44 lines
1.4 KiB
44 lines
1.4 KiB
open Util
module I = Parser.MenhirInterpreter
let get_parse_error env =
match I.stack env with
| lazy Nil -> "Invalid syntax"
| lazy (Cons (I.Element (state, _, _, _), _)) ->
try (Parser_messages.message (I.number state)) with
| Not_found -> "invalid syntax (no specific message for this eror)"
let rec parse lexbuf (checkpoint : Ast.program I.checkpoint) =
match checkpoint with
| I.InputNeeded _env ->
let token = Lexer.f lexbuf in
let startp = lexbuf.lex_start_p
and endp = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
let checkpoint = I.offer checkpoint (token, startp, endp) in
parse lexbuf checkpoint
| I.Shifting _
| I.AboutToReduce _ ->
let checkpoint = I.resume checkpoint in
parse lexbuf checkpoint
| I.HandlingError _env ->
let line, pos = Util.get_lexing_position lexbuf in
let err = get_parse_error _env in
raise (Syntax_error (Some (line, pos), err))
| I.Accepted v -> v
| I.Rejected ->
raise (Syntax_error (None, "invalid syntax (parser rejected the input)"))
let try_parse lexbuf =
let program = parse lexbuf (Parser.Incremental.program lexbuf.lex_curr_p) in
Ok program
| Util.Syntax_error (pos, err) ->
match pos with
| Some (line, pos) ->
Error (Printf.sprintf "Syntax error on line %d, character %d: %s" line pos err)
| None -> Error (Printf.sprintf "Syntax error: %s" err)