updated transalation keys
This commit is contained in:
24 changed files with 2209 additions and 3559 deletions
@ -82,12 +82,9 @@ import {
from "@nativescript/core"
import Theme from "@nativescript/theme"
import * as Toast from "nativescript-toast"
import * as application from "tns-core-modules/application"
import {
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
" />
<StackLayout class="tagsContainer" orientation="horizontal" row="2">
<Label v-for="(tag, index) in recipe.tags" :key="index" v-if="tag" class="tag" :text="tag" />
<Label v-for="(tag, index) in recipe.tags" :key="index" class="tag" :text="tag" />
@ -117,17 +117,13 @@
import {
from "@nativescript/core";
@ -16,10 +16,7 @@
import {
from "@nativescript/core"
import {
@ -31,7 +28,6 @@ import {
from "vuex"
import ConfirmDialog from "./modal/ConfirmDialog.vue"
export default {
data() {
return {
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
<Label class="attr" :text="`${$options.filters.L('Cooking time')}: ${formattedTime(recipe.cookTime)}`" textWrap="true" />
<FlexboxLayout v-if="recipe.tags.length" class="tagsContainer" flexWrap="wrap">
<Label class="tagsTitle" :text="`${$options.filters.L('ts')}: `" />
<Label v-for="(tag, index) in recipe.tags" :key="index" v-if="tag" :text="tag" class="tag" textWrap="false" />
<Label v-for="(tag, index) in recipe.tags" :key="index" :text="tag" class="tag" textWrap="false" />
<GridLayout rows="auto, auto" columns="*, *" class="overviewContainer">
<GridLayout class="overviewItem" row="0" col="0" rows="auto, auto" columns="*">
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"Try Later": "Prøv senere",
"Favourites": "Favorit",
"Meal Planner": "Måltid planner",
"Categories": "Kategori",
"trylater": "",
"favourites": "",
"planner": "",
"grocery": "",
"Settings": "Indstilling",
"About": "Om",
"Appetizers": "Forret",
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
"Patty": "Patty",
"Loaf": "Brød",
"unit": "enhed",
"Unit": "Enhed",
"tsp": "TL",
"dsp": "SL",
"tbsp": "EL",
@ -77,139 +76,139 @@
"small": "lille",
"medium": "medium",
"large": "stor",
"Start adding your recipes!": "Begynd at tilføje dine opskrifter!",
"Use the plus button to add one": "Brug plusknappen til at tilføje en",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "Brug pen-ikonet til at tilføje nogle ingredienser",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "Brug penikonet til at tilføje nogle forberedelser",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "Brug pennikonet til at tilføje nogle kombinationer",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "Brug pen-ikonet til at tilføje nogle noter",
"All done!": "Alle gjort!",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "Opskrifter, der er markeret med try later, vises her",
"No favourites yet": "Ingen favoritter endnu",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "Opskrifter, som du markerer som favoritter, er vist her",
"Category looks empty": "Kategori er tom",
"No recipes found": "Ingen opskrifter fundet",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "Din søgning stemte ikke overens med opskrifter",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "Din søgning stemte ikke overens med opskrifter i denne kategori",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "Din søgning matchede ikke Opskrifter i dine favoritter",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "Din søgning matchede ikke Opskrifter i din senere prøveliste",
"Interface": "Interface",
"App language": "App Sprog",
"System default": "Systemstandard",
"strAdd": "",
"plsAdd": "",
"pAIng": "",
"pAIns": "",
"pACmb": "",
"pANo": "",
"aD": "",
"tLInfo": "",
"noFavs": "",
"fsList": "",
"noRecs": "",
"noRecsInTL": "",
"noRecsInFavs": "",
"noRecsInFtr": "",
"intf": "",
"lang": "",
"sysDef": "",
"Theme": "Emne",
"Light": "Lyst",
"Dark": "Mørk",
"Database": "Database",
"Export a full backup": "Eksporter til en sikkerhedskopi",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "Opretter en fileip-fil, der indeholder alle data. Denne fil kan importeres igen.",
"Import from backup": "Import fra Backup",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Understøtter fuld sikkerhedskopier eksporteret af denne App",
"Version": "version",
"Join the Telegram group": "Deltag i telegram-gruppen",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "til rapportering af problemer, forslag og Feedback",
"Author": "Forfatter",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"New recipe": "Ny Opskrift",
"Edit recipe": "Opskrift Rediger",
"Title": "Titel",
"Category": "kategori",
"Preparation time": "Forberedelsestid",
"Cooking time": "Tilberedningstid",
"Yield quantity": "Udbyttebeløb",
"Yield measured in": "Udbytte målt i",
"Ingredient": "Ingrediens",
"Ingredients": "Ingredienser",
"Instruction": "Forberedelse",
"Instructions": "Forberedelser",
"Combinations": "Kombinationer",
"Note": "Note",
"Notes": "Noter",
"Item": "Element",
"Step": "Trin",
"Sort by": "Sorter efter",
"Select a recipe": "Opskrift vælg",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "Der er intet her! Tilføj nogle opskrifter og prøv igen.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "Min Sunde Opskrift",
"db": "",
"expBu": "",
"buInfo": "",
"impBu": "",
"impInfo": "",
"ver": "",
"joinTG": "",
"tgInfo": "",
"newRec": "",
"editRec": "",
"title": "",
"cat": "",
"prepT": "",
"cookT": "",
"yieldQ": "",
"yieldU": "",
"ing": "",
"ings": "",
"aIngBtn": "",
"ins": "",
"inss": "",
"aStpBtn": "",
"cmb": "",
"cmbs": "",
"addCmbBtn": "",
"no": "",
"nos": "",
"aNoBtn": "",
"it": "",
"stp": "",
"srt": "",
"cBtn": "",
"rBtn": "",
"rmCuiInfo": "",
"rmCatInfo": "",
"rmYUInfo": "",
"rmUInfo": "",
"rmLIInfo": "",
"aBtn": "",
"selRec": "",
"recListEmp": "",
"recTitle": "",
"hr": "h",
"min": "min",
"Photo": "Foto",
"Recipe": "Opskrift",
"Overview": "Oversigt",
"Share": "Dele",
"shr": "",
"pht": "",
"rec": "",
"fil": "",
"ovw": "",
"aNBtn": "",
"Restart required": "En genstart er påkrævet",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "EnRecipes skal genstartes for at emneændringen kan træde i kraft.",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "EnRecipes skal genstartes, for at det nyligt indstillede sprog ændres",
"Grant permission": "Give tilladelse",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "EnRecipes hukommelse krævede tilladelse til at importere dine data fra en tidligere sikkerhedskopi.",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "EnRecipes kræver tilladelse til opbevaring for at sikkerhedskopiere dine data på denne enhed.",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "Tilføj mindst en opskrift for at udføre en sikkerhedskopi",
"Added to Favourites": "Tilføjet Til Favoritter",
"Removed from Favourites": "Fjernet fra favoritter",
"Added to Try Later": "Tilføjet i prøve senere",
"Removed from Try Later": "Fjernet fra senere prøve",
"Delete recipe?": "Slet opskrift?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Vil du virkelig slette opskriften",
"Search": "Søge",
"Unsaved changes": "Ikke-Gemte Ændringer",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "Vil du kassere ikke-gemte ændringer i denne opskrift?",
"Remove ingredient?": "Ingredienser fjerne?",
"Remove instruction?": "Forberedelse fjerne?",
"Remove combination?": "Kombination fjerne?",
"Remove note?": "Bemærk fjerne?",
"New yield unit": "Nyt Udbytte Enhed",
"New category": "Neue-kategori",
"Required": "Nødvendig",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "EnRecipes kræver opbevaring tilladelse til at sætte opskriften fotos.",
"Recipe photo": "Opskrift Foto",
"Crop photo": "Beskæring af et foto",
"appRst": "",
"rst": "",
"nThmInfo": "",
"nLangInfo": "",
"grant": "",
"reqAcc": "",
"nNBtn": "",
"conBtn": "",
"dend": "",
"aFBu": "",
"favd": "",
"unfavd": "",
"aTry": "",
"rmTry": "",
"conf": "",
"delRecInfo": "",
"delRecsInfo": "",
"recs": "",
"sltd": "",
"dBtn": "",
"ser": "",
"unsaved": "",
"disc": "",
"disBtn": "",
"kEdit": "",
"rmIng": "",
"rmIns": "",
"rmN": "",
"rmCmb": "",
"nwYiU": "",
"nwCat": "",
"req": "",
"recPic": "",
"repBtn": "",
"cPic": "",
"breakfast": "Morgenmad",
"lunch": "Frokost",
"dinner": "Aftensmad",
"snacks": "Snackbar",
"You tried this recipe:": "Du har prøvet denne opskrift:",
"triedInfo": "",
"today": "dag",
"yesterday": "i går",
"days ago": "Dage før",
"weeks ago": "Uger før",
"months ago": "Måneder før",
"long time ago": "lang tid siden",
"Verifying...": "Check...",
"Import successful": "Import vellykket",
"Permission denied": "Tilladelse nægtet",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Deles via EnRecipes. Få det på Play Butik eller fra F-Droid.",
"Contributors": "Bidragyder",
"Translator": "Translator",
"View on GitHub": "View on GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Privacy policy",
"User guide": "User guide",
"Options": "Options",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Shake to view random recipe",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Reset cuisines list",
"Reset categories list": "Reset categories list",
"Reset yield units list": "Reset yield units list",
"Reset units list": "Reset units list",
"Reset successful": "Reset successful",
"Recipe not found": "Recipe not found",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result",
"dAgo": "",
"wAgo": "",
"mAgo": "",
"ltAgo": "",
"vrfy": "",
"appCrd": "",
"gh": "",
"priv": "",
"guide": "",
"opts": "",
"sVw": "",
"sVwInfo": "",
"rest": "",
"restCuiL": "",
"restCatL": "",
"restYUL": "",
"restUL": "",
"restInfo": "",
"restDone": "",
"resNF": "",
"Quickest first": "Quickest first",
"Slowest first": "Slowest first",
"Rating": "Rating",
@ -220,17 +219,12 @@
"Easy": "Easy",
"Moderate": "Moderate",
"Challenging": "Challenging",
"New cuisine": "New cuisine",
"New unit": "New unit",
"Remove cuisine?": "Remove cuisine?",
"Remove category?": "Remove category?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Remove yield unit?",
"Remove unit?": "Remove unit?",
"Units": "Units",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Are you sure you want to remove",
"Cuisine": "Cuisine",
"Cuisines": "Cuisines",
"All Cuisines": "All Cuisines",
"newCui": "",
"newUnit": "",
"Unit": "Enhed",
"cui": "",
"cuis": "",
"allCuis": "",
"American": "American",
"Brazilian": "Brazilian",
"British": "British",
@ -261,28 +255,51 @@
"Thai": "Thai",
"Turkish": "Turkish",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
"All Categories": "All Categories",
"All Tags": "All Tags",
"No tags available": "No tags available",
"Tags": "Tags",
"separate with spaces": "separate with spaces",
"Import summary": "Import summary",
"recipes found": "recipes found",
"recipes imported": "recipes imported",
"recipes already exists": "recipes already exists",
"recipes updated": "recipes updated",
"allCats": "",
"allTs": "",
"noTs": "",
"ts": "",
"tsInfo": "",
"impSuc": "",
"recF": "",
"recI": "",
"recE": "",
"recU": "",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "Filtered result",
"Filtered recipes": "",
"Created": "Created",
"Star rating": "Star rating",
"Untitled Recipe": "Untitled Recipe",
"Remove recipe from breakfast?": "Remove recipe from breakfast?",
"Remove recipe from lunch?": "Remove recipe from lunch?",
"Remove recipe from dinner?": "Remove recipe from dinner?",
"Remove recipe from snacks?": "Remove recipe from snacks?",
"Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.": "Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.",
"Backup file seems empty.": "Backup file seems empty.",
"Backup file has been modified externally.": "Backup file has been modified externally.",
"Invalid file:": "Invalid file:",
"Import failed": "Kunne ikke importere"
"stars": "",
"untRec": "",
"recRm": "",
"impFail": "",
"buInc": "",
"buEmp": "",
"buMod": "",
"buSuc": "",
"invFile": "",
"donate": "",
"appInfo": "",
"help": "",
"trySer": "",
"January": "",
"February": "",
"March": "",
"April": "",
"May": "",
"June": "",
"July": "",
"August": "",
"September": "",
"October": "",
"November": "",
"December": "",
"SUN": "",
"MON": "",
"TUE": "",
"WED": "",
"THU": "",
"FRI": "",
"SAT": "",
"trnsl": "",
"undo": ""
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"Try Later": "Später versuchen",
"Favourites": "Favoriten",
"Meal Planner": "Essensplaner",
"Categories": "Kategorien",
"trylater": "Später ausprobieren",
"favourites": "Favoriten",
"planner": "Essensplaner",
"grocery": "Einkaufsliste",
"Settings": "Einstellungen",
"About": "Über",
"Appetizers": "Vorspeisen",
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
"Patty": "Pastete",
"Loaf": "Laib",
"unit": "Einheit",
"Unit": "Einheit",
"tsp": "TL",
"dsp": "DL",
"tbsp": "EL",
@ -77,139 +76,139 @@
"small": "klein",
"medium": "medium",
"large": "groß",
"Start adding your recipes!": "Beginne deine Rezepte hinzuzufügen!",
