# Discord Presence > Update your discord status with the newly added rich presence. <div align="center"> <p> <a href="https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=icrawl.discord-vscode"> <img src="https://vsmarketplacebadge.apphb.com/version/icrawl.discord-vscode.svg" alt="VS Code Marketplace"> </a> <a href="https://discord.gg/4aFThGU"> <img src="https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/304034982475595776/embed.png" alt="Discord server"> </a> </p> </div> ## Features * Shows what you are editing in VSCode with no bullsh*t involved * Support for over 70 of the most popular languages * Enable/Disable Rich Presence for individual workspaces (enabled by default) * Automatic reconnect after losing internet or a discord restart / crash (defaults to 20 reconnect attempts) * Custom string support * Respects Discords 15sec limit when it comes to updating your status * Stable or Insiders build detection * Debug mode detection * Easily manually reconnect to discord ## The rich presence won't show after my PC has been put to sleep / after I lost internet! It will only attempt to reconnect 20 times.<br> After it hit that threshold you will have to manually click the `Reconnect to Discord` button in the bottom left of the window. ## Contributing 1. [Fork the repository](https://github.com/iCrawl/discord-vscode/fork)! 2. Clone your fork: `git clone https://github.com/your-username/discord-vscode.git` 3. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-new-feature` 4. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'` 5. Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature` 6. Submit a pull request :D ## Author **Discord Presence** © [iCrawl](https://github.com/iCrawl).<br> Authored and maintained by iCrawl. > GitHub [@iCrawl](https://github.com/iCrawl)