getting ready to move Substitution, LambdaReduction, and CallByName to plfa

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Siek 2019-05-13 16:24:19 -04:00
parent 26590b1346
commit ff7f4f8163
5 changed files with 80 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -1,21 +1,25 @@
module extra.CallByName where
module plfa.CallByName where
## Imports
open import extra.LambdaReduction
using (_—→_; ξ₁; ξ₂; β; ζ; _—↠_; _—→⟨_⟩_; _[]; appL-cong)
open import plfa.Untyped
using (Context; _⊢_; ★; _∋_; ∅; _,_; Z; S_; `_; ƛ_; _·_; rename; subst;
ext; exts; _[_]; subst-zero)
open import plfa.Adequacy
using (Clos; ClosEnv; clos; _,'_; _⊢_⇓_; ⇓-var; ⇓-lam; ⇓-app)
open import plfa.Substitution
using (rename-subst; sub-id; sub-sub; ids)
open import plfa.LambdaReduction
using (_—→_; ξ₁; ξ₂; β; ζ; _—↠_; _—→⟨_⟩_; _[]; appL-cong)
open import plfa.Denotational
using (; _≃_; ≃-sym; ≃-trans; _iff_)
open import plfa.Compositional
using (Ctx; plug; compositionality)
open import plfa.Soundness
using (Subst)
open import extra.Substitution
using (rename-subst; sub-id; sub-sub)
using (Subst; soundness)
open import plfa.Adequacy
using (Clos; ClosEnv; ∅'; clos; _,'_; _⊢_⇓_; ⇓-var; ⇓-lam; ⇓-app; adequacy)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; _≢_; refl; trans; sym; cong; cong₂; cong-app)
@ -101,3 +105,50 @@ cbn-soundness {Γ} {γ} {σ} {.(_ · _)} {c}
let rs = (ƛ subst (exts σ₁) N) · subst σ M —→⟨ r ⟩ r' in
⟨ N' , ⟨ —↠-trans (appL-cong σL—↠L') rs , bl ⟩ ⟩
## Denotational Equivalence Implies Contextual Equivalence
terminates : ∀{Γ} → (M : Γ ⊢ ★) → Set
terminates {Γ} M = Σ[ N ∈ (Γ , ★ ⊢ ★) ] (M —↠ ƛ N)
_≅_ : ∀{Γ} → (M N : Γ ⊢ ★) → Set
(_≅_ {Γ} M N) = ∀ {C : Ctx Γ ∅}
→ (terminates (plug C M)) iff (terminates (plug C N))
denot-equal-terminates : ∀{Γ} {M N : Γ ⊢ ★} {C : Ctx Γ ∅}
M ≃ N
→ terminates (plug C M)
→ terminates (plug C N)
denot-equal-terminates {Γ}{M}{N}{C} eq ⟨ N' , CM—↠CƛN' ⟩ =
let CM≃CƛN' = soundness CM—↠CƛN' in
let CM≃CN = compositionality{Γ = Γ}{Δ = ∅}{C = C} eq in
let CN≃CƛN' = ≃-trans (≃-sym CM≃CN) CM≃CƛN' in
G (adequacy CN≃CƛN')
H-id : ∅' ids
H-id {()}
G : (Σ[ Δ ∈ Context ] Σ[ M' ∈ (Δ , ★ ⊢ ★) ] Σ[ γ ∈ ClosEnv Δ ]
∅' ⊢ (plug C N) ⇓ clos (ƛ M') γ)
→ terminates (plug C N)
G ⟨ Δ , ⟨ M' , ⟨ γ , CN⇓ƛM'γ ⟩ ⟩ ⟩
with cbn-soundness{σ = ids} CN⇓ƛM'γ H-id
... | ⟨ N'' , ⟨ rs , ⟨ σ , ⟨ h , eq2 ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ ⟩
rewrite sub-id{M = plug C N} | eq2 =
⟨ subst (λ {A} → exts σ) M' , rs ⟩
denot-equal-contex-equal : ∀{Γ} {M N : Γ ⊢ ★}
M ≃ N
→ M ≅ N
denot-equal-contex-equal{Γ}{M}{N} eq {C} =
⟨ (λ tm → denot-equal-terminates eq tm) ,
(λ tn → denot-equal-terminates (≃-sym eq) tn) ⟩

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module extra.LambdaReduction where
module plfa.LambdaReduction where
## Imports

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module extra.Substitution where
module plfa.Substitution where
## Imports