"Use the plus button to add one": "Verwende das Plus-Symbol, um eins hinzuzufügen.",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "Verwende das Stift-Symbol, um einige Zutaten hinzuzufügen.",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "Verwende das Stift-Symbol, um einige Zubereitungen hinzuzufügen.",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "Verwende das Stift-Symbol, um einige Kombinationen hinzuzufügen.",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "Verwende das Stift-Symbol, um einige Notizen hinzuzufügen.",
"All done!": "Alles fertig!",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "Rezepte, die du später ausprobieren willst, sind hier aufgelistet.",
"No favourites yet": "Noch keine Favoriten",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "Markiere Rezepte als Favorit markierst, um sie hier zu sehen.",
"Category looks empty": "Füge Kategorien hinzu, um sie hier zu sehen.",
"No recipes found": "Keine Rezepte gefunden",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "Solche Rezepte konnten nicht gefunden werden.",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "Solche Rezepte konnte in dieser Kategorie nicht gefunden werden.",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "Solche Favoriten konnten nicht gefunden werden.",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "Solche „später auszuprobieren Rezepte“ konnten nicht gefunden werden.",
"Interface": "Benutzeroberfläche",
"App language": "Sprache",
"System default": "System",
"strAdd": "Beginne deine Rezepte hinzuzufügen!",
"plsAdd": "Verwende das Plus-Symbol, um eins hinzuzufügen",
"pAIng": "Verwende den Stift-Symbol, um Zutaten hinzuzufügen",
"pAIns": "Verwende das Stift-Symbol, um einige Zubereitungen hinzuzufügen",
"pACmb": "Verwende das Stift-Symbol, um einige Kombinationen hinzuzufügen",
"pANo": "Verwende das Stift-Symbol, um einige Notizen hinzuzufügen",
"aD": "Fertig!",
"tLInfo": "Rezepte, die du später ausprobieren willst, sind hier aufgelistet",
"noFavs": "Noch keine Favoriten",
"fsList": "Deine Lieblingsrezepte findest du hier",
"noRecs": "Keine Rezepte passen zu deiner Suche",
"noRecsInTL": "In der Liste Später ausprobieren gibt es keine Rezepte, die deiner Suche entsprechen",
"noRecsInFavs": "In der Favoritenliste gibt es keine Rezepte, die deiner Suche entsprechen",
"noRecsInFtr": "In den gefilterten Rezepten gibt es keine Rezepte, die deiner Suche entsprechen",
"intf": "Benutzeroberfläche",
"lang": "Sprache",
"sysDef": "Systemstandard",
"Theme": "Thema",
"Light": "Hell",
"Dark": "Dunkel",
"Database": "Datenbank",
"Export a full backup": "Eine vollständinge Datensicherung exportieren",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "Generiert eine ZIP-Datei mit all deinen Daten, die du an anderer Stelle importieren kannst.",
"Import from backup": "Von der Datensicherung importieren",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Unterstützt vollständige Datensicherungen, die von dieser Anwendung exportiert werden",
"Version": "Version",
"Join the Telegram group": "Tritt der Telegrammgruppe bei",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "für die Meldung von Problemen, Anregungen und Rückmeldung",
"Author": "Autor",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"New recipe": "Neues Rezept",
"Edit recipe": "Rezept bearbeiten",
"Title": "Titel",
"Category": "Kategorie",
"Preparation time": "Vorbereitungszeit",
"Cooking time": "Kochzeit",
"Yield quantity": "Ertragsmenge",
"Yield measured in": "Ertrag gemessen in",
"Ingredient": "Zutat",
"Ingredients": "Zutaten",
"Instruction": "Zubereitung",
"Instructions": "Zubereitungen",
"Combinations": "Kombinationen",
"Note": "Notiz",
"Notes": "Notizen",
"Item": "Posten",
"Step": "Schritt",
"Sort by": "Sortieren nach",
"Select a recipe": "Rezept auswählen",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "Füge Rezepte hinzu, um sie hier zu sehen.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "Mein Gesundes Rezept",
"db": "Datenbank",
"expBu": "Vollständinge Datensicherung exportieren",
"buInfo": "Erzeugt eine ZIP-Datei mit all deinen Daten, die zurück importiert werden können",
"impBu": "Daten importieren",
"impInfo": "Unterstützt vollständige Datensicherungen, die von dieser Anwendung exportiert werden",
"ver": "Version",
"joinTG": "Tritt der Telegram-Gruppe bei",
"tgInfo": "für die Meldung von Problemen, Anregungen und Rückmeldung",
"newRec": "Neues Rezept",
"editRec": "Rezept bearbeiten",
"title": "Titel",
"cat": "Kategorie",
"prepT": "Vorbereitungszeit",
"cookT": "Kochzeit",
"yieldQ": "Ertragsmenge",
"yieldU": "Ertragseinheit",
"ing": "Zutat",
"ings": "Zutaten",
"ins": "Zubereitung",
"inss": "Zubereitung",
"cmb": "Kombination",
"cmbs": "Kombinationen",
"no": "Notiz",
"nos": "Notizen",
"it": "Element",
"stp": "Schritt",
"srt": "Sortieren nach",
"cBtn": "ABBRECHEN",
"rBtn": "ENTFERNEN",
"rmCuiInfo": "Du bist dabei, die Küche zu entfernen:",
"rmCatInfo": "Du bist dabei, die Kategorie zu entfernen:",
"rmYUInfo": "Du bist dabei, die Ertragseinheit zu entfernen:",
"rmUInfo": "Du bist dabei, die Einheit zu entfernen:",
"rmLIInfo": "Vorhandene Rezepte sind nicht betroffen",
"selRec": "Rezept auswählen",
"recListEmp": "Hier ist nichts! Füge einige Rezepte hinzu und versuche es erneut",
"recTitle": "Mein gesundes Rezept",
"hr": "h",
"min": "min",
"Photo": "Foto",
"Recipe": "Rezept",
"Overview": "Überblick",
"Share": "Teilen",
"shr": "Teilen",
"pht": "Rezeptfoto",
"rec": "Rezept als Text",
"fil": "Rezept als Datei",
"ovw": "Überblick",
"Restart required": "Neustart der Anwendung erforderlich",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "Starte EnRecipes neu, um das neue Thema zu verwenden.",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "Starte EnRecipes neu, um die neue Sprache zu verwenden.",
"Grant permission": "Erlaubnis erteilen",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "Erteile die Speicherberechtigung zum Importieren deiner Daten aus einer vorherigen Sicherung.",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "Erteile die Speicherberechtigung zum Sichern von EnRecipe-Daten auf dem Gerät.",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "Füge zuerst ein Rezept hinzu, um eine Sicherung durchzuführen.",
"Added to Favourites": "Zu Favoriten hinzugefügt",
"Removed from Favourites": "Aus Favoriten entfernt",
"Added to Try Later": "In Später ausprobieren hinzugefügt",
"Removed from Try Later": "Aus Später ausprobieren entfernt",
"Delete recipe?": "Rezept löschen?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Das Rezept löschen",
"Search": "Suche",
"Unsaved changes": "Nicht gespeicherte Änderungen",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "Alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen an diesem Rezept verwerfen?",
"Remove ingredient?": "Zutaten entfernen?",
"Remove instruction?": "Zubereitung entfernen?",
"Remove combination?": "Kombination entfernen?",
"Remove note?": "Notiz entfernen?",
"New yield unit": "Neue Ertragseinheit",
"New category": "Neue Kategorie",
"Required": "Erforderlich",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "Erteile die Speicherberechtigung zum Speichern eines Rezeptfotos.",
"Recipe photo": "Rezeptfoto",
"Crop photo": "Foto zuschneiden",
"appRst": "Neustart der Anwendung erforderlich",
"rst": "NEU STARTEN",
"nThmInfo": "Starte EnRecipes neu, um das neue Design zu verwenden",
"nLangInfo": "Starte EnRecipes neu, um die neue Sprache zu verwenden",
"grant": "Zugriff gewähren",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes benötigt eine Speicherberechtigung, um Rezeptfotos festzulegen, Daten zu exportieren und zu importieren",
"conBtn": "FORTSETZEN",
"dend": "Zugriff verweigert",
"aFBu": "Füge zuerst ein Rezept hinzu, um eine Datensicherung durchzuführen",
"favd": "Zu Favoriten hinzugefügt",
"unfavd": "Aus Favoriten entfernt",
"aTry": "In Später ausprobieren hinzugefügt",
"rmTry": "Aus Später ausprobieren entfernt",
"conf": "Bestätigen",
"delRecInfo": "Du bist dabei, das Rezept dauerhaft zu löschen:",
"delRecsInfo": "Du bist dabei, dies dauerhaft zu löschen:",
"recs": "Rezepte",
"sltd": "ausgewählt",
"dBtn": "LÖSCHEN",
"ser": "Suchen",
"unsaved": "Nicht gespeicherte Änderungen",
"disc": "Dieses Rezept hat nicht gespeicherte Änderungen. Was möchtest du tun?",
"disBtn": "VERWERFEN",
"rmIng": "Zutat entfernt",
"rmIns": "Zubereitung entfernt",
"rmN": "Notiz entfernt",
"rmCmb": "Kombination entfernt",
"nwYiU": "Neue Ertragseinheit",
"nwCat": "Neue Kategorie",
"req": "Erforderlich",
"recPic": "Rezeptfoto",
"repBtn": "FOTO ERSETZEN",
"cPic": "Foto zuschneiden",
"breakfast": "Frühstück",
"lunch": "Mittagessen",
"dinner": "Abendessen",
"snacks": "Imbiss",
"You tried this recipe:": "Du hast dieses Rezept ausprobiert:",
"triedInfo": "Du hast dieses Rezept ausprobiert:",
"today": "heute",
"yesterday": "gestern",
"days ago": "Tage zuvor",
"weeks ago": "Wochen zuvor",
"months ago": "Monate zuvor",
"long time ago": "vor langer Zeit",
"Verifying...": "Überprüfen …",
"Import successful": "Importiert",
"Permission denied": "Berechtigung verweigert",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Über EnRecipes geteilt. Hol es dir auf F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid oder im Play Store.",
"Contributors": "Mitwirkende",
"Translator": "Übersetzt von",
"View on GitHub": "Auf GitHub ansehen",
"Privacy policy": "Datenschutz",
"User guide": "Anleitung",
"Options": "Optionen",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Schütteln, um ein zufälliges Rezept zu erhalten",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Hilft dir, wenn du dich nicht entscheiden kannst, was du kochen willst",
"Reset": "Zurücksetzen",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "Durch das Zurücksetzen von Listen werden nur gelöschte Standardeinträge wiederhergestellt. Bestehende Einträge werden nicht gelöscht.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Küchen-Liste zurücksetzen",
"Reset categories list": "Kategorien-Liste zurücksetzen",
"Reset yield units list": "Ertragseinheiten-Liste zurücksetzen",
"Reset units list": "Einheiten-Liste zurücksetzen",
"Reset successful": "Zurücksetzen erledigt",
"Recipe not found": "Rezept nicht gefunden",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Konnte keine solchen Rezepte finden.",
"dAgo": "Tage zuvor",
"wAgo": "Wochen zuvor",
"mAgo": "Monate zuvor",
"ltAgo": "vor langer Zeit",
"vrfy": "Überprüfen",
"appCrd": "Über EnRecipes geteilt. Hol es dir auf F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid oder im Play Store.",
"gh": "Auf GitHub ansehen",
"priv": "Datenschutz",
"guide": "Anleitung",
"opts": "Optionen",
"sVw": "Schütteln, um ein zufälliges Rezept anzuzeigen",
"sVwInfo": "Hilft dir, wenn du dich nicht entscheiden kannst, was gekocht werden soll",
"rest": "Zurücksetzen",
"restCuiL": "Küchenliste zurücksetzen",
"restCatL": "Kategorieliste zurücksetzen",
"restYUL": "Ertragseinheitenliste zurücksetzen",
"restUL": "Einheitenliste zurücksetzen",
"restInfo": "Durch das Zurücksetzen einer Liste werden vom Benutzer erstellte Einträge gelöscht und Standardeinträge wiederhergestellt. Bestehende Rezepte sind davon nicht betroffen.",
"restDone": "Zurücksetzen durchgeführt",
"resNF": "Rezept nicht gefunden",
"Quickest first": "Schnellste zuerst",
"Slowest first": "Langsamste zuerst",
"Rating": "Bewertung",
@ -220,17 +219,12 @@
"Easy": "Einfach",
"Moderate": "Moderat",
"Challenging": "Herausfordernd",
"New cuisine": "Neue Küche",
"New unit": "Neue Einheit",
"Remove cuisine?": "Küche löschen?",
"Remove category?": "Kategorie löschen?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Ertragseinheit löschen?",
"Remove unit?": "Einheit löschen?",
"Units": "Einheiten",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Bist du sicher, dass du löschen möchtest",
"Cuisine": "Küche",
"Cuisines": "Küchen",
"All Cuisines": "Alle Küchen",
"newCui": "Neue Küche",
"newUnit": "Neue Einheit",
"Unit": "Einheit",
"cui": "Küche",
"cuis": "Küchen",
"allCuis": "Alle Küchen",
"American": "Amerikanisch",
"Brazilian": "Brazilianisch",
"British": "Britisch",
@ -261,207 +255,51 @@
"Thai": "Thailändisch",
"Turkish": "Türkisch",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamesisch",
"All Categories": "Alle Kategorien",
"All Tags": "Alle Markierungen",
"No tags available": "Keine Markierungen vorhanden",
"Tags": "Markierungen",
"separate with spaces": "trennen mit Leerzeichen",
"Import summary": "Importzusammenfassung",
"recipes found": "Rezepte gefunden",
"recipes imported": "Rezepte importiert",
"recipes already exists": "Rezept existiert bereits",
"recipes updated": "Rezepte aktualisiert",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "gefiltertes Ergebnis",
"Created": "Erstellt",
"Star rating": "Sternebewertung",
"Untitled Recipe": "Unbenanntes Rezept",
"Remove recipe from breakfast?": "Entferne Rezept von Frühstück?",
"Remove recipe from lunch?": "Entferne Rezept von Mittagessen?",
"Remove recipe from dinner?": "Entferne Rezept von Abendessen?",
"Remove recipe from snacks?": "Entferne Rezept von Imbiss?",
"Import failed": "Import fehlgeschlagen",
"Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.": "Fehlerhafte oder beschädigte Sicherungsdatei.",
"Backup file seems empty.": "Die Datensicherung ist leer.",
"Backup file has been modified externally.": "Sicherungsdatei an anderer Stelle geändert.",
"Invalid file:": "Ungültige Datei:",
"Combination": "Kombination",
"Donate": "Spenden",
"grocery": "Einkaufsliste",
"planner": "Essensplaner",
"favourites": "Favoriten",
"buSuc": "Sicherung erfolgreich im Download-Ordner gespeichert",
"buMod": "Die Sicherungsdatei wurde an anderer Stelle geändert",
"buEmp": "Die Sicherungsdatei ist leer",
"buInc": "Fehlerhafte oder beschädigte Sicherungsdatei",
"aFBu": "Füge zuerst ein Rezept hinzu, um eine Datensicherung durchzuführen",
"expReq": "Zum Exportieren einer Sicherung ist eine Speicherberechtigung erforderlich.",
"impInfo": "Unterstützt vollständige Datensicherungen, die von dieser Anwendung exportiert werden",
"expBu": "Vollständinge Datensicherung exportieren",
"help": "Hilfe",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes ist ein quelloffenes, datenschutzfreundliches, digitales Kochbuch, mit dem du deine Rezepte erstellen, verwalten und teilen kannst",
"donate": "Spenden",
"invFile": "Ungültige Datei",
"opts": "Optionen",
"guide": "Anleitung",
"priv": "Datenschutz",
"triedInfo": "Du hast dieses Rezept ausprobiert:",
"cPic": "Foto zuschneiden",
"repBtn": "FOTO ERSETZEN",
"recPic": "Rezeptfoto",
"unsaved": "Nicht gespeicherte Änderungen",
"ser": "Suchen",
"dBtn": "LÖSCHEN",
"delRec": "Löschbestätigung",
"conf": "Bestätigen",
"dend": "Zugriff verweigert",
"conBtn": "FORTSETZEN",
"rst": "NEU STARTEN",
"appRst": "Neustart der Anwendung erforderlich",
"shr": "Teilen",
"ovw": "Überblick",
"rec": "Rezept als Text",
"pht": "Rezeptfoto",
"recTitle": "Mein gesundes Rezept",
"selRec": "Rezept auswählen",
"rmCuiInfo": "Du bist dabei, die Küche zu entfernen:",
"rBtn": "ENTFERNEN",
"cBtn": "ABBRECHEN",
"srt": "Sortieren nach",
"stp": "Schritt",
"it": "Element",
"nos": "Notizen",
"no": "Notiz",
"cmbs": "Kombinationen",
"cmb": "Kombination",
"inss": "Zubereitung",
"ins": "Zubereitung",
"ings": "Zutaten",
"ing": "Zutat",
"yieldU": "Ertragseinheit",
"yieldQ": "Ertragsmenge",
"cookT": "Kochzeit",
"prepT": "Vorbereitungszeit",
"cat": "Kategorie",
"title": "Titel",
"editRec": "Rezept bearbeiten",
"newRec": "Neues Rezept",
"tgInfo": "für die Meldung von Problemen, Anregungen und Rückmeldung",
"joinTG": "Tritt der Telegram-Gruppe bei",
"ver": "Version",
"db": "Datenbank",
"sysDef": "Systemstandard",
"lang": "Sprache",
"intf": "Benutzeroberfläche",
"noRecs": "Keine Rezepte passen zu deiner Suche",
"fsList": "Deine Lieblingsrezepte findest du hier",
"noFavs": "Noch keine Favoriten",
"tLInfo": "Rezepte, die du später ausprobieren willst, sind hier aufgelistet",
"aD": "Fertig!",
"pANo": "Verwende das Stift-Symbol, um einige Notizen hinzuzufügen",
"pACmb": "Verwende das Stift-Symbol, um einige Kombinationen hinzuzufügen",
"pAIns": "Verwende das Stift-Symbol, um einige Zubereitungen hinzuzufügen",
"pAIng": "Verwende den Stift-Symbol, um Zutaten hinzuzufügen",
"plsAdd": "Verwende das Plus-Symbol, um eins hinzuzufügen",
"strAdd": "Beginne deine Rezepte hinzuzufügen!",
"trylater": "Später ausprobieren",
"noRecsInFtr": "In den gefilterten Rezepten gibt es keine Rezepte, die deiner Suche entsprechen",
"stars": "Bewertung in Sternen",
"Filtered recipes": "Gefilterte Rezepte",
"ts": "Markierungen",
"noTs": "Keine Markierungen vorhanden",
"allTs": "Alle Markierungen",
"allCuis": "Alle Küchen",
"cuis": "Küchen",
"cui": "Küche",
"newCui": "Neue Küche",
"restYUL": "Ertragseinheitenliste zurücksetzen",
"restCuiL": "Küchenliste zurücksetzen",
"nwYiU": "Neue Ertragseinheit",
"delRecInfo": "Du bist dabei, das Rezept dauerhaft zu löschen:",
"rmUInfo": "Du bist dabei, die Einheit zu entfernen:",
"rmYUInfo": "Du bist dabei, die Ertragseinheit zu entfernen:",
"rmCatInfo": "Du bist dabei, die Kategorie zu entfernen:",
"impFail": "Import fehlgeschlagen",
"recRm": "Rezept entfernt",
"untRec": "Unbenanntes Rezept",
"recU": "Rezepte aktualisiert",
"recE": "Rezepte existieren bereits",
"recI": "Rezepte importiert",
"recF": "Rezepte gefunden",
"impSuc": "Import erfolgreich",
"tsInfo": "mit Leerzeichen trennen",
"allCats": "Alle Kategorien",
"newUnit": "Neue Einheit",
"resNF": "Rezept nicht gefunden",
"restDone": "Zurücksetzen durchgeführt",
"restInfo": "Durch das Zurücksetzen einer Liste werden vom Benutzer erstellte Einträge gelöscht und Standardeinträge wiederhergestellt. Bestehende Rezepte sind davon nicht betroffen.",
"restUL": "Einheitenliste zurücksetzen",
"restCatL": "Kategorieliste zurücksetzen",
"rest": "Zurücksetzen",
"sVwInfo": "Hilft dir, wenn du dich nicht entscheiden kannst, was gekocht werden soll",
"sVw": "Schütteln, um ein zufälliges Rezept anzuzeigen",
"gh": "Auf GitHub ansehen",
"appCrd": "Über EnRecipes geteilt. Hol es dir auf F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid oder im Play Store.",
"vrfy": "Überprüfen",
"ltAgo": "vor langer Zeit",
"mAgo": "Monate zuvor",
"wAgo": "Wochen zuvor",
"dAgo": "Tage zuvor",
"req": "Erforderlich",
"nwCat": "Neue Kategorie",
"noRecsInFavs": "In der Favoritenliste gibt es keine Rezepte, die deiner Suche entsprechen",
"noRecsInTL": "In der Liste Später ausprobieren gibt es keine Rezepte, die deiner Suche entsprechen",
"rmCmb": "Kombination entfernt",
"rmN": "Notiz entfernt",
"rmIns": "Zubereitung entfernt",
"rmIng": "Zutat entfernt",
"disBtn": "VERWERFEN",
"disc": "Dieses Rezept hat nicht gespeicherte Änderungen. Was möchtest du tun?",
"rmTry": "Aus Später ausprobieren entfernt",
"aTry": "In Später ausprobieren hinzugefügt",
"unfavd": "Aus Favoriten entfernt",
"favd": "Zu Favoriten hinzugefügt",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes benötigt eine Speicherberechtigung, um Rezeptfotos festzulegen, Daten zu exportieren und zu importieren",
"grant": "Zugriff gewähren",
"nLangInfo": "Starte EnRecipes neu, um die neue Sprache zu verwenden",
"nThmInfo": "Starte EnRecipes neu, um das neue Design zu verwenden",
"fil": "Rezept als Datei",
"recListEmp": "Hier ist nichts! Füge einige Rezepte hinzu und versuche es erneut",
"rmLIInfo": "Vorhandene Rezepte sind nicht betroffen",
"buInfo": "Erzeugt eine ZIP-Datei mit all deinen Daten, die zurück importiert werden können",
"impBu": "Daten importieren",
"SAT": "Sa.",
"FRI": "Fr.",
"THU": "Do.",
"WED": "Mi.",
"TUE": "Di.",
"MON": "Mo.",
"SUN": "So.",
"December": "Dezember",
"November": "November",
"October": "Oktober",
"September": "September",
"August": "August",
"July": "Juli",
"June": "Juni",
"May": "Mai",
"April": "April",
"March": "März",
"February": "Februar",
"allTs": "Alle Markierungen",
"noTs": "Keine Markierungen vorhanden",
"ts": "Markierungen",
"tsInfo": "mit Leerzeichen trennen",
"impSuc": "Import erfolgreich",
"recF": "Rezepte gefunden",
"recI": "Rezepte importiert",
"recE": "Rezepte existieren bereits",
"recU": "Rezepte aktualisiert",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered recipes": "Gefilterte Rezepte",
"Created": "Erstellt",
"stars": "Bewertung in Sternen",
"untRec": "Unbenanntes Rezept",
"recRm": "Rezept entfernt",
"impFail": "Import fehlgeschlagen",
"buInc": "Fehlerhafte oder beschädigte Sicherungsdatei",
"buEmp": "Die Sicherungsdatei ist leer",
"buMod": "Die Sicherungsdatei wurde an anderer Stelle geändert",
"buSuc": "Sicherung erfolgreich im Download-Ordner gespeichert",
"invFile": "Ungültige Datei",
"donate": "Spenden",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes ist ein quelloffenes, datenschutzfreundliches, digitales Kochbuch, mit dem du deine Rezepte erstellen, verwalten und teilen kannst",
"help": "Hilfe",
"January": "Januar",
"sltd": "ausgewählt",
"recs": "Rezepte",
"delRecsInfo": "Du bist dabei, dies dauerhaft zu löschen:",
"February": "Februar",
"March": "März",
"April": "April",
"May": "Mai",
"June": "Juni",
"July": "Juli",
"August": "August",
"September": "September",
"October": "Oktober",
"November": "November",
"December": "Dezember",
"SUN": "So.",
"MON": "Mo.",
"TUE": "Di.",
"WED": "Mi.",
"THU": "Do.",
"FRI": "Fr.",
"SAT": "Sa.",
"trnsl": "Übersetzen",
"undo": "Rückgängig"
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"Try Later": "Probar luego",
"Favourites": "Favoritos",
"Meal Planner": "Planificador de comida",
"Categories": "Categorías",
"trylater": "Probar luego",
"favourites": "Favoritos",
"planner": "Planificador de comidas",
"grocery": "Lista de la compra",
"Settings": "Ajustes",
"About": "Acerca de",
"Appetizers": "Aperitivos",
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
"Patty": "Empanada",
"Loaf": "Hogaza",
"unit": "unidad",
"Unit": "Unidad",
"tsp": "cdt",
"dsp": "cucharilla",
"tbsp": "tbsp",
@ -77,139 +76,139 @@
"small": "pequeño",
"medium": "mediano",
"large": "grande",
"Start adding your recipes!": "¡Comienza a agregar tus recetas!",
"Use the plus button to add one": "Usa el botón más para agregar una",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "Usa el lapiz para agregar ingredientes",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "Usa el boton del lapiz para agregar instrucciones",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "Usa el botón del lapiz para agregar mezclas",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "Usa el botón del lapiz para agregar notas",
"All done!": "¡Listo!",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "Las recetas que marques como intentar luego serán listadas aquí",
"No favourites yet": "No tienes favoritos todavía",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "Las recetas que marques como favoritas serán listadas aquí",
"Category looks empty": "Categoría vacía",
"No recipes found": "No se encontraron recetas",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "Tu búsqueda no concuerda con recetas",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "Tu búsqueda no concuerda con recetas de esta categoría",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "Tu búsqueda no concuerda con recetas en tus favoritos",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "Tu búsqueda no concuerda con recetas en tu listado de intentar luego",
"Interface": "Interfaz",
"App language": "Lenguaje",
"System default": "Default del sistema",
"strAdd": "¡Empieza a añadir tus recetas!",
"plsAdd": "Usa el botón + para añadir una",
"pAIng": "Usa el botón del lápiz para añadir ingredientes",
"pAIns": "Usa el botón del lápiz para añadir instrucciones",
"pACmb": "Usa el botón del lápiz para añadir combinaciones",
"pANo": "Usa el botón del lápiz para añadir notas",
"aD": "¡Listo!",
"tLInfo": "Las recetas que el usuario quería probar más tarde están listadas aquí",
"noFavs": "Aún no hay favoritos",
"fsList": "Aquí se enumeran tus recetas favoritas",
"noRecs": "No hay recetas que coincidan con tu búsqueda",
"noRecsInTL": "Ninguna receta coincide con tu búsqueda en la lista de Probar Más Tarde",
"noRecsInFavs": "Ninguna receta coincide con tu búsqueda en la lista de Favoritos",
"noRecsInFtr": "Ninguna receta coincide con tu búsqueda en las recetas filtradas",
"intf": "Interfaz",
"lang": "Idioma",
"sysDef": "Por defecto del Sistema",
"Theme": "Tema",
"Light": "Claro",
"Dark": "Oscuro",
"Database": "Base de datos",
"Export a full backup": "Exportar un respaldo completo",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "Generar un archivo zip con tus datos. Este puede ser importado nuevamente.",
"Import from backup": "Importar de un respaldo",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Soporta respaldos completos exportados por esta app",
"Version": "Version",
"Join the Telegram group": "Únete al grupo de Telegram",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "para reportar problemas, sugerencias y devoluciones",
"Author": "Autor",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"New recipe": "Nueva receta",
"Edit recipe": "Editar receta",
"Title": "Titulo",
"Category": "Categoria",
"Preparation time": "Tiempo de preparación",
"Cooking time": "Tiempo de cocción",
"Yield quantity": "Cantidad",
"Yield measured in": "Cantidad medida en",
"Ingredient": "Ingrediente",
"Ingredients": "Ingredientes",
"Instruction": "Instrucción",
"Instructions": "Instrucciones",
"Combinations": "Combinaciones",
"Note": "Nota",
"Notes": "Notas",
"Item": "Item",
"Step": "Paso",
"Sort by": "Ordenada por",
"Select a recipe": "Elegir una receta",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "¡Nada por aquí! Agregar algunas recetas e intenta nuevamente.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "Mi receta saludable",
"db": "Base de datos",
"expBu": "Exportar copia de seguridad completa",
"buInfo": "Genera un archivo ZIP con todos tus datos que se puede volver a importar",
"impBu": "Importar datos",
"impInfo": "Soporta copias de seguridad completas exportadas por esta aplicación",
"ver": "Versión",
"joinTG": "Únete al grupo de Telegram",
"tgInfo": "Para reportar problemas, sugerencias y comentarios",
"newRec": "Nueva receta",
"editRec": "Editar receta",
