Frangu Vlad 4fd0d2eb5e feat: Add current column to the details section (#60)
* Add current column

* Update package.json

* Fix bugs!!!
2018-05-01 15:16:59 +02:00

382 lines
14 KiB

// Import the required functions & object types from various packages.
import { Client } from 'discord-rpc';
import { basename, extname, parse, sep } from 'path';
import { setInterval, clearInterval } from 'timers';
import {
} from 'vscode';
import { statSync } from 'fs';
const lang = require('./data/languages.json');
interface FileDetail {
size: string | null;
totalLines: string | null;
currentLine: string | null;
currentColumn: string | null;
const knownExtentions: { [x: string]: { image: string } } = lang.knownExtentions;
const knownLanguages: string[] = lang.knownLanguages;
// Define the RPC variable and its type.
let rpc: Client;
// Define the config variable and its type.
let config;
// Define the reconnecting var and its type.
let reconnecting: boolean;
// Define the reconnect counter and its type.
let reconnectCounter = 0;
// Define the last known file and its type.
let lastKnownFile: string;
// Define the activity object.
let activity: object;
// Define the activity timer to not spam the API with requests.
let activityTimer: NodeJS.Timer;
// Define the status bar icon
let statusBarIcon: StatusBarItem;
// `Activate` is fired when the extension is enabled. This SHOULD only fire once.
export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
// Get the workspace's configuration for "discord".
config = workspace.getConfiguration('discord');
// Obtain whether or not the extension is activated.
if (config.get('enabled')) initRPC(config.get('clientID'));
// Register the `discord.enable` command, and set the `enabled` config option to true.
const enabler = commands.registerCommand('discord.enable', async () => {
if (rpc) await destroyRPC();
await config.update('enabled', true);
config = workspace.getConfiguration('discord');
window.showInformationMessage('Enabled Discord Rich Presence for this workspace.');
// Register the `discord.disable` command, and set the `enabled` config option to false.
const disabler = commands.registerCommand('discord.disable', async () => {
if (!rpc) return window.showWarningMessage('Discord Rich Presence is already disabled in this workspace.');
await config.update('enabled', false);
config = workspace.getConfiguration('discord');
await destroyRPC();
window.showInformationMessage('Disabled Discord Rich Presence for this workspace.');
// Register the `discord.reconnect` command
const reconnecter = commands.registerCommand('discord.reconnect', async () => {
if (rpc) try { await destroyRPC(); } catch {}
initRPC(config.get('clientID'), true);
if (!config.get('silent')) window.showInformationMessage('Reconnecting to Discord RPC');
if (statusBarIcon) statusBarIcon.text = '$(pulse) Reconnecting';
// Push the new commands into the subscriptions.
context.subscriptions.push(enabler, disabler, reconnecter);
// `Deactivate` is fired whenever the extension is deactivated.
export async function deactivate() {
// If there's an RPC Client initalized, destroy it.
await destroyRPC();
// Initalize the RPC systems.
function initRPC(clientID: string, loud?: boolean): void {
// Update the RPC variable with a new RPC Client.
rpc = new Client({ transport: 'ipc' });
// Once the RPC Client is ready, set the activity.
rpc.once('ready', () => {
// Announce the reconnection
if (loud && !config.get('silent')) window.showInformationMessage('Successfully reconnected to Discord RPC');
// Remove icon if connected
if (statusBarIcon) {
statusBarIcon = null;
// Stop from reconnecing.
reconnecting = false;
// This is purely for safety measures.
if (activityTimer) {
// Clear the activity interval.
// Null activity variable.
activityTimer = null;
// Reset the reconnect counter to 0 on a successful reconnect.
reconnectCounter = 0;
// Set the activity once on ready
setTimeout(() => rpc.setActivity(activity), 500);
// Make sure to listen to the close event and dispose and destroy everything accordingly.
rpc.transport.once('close', async () => {
if (!config.get('enabled')) return;
await destroyRPC();
// Set the client to begin reconnecting
reconnecting = true;
// Create reconnecting button
// Update the user's activity to the `activity` variable.
activityTimer = setInterval(() => {
// Update the config before updating the activity
config = workspace.getConfiguration('discord');
}, 15000);
// Log in to the RPC Client, and check whether or not it errors.
