Decidable, first half

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src/Decidable.lagda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
title : "Decidable: Booleans and decision procedures"
layout : page
permalink : /Decidable
We have a choice as to how to represent relations:
as an inductive data type of *evidence* that the relation holds,
or as a function that *computes* whether the relation holds.
Here we explore the relation between these choices.
## Imports
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product using (_×_) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contraposition)
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
## Evidence vs Computation
Recall that Chapter [Relations](Relations) defined comparison
an inductive datatype, which provides *evidence* that one number
is less than or equal to another.
infix 4 _≤_
data _≤_ : → Set where
z≤n : ∀ {n : } → zero ≤ n
s≤s : ∀ {m n : } → m ≤ n → suc m ≤ suc n
For example, we can provide evidence that `2 ≤ 4`,
and show there is no possible evidence that `4 ≤ 2`.
2≤4 : 2 ≤ 4
2≤4 = s≤s (s≤s z≤n)
¬4≤2 : ¬ (4 ≤ 2)
¬4≤2 (s≤s (s≤s ()))
The occurrence of `()` attests to the fact that there is
no possible evidence for `2 ≤ 0`, which `z≤n` cannot match
(because `2` is not `zero`) and `s≤s` cannot match
(because `0` cannot match `suc n`).
An alternative, which may seem more familiar, is to define a
type of booleans.
data Bool : Set where
true : Bool
false : Bool
We will use `true` to represent the case where a proposition holds,
and `false` to represent the case where a proposition fails to hold.
Given booleans, we can define a function of two numbers that
*computes* to true if the comparison holds, and false otherwise.
infix 4 _≤ᵇ_
_≤ᵇ_ : → Bool
zero ≤ᵇ n = true
suc m ≤ᵇ zero = false
suc m ≤ᵇ suc n = m ≤ᵇ n
The first and last clauses of this definition resemble the two
constructors of the corresponding inductive datatype, while the
middle clause arises because there is no possible evidence that
`suc m ≤ zero` for any `m`.
For example, we can compute that `2 ≤ 4` holds,
and we can compute that `4 ≤ 2` does not hold.
2≤ᵇ4 : (2 ≤ᵇ 4) ≡ true
2≤ᵇ4 =
2 ≤ᵇ 4
1 ≤ᵇ 3
0 ≤ᵇ 2
4≤ᵇ2 : (4 ≤ᵇ 2) ≡ false
4≤ᵇ2 =
4 ≤ᵇ 2
3 ≤ᵇ 1
2 ≤ᵇ 0
In the first case, it takes two steps to reduce the first argument to zero,
and one more step to compute true, corresponding to the two uses of `s≤s`
and the one use of `z≤n` when providing evidence that `2 ≤ 4`.
In the second case, it takes two steps to reduce the second argument to zero,
and one more step to compute false, corresponding to the two uses of `s≤s`
and the one use of `()` when showing there can be no evidence that `4 ≤ 2`.
## Relating evidence and computation
We would hope to be able to show these two approaches are related, and
indeed we can. First, we define a function that lets us map from the
computation world to the evidence world.
T : Bool → Set
T true =
T false = ⊥
Recall that `` is the unit type which contains the single element `tt`,
and the `⊥` is the empty type which contains no values. (Also note that
`T` is a capital letter t, and distinct from ``.) If `b` is of type `Bool`,
then `tt` provides evidence that `T b` holds if `b` is true, while there is
no possible evidence that `T b` holds if `b` is false.
Another way to put this is that `T b` is inhabited exactly when `b ≡ true`
is inhabited.
In the forward direction, we need to do a case analysis on the boolean `b`.
T→≡ : ∀ (b : Bool) → T b → b ≡ true
T→≡ true tt = refl
T→≡ false ()
If `b` is true then `T b` is inhabited by `tt` and `b ≡ true` is inhabited
by `refl`, while if `b` is false then `T b` in uninhabited.
In the reverse direction, there is no need for a case analysis.