"title": "Título",
"cat": "Categoría",
"prepT": "Tiempo de preparación",
"cookT": "Tiempo para cocinar",
"yieldQ": "Cantidad de rendimiento",
"yieldU": "Unidad de medida",
"ing": "Ingrediente",
"ings": "Ingredientes",
"ins": "Instrucción",
"inss": "Instrucciones",
"aStpBtn": "AÑADIR PASO",
"cmb": "Combinación",
"cmbs": "Combinaciones",
"no": "Nota",
"nos": "Notas",
"aNoBtn": "AÑADIR NOTA",
"it": "Artículo",
"stp": "Paso",
"srt": "Ordenar por",
"cBtn": "CANCELAR",
"rBtn": "ELIMINAR",
"rmCuiInfo": "Vas a eliminar el plato:",
"rmCatInfo": "Vas a eliminar la categoría:",
"rmYUInfo": "Estas por eliminar la unidad de medida:",
"rmUInfo": "Vas a eliminar la unidad:",
"rmLIInfo": "Recetas en existencia no se verán afectadas",
"aBtn": "AÑADIR",
"selRec": "Selecciona una receta",
"recListEmp": "¡Aquí no hay nada! Añade alguna receta y vuelve a intentarlo",
"recTitle": "Mi Receta Saludable",
"hr": "hr",
"min": "min",
"Photo": "Foto",
"Recipe": "Receta",
"Overview": "Resumen",
"Share": "Compartir",
"shr": "Compartir",
"pht": "Foto de la receta",
"rec": "Texto de la receta",
"fil": "Archivo de la receta",
"ovw": "Resumen",
"Restart required": "Reinicio requerido",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "EnRecipes debe reiniciarse para que el cambio de tema surta efecto.",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "EnRecipes debe reiniciarse para que el cambio de lenguaje surta efecto.",
"Grant permission": "Dar permmiso",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "EnRecipes requiere el permiso de almacenamiento para importar tus datos de un respaldo previo.",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "EnRecipes requiere el permiso de almacenamiento para respaldar los datos en este dispositivo",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "Agrega al menos una receta para realizar un respaldo",
"Added to Favourites": "Agregar a favoritos",
"Removed from Favourites": "Remover de favoritos",
"Added to Try Later": "Agrega a Intentar luego",
"Removed from Try Later": "Remueve de Intentar luego",
"Delete recipe?": "¿Borrar receta?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Seguro que quieres borrar la receta",
"Search": "Buscar",
"Unsaved changes": "Cambios no guardados",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "¿Seguro que quieres descartar los cambios no guardados de esta receta?",
"Remove ingredient?": "¿Remover ingrediente?",
"Remove instruction?": "¿Remover instrucción?",
"Remove combination?": "¿Remover combinación?",
"Remove note?": "¿Remover nota?",
"New yield unit": "Nueva unidad de medida",
"New category": "Nueva categoría",
"Required": "Requerido",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "EnRecipes requiere el permiso de almacenamiento para colocar la foto de receta.",
"Recipe photo": "Foto de receta",
"Crop photo": "Recortar foto",
"appRst": "Se requiere reiniciar la aplicación",
"rst": "REINICIAR",
"nThmInfo": "Reiniciar EnRecipes para usar el tema nuevo",
"nLangInfo": "Reiniciar EnRecipes para usar el idioma nuevo",
"grant": "Conceder acceso",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes requiere permiso para almacenar para establecer fotos de recetas, exportar e importar datos",
"nNBtn": "AHORA NO",
"conBtn": "CONTINUAR",
"dend": "Acceso denegado",
"aFBu": "Añade una receta para hacer una copia de seguridad",
"favd": "Añadido a Favoritos",
"unfavd": "Eliminado de Favoritos",
"aTry": "Agregada a Intentar luego",
"rmTry": "Removida de intentar luego",
"conf": "Confirmar",
"delRecInfo": "Estás por eliminar para siempre esta receta:",
"delRecsInfo": "Estás por eliminar permanentemente:",
"recs": "recetas",
"sltd": "seleccionada",
"dBtn": "ELIMINAR",
"ser": "Buscar",
"unsaved": "Cambios no guardados",
"disc": "La receta tiene cambios no guardados. ¿Qué te gustaría hacer?",
"disBtn": "DESCARTAR",
"rmIng": "Ingrediente removido",
"rmIns": "Instrucción removida",
"rmN": "Nota removida",
"rmCmb": "Combinación removida",
"nwYiU": "Nueva unidad de medida",
"nwCat": "Nueva categoría",
"req": "Requerido",
"recPic": "Receta foto",
"cPic": "Cortar foto",
"breakfast": "Desayuno",
"lunch": "almuerzo",
"dinner": "cena",
"snacks": "bocadillos",
"You tried this recipe:": "Haz intentado esta receta:",
"triedInfo": "Probaste esta receta:",
"today": "hoy",
"yesterday": "ayer",
"days ago": "algunos dias atrás",
"weeks ago": "semanas atrás",
"months ago": "hace meses",
"long time ago": "hace mucho tiempo",
"Verifying...": "Verificando…",
"Import successful": "Importado satisfactoriamente",
"Permission denied": "Permiso denegado",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Compartido via EnRecipes. Consíguela en Play Store o F-Droid.",
"Contributors": "Contribuyentes",
"Translator": "Traductor",
"View on GitHub": "Visita en GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Política de privacidad",
"User guide": "Guía de usuario",
"Options": "Opciones",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Sacude para ver una receta aleatoria",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Ayuda a decidir que cocinar cuando no sabes que cocinar",
"Reset": "Reiniciar",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "Resetear un listado NO borrará tus entradas existentes pero restaurará las eliminadas por default.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Resetea el listado de comidas",
"Reset categories list": "Resetea el listado de categorías",
"Reset yield units list": "Resetea el listado de unidad de medidas",
"Reset units list": "Resetea el listado de unidades",
"Reset successful": "Reseteo satisfactorio",
"Recipe not found": "Receta no encontrada",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Tu búsqueda no encajó con ninguna receta de los resultados filtrados",
"dAgo": "días atrás",
"wAgo": "semanas atrás",
"mAgo": "meses atrás",
"ltAgo": "hace tiempo",
"vrfy": "Verificando",
"appCrd": "Compartido vía EnRecipes. Obtenlo en F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid o Play Store.",
"gh": "Mira en GitHub",
"priv": "Política de privacidad",
"guide": "Guía de usuario",
"opts": "Opciones",
"sVw": "Agita para ver una receta aleatoria",
"sVwInfo": "Te ayuda a elegir que cocinar cuando no podés decidirte",
"rest": "Reiniciar",
"restCuiL": "Reiniciar el listado culinario",
"restCatL": "Reiniciar el listado de categorías",
"restYUL": "Reiniciar el listado de unidad de medida",
"restUL": "Reiniciar la lista de unidades",
"restInfo": "Reiniciar una lista va a eliminar las entradas creadas por el usuario y restaurar las entradas por default. Las recetas existentes no se verán afectadas.",
"restDone": "Reinicio completo",
"resNF": "Receta no encontrada",
"Quickest first": "La más rápida primero",
"Slowest first": "La más lenta primero",
"Rating": "Rating",
@ -220,17 +219,12 @@
"Easy": "Fácil",
"Moderate": "Moderada",
"Challenging": "Desafiante",
"New cuisine": "Nueva comida",
"New unit": "Nueva unidad",
"Remove cuisine?": "¿Remover comida?",
"Remove category?": "¿Remover categoría?",
"Remove yield unit?": "¿Remover unidad de medida?",
"Remove unit?": "¿Remover unidad?",
"Units": "Unidades",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Seguro deseas eliminar",
"Cuisine": "Comida",
"Cuisines": "Comidas",
"All Cuisines": "Todas las cocinas",
"newCui": "Nueva cocina",
"newUnit": "Nueva unidad",
"Unit": "Unidad",
"cui": "Cocinas",
"cuis": "Cocinas",
"allCuis": "Todas las cocinas",
"American": "Americana",
"Brazilian": "Brasileña",
"British": "Británica",
@ -261,203 +255,51 @@
"Thai": "Thai",
"Turkish": "Turca",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamita",
"All Categories": "Todas las categorías",
"All Tags": "Todas las etiquetas",
"No tags available": "No hay etiquetas disponibles",
"Tags": "Etiquetas",
"separate with spaces": "separar con espacios",
"Import summary": "Resumen de importación",
"recipes found": "recetas encontradas",
"recipes imported": "recetas importadas",
"recipes already exists": "la receta ya existe",
"recipes updated": "recetas actualizadas",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "Resultados filtrados",
"Created": "Creado",
"Star rating": "Valoración por estrellas",
"Untitled Recipe": "Receta sin título",
"Remove recipe from breakfast?": "Remove recipe from breakfast?",
"Remove recipe from lunch?": "Remove recipe from lunch?",
"Remove recipe from dinner?": "Remove recipe from dinner?",
"Remove recipe from snacks?": "Remove recipe from snacks?",
"Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.": "Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.",
"Backup file seems empty.": "Backup file seems empty.",
"Backup file has been modified externally.": "Backup file has been modified externally.",
"Invalid file:": "Invalid file:",
"Import failed": "Error en la importación",
"unfavd": "Eliminado de Favoritos",
"favd": "Añadido a Favoritos",
"aFBu": "Añade una receta para hacer una copia de seguridad",
"dend": "Acceso denegado",
"conBtn": "CONTINUAR",
"nNBtn": "AHORA NO",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes requiere permiso para almacenar para establecer fotos de recetas, exportar e importar datos",
"grant": "Conceder acceso",
"nLangInfo": "Reiniciar EnRecipes para usar el idioma nuevo",
"nThmInfo": "Reiniciar EnRecipes para usar el tema nuevo",
"rst": "REINICIAR",
"appRst": "Se requiere reiniciar la aplicación",
"ovw": "Resumen",
"fil": "Archivo de la receta",
"rec": "Texto de la receta",
"pht": "Foto de la receta",
"shr": "Compartir",
"recTitle": "Mi Receta Saludable",
"recListEmp": "¡Aquí no hay nada! Añade alguna receta y vuelve a intentarlo",
"selRec": "Selecciona una receta",
"aBtn": "AÑADIR",
"rmUInfo": "Vas a eliminar la unidad:",
"rmCatInfo": "Vas a eliminar la categoría:",
"rmCuiInfo": "Vas a eliminar el plato:",
"rBtn": "ELIMINAR",
"cBtn": "CANCELAR",
"srt": "Ordenar por",
"stp": "Paso",
"it": "Artículo",
"aNoBtn": "AÑADIR NOTA",
"nos": "Notas",
"no": "Nota",
"cmbs": "Combinaciones",
"cmb": "Combinación",
"aStpBtn": "AÑADIR PASO",
"inss": "Instrucciones",
"ins": "Instrucción",
"ings": "Ingredientes",
"ing": "Ingrediente",
"cookT": "Tiempo para cocinar",
"prepT": "Tiempo de preparación",
"cat": "Categoría",
"title": "Título",
"editRec": "Editar receta",
"newRec": "Nueva receta",
"tgInfo": "Para reportar problemas, sugerencias y comentarios",
"joinTG": "Únete al grupo de Telegram",
"ver": "Versión",
"impInfo": "Soporta copias de seguridad completas exportadas por esta aplicación",
"impBu": "Importar datos",
"buInfo": "Genera un archivo ZIP con todos tus datos que se puede volver a importar",
"expBu": "Exportar copia de seguridad completa",
"db": "Base de datos",
"sysDef": "Por defecto del Sistema",
"lang": "Idioma",
"intf": "Interfaz",
"noRecsInFtr": "Ninguna receta coincide con tu búsqueda en las recetas filtradas",
"noRecsInFavs": "Ninguna receta coincide con tu búsqueda en la lista de Favoritos",
"noRecsInTL": "Ninguna receta coincide con tu búsqueda en la lista de Probar Más Tarde",
"noRecs": "No hay recetas que coincidan con tu búsqueda",
"fsList": "Aquí se enumeran tus recetas favoritas",
"noFavs": "Aún no hay favoritos",
"tLInfo": "Las recetas que el usuario quería probar más tarde están listadas aquí",
"aD": "¡Listo!",
"pANo": "Usa el botón del lápiz para añadir notas",
"pACmb": "Usa el botón del lápiz para añadir combinaciones",
"pAIns": "Usa el botón del lápiz para añadir instrucciones",
"pAIng": "Usa el botón del lápiz para añadir ingredientes",
"plsAdd": "Usa el botón + para añadir una",
"strAdd": "¡Empieza a añadir tus recetas!",
"grocery": "Lista de la compra",
"favourites": "Favoritos",
"trylater": "Probar luego",
"SUN": "DOM",
"recPic": "Receta foto",
"yieldU": "Unidad de medida",
"undo": "Deshacer",
"trnsl": "Traducir",
"SAT": "SAB",
"FRI": "VIE",
"THU": "JUE",
"WED": "MIE",
"TUE": "MAR",
"MON": "LUN",
"December": "Diciembre",
"November": "Noviembre",
"October": "Octubre",
"September": "Septiembre",
"August": "Agosto",
"July": "Julio",
"June": "Junio",
"May": "Mayo",
"April": "Abril",
"March": "Marzo",
"February": "Febrero",
"January": "Enero",
"help": "Ayuda",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes es un libro de cocinas de código abierto, amigo de tu privacidad, que te deja crear, manejar y compartir tus recetas",
"donate": "Donar",
"invFile": "Archivo invalido",
"buSuc": "El backup fue guardado satisfactoriamente en la carpeta Descargas",
"buMod": "El archivo de backup fue modificado en alguna parte",
"buEmp": "El archivode backup está vacío",
"buInc": "Archivo de backup corrupto",
"impFail": "Importación fallida",
"recRm": "Receta removida",
"untRec": "Receta sin título",
"stars": "Valoración",
"Filtered recipes": "Recetas filtradas",
"recU": "recetas actualizadas",
"recE": "recetas existentes",
"recI": "recetas importadas",
"recF": "recetas encontradas",
"impSuc": "Importación satisfactoria",
"tsInfo": "separa con espacios",
"ts": "Etiquetas",
"noTs": "No hay etiquetas disponibles",
"allTs": "Todas las etiquetas",
