33 lines
955 B
33 lines
955 B
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Hakyll.Web.Template.Context.Derived where
import Hakyll
import Text.Printf
:: String
-> (forall b. Context b -> [String] -> Item b -> Compiler ContextField)
-> Context a
-> Context a
addDerivedField key derive ctx = Context $ \k a i ->
if k == key then
derive ctx a i
else do
fld <- unContext ctx k a i
return $
case fld of
-- If the field is a list, recursively derive the field for any list items.
ListField itemCtx items -> ListField (addDerivedField key derive itemCtx) items
-- Otherwise, simply return the field.
otherFld -> otherFld
-- Retrieve a String from the context
getString :: String -> Context a -> [String] -> Item a -> Compiler String
getString key ctx a i = do
fld <- unContext ctx key a i
case fld of
StringField str -> return str
_ -> fail $ printf "Key '%s' does not return a String" key