rpc.login(clientID).catch(async error => {
// Check if the client is reconnecting
if (reconnecting) {
// Destroy and dispose of everything after the set reconnect attempts
if (reconnectCounter >= config.get('reconnectThreshold')) {
// Create reconnect button
await destroyRPC();
} else {
// Increment the counter
// Create reconnecting button
// Retry connection
// Announce failure
if (!config.get('silent')) {
if (error.message.includes('ENOENT')) window.showErrorMessage('No Discord Client detected!');
else window.showErrorMessage(`Couldn't connect to Discord via RPC: ${error.toString()}`);
// Create reconnect button
function createButton(isReconnecting?: boolean): void {
// Check if the button exists already
if (!statusBarIcon) {
// Create the icon
statusBarIcon = window.createStatusBarItem(StatusBarAlignment.Left);
// Check if the client is reconnecting
if (isReconnecting) {
// Show attempts left
const attempts = config.get('reconnectThreshold') - reconnectCounter;
statusBarIcon.text = `$(issue-reopened) Reconnecting: ${attempts} attempt${attempts === 1 ? '' : 's'} left`;
statusBarIcon.command = '';
} else {
// Show button to reconnect
statusBarIcon.text = '$(plug) Reconnect to Discord';
statusBarIcon.command = 'discord.reconnect';
// Show the button
} else {
// Check if the client is reconnecting
if (isReconnecting) {
// Show attempts left
const attempts = config.get('reconnectThreshold') - reconnectCounter;
statusBarIcon.text = `$(issue-reopened) Reconnecting: ${attempts} attempt${attempts === 1 ? '' : 's'} left`;
statusBarIcon.command = '';
} else {
// Show button to reconnect
statusBarIcon.text = '$(plug) Reconnect to Discord';
statusBarIcon.command = 'discord.reconnect';
// Cleanly destroy the RPC client (if it isn't already) && add icon to reconnect
async function destroyRPC(): Promise<void> {
// Do not continue if RPC isn't initalized.
if (!rpc) return;
// Stop reconnecting.
reconnecting = false;
// Clear the activity interval.
if (activityTimer) clearInterval(activityTimer);
// Null the activity timer.
activityTimer = null;
// If there's an RPC Client initalized, destroy it.
await rpc.destroy();
// Null the RPC variable.
rpc = null;
// Null the last known file.
lastKnownFile = null;
// This function updates the activity (The Client's Rich Presence status).
function setActivity(workspaceElapsedTime: boolean = false): void {
// Do not continue if RPC isn't initalized.
if (!rpc) return;
if (window.activeTextEditor && window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName === lastKnownFile) {
activity = {
details: generateDetails('detailsDebugging', 'detailsEditing', 'detailsIdle'),
state: generateDetails('lowerDetailsDebugging', 'lowerDetailsEditing', 'lowerDetailsIdle'),
smallImageKey: debug.activeDebugSession
? 'debug'
: env.appName.includes('Insiders')
? 'vscode-insiders'
: 'vscode',
lastKnownFile = window.activeTextEditor ? window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName : null;
const fileName: string = window.activeTextEditor ? basename(window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName) : null;
const largeImageKey: any = window.activeTextEditor
? knownExtentions[Object.keys(knownExtentions).find(key => {
if (key.startsWith('.') && fileName.endsWith(key)) return true;
const match = key.match(/^\/(.*)\/([mgiy]+)$/);
if (!match) return false;
const regex = new RegExp(match[1], match[2]);
return regex.test(fileName);
})] || (knownLanguages.includes(window.activeTextEditor.document.languageId) ? window.activeTextEditor.document.languageId : null)
: 'vscode-big';
// Get the previous activity start timestamp (if available) to preserve workspace elapsed time
let previousTimestamp = null;
if (activity) previousTimestamp = activity['startTimestamp'];
// Create a JSON Object with the user's activity information.