"allCats": "Todas las categorías",
"allCuis": "Todas las cocinas",
"cuis": "Cocinas",
"cui": "Cocinas",
"newUnit": "Nueva unidad",
"newCui": "Nueva cocina",
"resNF": "Receta no encontrada",
"restDone": "Reinicio completo",
"restInfo": "Reiniciar una lista va a eliminar las entradas creadas por el usuario y restaurar las entradas por default. Las recetas existentes no se verán afectadas.",
"restUL": "Reiniciar la lista de unidades",
"restYUL": "Reiniciar el listado de unidad de medida",
"restCatL": "Reiniciar el listado de categorías",
"restCuiL": "Reiniciar el listado culinario",
"rest": "Reiniciar",
"sVwInfo": "Te ayuda a elegir que cocinar cuando no podés decidirte",
"sVw": "Agita para ver una receta aleatoria",
"opts": "Opciones",
"guide": "Guía de usuario",
"priv": "Política de privacidad",
"gh": "Mira en GitHub",
"appCrd": "Compartido vía EnRecipes. Obtenlo en F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid o Play Store.",
"vrfy": "Verificando",
"ltAgo": "hace tiempo",
"mAgo": "meses atrás",
"wAgo": "semanas atrás",
"dAgo": "días atrás",
"triedInfo": "Probaste esta receta:",
"cPic": "Cortar foto",
"req": "Requerido",
"nwCat": "Nueva categoría",
"nwYiU": "Nueva unidad de medida",
"rmCmb": "Combinación removida",
"rmN": "Nota removida",
"rmIns": "Instrucción removida",
"rmIng": "Ingrediente removido",
"disBtn": "DESCARTAR",
"disc": "La receta tiene cambios no guardados. ¿Qué te gustaría hacer?",
"unsaved": "Cambios no guardados",
"ser": "Buscar",
"dBtn": "ELIMINAR",
"sltd": "seleccionada",
"recs": "recetas",
"delRecsInfo": "Estás por eliminar permanentemente:",
"delRecInfo": "Estás por eliminar para siempre esta receta:",
"conf": "Confirmar",
"rmTry": "Removida de intentar luego",
"aTry": "Agregada a Intentar luego",
"rmLIInfo": "Recetas en existencia no se verán afectadas",
"rmYUInfo": "Estas por eliminar la unidad de medida:",
"yieldQ": "Cantidad de rendimiento",
"planner": "Planificador de comidas"
"allTs": "Todas las etiquetas",
"noTs": "No hay etiquetas disponibles",
"ts": "Etiquetas",
"tsInfo": "separa con espacios",
"impSuc": "Importación satisfactoria",
"recF": "recetas encontradas",
"recI": "recetas importadas",
"recE": "recetas existentes",
"recU": "recetas actualizadas",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered recipes": "Recetas filtradas",
"Created": "Creado",
"stars": "Valoración",
"untRec": "Receta sin título",
"recRm": "Receta removida",
"impFail": "Importación fallida",
"buInc": "Archivo de backup corrupto",
"buEmp": "El archivode backup está vacío",
"buMod": "El archivo de backup fue modificado en alguna parte",
"buSuc": "El backup fue guardado satisfactoriamente en la carpeta Descargas",
"invFile": "Archivo invalido",
"donate": "Donar",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes es un libro de cocinas de código abierto, amigo de tu privacidad, que te deja crear, manejar y compartir tus recetas",
"help": "Ayuda",
"January": "Enero",
"February": "Febrero",
"March": "Marzo",
"April": "Abril",
"May": "Mayo",
"June": "Junio",
"July": "Julio",
"August": "Agosto",
"September": "Septiembre",
"October": "Octubre",
"November": "Noviembre",
"December": "Diciembre",
"SUN": "DOM",
"MON": "LUN",
"TUE": "MAR",
"WED": "MIE",
"THU": "JUE",
"FRI": "VIE",
"SAT": "SAB",
"trnsl": "Traducir",
"undo": "Deshacer"
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"Try Later": "",
"Favourites": "",
"Meal Planner": "",
"Categories": "",
"trylater": "Essayer plus tard",
"favourites": "Favoris",
"planner": "Organisateur de repas",
"grocery": "Liste de courses",
"Settings": "Paramètres",
"About": "À propos",
"Appetizers": "Hors-d’œuvre",
@ -76,139 +76,139 @@
"small": "petit",
"medium": "moyen",
"large": "grand",
"Start adding your recipes!": "",
"Use the plus button to add one": "",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "",
"All done!": "",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "",
"No favourites yet": "",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "",
"Category looks empty": "",
"No recipes found": "",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "",
"Interface": "",
"App language": "",
"System default": "",
"strAdd": "Commencez à ajouter vos recettes !",
"plsAdd": "Utilisez le bouton plus pour en ajouter une",
"pAIng": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des ingrédients",
"pAIns": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des instructions",
"pACmb": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des combinaisons",
"pANo": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des notes",
"aD": "Terminé !",
"tLInfo": "Les recettes que vous voulez essayer plus tard sont listées ici",
"noFavs": "Pas encore de favoris",
"fsList": "Vos recettes favorites sont listées ici",
"noRecs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recette",
"noRecsInTL": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste Essayer plus tard",
"noRecsInFavs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste des favoris",
"noRecsInFtr": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans les recettes filtrées",
"intf": "Interface",
"lang": "Langue",
"sysDef": "Selon le système",
"Theme": "Thème",
"Light": "Clair",
"Dark": "Sombre",
"Database": "",
"Export a full backup": "",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "",
"Import from backup": "",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "",
"Version": "",
"Join the Telegram group": "",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "",
"Author": "",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "",
"New recipe": "",
"Edit recipe": "",
"Title": "",
"Category": "",
"Preparation time": "",
"Cooking time": "",
"Yield quantity": "",
"Yield measured in": "",
"Ingredient": "",
"Ingredients": "",
"Instruction": "",
"Instructions": "",
"ADD STEP": "",
"Combinations": "",
"Note": "",
"Notes": "",
"ADD NOTE": "",
"Item": "",
"Step": "",
"Sort by": "",
"CANCEL": "",
"REMOVE": "",
"ADD": "",
"Select a recipe": "",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "",
"My Healthy Recipe": "",
"db": "Base de données",
"expBu": "Exporter une sauvegarde complète",
"buInfo": "Génère un fichier ZIP contenant toutes vos données qui peuvent être réimportées",
"impBu": "Importer les données",
"impInfo": "Prend en charge les sauvegardes complètes exportées par cette application",
"ver": "Version",
"joinTG": "Rejoignez le groupe Telegram",
"tgInfo": "Pour signaler des problèmes, faire des suggestions et des remarques",
"newRec": "Nouvelle recette",
"editRec": "Modifier la recette",
"title": "Titre",
"cat": "Catégorie",
"prepT": "Temps de préparation",
"cookT": "Temps de cuisson",
"yieldQ": "Quantité de rendement",
"yieldU": "Unité de rendement",
"ing": "Ingrédient",
"ings": "Ingrédients",
"ins": "Instruction",
"inss": "Instructions",
"cmb": "Combinaison",
"cmbs": "Combinaisons",
"no": "Note",
"nos": "Notes",
"it": "Élément",
"stp": "Étape",
"srt": "Trier par",
"cBtn": "ANNULER",
"rBtn": "RETIRER",
"rmCuiInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer la cuisine :",
"rmCatInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer la catégorie :",
"rmYUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer l’unité de rendement :",
"rmUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer l’unité :",
"rmLIInfo": "Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées",
"aBtn": "AJOUTER",
"selRec": "Sélectionner une recette",
"recListEmp": "Rien ici ! Ajoutez quelques recettes et réessayez",
"recTitle": "Ma recette saine",
"hr": "h",
"min": "min",
"Photo": "",
"Recipe": "",
"Overview": "",
"Share": "",
"ADD NEW": "",
"shr": "Partager",
"pht": "Photo de recette",
"rec": "Recette comme texte",
"fil": "Recette comme fichier",
"ovw": "Aperçu",
"aNBtn": "AJOUTER",
"Restart required": "",
"RESTART": "",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "",
"Grant permission": "",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "",
"NOT NOW": "",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "",
"Added to Favourites": "",
"Removed from Favourites": "",
"Added to Try Later": "",
"Removed from Try Later": "",
"Delete recipe?": "",
"DELETE": "",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "",
"Search": "",
"Unsaved changes": "",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "",
"DISCARD": "",
"Remove ingredient?": "",
"Remove instruction?": "",
"Remove combination?": "",
"Remove note?": "",
"New yield unit": "",
"New category": "",
"Required": "",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "",
"Recipe photo": "",
"Crop photo": "",
"appRst": "Redémarrage de l’appli nécessaire",
"rst": "REDÉMARRER",
"nThmInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser le nouveau thème",
"nLangInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser la nouvelle langue",
"grant": "Accorder l’accès",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes nécessite une autorisation de stockage pour définir la photo de recette, exporter et importer des données",
"conBtn": "CONTINUER",
"dend": "Accès refusé",
"aFBu": "Ajouter une recette pour effectuer une sauvegarde",
"favd": "Ajouté aux Favoris",
"unfavd": "Retiré des Favoris",
"aTry": "Ajouté à Essayer plus tard",
"rmTry": "Retiré d’Essayer plus tard",
"conf": "Confirmer",
"delRecInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement la recette :",
"delRecsInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement :",
"recs": "recettes",
"sltd": "sélectionné",
"dBtn": "SUPPRIMER",
"ser": "Chercher",
"unsaved": "Modifications non enregistrées",
"disc": "Cette recette a des modifications non enregistrées. Que voudriez-vous faire ?",
"disBtn": "IGNORER",
"kEdit": "CONTINUER",
"rmIng": "Ingrédient retiré",
"rmIns": "Instruction retirée",
"rmN": "Note retirée",
"rmCmb": "Combinaison retirée",
"nwYiU": "Nouvelle unité de rendement",
"nwCat": "Nouvelle catégorie",
"req": "Obligatoire",
"recPic": "Photo de recette",
"cPic": "Recadrer la photo",
"breakfast": "Déjeuner",
"lunch": "diner",
"dinner": "souper",
"snacks": "en-cas",
"You tried this recipe:": "",
"triedInfo": "Vous avez essayé cette recette :",
"today": "aujourd’hui",
"yesterday": "hier",
"days ago": "",
"weeks ago": "",
"months ago": "",
"long time ago": "",
"Verifying...": "",
"Import successful": "",
"Permission denied": "",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "",
"Contributors": "",
"Translator": "",
"View on GitHub": "",
"Privacy policy": "",
"User guide": "",
"Options": "",
"Shake to view random recipe": "",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "",
"Reset": "",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "",
"Reset cuisines list": "",
"Reset categories list": "",
"Reset yield units list": "",
"Reset units list": "",
"Reset successful": "",
"Recipe not found": "",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "",
"dAgo": "jours de ça",
"wAgo": "semaines de ça",
"mAgo": "mois de ça",
"ltAgo": "il y a longtemps",
"vrfy": "Vérification",
"appCrd": "Partagé via EnRecipes. Téléchargez-le sur F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid ou le Play Store.",
"gh": "Voir sur GitHub",
"priv": "Politique de confidentialité",
"guide": "Guide d’utilisation",
"opts": "Options",
"sVw": "Secouez pour voir une recette au hasard",
"sVwInfo": "Vous aide à choisir quoi cuisiner quand vous ne pouvez pas vous décider",
"rest": "Réinitialiser",
"restCuiL": "Réinitialiser la liste de cuisine",
"restCatL": "Réinitialiser la liste des catégories",
"restYUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités de rendement",
"restUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités",
"restInfo": "La réinitialisation d’une liste supprimera les entrées créées par l’utilisateur et restaurera les entrées par défaut. Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées.",
"restDone": "Réinitialisation terminée",
"resNF": "Recette introuvable",
"Quickest first": "La plus rapide d’abord",
"Slowest first": "La plus lente d’abord",
"Rating": "Évaluation",
@ -219,17 +219,12 @@
"Easy": "Facile",
"Moderate": "Modéré",
"Challenging": "Difficile",
"New cuisine": "",
"New unit": "",
"Remove cuisine?": "",
"Remove category?": "",
"Remove yield unit?": "",
"Remove unit?": "",
"Units": "",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "",
"Cuisine": "",
"Cuisines": "",
"All Cuisines": "",
"newCui": "Nouvelle cuisine",
"newUnit": "Nouvelle unité",
"Unit": "Unité",
"cui": "Cuisine",
"cuis": "Cuisines",
"allCuis": "Toutes les cuisines",
"American": "états-unienne",
"Brazilian": "brésilienne",
"British": "britannique",
@ -260,210 +255,51 @@
"Thai": "thaïlandaise",
"Turkish": "turque",
"Vietnamese": "vietnamienne",
"All Categories": "",
"All Tags": "",
"No tags available": "",
"Tags": "",
"separate with spaces": "",
"Import summary": "",
"recipes found": "",
"recipes imported": "",
"recipes already exists": "",
"recipes updated": "",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "",
"Created": "Créé le",
"Star rating": "",
