≠ "z") Z
s≢z ()
∋s = S s≢z Z
∋z = Z
∋z = Z
Typing for the first example.
Here are the typings corresponding to our first example.
⊢two : ∅ ⊢ two ⦂ `ℕ
⊢two : ∅ ⊢ two ⦂ `ℕ
⊢two = ℕ-I₂ (ℕ-I₂ ℕ-I₁)
⊢two = ℕ-I₂ (ℕ-I₂ ℕ-I₁)
@ -991,25 +1044,31 @@ Typing for the first example.
⊢plus = Fix (⇒-I (⇒-I (ℕ-E (Ax ∋m) (Ax ∋n)
⊢plus = Fix (⇒-I (⇒-I (ℕ-E (Ax ∋m) (Ax ∋n)
(ℕ-I₂ (⇒-E (⇒-E (Ax ∋+) (Ax ∋m′)) (Ax ∋n′))))))
(ℕ-I₂ (⇒-E (⇒-E (Ax ∋+) (Ax ∋m′)) (Ax ∋n′))))))
∋+ = (S (λ()) (S (λ()) (S (λ()) Z)))
∋+ = (S ("+" ≠ "m") (S ("+" ≠ "n") (S ("+" ≠ "m") Z)))
∋m = (S (λ()) Z)
∋m = (S ("m" ≠ "n") Z)
∋n = Z
∋n = Z
∋m′ = Z
∋m′ = Z
∋n′ = (S (λ()) Z)
∋n′ = (S ("n" ≠ "m") Z)
⊢four : ∅ ⊢ four ⦂ `ℕ
⊢four : ∅ ⊢ four ⦂ `ℕ
⊢four = ⇒-E (⇒-E ⊢plus ⊢two) ⊢two
⊢four = ⇒-E (⇒-E ⊢plus ⊢two) ⊢two
The two occcurrences of variable `"n"` in the original term appear
in different contexts, and correspond here to the two different
lookup judgements, `∋n` and `∋n′`. The first looks up `"n"` in
a context that ends with the binding for "n", while the second looks
it up in a context extended by the binding for "m" in the second
branch of the case expression.
Typing for the rest of the Church example.
Here are typings for the remainder of the Church example.
⊢plusᶜ : ∀ {A} → ∅ ⊢ plusᶜ ⦂ Ch A ⇒ Ch A ⇒ Ch A
⊢plusᶜ : ∀ {A} → ∅ ⊢ plusᶜ ⦂ Ch A ⇒ Ch A ⇒ Ch A
⊢plusᶜ = ⇒-I (⇒-I (⇒-I (⇒-I (⇒-E (⇒-E (Ax ∋m) (Ax ∋s))
⊢plusᶜ = ⇒-I (⇒-I (⇒-I (⇒-I (⇒-E (⇒-E (Ax ∋m) (Ax ∋s))
(⇒-E (⇒-E (Ax ∋n) (Ax ∋s)) (Ax ∋z))))))
(⇒-E (⇒-E (Ax ∋n) (Ax ∋s)) (Ax ∋z))))))
∋m = S (λ()) (S (λ()) (S (λ()) Z))
∋m = S ("m" ≠ "z") (S ("m" ≠ "s") (S ("m" ≠ "n") Z))
∋n = S (λ()) (S (λ()) Z)
∋n = S ("n" ≠ "z") (S ("n" ≠ "s") Z)
∋s = S (λ()) Z
∋s = S ("s" ≠ "z") Z
∋z = Z
∋z = Z
⊢sucᶜ : ∅ ⊢ sucᶜ ⦂ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ
⊢sucᶜ : ∅ ⊢ sucᶜ ⦂ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ
@ -1021,18 +1080,10 @@ Typing for the rest of the Church example.
⊢fourᶜ = ⇒-E (⇒-E (⇒-E (⇒-E ⊢plusᶜ ⊢twoᶜ) ⊢twoᶜ) ⊢sucᶜ) ℕ-I₁
⊢fourᶜ = ⇒-E (⇒-E (⇒-E (⇒-E ⊢plusᶜ ⊢twoᶜ) ⊢twoᶜ) ⊢sucᶜ) ℕ-I₁
*(((Rename I and E rules with the constructors and a turnstyle)))*
*(((Explain the alternative names with I and E)))*
*(((Copy ≠ from chapter Inference and use it to replace `λ()` in examples)))*
#### Interaction with Agda
#### Interaction with Agda
*(((rewrite the following)))*
Construction of a type derivation may be done interactively.
Construction of a type derivation is best done interactively.
Start with the declaration:
Start with the declaration:
⊢sucᶜ : ∅ ⊢ sucᶜ ⦂ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ
⊢sucᶜ : ∅ ⊢ sucᶜ ⦂ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ
@ -1044,32 +1095,40 @@ Typing C-l causes Agda to create a hole and tell us its expected type.
?0 : ∅ ⊢ sucᶜ ⦂ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ
?0 : ∅ ⊢ sucᶜ ⦂ `ℕ ⇒ `ℕ
Now we fill in the hole by typing C-c C-r. Agda observes that
Now we fill in the hole by typing C-c C-r. Agda observes that
the outermost term in `sucᶜ` in a `λ`, which is typed using `⇒-I`. The
the outermost term in `sucᶜ` in `ƛ`, which is typed using `⇒-I`. The
`⇒-I` rule in turn takes one argument, which Agda leaves as a hole.
`⇒-I` rule in turn takes one argument, which Agda leaves as a hole.
