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2020-06-15 10:31:33 +00:00
# diagnostics.zsh
# Diagnostic and debugging support for oh-my-zsh
# omz_diagnostic_dump()
# Author: Andrew Janke <>
# Usage:
# omz_diagnostic_dump [-v] [-V] [file]
# NOTE: This is a work in progress. Its interface and behavior are going to change,
# and probably in non-back-compatible ways.
# Outputs a bunch of information about the state and configuration of
# oh-my-zsh, zsh, and the user's system. This is intended to provide a
# bunch of context for diagnosing your own or a third party's problems, and to
# be suitable for posting to public bug reports.
# The output is human-readable and its format may change over time. It is not
# suitable for parsing. All the output is in one single file so it can be posted
# as a gist or bug comment on GitHub. GitHub doesn't support attaching tarballs
# or other files to bugs; otherwise, this would probably have an option to produce
# tarballs that contain copies of the config and customization files instead of
# catting them all in to one file.
# This is intended to be widely portable, and run anywhere that oh-my-zsh does.
# Feel free to report any portability issues as bugs.
# This is written in a defensive style so it still works (and can detect) cases when
# basic functionality like echo and which have been redefined. In particular, almost
# everything is invoked with "builtin" or "command", to work in the face of user
# redefinitions.
# [file] Specifies the output file. If not given, a file in the current directory
# is selected automatically.
# -v Increase the verbosity of the dump output. May be specified multiple times.
# Verbosity levels:
# 0 - Basic info, shell state, omz configuration, git state
# 1 - (default) Adds key binding info and configuration file contents
# 2 - Adds zcompdump file contents
# -V Reduce the verbosity of the dump output. May be specified multiple times.
# * Multi-file capture
# * Add automatic gist uploading
# * Consider whether to move default output file location to TMPDIR. More robust
# but less user friendly.
autoload -Uz is-at-least
function omz_diagnostic_dump() {
emulate -L zsh
builtin echo "Generating diagnostic dump; please be patient..."
local thisfcn=omz_diagnostic_dump
local -A opts
local opt_verbose opt_noverbose opt_outfile
local timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)
local outfile=omz_diagdump_$timestamp.txt
builtin zparseopts -A opts -D -- "v+=opt_verbose" "V+=opt_noverbose"
local verbose n_verbose=${#opt_verbose} n_noverbose=${#opt_noverbose}
(( verbose = 1 + n_verbose - n_noverbose ))
if [[ ${#*} > 0 ]]; then
if [[ ${#*} > 1 ]]; then
builtin echo "$thisfcn: error: too many arguments" >&2
return 1
if [[ -n "$opt_outfile" ]]; then
# Always write directly to a file so terminal escape sequences are
# captured cleanly
_omz_diag_dump_one_big_text &> "$outfile"
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
builtin echo "$thisfcn: error while creating diagnostic dump; see $outfile for details"
builtin echo
builtin echo Diagnostic dump file created at: "$outfile"
builtin echo
builtin echo To share this with OMZ developers, post it as a gist on GitHub
builtin echo at "" and share the link to the gist.
builtin echo
builtin echo "WARNING: This dump file contains all your zsh and omz configuration files,"
builtin echo "so don't share it publicly if there's sensitive information in them."
builtin echo
function _omz_diag_dump_one_big_text() {
local program programs progfile md5
builtin echo oh-my-zsh diagnostic dump
builtin echo
builtin echo $outfile
builtin echo
# Basic system and zsh information
command date
command uname -a
builtin echo OSTYPE=$OSTYPE
builtin echo User: $USER
builtin echo umask: $(umask)
builtin echo
builtin echo
# Installed programs
programs=(sh zsh ksh bash sed cat grep ls find git posh)
local progfile="" extra_str="" sha_str=""
for program in $programs; do
extra_str="" sha_str=""
progfile=$(builtin which $program)
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
if [[ -e $progfile ]]; then
if builtin whence shasum &>/dev/null; then
sha_str=($(command shasum $progfile))
extra_str+=" SHA $sha_str"
if [[ -h "$progfile" ]]; then
extra_str+=" ( -> ${progfile:A} )"
builtin printf '%-9s %-20s %s\n' "$program is" "$progfile" "$extra_str"
builtin echo "$program: not found"
builtin echo
builtin echo Command Versions:
builtin echo "zsh: $(zsh --version)"
builtin echo "this zsh session: $ZSH_VERSION"
builtin echo "bash: $(bash --version | command grep bash)"
builtin echo "git: $(git --version)"
builtin echo "grep: $(grep --version)"
builtin echo
# Core command definitions
_omz_diag_dump_check_core_commands || return 1
builtin echo
# ZSH Process state
builtin echo Process state:
builtin echo pwd: $PWD
if builtin whence pstree &>/dev/null; then
builtin echo Process tree for this shell:
pstree -p $$
ps -fT
builtin set | command grep -a '^\(ZSH\|plugins\|TERM\|LC_\|LANG\|precmd\|chpwd\|preexec\|FPATH\|TTY\|DISPLAY\|PATH\)\|OMZ'
builtin echo
#TODO: Should this include `env` instead of or in addition to `export`?
