
814 lines
31 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
<Page @loaded="onPageLoad" @unloaded="releaseBackEvent">
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<MDButton variant="text" class="bx" :text="icon.back" automationText="Back" col="0" @tap="navigateBack" />
<Label class="title orkm" :text="`${title}` | L" col="1" />
<MDButton variant="text" v-if="hasChanges && !saving" class="bx" :text="icon.save" col="2" @tap="saveOperation" />
<MDActivityIndicator col="2" v-if="saving" :busy="saving" />
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<StackLayout width="100%" padding="0 0 88">
<StackLayout width="100%" :height="screenWidth" class="imageHolder" verticalAlignment="center">
<Image v-if="recipeContent.imageSrc" :src="recipeContent.imageSrc" stretch="aspectFill" width="100%" :height="screenWidth" />
<Label v-else horizontalAlignment="center" class="bx" fontSize="160" :text="icon.image" />
<transition :name="recipeContent.imageSrc ? 'null' : 'bounce'">
<MDFloatingActionButton v-if="showFab" :top="screenWidth - 44" :left="screenWidth - 88" class="bx" src="res://camera" @tap="imageHandler" />
<StackLayout margin="0 16">
<AbsoluteLayout class="inputField">
<TextField :hint="'My Healthy Recipe' | L" v-model="recipeContent.title" @loaded="setInputTypeText($event, 'words')" />
<Label top="0" class="fieldLabel" :text="'Title' | L" />
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
<GridLayout columns="*, 8, *">
<AbsoluteLayout class="inputField" col="0">
<TextField :text="`${recipeContent.cuisine}` | L" editable="false" @focus="modalOpen === false && showCuisine(true)" @tap="showCuisine(false)" />
<Label top="0" class="fieldLabel" :text="'Cuisine' | L" />
<AbsoluteLayout class="inputField" col="2">
<TextField ref='category' :text="`${recipeContent.category}` | L" editable="false" @focus="modalOpen === false && showCategories(true)" @tap="showCategories(false)" />
<Label top="0" class="fieldLabel" :text="'Category' | L" />
<AbsoluteLayout class="inputField">
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
<TextField autocapitalizationType="words" ref='tags' :hint="`${$options.filters.L('separate with spaces')}`" v-model="tags" @textChange="splitTags" returnKeyType="next" />
<Label top="0" class="fieldLabel" :text="`${$options.filters.L('Tags')} (${$options.filters.L('separate with spaces')})`" />
<GridLayout columns="*, 8, *">
<AbsoluteLayout class="inputField" col="0">
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
<TextField :text="timeRequired('prepTime')" editable="false" @focus="
modalOpen === false && setTimeRequired(true, 'prepTime')
" @tap="setTimeRequired(false, 'prepTime')" />
<Label top="0" class="fieldLabel" :text="'Preparation time' | L" />
<AbsoluteLayout class="inputField" col="2">
<TextField ref="cookTime" :text="timeRequired('cookTime')" editable="false" @focus="
modalOpen === false && setTimeRequired(true, 'cookTime')
" @tap="setTimeRequired(false, 'cookTime')" />
<Label top="0" class="fieldLabel" :text="'Cooking time' | L" />
<GridLayout columns="*, 8, *">
<AbsoluteLayout class="inputField" col="0">
<TextField ref="yieldQuantity" v-model="recipeContent.yield.quantity" hint="1" keyboardType="number" returnKeyType="next" />
<Label top="0" class="fieldLabel" :text="'Yield quantity' | L" />
<AbsoluteLayout class="inputField" col="2">
<TextField :text="`${recipeContent.yield.unit}` | L" editable="false" @focus="modalOpen === false && showYieldUnits(true)" @tap="showYieldUnits(false)" />
<Label top="0" class="fieldLabel" :text="'Yield measured in' | L" />
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
<GridLayout columns="*, 8, *">
<AbsoluteLayout class="inputField" col="0">
<TextField ref="difficultyLevel" :text="`${recipeContent.difficulty}` | L" editable="false" @focus="modalOpen === false && showDifficultyLevel(true)" @tap="showDifficultyLevel(false)" />
<Label top="0" class="fieldLabel" :text="'Difficulty level' | L" />
<StackLayout class="hr" margin="24 16"></StackLayout>
<StackLayout margin="0 16">
<Label :text="'Ingredients' | L" class="sectionTitle" />
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
<GridLayout columns="auto,8,auto,8,*,8,auto" v-for="(ingredient, index) in recipeContent.ingredients" :key="index">
<TextField width="60" col="0" @loaded="!recipeContent.ingredients[index].item && focusField($event)" v-model="recipeContent.ingredients[index].quantity" hint="1.00" keyboardType="number" returnKeyType="next" />
<TextField width="76" col="2" :text="`${recipeContent.ingredients[index].unit}` | L" editable="false" @focus="modalOpen === false && showUnits($event, true, index)" @tap="showUnits($event, false, index)" />
