1 changed files with 82 additions and 82 deletions
@ -195,86 +195,86 @@
"Permission denied": "В доступе отказано",
"Permission denied": "В доступе отказано",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Отправлено через EnRecipes. Скачайте его в Play Store или F-Droid.",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Отправлено через EnRecipes. Скачайте его в Play Store или F-Droid.",
"Contributors": "Участники",
"Contributors": "Участники",
"Translator": "Translator",
"Translator": "Переводчик",
"View on GitHub": "View on GitHub",
"View on GitHub": "Проект на GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Privacy policy",
"Privacy policy": "Политика конфиденциальности",
"User guide": "User guide",
"User guide": "Руководство пользователя",
"Options": "Options",
"Options": "Параметры",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Shake to view random recipe",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Встряхнуть, чтобы показать случайный рецепт",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Помогает выбрать, что приготовить, когда вы не можете решить",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Reset": "Сброс",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "Сброс списка НЕ удалит ваши существующие записи, а только восстановит удаленные записи по умолчанию.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Reset cuisines list",
"Reset cuisines list": "Сбросить список кухонь",
"Reset categories list": "Reset categories list",
"Reset categories list": "Сбросить список категорий",
"Reset yield units list": "Reset yield units list",
"Reset yield units list": "Сбросить список единиц измерения подачи",
"Reset units list": "Reset units list",
"Reset units list": "Сбросить список единиц измерения",
"Reset successful": "Reset successful",
"Reset successful": "Сброс выполнен успешно",
"Recipe not found": "Recipe not found",
"Recipe not found": "Рецепт не найден",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "По вашему запросу не найдено ни одного рецепта в отфильтрованном результате",
"Quickest first": "Quickest first",
"Quickest first": "Самый быстрый сначала",
"Slowest first": "Slowest first",
"Slowest first": "Сначала самые медленные",
"Rating": "Rating",
"Rating": "Рейтинг",
"Difficulty level": "Difficulty level",
"Difficulty level": "Уровень сложности",
"Last updated": "Last updated",
"Last updated": "Последнее обновление",
"Newest first": "Newest first",
"Newest first": "Сначала новое",
"Oldest first": "Oldest first",
"Oldest first": "Сначала старые",
"Easy": "Easy",
"Easy": "Легкий",
"Moderate": "Moderate",
"Moderate": "Средний",
"Challenging": "Challenging",
"Challenging": "Сложный",
"New cuisine": "New cuisine",
"New cuisine": "Новая кухня",
"New unit": "New unit",
"New unit": "Новая единица измерения",
"Remove cuisine?": "Remove cuisine?",
"Remove cuisine?": "Удалить кухню?",
"Remove category?": "Remove category?",
"Remove category?": "Удалить категорию?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Remove yield unit?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Удалить единицу измерения подачи?",
"Remove unit?": "Remove unit?",
"Remove unit?": "Удалить единицу измерения?",
"Units": "Units",
"Units": "Единицы измерения",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Are you sure you want to remove",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Вы уверены что хотите удалить",
"Cuisine": "Cuisine",
"Cuisine": "Кухня",
"Cuisines": "Cuisines",
"Cuisines": "Кухни",
"All Cuisines": "All Cuisines",
"All Cuisines": "Все кухни",
"American": "American",
"American": "Американская",
"Brazilian": "Brazilian",
"Brazilian": "Бразильская кухня",
"British": "British",
"British": "Британская",
"Chinese": "Chinese",
"Chinese": "Китайская",
"Danish": "Danish",
"Danish": "Датская",
"Egyptian": "Egyptian",
"Egyptian": "Египетская",
"English": "English",
"English": "Английская",
"Filipino": "Filipino",
"Filipino": "Филиппинская",
"French": "French",
"French": "Французская",
"German": "German",
"German": "Немецкая",
"Greek": "Greek",
"Greek": "Греческая",
"Indian": "Indian",
"Indian": "Индийская",
"Irish": "Irish",
"Irish": "Ирландская",
"Italian": "Italian",
"Italian": "Итальянская",
"Jamaican": "Jamaican",
"Jamaican": "Ямайская",
"Japanese": "Japanese",
"Japanese": "Японская",
"Jewish": "Jewish",
"Jewish": "Еврейская",
"Kenyan": "Kenyan",
"Kenyan": "Кенийская",
"Korean": "Korean",
"Korean": "Корейская",
"Mexican": "Mexican",
"Mexican": "Мексиканская",
"Nigerian": "Nigerian",
"Nigerian": "Нигерийская",
"Portuguese": "Portuguese",
"Portuguese": "Нигерийская",
"Russian": "Russian",
"Russian": "Русская",
"Scottish": "Scottish",
"Scottish": "Шотландская",
"Spanish": "Spanish",
"Spanish": "Испанская",
"Sri Lankan": "Sri Lankan",
"Sri Lankan": "Шри-ланкийская",
"Swedish": "Swedish",
"Swedish": "Шведская",
"Thai": "Thai",
"Thai": "Тайская",
"Turkish": "Turkish",
"Turkish": "Турецкая",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
"Vietnamese": "Вьетнамская",
"All Categories": "All Categories",
"All Categories": "Все категории",
"All Tags": "All Tags",
"All Tags": "Все теги",
"No tags available": "No tags available",
"No tags available": "Нету доступных тегов",
"Tags": "Tags",
"Tags": "Теги",
"separate with spaces": "separate with spaces",
"separate with spaces": "разделяйте пробелами",
"Import summary": "Import summary",
"Import summary": "Общая информация про импорт",
"recipes found": "recipes found",
"recipes found": "рецепты найдены",
"recipes imported": "recipes imported",
"recipes imported": "рецепты импортированы",
"recipes already exists": "recipes already exists",
"recipes already exists": "рецепты уже существуют",
"recipes updated": "recipes updated",
"recipes updated": "рецепты обновлены",
"OK": "OK",
"OK": "ОК",
"Filtered result": "Filtered result",
"Filtered result": "Отфильтрованный результат",
"Created": "Created",
"Created": "Создано",
"Star rating": "Star rating",
"Star rating": "Оценка",
"Untitled Recipe": "Untitled Recipe"
"Untitled Recipe": "Рецепт без названия"
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