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@ -659,9 +659,13 @@ gives us `∅ ⊢ M ↓ ⊥ ↦ ⊥`. Then the main lemma gives us
adequacy : ∀{M : ∅ ⊢ ★}{N : ∅ , ★ ⊢ ★} → M ≃ (ƛ N)
→ Σ[ c ∈ Clos ] ∅' ⊢ M ⇓ c
→ Σ[ Γ ∈ Context ] Σ[ N ∈ (Γ , ★ ⊢ ★) ] Σ[ γ ∈ ClosEnv Γ ]
∅' ⊢ M ⇓ clos (ƛ N) γ
adequacy{M}{N} eq
with ↓→𝔼 𝔾-∅ ((proj₂ (eq `∅ (⊥ ↦ ⊥))) (↦-intro ⊥-intro))
⟨ ⊥ , ⟨ ⊥ , Refl⊑ ⟩ ⟩
... | ⟨ c , ⟨ M⇓c , Vc ⟩ ⟩ = ⟨ c , M⇓c ⟩
... | ⟨ clos {Γ} M' γ , ⟨ M⇓c , Vc ⟩ ⟩
with 𝕍→WHNF Vc
... | ƛ_ {N = N'} =
⟨ Γ , ⟨ N' , ⟨ γ , M⇓c ⟩ ⟩ ⟩

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@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ module plfa.Soundness where
open import plfa.Untyped
using (Context; _,_; _∋_; _⊢_; ★; Z; S_; `_; ƛ_; _·_;
subst; _[_]; subst-zero; ext; rename; exts)
open import extra.LambdaReduction
using (_—→_; ξ₁; ξ₂; β; ζ; _—↠_; _—→⟨_⟩_; _[])
open import plfa.Denotational
open import plfa.Compositional
@ -192,8 +196,8 @@ preserve : ∀ {Γ} {γ : Env Γ} {M N v}
γ ⊢ N ↓ v
preserve (var) ()
preserve (↦-elim d₁ d₂) (ξ₁ x r) = ↦-elim (preserve d₁ r) d₂
preserve (↦-elim d₁ d₂) (ξ₂ x r) = ↦-elim d₁ (preserve d₂ r)
preserve (↦-elim d₁ d₂) (ξ₁ r) = ↦-elim (preserve d₁ r) d₂
preserve (↦-elim d₁ d₂) (ξ₂ r) = ↦-elim d₁ (preserve d₂ r)
preserve (↦-elim d₁ d₂) β = substitution (lambda-inversion d₁) d₂
preserve (↦-intro d) (ζ r) = ↦-intro (preserve d r)
preserve ⊥-intro r = ⊥-intro
@ -650,20 +654,20 @@ reflect : ∀ {Γ} {γ : Env Γ} {M M' N v}
γ ⊢ N ↓ v → M —→ M' → M' ≡ N
γ ⊢ M ↓ v
reflect var (ξ₁ x₁ r) ()
reflect var (ξ₂ x₁ r) ()
reflect var (ξ₁ r) ()
reflect var (ξ₂ r) ()
reflect{γ = γ} (var{x = x}) β mn
with var{γ = γ}{x = x}
... | d' rewrite sym mn = reflect-beta d'
reflect var (ζ r) ()
reflect (↦-elim d₁ d₂) (ξ₁ x r) refl = ↦-elim (reflect d₁ r refl) d₂
reflect (↦-elim d₁ d₂) (ξ₂ x r) refl = ↦-elim d₁ (reflect d₂ r refl)
reflect (↦-elim d₁ d₂) (ξ₁ r) refl = ↦-elim (reflect d₁ r refl) d₂
reflect (↦-elim d₁ d₂) (ξ₂ r) refl = ↦-elim d₁ (reflect d₂ r refl)
reflect (↦-elim d₁ d₂) β mn
with ↦-elim d₁ d₂
... | d' rewrite sym mn = reflect-beta d'
reflect (↦-elim d₁ d₂) (ζ r) ()
reflect (↦-intro d) (ξ₁ x r) ()
reflect (↦-intro d) (ξ₂ x r) ()
reflect (↦-intro d) (ξ₁ r) ()
reflect (↦-intro d) (ξ₂ r) ()
reflect (↦-intro d) β mn
with ↦-intro d
... | d' rewrite sym mn = reflect-beta d'
@ -697,7 +701,7 @@ soundness : ∀{Γ} {M : Γ ⊢ ★} {N : Γ , ★ ⊢ ★}
→ M —↠ ƛ N
M ≃ (ƛ N)
soundness (.(ƛ _) ) γ v = ⟨ (λ x → x) , (λ x → x) ⟩
soundness (.(ƛ _) []) γ v = ⟨ (λ x → x) , (λ x → x) ⟩
soundness {Γ} (L —→⟨ r ⟩ M—↠N) γ v =
let ih = soundness M—↠N in
let e = reduce-equal r in