⊢sucᶜ = ⇒-I { }0
⊢sucᶜ = ⇒-I { }1
?0 : ∅ , x ⦂ `ℕ ⊢ if ` x then false else true ⦂ `ℕ
?1 : ∅ , "n" ⦂ `ℕ ⊢ `suc # "n" ⦂ `ℕ
Again we fill in the hole by typing C-c C-r. Agda observes that the
We can fill in the hole by type C-c C-r again.
outermost term is now `if_then_else_`, which is typed using ``ℕ-E`. The
``ℕ-E` rule in turn takes three arguments, which Agda leaves as holes.
⊢sucᶜ = ⇒-I (`ℕ-E { }0 { }1 { }2)
⊢sucᶜ = ⇒-I (`ℕ-I₂ { }2)
?0 : ∅ , x ⦂ `ℕ ⊢ ` x ⦂
?2 : ∅ , "n" ⦂ `ℕ ⊢ # "n" ⦂ `ℕ
?1 : ∅ , x ⦂ `ℕ ⊢ false ⦂ `ℕ
?2 : ∅ , x ⦂ `ℕ ⊢ true ⦂ `ℕ
Again we fill in the three holes by typing C-c C-r in each. Agda observes
And again.
that `` ` x ``, `false`, and `true` are typed using `Ax`, ``ℕ-I₂`, and
``ℕ-I₁` respectively. The `Ax` rule in turn takes an argument, to show
⊢suc′ = ⇒-I (ℕ-I₂ (Ax { }3))
that `(∅ , x ⦂ `ℕ) x = just `ℕ`, which can in turn be specified with a
?3 : ∅ , "n" ⦂ `ℕ ∋ "n" ⦂ `ℕ
hole. After filling in all holes, the term is as above.
A further attempt with C-c C-r yields the message:
Don't know which constructor to introduce of Z or S
We can fill in `Z` by hand. If we type C-c C-space, Agda will confirm we are done.
⊢suc′ = ⇒-I (ℕ-I₂ (Ax Z))
The entire process can be automated using Agsy, invoked with C-c C-a.
The entire process can be automated using Agsy, invoked with C-c C-a.
Chapter [Inference]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link out/plta/ %})
will show how to use Agda to compute type derivations directly.
### Lookup is injective
### Lookup is injective
Note that `Γ ∋ x ⦂ A` is injective.
The lookup relation `Γ ∋ x ⦂ A` is injective, in that for each `Γ` and `x`
there is at most one `A` such that the judgement holds.
∋-injective : ∀ {Γ x A B} → Γ ∋ x ⦂ A → Γ ∋ x ⦂ B → A ≡ B
∋-injective : ∀ {Γ x A B} → Γ ∋ x ⦂ A → Γ ∋ x ⦂ B → A ≡ B
∋-injective Z Z = refl
∋-injective Z Z = refl
@ -1078,19 +1137,19 @@ Note that `Γ ∋ x ⦂ A` is injective.
∋-injective (S _ ∋x) (S _ ∋x′) = ∋-injective ∋x ∋x′
∋-injective (S _ ∋x) (S _ ∋x′) = ∋-injective ∋x ∋x′
The relation `Γ ⊢ M ⦂ A` is not injective. For example, in any `Γ`
The typing relation `Γ ⊢ M ⦂ A` is not injective. For example, in any `Γ`
the term `ƛ "x" ⇒ "x"` has type `A ⇒ A` for any type `A`.
the term `ƛ "x" ⇒ "x"` has type `A ⇒ A` for any type `A`.
### Non-examples
### Non-examples
We can also show that terms are _not_ typeable. For example, here is
We can also show that terms are _not_ typeable. For example, here is
a formal proof that it is not possible to type the term `` `suc `zero ·
a formal proof that it is not possible to type the term `` `zero ·
`zero ``. In other words, no type `A` is the type of this term. It
`suc `zero ``. In other words, no type `A` is the type of this term. It
cannot be typed, because doing so requires that the first term in the
cannot be typed, because doing so requires that the first term in the
application is both a natural and a function.
application is both a natural and a function.
nope₁ : ∀ {A} → ¬ (∅ ⊢ `suc `zero · `zero ⦂ A)
nope₁ : ∀ {A} → ¬ (∅ ⊢ `zero · `suc `zero ⦂ A)
nope₁ (⇒-E () _)
nope₁ (⇒-E () _)
@ -1125,7 +1184,6 @@ or explain why there are no such types.
3. `` ∅ , x ⦂ A , y ⦂ B ⊢ λ[ z ⦂ C ] ` x · (` y · ` z) ⦂ D ``
3. `` ∅ , x ⦂ A , y ⦂ B ⊢ λ[ z ⦂ C ] ` x · (` y · ` z) ⦂ D ``
## Unicode
## Unicode
This chapter uses the following unicode
This chapter uses the following unicode
@ -1138,5 +1196,7 @@ This chapter uses the following unicode
⟶ U+27F9: LONG RIGHTWARDS ARROW (\r5, \-->)
⟶ U+27F9: LONG RIGHTWARDS ARROW (\r5, \-->)
ξ U+03BE: GREEK SMALL LETTER XI (\Gx or \xi)
ξ U+03BE: GREEK SMALL LETTER XI (\Gx or \xi)
β U+03B2: GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA (\Gb or \beta)
β U+03B2: GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA (\Gb or \beta)
⊢ U+22A2: RIGHT TACK (\vdash or \|-)
Reference in a new issue