≡→T : ∀ {b : Bool} → b ≡ true → T b
≡→T refl = tt
If `b ≡ true` is inhabited by `refl` we know that `b` is `true` and
hence `T b` is inhabited by `tt`.
Now we can show that `T (m ≤ᵇ n)` is inhabited exactly when `m ≤ n` is inhabited.
In the forward direction, we consider the three clauses in the definition
of `_≤ᵇ_`.
≤ᵇ→≤ : ∀ (m n : ) → T (m ≤ᵇ n) → m ≤ n
≤ᵇ→≤ zero n tt = z≤n
≤ᵇ→≤ (suc m) zero ()
≤ᵇ→≤ (suc m) (suc n) t = s≤s (≤ᵇ→≤ m n t)
In the first clause, we immediately have that `zero ≤ᵇ n` is
true, so `T (m ≤ᵇ n)` is evidenced by `tt`, and correspondingly `m ≤ n` is
evidenced by `z≤n`. In the middle clause, we immediately have that
`suc m ≤ᵇ zero` is false, and hence `T (m ≤ᵇ n)` is empty, so we need
not provide evidence that `m ≤ n`, which is just as well since there is no
such evidence. In the last clause, we have the `suc m ≤ suc n` recurses
to `m ≤ n` and we let `t` be the evidence of `T (m ≤ᵇ n)` if it exists.
We recursively invoke the function to get evidence that `m ≤ n`, which
`s≤s` converts to evidence that `suc m ≤ suc n`.
In the reverse direction, we consider the possible forms of evidence
that `m ≤ n`.
≤→≤ᵇ : ∀ {m n : } → m ≤ n → T (m ≤ᵇ n)
≤→≤ᵇ z≤n = tt
≤→≤ᵇ (s≤s m≤n) = ≤→≤ᵇ m≤n
If the evidence is `z≤n` then we immediately have that `zero ≤ᵇ n` is
true, so `T (m ≤ᵇ n)` is evidenced by `tt`. If the evidence is `s≤s`
applied to `m≤n`, then `suc m ≤ᵇ suc n` reduces to `m ≤ᵇ n`, and we
may recursively invoke the function to produce evidence that `T (m ≤ᵇ n)`.
The forward proof has one more clause than the reverse proof,
precisely because in the forward proof we need clauses corresponding to
the comparison yielding both true and false, while in the reverse proof
we only need clauses corresponding to the case where there is evidence
that the comparision holds. This is exactly why we tend to prefer the
evidence formulation to the computation formulation, because it allows
us to do less work: we consider only cases where the relation holds,
and can ignore those where it does not.
On the other hand, sometimes the computation formulation may be just what
we want. Given a non-obvious relation over large values, it might be
handy to have the computer work out the answer for us. Fortunately,
rather than choosing between *evidence* and *computation*,
there is a way to get the benefits of both.
## The best of both worlds
A function that returns a boolean returns exactly a single bit of information:
does the relation hold or does it not? Conversely, the evidence approach tells
us exactly why the relation holds, but we are responsible for generating the
evidence. But it is easy to define a type that combines the benefits of
both approaches. It is called `Dec A`, where `Dec` is short for *decide*.
data Dec (A : Set) : Set where
yes : A → Dec A
no : ¬ A → Dec A
Like booleans, the type has two constructors. A value of type `Dec A`
is either of the form `yes x`, where `x` provides evidence that `A` holds,
or of the form `no ¬x`, where `¬x` provides evidence that `A` cannot hold
(that is, `¬x` is a function which given evidence of `A` yields a contradiction).
For example, here is a function which given two numbers decides whether one
is less than or equal to the other, and provides evidence to justify its conclusion.
_≤?_ : ∀ (m n : ) → Dec (m ≤ n)
zero ≤? n = yes z≤n
suc m ≤? zero = no λ()
suc m ≤? suc n with m ≤? n
... | yes m≤n = yes (s≤s m≤n)
... | no ¬m≤n = no λ{ (s≤s m≤n) → ¬m≤n m≤n }
As with `_≤ᵇ_`, the definition has three clauses. In the first clause,
it is immediate that `zero ≤ n` holds, and it is evidenced by `z≤n`.
