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<h1 class="post-title">Notes</h1>
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<h2 id="suggestion-from-conor-for-inference">Suggestion from Conor for Inference</h2>
<p>Conor McBride <a href="mailto:conor.mcbride@strath.ac.uk">conor.mcbride@strath.ac.uk</a></p>
<p>29 Oct 2018, 09:34</p>
<p>Hi Phil</p>
<p>In a rush, but…</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>data Tag : Set where
tag-ℕ : Tag
tag-⇒ : Tag
<p>…that’s just Bool. Bool is almost never your friend.</p>
<p>Get evidence!</p>
<div class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>-- yer types
data Type : Set where
nat : Type
_=>_ : Type -> Type -> Type
-- logic
data Zero : Set where
record One : Set where constructor <>
-- evidence of not being =>
Not=> : Type -> Set
Not=> (_ => _) = Zero
Not=> _ = One
-- constructing the "=> or not" view
data Is=>? : Type -> Set where
is=> : (S T : Type) -> Is=>? (S => T)
not=> : {T : Type} -> Not=> T -> Is=>? T
-- this will need all n cases, but you do it once
is=>? : (T : Type) -> Is=>? T
is=>? nat = not=> <>
is=>? (S => T) = is=> _ _
-- worked example: domain
data Maybe (X : Set) : Set where
yes : X -> Maybe X
no : Maybe X
-- only two cases
dom : Type -> Maybe Type
dom T with is=>? T
dom .(S => T) | is=> S T = yes S
dom T | not=> p = no
-- addendum: in the not=> p case, if we subsequently inspect T, we can rule out the => case using p
{- with T
dom T | not=> p | nat = no
dom T | not=> () | q => q₁
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<h2 id="where-to-put-lists">Where to put Lists?</h2>
<p>Three possible orders:</p>
<li>(a) As current</li>
<li>(b) Put Lists immediately after Induction.
<li>requires moving composition & extensionality earlier</li>
<li>requires moving parameterised modules earlier for monoids</li>
<li>add material to relations:
lexical ordering, subtype ordering, All, Any, All-++ iff</li>
<li>add material to isomorphism: All-++ isomorphism</li>
<li>retain material on decidability of All, Any in Decidable</li>
<li>(c) Put Lists after Decidable
<li>requires moving Any-decidable from Decidable to Lists</li>
<li>(d) As (b) but put parameterised modules in a separate chapter</li>
<li>(b) Distribution of exercises near where material is taught</li>
<li>(b) Additional reinforcement for simple proofs by induction</li>
<li>(a,c) Can drop material if there is lack of time</li>
<li>(a,c) Earlier emphasis on induction over evidence</li>
<li>(c) More consistent structuring principle</li>
<h2 id="set-up-lists-of-exercises-to-do">Set up lists of exercises to do</h2>
<li>Use md rather than HTML</li>
<li>Tell students to do <em>all</em> exercises, and just mark some as stretch?</li>
<li>Make a list of exercises to do, with some marked as stretch?</li>
<li>Compare with previous set of exercises to discover some holes?</li>
<li>Add ==N as an exercise to Relations?</li>
<h2 id="other-questions">Other questions</h2>
<li>Resolve any issues with modules to define properties of orderings?</li>
<li>Resolve any issues with equivalence and Setoids?</li>
<h1 id="old-questions">Old questions</h1>
<h2 id="possible-structures-for-the-book">Possible structures for the book</h2>
<li>One possible development
<li>raw terms</li>
<li>scoped terms (is conversion from raw to scoped a function?)</li>
<li>typed terms (via bidirectional typing)</li>
<li>The above could be developed either for
<li>pure lambda terms with full normalisation</li>
<li>PCF with top-level reduction to value</li>
<li>If I follow raw-scoped-typed then:
<li>might want to have reductions for completely raw terms
