2020-09-15 16:40:16 +05:30
// Add your native dependencies here:
// Uncomment to add recyclerview-v7 dependency
//dependencies {
// implementation 'com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:+'
// If you want to add something to be applied before applying plugins' include.gradle files
// e.g. project.ext.googlePlayServicesVersion = "15.0.1"
// create a file named before-plugins.gradle in the current directory and place it there
2020-10-24 23:32:35 +05:30
// abiFilter "arm64-v8a" "armeabi-v7a" "x86" "x86_64"
2020-09-15 16:40:16 +05:30
android {
defaultConfig {
2021-05-22 14:26:31 +05:30
versionCode 1
versionName '2.0.0'
minSdkVersion 21
2021-04-12 23:39:48 +05:30
targetSdkVersion 30
compileSdkVersion 30
2020-09-15 16:40:16 +05:30
generatedDensities = []
2021-05-22 14:26:31 +05:30
// ndk {
// abiFilters.clear()
// abiFilters.addAll(['arm64-v8a'])
// }
2020-09-15 16:40:16 +05:30
aaptOptions {
additionalParameters "--no-version-vectors"