In the second clause, it is immediate that `suc m ≤ n` does not hold,
and the absence of possible evidence is attested by `λ()`. In the third
clause, to decide whether `suc m ≤ suc n` holds we recursively invoke
`m ≤? n`. There are two possibilities. In the `yes` case it returns evidence `m≤n` that
`m ≤ n`, and `s≤s m≤n` provides evidence that `suc m ≤ suc n`.
In the `no` case it returns evidence `¬m≤n` that `¬ (m ≤ n)`. Then given evidence
`s≤s m≤n` that `suc m ≤ suc n` holds, we can combine `¬m≤n` and `m≤n` to derive
a contradiction, and hence we know that `¬ (suc m ≤ suc n)`. In the `no`
case, we need not consider `z≤n`, because it cannot prove `suc m ≤ suc n`.
When we wrote `_≤ᵇ_`, we had to write two other functions, `≤ᵇ→≤` and `≤→≤ᵇ`,
in order to show that it was correct. In contrast, the definition of `_≤?_`
proves itself correct, as attested to by its type. The code of `_≤?_`
is far more compact than the combined code of `_≤ᵇ_`, `≤ᵇ→≤`, and `≤→≤ᵇ`.
And, as we will later show, if you really want the latter three, it is easy
to derive them from the first.
We can use our new function to *compute* the *evidence* that earlier we had to
think up on our own.
2≤?4 : Dec (2 ≤ 4)
2≤?4 = yes (s≤s (s≤s z≤n))
4≤?2 : Dec (4 ≤ 2)
4≤?2 = no λ{(s≤s (s≤s ()))}
You can check that Agda will indeed compute these values. Replace the right hand
sides of the two equations above by holes containing, respectively, `2 ≤? 4`
and `4 ≤? 2`, then type `^C ^N` while in the holes to compute the corresponding
values. In the first case, it yields exactly the value given, while in the
second case, it yields
no (λ { (s≤s m≤n) → (λ { (s≤s m≤n) → (λ ()) m≤n }) m≤n })
which simplifies to the value given above. (As of this writing there
is a bug in Agda, which yields a spurious `1` in the middle of the
term above.)
## Decidables from booleans, and booleans from decidables
Curious readers might wonder if we could reuse the definition of `m ≤ᵇ
n`, together with the proofs that it is equivalent to `m ≤ n`, to show
decidability. Indeed we can do so as follows.
_≤?_ : ∀ (m n : ) → Dec (m ≤ n)
m ≤? n with m ≤ᵇ n | ≤ᵇ→≤ m n | ≤→≤ᵇ {m} {n}
... | true | p | _ = yes (p tt)
... | false | _ | ¬p = no ¬p
If `m ≤ᵇ n` is true then `≤ᵇ→≤` yields a proof that `m ≤ n` holds,
while if it is false then `≤→≤ᵇ` takes a proof the `m ≤ n` holds into a contradiction.
The triple binding of the `with` clause in this proof is essential.
If instead we wrote
_≤?″_ : ∀ (m n : ) → Dec (m ≤ n)
m ≤?″ n with m ≤ᵇ n
... | true = yes (≤ᵇ→≤ m n tt)
... | false = no (≤→≤ᵇ {m} {n})
then Agda would make two complaints, one for each clause
!=< (T (m ≤ᵇ n)) of type Set
when checking that the expression tt has type T (m ≤ᵇ n)
T (m ≤ᵇ n) !=< ⊥ of type Set
when checking that the expression ≤→≤ᵇ {m} {n} has type ¬ m ≤ n
Putting the expressions into the with clause permits Agda to exploit
the fact that `T (m ≤ᵇ n)` is `` when `m ≤ᵇ n` is true, and that
`T (m ≤ᵇ n)` is `⊥` when `m ≤ᵇ n` is false.
However, overall it is simpler to just define `_≤?_` directly, as in the previous
section. If one really wants `_≤ᵇ_`, then it and its properties are easily derived
from `_≤?_`, as we will now show.