later in the book rather than earlier</li>
<li>full normalisation requires substitution of open terms</li>
<li>Today’s task (Tue 8 May)
<li>consider lambda terms to values (not PCF)</li>
<p>raw, scoped, typed</p>
<li>Note that substitution for open terms is not hard,
it is proving it correct that is difficult!</li>
<li>can put each development in a separate module
to support reuse of names</li>
<li>Today’s thoughts (Thu 10 May)
<li>simplify TypedFresh
<li>Does it become easier once I have
suitable lemmas about free in place?</li>
<li>still need a chain of development
<li>raw -> scoped -> typed</li>
<li>raw -> typed and typed -> raw needed for examples</li>
<li>look again at raw to scoped</li>
<li>look at scoped to typed</li>
<li>typed to raw requires fresh names</li>
<li>fresh name strategy: primed or numbers?</li>
<li>ops on strings: show, read, strip from end</li>
<li>trickier ideas
<li>factor TypedFresh into Barendregt followed
by substitution? This might actually lead
to a much longer development</li>
<li>would be cool if Barendregt never required
renaming in case of substitution by closed
terms, but I think this is hard</li>
<li>Today’s achievements and next steps (Thu 10 May)
<li>defined break, make to extract a prefix
and count primes at end of an id. But hard
to do corresponding proofs. Need to figure out
how to exploit abstraction to make terms readable.</li>
<li>Conversion of raw to scoped and scoped to raw
is easy if I use impossible</li>
<li>Added conversion of TypedDB to PHOAS in
<li>Next: try adding bidirectional typing to
convert Raw or Scoped to TypedDB</li>
<li>Next: Can proofs in Typed be simplified by
applying suitable lemmas about free?</li>
<li>updated Agda from:
Agda version 2.6.0-4654bfb-dirty
Agda version 2.6.0-2f2f4f5
Now TypedFresh.lagda computes 2+2 in milliseconds
(as opposed to failing to compute it in one day).</li>
<h2 id="stlc">STLC</h2>
<li>Russel O’Connor
<li>STLC with recursive types, intrinsic representation
<h2 id="phoas">PHOAS</h2>
<p>The following comments were collected on the Agda mailing list.</p>
<li>Nils Anders Danielsson <a href="mailto:nad@cse.gu.se">nad@cse.gu.se</a>
<li>cites Chlipala, who uses binary parametricity
<li>Roman <a href="mailto:effectfully@gmail.com">effectfully@gmail.com</a>
<li>(similar to my solution)
<li>also cites Abel’s habilitation
<li>See his note to the Agda mailing list of 26 June,
“Typed Jigger in vanilla Agda”
It points to the following solution.
<li>András Kovács <a href="mailto:kovacsahun@hotmail.com">kovacsahun@hotmail.com</a>
<li>applies unary parametricity
<li>Ulf Norell <a href="mailto:ulf.norell@gmail.com">ulf.norell@gmail.com</a>
<li>helped with deriving Eq</li>
<li>David Darais (not on mailing list)
<li>suggests Scoped PHOAS
<h2 id="untyped-lambda-calculus">Untyped lambda calculus</h2>
<li>Nils Anders Danielsson <a href="mailto:nad@cse.gu.se">nad@cse.gu.se</a>
<li>untyped lambda calculus by Gallais
<li>lambda calculus
<h2 id="relevant-papers">Relevant papers</h2>
<li>Kenichi Asai, Extracting a Call-by-Name Partial Evaluator from a Proof of
Termination, PEPM 2019
<li>Kenichi Asai, Certifying CPS Transformation of Let-Polymorphic
Calculus Using PHOAS, APLAS 2018
<h2 id="agda-resources">Agda resources</h2>
<li>Chalmers class
<li>Dybjer lecture notes
<li>Ulf Norell and James Chapman lecture notes
<li>Chalmer Take Home exam 2017
<h2 id="syntax-for-lambda-calculus">Syntax for lambda calculus</h2>
<li>ƛ \Gl-</li>
<li>∙ .</li>
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<li class="p-name">Philip Wadler</li>
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