<TextField ref="ingredient" @loaded="setInputTypeText($event, 'sentence')" col="4" v-model="recipeContent.ingredients[index].item" :hint="`${$options.filters.L('Item')} ${index + 1}`"
@returnPress="index+1 == recipeContent.ingredients.length && addIngredient()" />
<MDButton variant="text" col="6" class="bx closeBtn" :text="icon.close" @tap="removeIngredient(index)" />
<MDButton variant="text" class="text-btn orkm" :text="`+ ${$options.filters.L('ADD INGREDIENT')}`" @tap="addIngredient()" />
<StackLayout class="hr" margin="24 16"></StackLayout>
<StackLayout margin="0 16">
<Label :text="'Instructions' | L" class="sectionTitle" />
<GridLayout columns="*,8,auto" v-for="(instruction, index) in recipeContent.instructions" :key="index">
<TextView @loaded="focusField($event, 'multiLine')" col="0" :hint="`${$options.filters.L('Step')} ${index + 1}`" v-model="recipeContent.instructions[index]" />
<MDButton variant="text" col="2" class="bx closeBtn" :text="icon.close" @tap="removeInstruction(index)" />
<MDButton variant="text" class="text-btn orkm" :text="`+ ${$options.filters.L('ADD STEP')}`" @tap="addInstruction" />
<StackLayout class="hr" margin="24 16"></StackLayout>
<StackLayout margin="0 16">
<Label :text="'Notes' | L" class="sectionTitle" />
<GridLayout columns="*,8,auto" v-for="(note, index) in recipeContent.notes" :key="index">
<TextView @loaded="focusField($event, 'multiLine')" col="0" :hint="`${$options.filters.L('Note')} ${index + 1}`" v-model="recipeContent.notes[index]" />
<MDButton variant="text" col="2" class="bx closeBtn" :text="icon.close" @tap="removeNote(index)" />
<MDButton variant="text" class="text-btn orkm" :text="`+ ${$options.filters.L('ADD NOTE')}`" @tap="addNote" />
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
<StackLayout class="hr" margin="24 16"></StackLayout>
<StackLayout margin="0 16">
<Label :text="'Combinations' | L" class="sectionTitle" />
<GridLayout columns="*,8,auto" v-for="(combination, index) in recipeContent.combinations" :key="index">
<TextField class="combinationToken" col="0" :text="getCombinationTitle(combination)" editable="false" />
<MDButton variant="text" col="2" class="bx closeBtn" :text="icon.close" @tap="removeCombination(combination)" />
<MDButton variant="text" class="text-btn orkm" :text="`+ ${$options.filters.L('ADD COMBINATION')}`" @tap="showCombinations" />
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
import {
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
from "@nativescript/core"
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
import * as Permissions from "@nativescript-community/perms"
import * as Toast from "nativescript-toast"
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
import * as Filepicker from "nativescript-plugin-filepicker"
import {
from "nativescript-imagecropper"
import {
from "@nativescript/localize"
import {
from "vuex"
2020-11-28 19:21:57 +00:00
import ViewRecipe from "./ViewRecipe.vue"
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
import ActionDialog from "./modal/ActionDialog.vue"
2020-11-15 10:51:10 +00:00
import ActionDialogWithSearch from "./modal/ActionDialogWithSearch.vue"
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
import ConfirmDialog from "./modal/ConfirmDialog.vue"
import PromptDialog from "./modal/PromptDialog.vue"
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
import ListPicker from "./modal/ListPicker.vue"
2020-11-23 09:49:58 +00:00
import * as utils from "~/shared/utils"
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
export default {
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
props: [ "recipeID", "selectedCuisine", "selectedCategory", "selectedTag", "filterFavourites", "filterTrylater", "navigationFromView", ],
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
data() {
return {
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
title: "New recipe",
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
viewIsScrolled: false,
recipeContent: {
imageSrc: null,
title: undefined,
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
cuisine: "Undefined",
category: "Undefined",
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
tags: [],
prepTime: "00:00",
cookTime: "00:00",
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
yield: {
quantity: undefined,
unit: "Serving",
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
difficulty: "Easy",
rating: 0,
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
ingredients: [],
instructions: [],
2020-11-15 10:51:10 +00:00
combinations: [],
2020-11-28 19:21:57 +00:00
notes: [],
2020-10-26 20:49:54 +00:00
isFavorite: false,
2020-11-23 09:49:58 +00:00
tried: true,
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
lastTried: null,
2020-10-26 20:49:54 +00:00