"Untitled Recipe": "",
"Remove recipe from breakfast?": "",
"Remove recipe from lunch?": "",
"Remove recipe from dinner?": "",
"Remove recipe from snacks?": "",
"Import failed": "",
"Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.": "",
"Backup file seems empty.": "",
"Backup file has been modified externally.": "",
"Invalid file:": "",
"Combination": "",
"Donate": "",
"help": "Aide",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes est un livre de cuisine numérique à code source ouvert et respectueux de la vie privée qui vous permet de créer, gérer et partager vos recettes",
"donate": "Faire un don",
"invFile": "Fichier invalide",
"buSuc": "Sauvegarde enregistrée avec succès dans le dossier de téléchargement",
"buMod": "Le fichier de sauvegarde a été modifié ailleurs",
"buEmp": "La sauvegarde est vide",
"buInc": "Fichier de sauvegarde mal formé ou corrompu",
"impFail": "L’importation a échoué",
"recRm": "Recette supprimée",
"untRec": "Recette sans titre",
"stars": "Évaluation étoilée",
"Filtered recipes": "Recettes filtrées",
"recU": "recettes mises à jour",
"recE": "recettes existent déjà",
"recI": "recettes importées",
"recF": "recettes trouvées",
"impSuc": "Importation réussie",
"tsInfo": "séparez par des espaces",
"ts": "Étiquettes",
"noTs": "Aucune étiquette disponible",
"allTs": "Toutes les étiquettes",
"allCats": "Toutes les catégories",
"allCuis": "Toutes les cuisines",
"cuis": "Cuisines",
"cui": "Cuisine",
"Unit": "Unité",
"newUnit": "Nouvelle unité",
"newCui": "Nouvelle cuisine",
"resNF": "Recette introuvable",
"restDone": "Réinitialisation terminée",
"restInfo": "La réinitialisation d’une liste supprimera les entrées créées par l’utilisateur et restaurera les entrées par défaut. Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées.",
"restUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités",
"restYUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités de rendement",
"restCatL": "Réinitialiser la liste des catégories",
"restCuiL": "Réinitialiser la liste de cuisine",
"rest": "Réinitialiser",
"sVwInfo": "Vous aide à choisir quoi cuisiner quand vous ne pouvez pas vous décider",
"sVw": "Secouez pour voir une recette au hasard",
"opts": "Options",
"guide": "Guide d’utilisation",
"priv": "Politique de confidentialité",
"gh": "Voir sur GitHub",
"appCrd": "Partagé via EnRecipes. Téléchargez-le sur F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid ou le Play Store.",
"vrfy": "Vérification",
"ltAgo": "il y a longtemps",
"mAgo": "mois de ça",
"wAgo": "semaines de ça",
"dAgo": "jours de ça",
"triedInfo": "Vous avez essayé cette recette :",
"cPic": "Recadrer la photo",
"recPic": "Photo de recette",
"req": "Obligatoire",
"nwCat": "Nouvelle catégorie",
"nwYiU": "Nouvelle unité de rendement",
"rmCmb": "Combinaison retirée",
"rmN": "Note retirée",
"rmIns": "Instruction retirée",
"rmIng": "Ingrédient retiré",
"kEdit": "CONTINUER",
"disBtn": "IGNORER",
"disc": "Cette recette a des modifications non enregistrées. Que voudriez-vous faire ?",
"unsaved": "Modifications non enregistrées",
"ser": "Chercher",
"dBtn": "SUPPRIMER",
"delRecInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement la recette :",
"delRec": "Confirmation de suppression",
"conf": "Confirmer",
"rmTry": "Retiré d’Essayer plus tard",
"aTry": "Ajouté à Essayer plus tard",
"unfavd": "Retiré des Favoris",
"favd": "Ajouté aux Favoris",
"aFBu": "Ajouter une recette pour effectuer une sauvegarde",
"dend": "Accès refusé",
"conBtn": "CONTINUER",
"phtReq": "Une autorisation de stockage est requise pour définir une photo de recette.",
"impReq": "Une autorisation de stockage est requise pour importer des données.",
"expReq": "Une autorisation de stockage est requise pour exporter une sauvegarde.",
"grant": "Accorder l’accès",
"nLangInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser la nouvelle langue",
"nThmInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser le nouveau thème",
"rst": "REDÉMARRER",
"appRst": "Redémarrage de l’appli nécessaire",
"aNBtn": "AJOUTER",
"shr": "Partager",
"ovw": "Aperçu",
"rec": "Recette comme texte",
"pht": "Photo de recette",
"recTitle": "Ma recette saine",
"recListEmp": "Rien ici ! Ajoutez quelques recettes et réessayez",
"selRec": "Sélectionner une recette",
"aBtn": "AJOUTER",
"rmLIInfo": "Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées",
"rmUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer l’unité :",
"rmYUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer l’unité de rendement :",
"rmCatInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer la catégorie :",
"rmCuiInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer la cuisine :",
"rBtn": "RETIRER",
"cBtn": "ANNULER",
"srt": "Trier par",
"stp": "Étape",
"it": "Élément",
"nos": "Notes",
"no": "Note",
"cmbs": "Combinaisons",
"cmb": "Combinaison",
"inss": "Instructions",
"ins": "Instruction",
"ings": "Ingrédients",
"ing": "Ingrédient",
"yieldU": "Unité de rendement",
"yieldQ": "Quantité de rendement",
"cookT": "Temps de cuisson",
"prepT": "Temps de préparation",
"cat": "Catégorie",
"title": "Titre",
"editRec": "Modifier la recette",
"newRec": "Nouvelle recette",
"tgInfo": "Pour signaler des problèmes, faire des suggestions et des remarques",
"joinTG": "Rejoignez le groupe Telegram",
"ver": "Version",
"impInfo": "Prend en charge les sauvegardes complètes exportées par cette application",
"impBu": "Importer les données",
"buInfo": "Génère un fichier ZIP contenant toutes vos données qui peuvent être réimportées",
"expBu": "Exporter une sauvegarde complète",
"db": "Base de données",
"sysDef": "Selon le système",
"lang": "Langue",
"intf": "Interface",
"noRecsInFtr": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans les recettes filtrées",
"noRecsInFavs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste des favoris",
"noRecsInTL": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste Essayer plus tard",
"noRecs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recette",
"fsList": "Vos recettes favorites sont listées ici",
"noFavs": "Pas encore de favoris",
"tLInfo": "Les recettes que vous voulez essayer plus tard sont listées ici",
"aD": "Terminé !",
"pANo": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des notes",
"pACmb": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des combinaisons",
"pAIns": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des instructions",
"pAIng": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des ingrédients",
"plsAdd": "Utilisez le bouton plus pour en ajouter une",
"strAdd": "Commencez à ajouter vos recettes !",
"grocery": "Liste de courses",
"planner": "Organisateur de repas",
"favourites": "Favoris",
"trylater": "Essayer plus tard",
"fil": "Recette comme fichier",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes nécessite une autorisation de stockage pour définir la photo de recette, exporter et importer des données",
"SAT": "sam",
"FRI": "ven",
"THU": "jeu",
"WED": "mer",
"TUE": "mar",
"MON": "lun",
"SUN": "dim",
"December": "décembre",
"November": "novembre",
"October": "octobre",
"September": "septembre",
"August": "aout",
"July": "juillet",
"June": "juin",
"May": "mai",
"April": "avril",
"March": "mars",
"February": "février",
"allTs": "Toutes les étiquettes",
"noTs": "Aucune étiquette disponible",
"ts": "Étiquettes",
"tsInfo": "séparez par des espaces",
"impSuc": "Importation réussie",
"recF": "recettes trouvées",
"recI": "recettes importées",
"recE": "recettes existent déjà",
"recU": "recettes mises à jour",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered recipes": "Recettes filtrées",
"Created": "Créé le",
"stars": "Évaluation étoilée",
"untRec": "Recette sans titre",
"recRm": "Recette supprimée",
"impFail": "L’importation a échoué",
"buInc": "Fichier de sauvegarde mal formé ou corrompu",
"buEmp": "La sauvegarde est vide",
"buMod": "Le fichier de sauvegarde a été modifié ailleurs",
"buSuc": "Sauvegarde enregistrée avec succès dans le dossier de téléchargement",
"invFile": "Fichier invalide",
"donate": "Faire un don",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes est un livre de cuisine numérique à code source ouvert et respectueux de la vie privée qui vous permet de créer, gérer et partager vos recettes",
"help": "Aide",
"January": "janvier",
"sltd": "sélectionné",
"recs": "recettes",
"delRecsInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement :",
"February": "février",
"March": "mars",
"April": "avril",
"May": "mai",
"June": "juin",
"July": "juillet",
"August": "aout",
"September": "septembre",
"October": "octobre",
"November": "novembre",
"December": "décembre",
"SUN": "dim",
"MON": "lun",
"TUE": "mar",
"WED": "mer",
"THU": "jeu",
"FRI": "ven",
"SAT": "sam",
"trnsl": "Traduire",
"undo": "Annuler"
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"Try Later": "Essayer plus tard",
"Favourites": "Favoris",
"Meal Planner": "Organisateur de repas",
"Categories": "Catégories",
"trylater": "Essayer plus tard",
"favourites": "Favoris",
"planner": "Organisateur de repas",
"grocery": "Liste de courses",
"Settings": "Paramètres",
"About": "À propos",
"Appetizers": "Hors-d’œuvre",
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
"Patty": "Pâté",
"Loaf": "Miche",
"unit": "unité",
"Unit": "Unité",
"tsp": "c.à.t",
"dsp": "c.à.d",
"tbsp": "cuillérée",
@ -77,139 +76,139 @@
"small": "petit",
"medium": "moyen",
"large": "grand",
"Start adding your recipes!": "Commencez à ajouter vos recettes!",
"Use the plus button to add one": "Utilisez le bouton plus pour en ajouter une.",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des ingrédients.",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des instructions.",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des combinaisons.",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des notes.",
"All done!": "C’est fini!",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "Les recettes que vous voulez essayer plus tard sont listées ici.",
"No favourites yet": "Pas encore de favoris",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "Mettez les recettes en favoris pour les voir ici.",
"Category looks empty": "Ajoutez des catégories pour les voir ici.",
"No recipes found": "Aucune recette trouvée",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "Impossible de trouver de telles recettes.",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "Impossible de trouver de telles recettes dans cette catégorie.",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "Impossible de trouver de tels favoris.",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "Impossible de trouver de telles recettes à essayer plus tard.",
"Interface": "Interface",
"App language": "Langue",
"System default": "Système",
"strAdd": "Commencez à ajouter vos recettes!",
"plsAdd": "Utilisez le bouton plus pour en ajouter une",
"pAIng": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des ingrédients",
"pAIns": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des instructions",
"pACmb": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des combinaisons",
"pANo": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des notes",
"aD": "Terminé!",
"tLInfo": "Les recettes que vous voulez essayer plus tard sont listées ici",
"noFavs": "Pas encore de favoris",
"fsList": "Vos recettes favorites sont listées ici",
"noRecs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recette",
"noRecsInTL": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste Essayer plus tard",
"noRecsInFavs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste des favoris",
"noRecsInFtr": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans les recettes filtrées",
"intf": "Interface",
"lang": "Langue",
"sysDef": "Selon le système",
"Theme": "Thème",
"Light": "Clair",
"Dark": "Sombre",
"Database": "Base de données",
"Export a full backup": "Exporter une sauvegarde complète",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "Génère un fichier ZIP de toutes vos données que vous pouvez importer ailleurs.",
"Import from backup": "Importer depuis la sauvegarde",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Prend en charge les sauvegardes complètes exportées par cette application",
"Version": "Version",
"Join the Telegram group": "Rejoignez le groupe Telegram",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "pour signaler des problèmes, faire des suggestions et des remarques",
"Author": "Auteur·e",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"New recipe": "Nouvelle recette",
"Edit recipe": "Modifier la recette",
"Title": "Titre",
"Category": "Catégorie",
"Preparation time": "Temps de préparation",
"Cooking time": "Temps de cuisson",
"Yield quantity": "Quantité de rendement",
"Yield measured in": "Rendement mesuré en",
"Ingredient": "Ingrédient",
"Ingredients": "Ingrédients",
"Instruction": "Instruction",
"Instructions": "Instructions",
"Combinations": "Combinaisons",
"Note": "Note",
"Notes": "Notes",
"Item": "Élément",
"Step": "Étape",