activity = {
details: generateDetails('detailsDebugging', 'detailsEditing', 'detailsIdle'),
state: generateDetails('lowerDetailsDebugging', 'lowerDetailsEditing', 'lowerDetailsIdle'),
startTimestamp: window.activeTextEditor && previousTimestamp && workspaceElapsedTime ? previousTimestamp : window.activeTextEditor ? new Date().getTime() / 1000 : null,
largeImageKey: largeImageKey
? largeImageKey.image
|| largeImageKey
: 'txt',
largeImageText: window.activeTextEditor
? config.get('largeImage').replace('{lang}', largeImageKey ? largeImageKey.image || largeImageKey : 'txt').replace('{LANG}', largeImageKey ? (largeImageKey.image || largeImageKey).toUpperCase() : 'TXT')
|| window.activeTextEditor.document.languageId.padEnd(2, '\u200b')
: config.get('largeImageIdle'),
smallImageKey: debug.activeDebugSession
? 'debug'
: env.appName.includes('Insiders')
? 'vscode-insiders'
: 'vscode',
smallImageText: config.get('smallImage').replace('{appname}', env.appName),
instance: false
function generateDetails(debugging, editing, idling): string {
const emptySpaces = '\u200b\u200b';
let string: string = config.get(idling).replace('{null}', emptySpaces);
const fileName: string = window.activeTextEditor ? basename(window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName) : null;
let dirName: string = null;
if (window.activeTextEditor) {
const { dir } = parse(window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName);
const split = dir.split(sep);
dirName = split[split.length - 1];
const checkState: boolean = window.activeTextEditor
? Boolean(workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(window.activeTextEditor.document.uri))
: false;
const workspaceFolder: WorkspaceFolder = checkState ? workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(window.activeTextEditor.document.uri) : null;
let fullDirName: string = null;
if (workspaceFolder) {
const { name } = workspaceFolder;
const relativePath = workspace.asRelativePath(window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName).split(sep);
relativePath.splice(-1, 1);
fullDirName = `${name}${sep}${relativePath.join(sep)}`;
if (window.activeTextEditor) {
if (debug.activeDebugSession) {
let rawString = config.get(debugging);
const { totalLines, size, currentLine, currentColumn } = getFileDetails(rawString);
rawString = rawString
.replace('{null}', emptySpaces)
.replace('{filename}', fileName)
.replace('{dirname}', dirName)
.replace('{fulldirname}', fullDirName)
checkState ?
workspaceFolder.name :
config.get('lowerDetailsNotFound').replace('{null}', emptySpaces)
if (totalLines) rawString = rawString.replace('{totallines}', totalLines);
if (size) rawString = rawString.replace('{filesize}', size);
if (currentLine) rawString = rawString.replace('{currentline}', currentLine);
if (currentColumn) rawString = rawString.replace('{currentcolumn}', currentColumn);
string = rawString;
} else {
let rawString = config.get(editing);
const { totalLines, size, currentLine, currentColumn } = getFileDetails(rawString);
rawString = rawString
.replace('{null}', emptySpaces)
.replace('{filename}', fileName)
.replace('{dirname}', dirName)
.replace('{fulldirname}', fullDirName)
checkState ?
workspaceFolder.name :
config.get('lowerDetailsNotFound').replace('{null}', emptySpaces)
if (totalLines) rawString = rawString.replace('{totallines}', totalLines);
if (size) rawString = rawString.replace('{filesize}', size);
if (currentLine) rawString = rawString.replace('{currentline}', currentLine);
if (currentColumn) rawString = rawString.replace('{currentcolumn}', currentColumn);
string = rawString;
return string;
function getFileDetails(rawString): FileDetail {
const obj = {
size: null,
totalLines: null,
currentLine: null,
currentColumn: null,
if (!rawString) return obj;
if (rawString.includes('{totallines}')) {
obj.totalLines = window.activeTextEditor.document.lineCount.toLocaleString();
if (rawString.includes('{currentline}')) {
obj.currentLine = (window.activeTextEditor.selection.active.line + 1).toLocaleString();
if (rawString.includes('{currentcolumn}')) {
obj.currentColumn = (window.activeTextEditor.selection.active.character + 1).toLocaleString();
if (rawString.includes('{filesize}')) {
const sizes = ['bytes', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb'];
let currentDivision = 0;
let { size } = statSync(window.activeTextEditor.document.fileName);
const originalSize = size;
if (originalSize > 1000) {
size = size / 1000;
while (size > 1000) {
size = size / 1000;
obj.size = `${originalSize > 1000 ? size.toFixed(2) : size}${sizes[currentDivision]}`;
return obj;