title: Functions type: concept summary: | Functions describe a process of turning *inputs* into *outputs*. content: | In a purely mathematical setting, functions typically have one input and one output, but in functional programming, we can usually get around this either by using [tuples][1] or by [currying][2]. [1]: page://fp-tuples [2]: page://fp-currying exercises: - name: doubleIt style: gradedProgram description: | Write a function called `doubleIt` that takes an integer and doubles it. satisfiesConcept: - fp-function graders: ocaml: style: studentModule props: interface: | val doubleIt : int -> int driver: | open List let () = List.iter (fun x -> assert ((doubleIt x) = (x * 2))) (List.init 100 (fun x -> x + 1)); - name: whichIsFunction style: multipleChoice description: | Which of the following can be described as a _function_? concepts: - fp-function props: choices: - foo: bar