"Sort by": "Trier par",
"Select a recipe": "Sélectionnez une recette",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "Ajoutez des recettes pour les voir ici.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "Ma recette saine",
"db": "Base de données",
"expBu": "Exporter une sauvegarde complète",
"buInfo": "Génère un fichier ZIP contenant toutes vos données qui peuvent être réimportées",
"impBu": "Importer les données",
"impInfo": "Prend en charge les sauvegardes complètes exportées par cette application",
"ver": "Version",
"joinTG": "Rejoignez le groupe Telegram",
"tgInfo": "Pour signaler des problèmes, faire des suggestions et des remarques",
"newRec": "Nouvelle recette",
"editRec": "Modifier la recette",
"title": "Titre",
"cat": "Catégorie",
"prepT": "Temps de préparation",
"cookT": "Temps de cuisson",
"yieldQ": "Quantité de rendement",
"yieldU": "Unité de rendement",
"ing": "Ingrédient",
"ings": "Ingrédients",
"ins": "Instruction",
"inss": "Instructions",
"cmb": "Combinaison",
"cmbs": "Combinaisons",
"no": "Note",
"nos": "Notes",
"it": "Élément",
"stp": "Étape",
"srt": "Trier par",
"cBtn": "ANNULER",
"rBtn": "RETIRER",
"rmCuiInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer la cuisine :",
"rmCatInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer la catégorie :",
"rmYUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer l’unité de rendement :",
"rmUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer l’unité :",
"rmLIInfo": "Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées",
"aBtn": "AJOUTER",
"selRec": "Sélectionner une recette",
"recListEmp": "Rien ici! Ajoutez quelques recettes et réessayez",
"recTitle": "Ma recette saine",
"hr": "h",
"min": "min",
"Photo": "Photo",
"Recipe": "Recette",
"Overview": "Aperçu",
"Share": "Partager",
"shr": "Partager",
"pht": "Photo de recette",
"rec": "Recette comme texte",
"fil": "Recette comme fichier",
"ovw": "Aperçu",
"aNBtn": "AJOUTER",
"Restart required": "Redémarrage de l’appli nécessaire",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser le nouveau thème.",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser la nouvelle langue.",
"Grant permission": "Autoriser",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "Accordez l’autorisation de stockage pour importer vos données à partir d’une sauvegarde précédente.",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "Accordez l’autorisation de stockage pour sauvegarder les données EnRecipe sur l’appareil.",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "Ajoutez une recette d’abord pour effectuer une sauvegarde.",
"Added to Favourites": "Ajouté aux favoris",
"Removed from Favourites": "Retiré des favoris",
"Added to Try Later": "Ajouté à Essayer plus tard",
"Removed from Try Later": "Retiré d’Essayer plus tard",
"Delete recipe?": "Supprimer la recette?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Supprimer la recette",
"Search": "Chercher",
"Unsaved changes": "Modifications non enregistrées",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "Annuler toutes les modifications non enregistrées de cette recette?",
"Remove ingredient?": "Retirer l’ingrédient?",
"Remove instruction?": "Retirer l’instruction?",
"Remove combination?": "Retirer la combinaison?",
"Remove note?": "Retirer la note?",
"New yield unit": "Nouvelle unité de rendement",
"New category": "Nouvelle catégorie",
"Required": "Obligatoire",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "Accordez l’autorisation de stockage pour enregistrer une photo de recette.",
"Recipe photo": "Photo de recette",
"Crop photo": "Recadrer la photo",
"appRst": "Redémarrage de l’appli nécessaire",
"rst": "REDÉMARRER",
"nThmInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser le nouveau thème",
"nLangInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser la nouvelle langue",
"grant": "Accorder l’accès",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes nécessite une autorisation de stockage pour définir la photo de recette, exporter et importer des données",
"conBtn": "CONTINUER",
"dend": "Accès refusé",
"aFBu": "Ajouter une recette pour effectuer une sauvegarde",
"favd": "Ajouté aux Favoris",
"unfavd": "Retiré des Favoris",
"aTry": "Ajouté à Essayer plus tard",
"rmTry": "Retiré d’Essayer plus tard",
"conf": "Confirmer",
"delRecInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement la recette :",
"delRecsInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement :",
"recs": "recettes",
"sltd": "sélectionné",
"dBtn": "SUPPRIMER",
"ser": "Chercher",
"unsaved": "Modifications non enregistrées",
"disc": "Cette recette a des modifications non enregistrées. Que voudriez-vous faire?",
"disBtn": "IGNORER",
"kEdit": "CONTINUER",
"rmIng": "Ingrédient retiré",
"rmIns": "Instruction retirée",
"rmN": "Note retirée",
"rmCmb": "Combinaison retirée",
"nwYiU": "Nouvelle unité de rendement",
"nwCat": "Nouvelle catégorie",
"req": "Obligatoire",
"recPic": "Photo de recette",
"cPic": "Recadrer la photo",
"breakfast": "Déjeuner",
"lunch": "dîner",
"dinner": "souper",
"snacks": "en-cas",
"You tried this recipe:": "Vous avez essayé cette recette :",
"triedInfo": "Vous avez essayé cette recette :",
"today": "aujourd’hui",
"yesterday": "hier",
"days ago": "jours de ça",
"weeks ago": "semaines de ça",
"months ago": "mois de ça",
"long time ago": "il y a longtemps",
"Verifying...": "Vérification…",
"Import successful": "Importé",
"Permission denied": "Autorisation refusée",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Partagé via EnRecipes. Téléchargez-le sur F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid ou le Play Store.",
"Contributors": "Contributeur·ice·s",
"Translator": "Traduit par",
"View on GitHub": "Voir sur GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Politique de confidentialité",
"User guide": "Guide d’utilisation",
"Options": "Options",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Secouez pour voir une recette au hasard",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Vous aide quand vous ne pouvez pas décider quoi cuisiner",
"Reset": "Réinitialiser",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "La réinitialisation des listes ne restaure que les entrées par défaut supprimées. Les entrées existantes ne sont pas supprimées.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Réinitialiser la liste des cuisines",
"Reset categories list": "Réinitialiser la liste des catégories",
"Reset yield units list": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités de rendement",
"Reset units list": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités",
"Reset successful": "Réinitialisation terminée",
"Recipe not found": "Recette introuvable",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Impossible de trouver de telles recettes.",
"dAgo": "jours de ça",
"wAgo": "semaines de ça",
"mAgo": "mois de ça",
"ltAgo": "il y a longtemps",
"vrfy": "Vérification",
"appCrd": "Partagé via EnRecipes. Téléchargez-le sur F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid ou le Play Store.",
"gh": "Voir sur GitHub",
"priv": "Politique de confidentialité",
"guide": "Guide d’utilisation",
"opts": "Options",
"sVw": "Secouez pour voir une recette au hasard",
"sVwInfo": "Vous aide à choisir quoi cuisiner quand vous ne pouvez pas vous décider",
"rest": "Réinitialiser",
"restCuiL": "Réinitialiser la liste de cuisine",
"restCatL": "Réinitialiser la liste des catégories",
"restYUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités de rendement",
"restUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités",
"restInfo": "La réinitialisation d’une liste supprimera les entrées créées par l’utilisateur et restaurera les entrées par défaut. Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées.",
"restDone": "Réinitialisation terminée",
"resNF": "Recette introuvable",
"Quickest first": "La plus rapide d’abord",
"Slowest first": "La plus lente d’abord",
"Rating": "Évaluation",
@ -220,17 +219,12 @@
"Easy": "Facile",
"Moderate": "Modéré",
"Challenging": "Difficile",
"New cuisine": "Nouvelle cuisine",
"New unit": "Nouvelle unité",
"Remove cuisine?": "Retirer la cuisine?",
"Remove category?": "Supprimer la catégorie?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Retirer l’unité de rendement?",
"Remove unit?": "Retirer l’unité?",
"Units": "Unités",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir désinstaller",
"Cuisine": "Cuisine",
"Cuisines": "Cuisines",
"All Cuisines": "Toutes les cuisines",
"newCui": "Nouvelle cuisine",
"newUnit": "Nouvelle unité",
"Unit": "Unité",
"cui": "Cuisine",
"cuis": "Cuisines",
"allCuis": "Toutes les cuisines",
"American": "états-unienne",
"Brazilian": "brésilienne",
"British": "britannique",
@ -261,209 +255,51 @@
"Thai": "thaïlandaise",
"Turkish": "turque",
"Vietnamese": "vietnamienne",
"All Categories": "toutes les catégories",
"All Tags": "Toutes les étiquettes",
"No tags available": "Aucune étiquette disponible",
"Tags": "Étiquettes",
"separate with spaces": "séparer avec des espaces",
"Import summary": "Récapitulatif de l’importation",
"recipes found": "recettes trouvées",
"recipes imported": "recettes importées",
"recipes already exists": "recettes existent déjà",
"recipes updated": "recettes mises à jour",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "Résultat filtré",
"Created": "Créé le",
"Star rating": "Évaluation étoilée",
"Untitled Recipe": "Recette sans titre",
"Remove recipe from breakfast?": "Retirer la recette du déjeuner?",
"Remove recipe from lunch?": "Retirer la recette du dîner?",
"Remove recipe from dinner?": "Retirer la recette du souper?",
"Remove recipe from snacks?": "Retirer la recette des en-cas?",
"Import failed": "L’importation a échoué",
"Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.": "Fichier de sauvegarde malformé ou corrompu.",
"Backup file seems empty.": "La sauvegarde est vide.",
"Backup file has been modified externally.": "Fichier de sauvegarde modifié ailleurs.",
"Invalid file:": "Fichier invalide :",
"Donate": "Faire un don",
"Combination": "Combinaison",
"disc": "Cette recette a des modifications non enregistrées. Que voudriez-vous faire?",
"recListEmp": "Rien ici! Ajoutez quelques recettes et réessayez",
"aD": "Terminé!",
"strAdd": "Commencez à ajouter vos recettes!",
"help": "Aide",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes est un livre de cuisine numérique à code source ouvert et respectueux de la vie privée qui vous permet de créer, gérer et partager vos recettes",
"donate": "Faire un don",
"invFile": "Fichier invalide",
"buSuc": "Sauvegarde enregistrée avec succès dans le dossier de téléchargement",
"buMod": "Le fichier de sauvegarde a été modifié ailleurs",
"buEmp": "La sauvegarde est vide",
"buInc": "Fichier de sauvegarde mal formé ou corrompu",
"impFail": "L’importation a échoué",
"recRm": "Recette supprimée",
"untRec": "Recette sans titre",
"stars": "Évaluation étoilée",
"Filtered recipes": "Recettes filtrées",
"recU": "recettes mises à jour",
"recE": "recettes existent déjà",
"recI": "recettes importées",
"recF": "recettes trouvées",
"impSuc": "Importation réussie",
"tsInfo": "séparez par des espaces",
"ts": "Étiquettes",
"noTs": "Aucune étiquette disponible",
"allTs": "Toutes les étiquettes",
"allCats": "Toutes les catégories",
"allCuis": "Toutes les cuisines",
"cuis": "Cuisines",
"cui": "Cuisine",
"newUnit": "Nouvelle unité",
"newCui": "Nouvelle cuisine",
"resNF": "Recette introuvable",
"restDone": "Réinitialisation terminée",
"restInfo": "La réinitialisation d’une liste supprimera les entrées créées par l’utilisateur et restaurera les entrées par défaut. Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées.",
"restUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités",
"restYUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités de rendement",
"restCatL": "Réinitialiser la liste des catégories",
"restCuiL": "Réinitialiser la liste de cuisine",
"rest": "Réinitialiser",
"sVwInfo": "Vous aide à choisir quoi cuisiner quand vous ne pouvez pas vous décider",
"sVw": "Secouez pour voir une recette au hasard",
"opts": "Options",
"guide": "Guide d’utilisation",
"priv": "Politique de confidentialité",
"gh": "Voir sur GitHub",
"appCrd": "Partagé via EnRecipes. Téléchargez-le sur F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid ou le Play Store.",
"vrfy": "Vérification",
"ltAgo": "il y a longtemps",
"mAgo": "mois de ça",
"wAgo": "semaines de ça",
"dAgo": "jours de ça",
"triedInfo": "Vous avez essayé cette recette :",
"cPic": "Recadrer la photo",
"recPic": "Photo de recette",
"req": "Obligatoire",
"nwCat": "Nouvelle catégorie",
"nwYiU": "Nouvelle unité de rendement",
"rmCmb": "Combinaison retirée",
"rmN": "Note retirée",
"rmIns": "Instruction retirée",
"rmIng": "Ingrédient retiré",
"kEdit": "CONTINUER",
"disBtn": "IGNORER",
"unsaved": "Modifications non enregistrées",
"ser": "Chercher",
"dBtn": "SUPPRIMER",
"delRecInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement la recette :",