lastModified: null,
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
created: null,
2020-10-26 20:49:54 +00:00
tempRecipeContent: {},
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
tags: undefined,
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
blockModal: false,
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
modalOpen: false,
newRecipeID: null,
showFab: false,
2020-11-23 09:49:58 +00:00
saving: false,
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
cacheImagePath: null,
2020-11-15 10:51:10 +00:00
unSyncCombinations: [],
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
difficultyLevels: [
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
computed: {
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
...mapState( [ "icon", "units", "yieldUnits", "recipes", "cuisines", "categories", "currentComponent", ] ),
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
screenWidth() {
2020-10-22 18:36:50 +00:00
return Screen.mainScreen.widthDIPs
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
appTheme() {
return Application.systemAppearance()
hasChanges() {
return ( JSON.stringify( this.recipeContent ) !== JSON.stringify( this.tempRecipeContent ) )
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
methods: {
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
...mapActions( [ "setCurrentComponentAction", "addRecipeAction", "overwriteRecipeAction", "addListItemAction", "unSyncCombinationsAction", ] ),
onPageLoad( args ) {
const page = args.object;
page.bindingContext = new Observable();
this.showFab = true
timeRequired( time ) {
let t = this.recipeContent[ time ].split( ":" )
let h = parseInt( t[ 0 ] )
let m = parseInt( t[ 1 ] )
let hr = localize( 'hr' )
let min = localize( 'min' )
return h ? ( m ? `${h} ${hr} ${m} ${min}` : `${h} ${hr}` ) : `${m} ${min}`
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
focusField( args, type ) {
if ( type ) this.setInputTypeText( args, type )
if ( !args.object.text ) {
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
setTimeout( ( e ) => Utils.ad.showSoftInput( args.object.android ), 100 )
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
setInputTypeText( args, type ) {
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
let field = args.object
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
let common = android.text.InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | android.text.InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT
switch ( type ) {
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
case "words":
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
field.android.setInputType( android.text.InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_WORDS | common )
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
case "sentence":
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
field.android.setInputType( android.text.InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_SENTENCES | common )
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
case "multiLine":
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
field.android.setInputType( android.text.InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_MULTI_LINE | android.text.InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_SENTENCES | common )
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
getRandomID() {
let res = ""
let chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
for ( let i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) {
res += chars.charAt( Math.floor( Math.random() * chars.length ) )
return res
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
setTimeRequired( focus, time ) {
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
this.modalOpen = true
let t = this.recipeContent[ time ].split( ":" )
let hr = t[ 0 ]
let min = t[ 1 ]
this.$showModal( ListPicker, {
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
props: {
title: `${time == "prepTime" ? "Preparation" : "Cooking"} time`,
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
action: "SET",
selectedHr: hr,
selectedMin: min,
} ).then( ( result ) => {
if ( result ) {
this.recipeContent[ time ] = result
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
this.modalOpen = false
if ( focus ) {
switch ( time ) {
case "prepTime":
this.autoFocusField( "cookTime", false )
case "cookTime":
this.autoFocusField( "yieldQuantity", true )
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
} )
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
onScroll( args ) {
2020-11-28 19:21:57 +00:00
this.viewIsScrolled = args.scrollY ? true : false
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
showCuisine( focus ) {
