
209 lines
6.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad (forM, forM_)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.Frontmatter (parseYamlFrontmatterEither)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Yaml (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), (.:), (.:?), (.=))
import qualified Data.Yaml as Y
import qualified GitHub as GH
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>))
import System.FilePath.Glob (namesMatching)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import Text.Printf (printf)
-- * Configuration
authorDir, contributorDir :: FilePath
authorDir = "authors"
contributorDir = "contributors"
githubOwner, githubRepo :: Text
githubOwner = "plfa"
githubRepo = ""
githubErrors :: [Text]
githubErrors = ["invalid-email-address"]
-- * Main
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Get the GitHub authentication token from `GITHUB_TOKEN`
auth <- getAuth
-- Read the current set of authors from `authorDir`
authors <- readAuthors authorDir
-- Read the current set of contributors from `contributorDir`
localContributors <- readContributors contributorDir
remoteContributorAndAuthors <-
getContributors auth (GH.mkOwnerName githubOwner) (GH.mkRepoName githubRepo)
-- Filter the contributor list by the authors
let authorGithubs :: [Text]
authorGithubs = map authorGithub authors
let isAuthorOrError :: Contributor -> Bool
isAuthorOrError Contributor{..} =
contributorGithub `elem` authorGithubs || contributorGithub `elem` githubErrors
let remoteContributors :: [Contributor]
remoteContributors = filter (not . isAuthorOrError) remoteContributorAndAuthors
-- Turn contributor lists into maps and merge them
let localContributorMap :: Map Text Contributor
localContributorMap = M.fromList [(contributorGithub c, c) | c <- localContributors]
let remoteContributorMap :: Map Text Contributor
remoteContributorMap = M.fromList [(contributorGithub c, c) | c <- remoteContributors]
let contributorMap :: Map Text Contributor
contributorMap = M.unionWith (<>) localContributorMap remoteContributorMap
-- Write contributor files
createDirectoryIfMissing True contributorDir
forM_ (M.toList contributorMap) $ \(github, contributor) -> do
let contributorFile = contributorDir </> T.unpack github <.> "metadata"
let contributorBS = "---\n" <> Y.encode contributor <> "---\n"
BC.writeFile contributorFile contributorBS
-- * Authors
data Author = Author
{ authorName :: Text
, authorEmail :: Text
, authorCorresponding :: Bool
, authorGithub :: Text
, authorTwitter :: Maybe Text
deriving (Show)
readAuthors :: FilePath -> IO [Author]
readAuthors dir = do
authorFiles <- namesMatching (dir </> "*.metadata")
forM authorFiles $ \authorFile -> do
authorOrError <- parseYamlFrontmatterEither <$> B.readFile authorFile
case authorOrError of
Left errmsg -> do
printf "Parse error in '%s': %s\n" authorFile errmsg
Right author ->
return author
instance FromJSON Author where
parseJSON = Y.withObject "Author" $ \v -> Author
<$> v .: "name"
<*> v .: "email"
<*> v .: "corresponding"
<*> v .: "github"
<*> v .:? "twitter"
instance ToJSON Author where
toJSON Author{..} =
Y.object [ "name" .= authorName
, "email" .= authorEmail
, "corresponding" .= authorCorresponding
, "github" .= authorGithub
, "twitter" .= authorTwitter
-- * Contributors
data Contributor = Contributor
{ contributorName :: Text
, contributorGithub :: Text
, contributorCount :: Int
instance Semigroup Contributor where
Contributor _name1 github1 count1 <> Contributor name2 github2 count2
= if github1 == github2
then Contributor name2 github2 (count1 `max` count2)
else error $ printf "Cannot merge unrelated contributors '%s' and '%s'" github1 github2
instance FromJSON Contributor where
parseJSON = Y.withObject "Contributor" $ \v -> Contributor
<$> v .: "name"
<*> v .: "github"
<*> v .: "count"
instance ToJSON Contributor where
toJSON Contributor{..} =
Y.object [ "name" .= contributorName
, "github" .= contributorGithub
, "count" .= contributorCount
readContributors :: FilePath -> IO [Contributor]
readContributors dir = do
contributorFiles <- namesMatching (dir </> "*.metadata")
forM contributorFiles $ \contributorFile -> do
contributorOrError <- parseYamlFrontmatterEither <$> B.readFile contributorFile
case contributorOrError of
Left errmsg -> do
printf "Parse error in '%s': %s\n" contributorFile errmsg
Right contributor ->
return contributor
-- * Github interaction
-- |Get user information for every user who authored a commit.
getContributors :: GH.Auth -> GH.Name GH.Owner -> GH.Name GH.Repo -> IO [Contributor]
getContributors auth owner repo = do
commits <- getCommits auth owner repo
forM (frequency (mapMaybe GH.commitAuthor commits)) $ \(simpleUser, count) -> do
user <- getUserInfo auth simpleUser
return $ toContributor user count
-- |Convert a |GH.User| value to a |Contributor| value.
toContributor :: GH.User -> Int -> Contributor
toContributor commitAuthor count = Contributor name github count
name = fromMaybe github (GH.userName commitAuthor)
github = GH.untagName (GH.userLogin commitAuthor)
-- |Get an authentication token from the environment.
getAuth :: IO GH.Auth
getAuth = do
mtoken <- lookupEnv "GITHUB_TOKEN"
case mtoken of
Nothing -> error "Please set GITHUB_TOKEN"
Just token -> return (GH.OAuth . fromString $ token)
-- |Get user information from a user login.
getUserInfo :: GH.Auth -> GH.SimpleUser -> IO GH.User
getUserInfo auth simpleUser =
fromRight =<< GH.github auth GH.userInfoForR (GH.simpleUserLogin simpleUser)
-- |Get commit history for a repository.
getCommits :: GH.Auth -> GH.Name GH.Owner -> GH.Name GH.Repo -> IO [GH.Commit]
getCommits auth owner repo =
V.toList <$> (fromRight =<< GH.github auth GH.commitsForR owner repo GH.FetchAll)
-- * Utils
frequency :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
frequency xs = M.toList (M.fromListWith (+) [(x, 1) | x <- xs])
fromRight :: Show e => Either e a -> IO a
fromRight = either (fail . show) return