type op = OpAdd | OpSub | OpMul | OpDiv [@@deriving show] type lit = LitInt of int | LitNegInt of int | LitFloat of float [@@deriving show] type ty = TySizedInt | TyGenericInt | TyFunc of ty list * ty | TyPointer of ty | TyStruct of (string * ty) list [@@deriving show] type expr = ExprUnit | ExprLit of lit | ExprBin of expr * op * expr | ExprAnnot of expr * ty [@@deriving show] type pat = PatName of string [@@deriving show] type stmt = StmtLet of pat * expr | StmtReturn of expr [@@deriving show] type block = { stmts : stmt list ; ret : expr } [@@deriving show] type func = { name : string ; body : block } [@@deriving show] type extern_func = { name : string } [@@deriving show] type decl = DeclFunc of func | DeclExternFunc of extern_func [@@deriving show] type program = decl list [@@deriving show]