this.modalOpen = true
this.$showModal( ActionDialog, {
props: {
title: "Cuisine",
list: this.cuisines,
stretch: true,
action: "ADD NEW",
} ).then( ( action ) => {
if ( action == "ADD NEW" ) {
this.$showModal( PromptDialog, {
props: {
title: "New cuisine",
action: "ADD",
} ).then( ( item ) => {
if ( item.length ) {
this.recipeContent.cuisine = item
ApplicationSettings.setString( "previousCuisine", item )
this.addListItemAction( {
listName: 'cuisines'
} )
this.modalOpen = false
if ( focus ) this.autoFocusField( "category", false )
} )
} else if ( action ) {
this.recipeContent.cuisine = action
ApplicationSettings.setString( "previousCuisine", action )
this.modalOpen = false
if ( focus ) this.autoFocusField( "category", false )
} else {
this.cuisines.includes( this.recipeContent.cuisine ) ? mull : this.recipeContent.cuisine = 'Undefined'
} )
showCategories( focus ) {
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
this.modalOpen = true
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
this.$showModal( ActionDialog, {
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
props: {
title: "Category",
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
list: this.categories,
stretch: true,
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
action: "ADD NEW",
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
} ).then( ( action ) => {
if ( action == "ADD NEW" ) {
this.$showModal( PromptDialog, {
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
props: {
title: "New category",
action: "ADD",
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
} ).then( ( item ) => {
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
if ( item.length ) {
this.recipeContent.category = item
ApplicationSettings.setString( "previousCategory", item )
this.addListItemAction( {
listName: 'categories'
} )
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
this.modalOpen = false
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
if ( focus ) this.autoFocusField( "tags", true )
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
} )
} else if ( action ) {
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
this.recipeContent.category = action
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
ApplicationSettings.setString( "previousCategory", action )
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
this.modalOpen = false
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
if ( focus ) this.autoFocusField( "tags", true )
} else {
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
this.categories.includes( this.recipeContent.category ) ? mull : this.recipeContent.category = 'Undefined'
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
} )
showYieldUnits( focus ) {
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
this.modalOpen = true
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
this.$showModal( ActionDialog, {
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
props: {
title: "Yield measured in",
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
list: this.yieldUnits,
stretch: true,
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
action: "ADD NEW",
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
} ).then( ( action ) => {
if ( action == "ADD NEW" ) {
this.$showModal( PromptDialog, {
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
props: {
title: "New yield unit",
action: "ADD",
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
} ).then( ( item ) => {
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
if ( item.length ) {
this.recipeContent.yield.unit = item
ApplicationSettings.setString( "previousYieldUnit", item )
this.addListItemAction( {
listName: 'yieldUnits'
} )
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
this.modalOpen = false
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
if ( focus ) this.autoFocusField( "difficultyLevel", false )
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
} )
} else if ( action ) {
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
this.recipeContent.yield.unit = action
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
ApplicationSettings.setString( "previousYieldUnit", action )
this.modalOpen = false
if ( focus ) this.autoFocusField( "difficultyLevel", false )
} else {
this.yieldUnits.includes( this.recipeContent.yield.unit ) ? mull : this.recipeContent.yield.unit = 'Serving'
} )
showDifficultyLevel( focus ) {
this.modalOpen = true
this.$showModal( ActionDialog, {
props: {
title: "Difficulty level",
list: this.difficultyLevels,
stretch: false,
} ).then( ( action ) => {
if ( action ) {
this.recipeContent.difficulty = action
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
this.modalOpen = false
