// From v0.4 navigator.mediaDevices.chromiumGetDisplayMedia = navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia; function sleep(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } const getAudioDevice = async (nameOfAudioDevice) => { await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, }); let audioDevice; while (audioDevice === undefined) { let devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(); audioDevice = devices.find(({ label }) => label === nameOfAudioDevice); if (!audioDevice) console.log( `dsa: Did not find '${nameOfAudioDevice}', trying again in 100ms` ); await sleep(100); } console.log(`dsa: Found '${nameOfAudioDevice}'`); return audioDevice; }; function setGetDisplayMedia(video = true, overrideArgs = undefined) { const getDisplayMedia = async (...args) => { var id; try { let myDiscordAudioSink = await getAudioDevice( "discord-screenaudio-virtmic" ); id = myDiscordAudioSink.deviceId; } catch (error) { id = "default"; } let captureSystemAudioStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: { // We add our audio constraints here, to get a list of supported constraints use navigator.mediaDevices.getSupportedConstraints(); // We must capture a microphone, we use default since its the only deviceId that is the same for every Chromium user deviceId: { exact: id, }, // We want auto gain control, noise cancellation and noise suppression disabled so that our stream won't sound bad autoGainControl: false, echoCancellation: false, noiseSuppression: false, // By default Chromium sets channel count for audio devices to 1, we want it to be stereo in case we find a way for Discord to accept stereo screenshare too channelCount: 2, // You can set more audio constraints here, bellow are some examples //latency: 0, //sampleRate: 48000, //sampleSize: 16, //volume: 1.0 }, }); let [track] = captureSystemAudioStream.getAudioTracks(); const gdm = await navigator.mediaDevices.chromiumGetDisplayMedia( ...(overrideArgs ? [overrideArgs] : args || [{ video: true, audio: true }]) ); gdm.addTrack(track); if (!video) for (const track of gdm.getVideoTracks()) track.enabled = false; return gdm; }; navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia = getDisplayMedia; } setGetDisplayMedia(); const clonedElements = []; const hiddenElements = []; let wasStreamActive = false; setInterval(() => { const streamActive = document.getElementsByClassName("panel-2ZFCRb activityPanel-9icbyU") .length > 0; if (!streamActive && wasStreamActive) console.log("!discord-screenaudio-stream-stopped"); wasStreamActive = streamActive; if (streamActive) { clonedElements.forEach((el) => { el.remove(); }); clonedElements.length = 0; hiddenElements.forEach((el) => { el.style.display = "block"; }); hiddenElements.length = 0; } else { for (const el of [ document.getElementsByClassName("actionButtons-2vEOUh")?.[0]?.children[1], document.querySelector( ".wrapper-3t3Yqv > div > div > div > div > .controlButton-2PMNom" ), ]) { if (!el) continue; if (el.classList.contains("discord-screenaudio-cloned")) continue; el.classList.add("discord-screenaudio-cloned"); elClone = el.cloneNode(true); elClone.title = "Share Your Screen with Audio"; elClone.addEventListener("click", () => { console.log("!discord-screenaudio-start-stream"); }); const initialDisplay = el.style.display; window.discordScreenaudioStartStream = ( video, width, height, frameRate ) => { window.discordScreenaudioResolutionString = video ? `${height}p ${frameRate}FPS` : "Audio Only"; setGetDisplayMedia(video, { audio: true, video: { width, height, frameRate }, }); el.click(); el.style.display = initialDisplay; elClone.remove(); }; el.style.display = "none"; el.parentNode.insertBefore(elClone, el); clonedElements.push(elClone); hiddenElements.push(el); } } // Add about text in settings if ( document.getElementsByClassName("dirscordScreenaudioAboutText").length == 0 ) { for (const el of document.getElementsByClassName("info-3pQQBb")) { let aboutEl; if (window.discordScreenaudioKXMLGUI) { aboutEl = document.createElement("a"); aboutEl.addEventListener("click", () => { console.log("!discord-screenaudio-about"); }); } else { aboutEl = document.createElement("div"); } aboutEl.innerText = `discord-screenaudio ${window.discordScreenaudioVersion}`; aboutEl.style.fontSize = "12px"; aboutEl.style.color = "var(--text-muted)"; aboutEl.style.textTransform = "none"; aboutEl.classList.add("dirscordScreenaudioAboutText"); aboutEl.style.cursor = "pointer"; el.appendChild(aboutEl); } } // Remove stream settings if stream is active document.getElementById("manage-streams-change-windows")?.remove(); document.querySelector(`[aria-label="Stream Settings"]`)?.remove(); // Add event listener for keybind tab if ( document .getElementById("keybinds-tab") ?.getElementsByClassName( "container-3jbRo5 info-1hMolH fontSize16-3zr6Io browserNotice-1u-Y5o" ).length ) { const el = document .getElementById("keybinds-tab") .getElementsByClassName("children-1xdcWE")[0]; const div = document.createElement("div"); div.style.marginBottom = "50px"; const button = document.createElement("button"); button.classList = "button-f2h6uQ lookFilled-yCfaCM colorBrand-I6CyqQ sizeSmall-wU2dO- grow-2sR_-F"; button.innerText = "Edit Global Keybinds"; button.addEventListener("click", () => { console.log("!discord-screenaudio-keybinds"); }); div.appendChild(button); el.innerHTML = ""; el.appendChild(div); } const buttonContainer = document.getElementsByClassName("container-YkUktl")[0]; if (!buttonContainer) { console.log( "dsa: Cannot locate Mute/Deafen/Settings button container, please report this on GitHub" ); } const muteBtn = buttonContainer ? buttonContainer.getElementsByClassName( "button-12Fmur enabled-9OeuTA button-f2h6uQ lookBlank-21BCro colorBrand-I6CyqQ grow-2sR_-F" )[0] : null; window.discordScreenaudioToggleMute = () => muteBtn && muteBtn.click(); const deafenBtn = buttonContainer ? buttonContainer.getElementsByClassName( "button-12Fmur enabled-9OeuTA button-f2h6uQ lookBlank-21BCro colorBrand-I6CyqQ grow-2sR_-F" )[1] : null; window.discordScreenaudioToggleDeafen = () => deafenBtn && deafenBtn.click(); if (window.discordScreenaudioResolutionString) { for (const el of document.getElementsByClassName( "qualityIndicator-39wQDy" )) { el.innerHTML = window.discordScreenaudioResolutionString; } } }, 500); // Fix for broken discord notifications after restart // (https://github.com/maltejur/discord-screenaudio/issues/17) Notification.requestPermission();