Erasure takes a decidable value to a boolean.
⌊_⌋ : ∀ {A : Set} → Dec A → Bool
⌊ yes x ⌋ = true
⌊ no ¬x ⌋ = false
Using erasure, we can easily derive `_≤ᵇ_` from `_≤?_`.
_≤ᵇ_ : → Bool
m ≤ᵇ′ n = ⌊ m ≤? n ⌋
Further, if `D` is a value of type `Dec A`, then `T ⌊ D ⌋` is
inhabited exactly when `A` is inhabited.
toWitness : ∀ {A : Set} → {D : Dec A} → T ⌊ D ⌋ → A
toWitness {A} {yes x} tt = x
toWitness {A} {no ¬x} ()
fromWitness : ∀ {A : Set} → {D : Dec A} → A → T ⌊ D ⌋
fromWitness {A} {yes x} _ = tt
fromWitness {A} {no ¬x} x = ¬x x
Using these, we can easily derive that `T (m ≤ᵇ′ n)` is inhabited
exactly when `m ≤ n` is inhabited.
≤ᵇ′→≤ : ∀ {m n : } → T (m ≤ᵇ′ n) → m ≤ n
≤ᵇ′→≤ = toWitness
≤→≤ᵇ′ : ∀ {m n : } → m ≤ n → T (m ≤ᵇ′ n)
≤→≤ᵇ′ = fromWitness
In summary, it is usually best to eschew booleans and rely on decidables instead. If you
need booleans, they and their properties are easily derived from the
corresponding decidables.
## Logical connectives
infixr 6 _∧_
infixr 5 __
_∧_ : Bool → Bool → Bool
true ∧ b = b
false ∧ b = false
__ : Bool → Bool → Bool
true b = true
false b = b
not : Bool → Bool
not true = false
not false = true
## Decidable
infixr 6 _×-dec_
infixr 5 _⊎-dec_
infixr 4 _→-dec_
_×-dec_ : {A B : Set} → Dec A → Dec B → Dec (A × B)
yes x ×-dec yes y = yes ⟨ x , y ⟩
_ ×-dec no ¬y = no (λ { ⟨ x , y ⟩ → ¬y y })
no ¬x ×-dec _ = no (λ { ⟨ x , y ⟩ → ¬x x })
_⊎-dec_ : {A B : Set} → Dec A → Dec B → Dec (A ⊎ B)
no ¬x ⊎-dec no ¬y = no (λ { (inj₁ x) → ¬x x ; (inj₂ y) → ¬y y })
_ ⊎-dec yes y = yes (inj₂ y)
yes x ⊎-dec _ = yes (inj₁ x)
not? : {A : Set} → Dec A → Dec (¬ A)
not? (yes x) = no (λ { ¬x → ¬x x })
not? (no ¬x) = yes ¬x
_→-dec_ : {A B : Set} → Dec A → Dec B → Dec (A → B)
_ →-dec yes y = yes (λ _ → y)
no ¬x →-dec _ = yes (λ x → ⊥-elim (¬x x))
yes x →-dec no ¬y = no (λ f → ¬y (f x))
## Unicode
∷ U+2237 PROPORTION (\::)
⊗ U+2297 CIRCLED TIMES (\otimes)
∈ U+2208 ELEMENT OF (\in)
∉ U+2209 NOT AN ELEMENT OF (\inn)

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@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ ex₁₂ (there (there (there (here ()))))
ex₁₂ (there (there (there (there ()))))
The five occurrences of `()` attest to the fact that there is no
possible evidence for the facts `3 ≡ 0`, `3 ≡ 1`, `3 ≡ 0`, `3 ≡ 2`, and
possible evidence for `3 ≡ 0`, `3 ≡ 1`, `3 ≡ 0`, `3 ≡ 2`, and
`3 ∈ []`, respectively.
## All and append

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import Data.List.Properties
import Data.List.All
import Data.Nat.Properties
import Data.Nat.Properties.Simple
import Relation.Nullary
import Data.Bool
import Relation.Nullary.Negation
import Relation.Nullary.Decidable