if ( focus ) this.addIngredient()
} else {
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
this.difficultyLevels.includes( this.recipeContent.difficulty ) ? mull : this.recipeContent.difficulty = 'Easy'
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
} )
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
showUnits( e, focus, index ) {
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
this.modalOpen = true
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
this.$showModal( ActionDialog, {
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
props: {
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
title: "Units",
list: this.units,
stretch: true,
action: "ADD NEW",
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
} ).then( ( action ) => {
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
if ( action == "ADD NEW" ) {
this.$showModal( PromptDialog, {
props: {
title: "New unit",
action: "ADD",
} ).then( ( item ) => {
if ( item.length ) {
this.recipeContent.ingredients[ index ].unit = item
this.addListItemAction( {
listName: 'units'
} )
this.modalOpen = false
if ( focus && this.recipeContent.ingredients.length - 1 === index )
this.autoFocusRefField( 'ingredient', index )
2020-11-15 21:13:06 +00:00
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
} )
} else if ( action ) {
this.recipeContent.ingredients[ index ].unit = action
this.modalOpen = false
if ( focus && this.recipeContent.ingredients.length - 1 === index ) this.autoFocusRefField( 'ingredient', index )
2020-11-11 13:50:33 +00:00
} )
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
autoFocusField( ref, showSoftInput ) {
this.$refs[ ref ].nativeView.focus()
if ( showSoftInput ) {
setTimeout( () => {
Utils.ad.showSoftInput( this.$refs[ ref ].nativeView.android )
}, 100 )
autoFocusRefField( ref, index ) {
this.$refs[ ref ][ index ].nativeView.focus()
setTimeout( () => {
Utils.ad.showSoftInput( this.$refs[ ref ][ index ].nativeView.android )
}, 100 )
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
2020-11-28 19:21:57 +00:00
navigateBackController() {
if ( this.navigationFromView ) {
this.$navigateTo( ViewRecipe, {
2020-11-28 19:21:57 +00:00
props: {
filterTrylater: this.filterTrylater,
recipeID: this.recipeID,
backstackVisible: false,
} )
} else this.$navigateBack()
2020-11-28 19:21:57 +00:00
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
navigateBack() {
if ( this.hasChanges ) {
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
this.blockModal = true
this.$showModal( ConfirmDialog, {
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
props: {
title: "Unsaved changes",
description: localize( "Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?" ),
cancelButtonText: "DISCARD",
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
okButtonText: "KEEP EDITING",
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
} ).then( ( action ) => {
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
this.blockModal = false
if ( action != null && !action ) {
2020-11-28 19:21:57 +00:00
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
} )
} else {
2020-11-28 19:21:57 +00:00
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
hijackBackEvent() {
AndroidApplication.on( AndroidApplication.activityBackPressedEvent, this.backEvent )
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
releaseBackEvent() {
AndroidApplication.off( AndroidApplication.activityBackPressedEvent, this.backEvent )
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
backEvent( args ) {
if ( this.hasChanges && !this.blockModal ) {
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
args.cancel = true
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
imageHandler() {
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
if ( this.recipeContent.imageSrc ) {
this.blockModal = true
this.$showModal( ConfirmDialog, {
props: {
title: "Recipe photo",
cancelButtonText: "REMOVE",
okButtonText: "REPLACE PHOTO",
} ).then( ( action ) => {
this.blockModal = false
if ( action ) {
this.permissionCheck( this.permissionConfirmation, this.imagePicker )
} else if ( action != null ) {
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
this.recipeContent.imageSrc = null
} )
} else {
this.permissionCheck( this.permissionConfirmation, this.imagePicker )
2020-11-06 09:07:41 +00:00
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
permissionConfirmation() {
return this.$showModal( ConfirmDialog, {
2020-11-06 09:07:41 +00:00
props: {
title: "Grant permission",
description: localize( "EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo." ),
2020-11-06 09:07:41 +00:00
cancelButtonText: "NOT NOW",
okButtonText: "CONTINUE",
} )
permissionCheck( confirmation, action ) {