builtin echo Exported:
builtin echo $(builtin export | command sed 's/=.*//')
builtin echo
builtin echo Locale:
command locale
builtin echo
# Zsh installation and configuration
builtin echo Zsh configuration:
builtin echo setopt: $(builtin setopt)
builtin echo
builtin echo zstyle:
builtin zstyle
builtin echo
builtin echo 'compaudit output:'
builtin echo
builtin echo '$fpath directories:'
command ls -lad $fpath
builtin echo
# Oh-my-zsh installation
builtin echo oh-my-zsh installation:
command ls -ld ~/.z*
command ls -ld ~/.oh*
builtin echo
builtin echo oh-my-zsh git state:
(builtin cd $ZSH && builtin echo "HEAD: $(git rev-parse HEAD)" && git remote -v && git status | command grep "[^[:space:]]")
if [[ $verbose -ge 1 ]]; then
(builtin cd $ZSH && git reflog --date=default | command grep pull)
builtin echo
if [[ -e $ZSH_CUSTOM ]]; then
local custom_dir=$ZSH_CUSTOM
if [[ -h $custom_dir ]]; then
custom_dir=$(builtin cd $custom_dir && pwd -P)
builtin echo "oh-my-zsh custom dir:"
builtin echo " $ZSH_CUSTOM ($custom_dir)"
(builtin cd ${custom_dir:h} && command find ${custom_dir:t} -name .git -prune -o -print)
builtin echo
# Key binding and terminal info
if [[ $verbose -ge 1 ]]; then
builtin echo "bindkey:"
builtin bindkey
builtin echo
builtin echo "infocmp:"
command infocmp -L
builtin echo
# Configuration file info
local zdotdir=${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}
builtin echo "Zsh configuration files:"
local cfgfile cfgfiles
# Some files for bash that zsh does not use are intentionally included
# to help with diagnosing behavior differences between bash and zsh
cfgfiles=( /etc/zshenv /etc/zprofile /etc/zshrc /etc/zlogin /etc/zlogout
$zdotdir/.zshenv $zdotdir/.zprofile $zdotdir/.zshrc $zdotdir/.zlogin $zdotdir/.zlogout
/etc/bashrc /etc/profile ~/.bashrc ~/.profile ~/.bash_profile ~/.bash_logout )
command ls -lad $cfgfiles 2>&1
builtin echo
if [[ $verbose -ge 1 ]]; then
for cfgfile in $cfgfiles; do
_omz_diag_dump_echo_file_w_header $cfgfile
builtin echo
builtin echo "Zsh compdump files:"
local dumpfile dumpfiles
command ls -lad $zdotdir/.zcompdump*
dumpfiles=( $zdotdir/.zcompdump*(N) )
if [[ $verbose -ge 2 ]]; then
for dumpfile in $dumpfiles; do
_omz_diag_dump_echo_file_w_header $dumpfile
function _omz_diag_dump_check_core_commands() {
builtin echo "Core command check:"
local redefined name builtins externals reserved_words
# All the zsh non-module builtin commands
# These are taken from the zsh reference manual for 5.0.2
# Commands from modules should not be included.
# (For back-compatibility, if any of these are newish, they should be removed,
# or at least made conditional on the version of the current running zsh.)
# "history" is also excluded because OMZ is known to redefine that
reserved_words=( do done esac then elif else fi for case if while function
repeat time until select coproc nocorrect foreach end '!' '[[' '{' '}'
builtins=( alias autoload bg bindkey break builtin bye cd chdir command
comparguments compcall compctl compdescribe compfiles compgroups compquote comptags
comptry compvalues continue dirs disable disown echo echotc echoti emulate
enable eval exec exit false fc fg functions getln getopts hash
jobs kill let limit log logout noglob popd print printf
pushd pushln pwd r read rehash return sched set setopt shift
source suspend test times trap true ttyctl type ulimit umask unalias
unfunction unhash unlimit unset unsetopt vared wait whence where which zcompile
zle zmodload zparseopts zregexparse zstyle )
if is-at-least 5.1; then
reserved_word+=( declare export integer float local readonly typeset )
builtins+=( declare export integer float local readonly typeset )
builtins_fatal=( builtin command local )
externals=( zsh )
for name in $reserved_words; do
if [[ $(builtin whence -w $name) != "$name: reserved" ]]; then
builtin echo "reserved word '$name' has been redefined"
builtin which $name
for name in $builtins; do
if [[ $(builtin whence -w $name) != "$name: builtin" ]]; then
builtin echo "builtin '$name' has been redefined"
builtin which $name
for name in $externals; do
if [[ $(builtin whence -w $name) != "$name: command" ]]; then
builtin echo "command '$name' has been redefined"
builtin which $name
if [[ -n "$redefined" ]]; then
builtin echo "All core commands are defined normally"
function _omz_diag_dump_echo_file_w_header() {
local file=$1
if [[ ( -f $file || -h $file ) ]]; then
builtin echo "========== $file =========="
if [[ -h $file ]]; then
builtin echo "========== ( => ${file:A} ) =========="
command cat $file
builtin echo "========== end $file =========="
builtin echo
elif [[ -d $file ]]; then
builtin echo "File '$file' is a directory"
elif [[ ! -e $file ]]; then
builtin echo "File '$file' does not exist"
command ls -lad "$file"
function _omz_diag_dump_os_specific_version() {
local osname osver version_file version_files
case "$OSTYPE" in
osname=$(command sw_vers -productName)
osver=$(command sw_vers -productVersion)
builtin echo "OS Version: $osname $osver build $(sw_vers -buildVersion)"
command systeminfo | command head -4 | command tail -2
if builtin which lsb_release >/dev/null; then
builtin echo "OS Release: $(command lsb_release -s -d)"
version_files=( /etc/*-release(N) /etc/*-version(N) /etc/*_version(N) )
for version_file in $version_files; do
builtin echo "$version_file:"
command cat "$version_file"
builtin echo