if ( !ApplicationSettings.getBoolean( "storagePermissionAsked", false ) ) {
confirmation().then( ( e ) => {
if ( e ) {
Permissions.request( "photo" ).then( ( status ) => {
switch ( status[ 0 ] ) {
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
case "authorized":
case "never_ask_again":
ApplicationSettings.setBoolean( "storagePermissionAsked", true )
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
case "denied":
Toast.makeText( localize( "Permission denied" ) ).show()
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
} )
2020-11-06 09:07:41 +00:00
} )
} else {
Permissions.check( "photo" ).then( ( res ) => {
res[ 0 ] !== "authorized" ? confirmation().then( ( e ) => e && utils.openAppSettingsPage() ) : action()
} )
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
imagePicker() {
ApplicationSettings.setBoolean( "storagePermissionAsked", true )
this.cacheImagePath = path.join( knownFolders.temp().path, `${this.getRandomID()}.jpg` )
Filepicker.create( {
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
mode: "single",
extensions: [ "png", "jpeg", "jpg" ],
} ).present().then( ( selection ) => {
let imgPath = selection[ 0 ]
ImageSource.fromFile( imgPath ).then( ( image ) => {
ImageCropper.prototype.show( image, {
width: 1080,
height: 1080,
}, {
hideBottomControls: true,
toolbarTitle: localize( "Crop photo" ),
statusBarColor: "#ff5200",
toolbarTextColor: this.appTheme == "light" ? "#212529" : "#f1f3f5",
toolbarColor: this.appTheme == "light" ? "#f1f3f5" : "#212529",
cropFrameColor: "#ff5200",
} ).then( ( cropped ) => {
cropped.image.saveToFile( this.cacheImagePath, "jpg", 75 )
this.recipeContent.imageSrc = this.cacheImagePath
} )
} )
} )
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
splitTags() {
let string
if ( this.tags ) {
let tags = this.tags.split( " " ).map( e => {
string = e.replace( /^[^\w\s]+/, '' )
if ( /^[A-Za-z]+/.test( string ) ) {
return string.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + string.slice( 1 )
} ).filter( e => e )
this.recipeContent.tags = tags
joinTags() {
this.tags = this.recipeContent.tags.join( " " )
fieldDeletionConfirm( title ) {
return this.$showModal( ConfirmDialog, {
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
props: {
2020-11-28 19:21:57 +00:00
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
cancelButtonText: "CANCEL",
2020-11-28 19:21:57 +00:00
okButtonText: "REMOVE",
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
} )
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
addIngredient() {
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
let ingredients = this.recipeContent.ingredients
let unit = ingredients.length ? ingredients[ ingredients.length - 1 ].unit : "unit"
this.recipeContent.ingredients.push( {
2020-10-21 17:54:45 +00:00
item: "",
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
quantity: null,
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
} )
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
removeIngredient( index ) {
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
this.modalOpen = true
if ( this.recipeContent.ingredients[ index ].item.length ) {
this.fieldDeletionConfirm( "Remove ingredient?" ).then( ( res ) => {
if ( res ) {
this.recipeContent.ingredients.splice( index, 1 )
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
} )
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
} else {
this.recipeContent.ingredients.splice( index, 1 )
setTimeout( e => this.modalOpen = false, 200 )
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
addInstruction() {
this.recipeContent.instructions.push( "" )
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
removeInstruction( index ) {
if ( this.recipeContent.instructions[ index ].length ) {
this.fieldDeletionConfirm( "Remove instruction?" ).then( ( res ) => {
res && this.recipeContent.instructions.splice( index, 1 )
} )
} else this.recipeContent.instructions.splice( index, 1 )
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
getCombinationTitle( id ) {
return this.recipes.filter( ( e ) => e.id === id )[ 0 ].title
2020-11-15 10:51:10 +00:00
showCombinations() {
let existingCombinations = [ ...this.recipeContent.combinations,
2020-11-15 10:51:10 +00:00
let filteredRecipes = this.recipes.filter(
( e ) => !existingCombinations.includes( e.id ) )
this.$showModal( ActionDialogWithSearch, {
2020-11-15 10:51:10 +00:00
props: {
title: "Select a recipe",
recipes: filteredRecipes,
} ).then( ( res ) => {
if ( res ) {
this.recipeContent.combinations.push( res )
2020-11-15 10:51:10 +00:00
} )
removeCombination( id ) {
let index = this.recipeContent.combinations.indexOf( id )
this.fieldDeletionConfirm( "Remove combination?" ).then( res => {
if ( res ) {
this.recipeContent.combinations.splice( index, 1 )
this.unSyncCombinations.push( id )
2020-11-15 10:51:10 +00:00
} )
2020-11-15 10:51:10 +00:00
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
addNote() {
this.recipeContent.notes.push( "" )
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
removeNote( index ) {
if ( this.recipeContent.notes[ index ].length ) {
this.fieldDeletionConfirm( "Remove note?" ).then( ( res ) => {
if ( res ) this.recipeContent.notes.splice( index, 1 )
} )
} else this.recipeContent.notes.splice( index, 1 )
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
clearEmptyFields() {
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
if ( !this.recipeContent.title ) this.recipeContent.title = localize( "Untitled Recipe" )
if ( !this.recipeContent.yield.quantity ) this.recipeContent.yield.quantity = 1
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
this.recipeContent.ingredients = this.recipeContent.ingredients.filter(
( e ) => e.item )
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
let vm = this
function clearEmpty( arr ) {
vm.recipeContent[ arr ] = vm.recipeContent[ arr ].filter( ( e ) => e )
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
clearEmpty( "instructions" )
clearEmpty( "notes" )
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
saveOperation() {
2020-11-28 19:21:57 +00:00
this.saving = this.modalOpen = true
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
this.recipeContent.lastModified = new Date()
if ( this.cacheImagePath ) {
let recipeImage = path.join( knownFolders.documents().getFolder( "EnRecipes" ).getFolder( "Images" ).path, `${this.getRandomID()}.jpg` )
let binarySource = File.fromPath( this.cacheImagePath ).readSync()
File.fromPath( recipeImage ).writeSync( binarySource )
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
this.recipeContent.imageSrc = recipeImage
if ( this.recipeContent.imageSrc ) {
if ( this.tempRecipeContent.imageSrc && this.tempRecipeContent.imageSrc !== this.recipeContent.imageSrc ) {
getFileAccess().deleteFile( this.tempRecipeContent.imageSrc )
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
} else if ( this.tempRecipeContent.imageSrc ) {
getFileAccess().deleteFile( this.tempRecipeContent.imageSrc )
this.unSyncCombinationsAction( {
2020-11-15 10:51:10 +00:00
id: this.recipeID,
combinations: this.unSyncCombinations,
} )
2020-11-10 18:28:48 +00:00
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
saveRecipe() {
if ( this.recipeID ) {
this.overwriteRecipeAction( {
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
id: this.recipeID,
recipe: this.recipeContent,
} )
} else {
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
this.recipeContent.id = this.newRecipeID
this.addRecipeAction( {
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
id: this.newRecipeID,
recipe: this.recipeContent,
} )
2020-11-02 11:36:53 +00:00
setTimeout( () => {
2020-11-23 09:49:58 +00:00
this.saving = false
}, 100 )
2020-11-28 19:21:57 +00:00
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00
2020-10-26 20:49:54 +00:00
created() {
setTimeout( ( e ) => {
this.setCurrentComponentAction( "EditRecipe" )
}, 500 )
2020-10-26 20:49:54 +00:00
this.title = this.recipeID ? "Edit recipe" : "New recipe"
if ( this.recipeID ) {
let recipe = this.recipes.filter( ( e ) => e.id === this.recipeID )[ 0 ]
Object.assign( this.recipeContent, JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( recipe ) ) )
Object.assign( this.tempRecipeContent, JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( this.recipeContent ) ) )
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
if ( this.recipeContent.tags.length ) this.joinTags()
} else {
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
this.recipeContent.cuisine = this.selectedCuisine ? /All/.test( this.selectedCuisine ) ? "Undefined" : this.selectedCuisine : ApplicationSettings.getString( "previousCuisine", "Undefined" )
this.recipeContent.category = this.selectedCategory ? /All/.test( this.selectedCategory ) ? "Undefined" : this.selectedCategory : ApplicationSettings.getString( "previousCategory", "Undefined" )
if ( this.selectedTag && !/All/.test( this.selectedTag ) ) {
this.tags = this.selectedTag
this.recipeContent.yield.unit = ApplicationSettings.getString( "previousYieldUnit", "Serving" )
if ( this.filterFavourites ) this.recipeContent.isFavorite = true
2020-12-29 10:35:19 +00:00
if ( this.filterTrylater ) this.recipeContent.tried = false
this.recipeContent.created = new Date()
Object.assign( this.tempRecipeContent, JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( this.recipeContent ) ) )
2020-10-26 20:49:54 +00:00
this.newRecipeID = this.getRandomID()
2020-10-14 19:32:32 +00:00