"delRec": "Confirmation de suppression",
"conf": "Confirmer",
"rmTry": "Retiré d’Essayer plus tard",
"aTry": "Ajouté à Essayer plus tard",
"unfavd": "Retiré des Favoris",
"favd": "Ajouté aux Favoris",
"aFBu": "Ajouter une recette pour effectuer une sauvegarde",
"dend": "Accès refusé",
"conBtn": "CONTINUER",
"phtReq": "Une autorisation de stockage est requise pour définir une photo de recette.",
"impReq": "Une autorisation de stockage est requise pour importer des données.",
"expReq": "Une autorisation de stockage est requise pour exporter une sauvegarde.",
"grant": "Accorder l’accès",
"nLangInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser la nouvelle langue",
"nThmInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser le nouveau thème",
"rst": "REDÉMARRER",
"appRst": "Redémarrage de l’appli nécessaire",
"aNBtn": "AJOUTER",
"shr": "Partager",
"ovw": "Aperçu",
"rec": "Recette comme texte",
"pht": "Photo de recette",
"recTitle": "Ma recette saine",
"selRec": "Sélectionner une recette",
"aBtn": "AJOUTER",
"rmLIInfo": "Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées",
"rmUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer l’unité :",
"rmYUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer l’unité de rendement :",
"rmCatInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer la catégorie :",
"rmCuiInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer la cuisine :",
"rBtn": "RETIRER",
"cBtn": "ANNULER",
"srt": "Trier par",
"stp": "Étape",
"it": "Élément",
"nos": "Notes",
"no": "Note",
"cmbs": "Combinaisons",
"cmb": "Combinaison",
"inss": "Instructions",
"ins": "Instruction",
"ings": "Ingrédients",
"ing": "Ingrédient",
"yieldU": "Unité de rendement",
"yieldQ": "Quantité de rendement",
"cookT": "Temps de cuisson",
"prepT": "Temps de préparation",
"cat": "Catégorie",
"title": "Titre",
"editRec": "Modifier la recette",
"newRec": "Nouvelle recette",
"tgInfo": "Pour signaler des problèmes, faire des suggestions et des remarques",
"joinTG": "Rejoignez le groupe Telegram",
"ver": "Version",
"impInfo": "Prend en charge les sauvegardes complètes exportées par cette application",
"impBu": "Importer les données",
"buInfo": "Génère un fichier ZIP contenant toutes vos données qui peuvent être réimportées",
"expBu": "Exporter une sauvegarde complète",
"db": "Base de données",
"sysDef": "Selon le système",
"lang": "Langue",
"intf": "Interface",
"noRecsInFtr": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans les recettes filtrées",
"noRecsInFavs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste des favoris",
"noRecsInTL": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste Essayer plus tard",
"noRecs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recette",
"fsList": "Vos recettes favorites sont listées ici",
"noFavs": "Pas encore de favoris",
"tLInfo": "Les recettes que vous voulez essayer plus tard sont listées ici",
"pANo": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des notes",
"pACmb": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des combinaisons",
"pAIns": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des instructions",
"pAIng": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des ingrédients",
"plsAdd": "Utilisez le bouton plus pour en ajouter une",
"grocery": "Liste de courses",
"planner": "Organisateur de repas",
"favourites": "Favoris",
"trylater": "Essayer plus tard",
"fil": "Recette comme fichier",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes nécessite une autorisation de stockage pour définir la photo de recette, exporter et importer des données",
"SAT": "sam",
"FRI": "ven",
"THU": "jeu",
"WED": "mer",
"TUE": "mar",
"MON": "lun",
"SUN": "dim",
"December": "décembre",
"November": "novembre",
"October": "octobre",
"September": "septembre",
"August": "août",
"July": "juillet",
"June": "juin",
"May": "mai",
"April": "avril",
"March": "mars",
"February": "février",
"allTs": "Toutes les étiquettes",
"noTs": "Aucune étiquette disponible",
"ts": "Étiquettes",
"tsInfo": "séparez par des espaces",
"impSuc": "Importation réussie",
"recF": "recettes trouvées",
"recI": "recettes importées",
"recE": "recettes existent déjà",
"recU": "recettes mises à jour",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered recipes": "Recettes filtrées",
"Created": "Créé le",
"stars": "Évaluation étoilée",
"untRec": "Recette sans titre",
"recRm": "Recette supprimée",
"impFail": "L’importation a échoué",
"buInc": "Fichier de sauvegarde mal formé ou corrompu",
"buEmp": "La sauvegarde est vide",
"buMod": "Le fichier de sauvegarde a été modifié ailleurs",
"buSuc": "Sauvegarde enregistrée avec succès dans le dossier de téléchargement",
"invFile": "Fichier invalide",
"donate": "Faire un don",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes est un livre de cuisine numérique à code source ouvert et respectueux de la vie privée qui vous permet de créer, gérer et partager vos recettes",
"help": "Aide",
"January": "janvier",
"sltd": "sélectionné",
"recs": "recettes",
"delRecsInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement :",
"February": "février",
"March": "mars",
"April": "avril",
"May": "mai",
"June": "juin",
"July": "juillet",
"August": "août",
"September": "septembre",
"October": "octobre",
"November": "novembre",
"December": "décembre",
"SUN": "dim",
"MON": "lun",
"TUE": "mar",
"WED": "mer",
"THU": "jeu",
"FRI": "ven",
"SAT": "sam",
"trnsl": "Traduire",
"undo": "Annuler"
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"Try Later": "",
"Favourites": "",
"Meal Planner": "",
"Categories": "",
"trylater": "Essayer plus tard",
"favourites": "Favoris",
"planner": "Organisateur de repas",
"grocery": "Liste de courses",
"Settings": "Paramètres",
"About": "À propos",
"Appetizers": "Hors-d’œuvre",
@ -76,139 +76,139 @@
"small": "petit",
"medium": "moyen",
"large": "grand",
"Start adding your recipes!": "",
"Use the plus button to add one": "",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "",
"All done!": "",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "",
"No favourites yet": "",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "",
"Category looks empty": "",
"No recipes found": "",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "",
"Interface": "",
"App language": "",
"System default": "",
"strAdd": "Commencez à ajouter vos recettes!",
"plsAdd": "Utilisez le bouton plus pour en ajouter une",
"pAIng": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des ingrédients",
"pAIns": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des instructions",
"pACmb": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des combinaisons",
"pANo": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des notes",
"aD": "Terminé!",
"tLInfo": "Les recettes que vous voulez essayer plus tard sont listées ici",
"noFavs": "Pas encore de favoris",
"fsList": "Vos recettes favorites sont listées ici",
"noRecs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recette",
"noRecsInTL": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste Essayer plus tard",
"noRecsInFavs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste des favoris",
"noRecsInFtr": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans les recettes filtrées",
"intf": "Interface",
"lang": "Langue",
"sysDef": "Selon le système",
"Theme": "Thème",
"Light": "Clair",
"Dark": "Sombre",
"Database": "",
"Export a full backup": "",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "",
"Import from backup": "",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "",
"Version": "",
"Join the Telegram group": "",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "",
"Author": "",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "",
"New recipe": "",
"Edit recipe": "",
"Title": "",
"Category": "",
"Preparation time": "",
"Cooking time": "",
"Yield quantity": "",
"Yield measured in": "",
"Ingredient": "",
"Ingredients": "",
"Instruction": "",
"Instructions": "",
"ADD STEP": "",
"Combinations": "",
"Note": "",
"Notes": "",
"ADD NOTE": "",
"Item": "",
"Step": "",
"Sort by": "",
"CANCEL": "",
"REMOVE": "",
"ADD": "",
"Select a recipe": "",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "",
"My Healthy Recipe": "",
"db": "Base de données",
"expBu": "Exporter une sauvegarde complète",
"buInfo": "Génère un fichier ZIP contenant toutes vos données qui peuvent être réimportées",
"impBu": "Importer les données",
"impInfo": "Prend en charge les sauvegardes complètes exportées par cette application",
"ver": "Version",
"joinTG": "Rejoignez le groupe Telegram",
"tgInfo": "Pour signaler des problèmes, faire des suggestions et des remarques",
"newRec": "Nouvelle recette",
"editRec": "Modifier la recette",
"title": "Titre",
"cat": "Catégorie",
"prepT": "Temps de préparation",
"cookT": "Temps de cuisson",
"yieldQ": "Quantité de rendement",
"yieldU": "Unité de rendement",
"ing": "Ingrédient",
"ings": "Ingrédients",
"ins": "Instruction",
"inss": "Instructions",
"cmb": "Combinaison",
"cmbs": "Combinaisons",
"no": "Note",
"nos": "Notes",
"it": "Élément",
"stp": "Étape",
"srt": "Trier par",
"cBtn": "ANNULER",
"rBtn": "RETIRER",
"rmCuiInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer la cuisine:",
"rmCatInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer la catégorie:",
"rmYUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer l’unité de rendement:",
"rmUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer l’unité:",
"rmLIInfo": "Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées",
"aBtn": "AJOUTER",
"selRec": "Sélectionner une recette",
"recListEmp": "Rien ici! Ajoutez quelques recettes et réessayez",
"recTitle": "Ma recette saine",
"hr": "h",
"min": "min",
"Photo": "",
"Recipe": "",
"Overview": "",
"Share": "",
"ADD NEW": "",
"shr": "Partager",
"pht": "Photo de recette",
"rec": "Recette comme texte",
"fil": "Recette comme fichier",
"ovw": "Aperçu",
"aNBtn": "AJOUTER",
"Restart required": "",
"RESTART": "",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "",
"Grant permission": "",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "",
"NOT NOW": "",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "",
"Added to Favourites": "",
"Removed from Favourites": "",
"Added to Try Later": "",
"Removed from Try Later": "",
"Delete recipe?": "",
"DELETE": "",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "",
"Search": "",
"Unsaved changes": "",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "",
"DISCARD": "",
"Remove ingredient?": "",
"Remove instruction?": "",
"Remove combination?": "",
"Remove note?": "",
"New yield unit": "",
"New category": "",
"Required": "",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "",
"Recipe photo": "",
"Crop photo": "",
"appRst": "Redémarrage de l’appli nécessaire",
"rst": "REDÉMARRER",
"nThmInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser le nouveau thème",
"nLangInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser la nouvelle langue",
"grant": "Accorder l’accès",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes nécessite une autorisation de stockage pour définir la photo de recette, exporter et importer des données",
"conBtn": "CONTINUER",
"dend": "Accès refusé",
"aFBu": "Ajouter une recette pour effectuer une sauvegarde",
"favd": "Ajouté aux Favoris",
"unfavd": "Retiré des Favoris",
"aTry": "Ajouté à Essayer plus tard",
"rmTry": "Retiré d’Essayer plus tard",
"conf": "Confirmer",
"delRecInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement la recette:",
"delRecsInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement:",
"recs": "recettes",
"sltd": "sélectionné",
"dBtn": "SUPPRIMER",
"ser": "Chercher",
"unsaved": "Modifications non enregistrées",
"disc": "Cette recette a des modifications non enregistrées. Que voudriez-vous faire?",
"disBtn": "IGNORER",
"kEdit": "CONTINUER",
"rmIng": "Ingrédient retiré",
"rmIns": "Instruction retirée",
"rmN": "Note retirée",
"rmCmb": "Combinaison retirée",
"nwYiU": "Nouvelle unité de rendement",
"nwCat": "Nouvelle catégorie",
"req": "Obligatoire",
"recPic": "Photo de recette",
"cPic": "Recadrer la photo",
"breakfast": "Déjeuner",
"lunch": "dîner",
"dinner": "souper",
"snacks": "en-cas",
"You tried this recipe:": "",
"triedInfo": "Vous avez essayé cette recette:",
"today": "aujourd’hui",
"yesterday": "hier",
"days ago": "",
"weeks ago": "",
"months ago": "",
"long time ago": "",
"Verifying...": "",
"Import successful": "",
"Permission denied": "",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "",
"Contributors": "",
"Translator": "",
"View on GitHub": "",
"Privacy policy": "",
"User guide": "",
"Options": "",
"Shake to view random recipe": "",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "",
"Reset": "",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "",
"Reset cuisines list": "",
"Reset categories list": "",
"Reset yield units list": "",
"Reset units list": "",
"Reset successful": "",
"Recipe not found": "",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "",
"dAgo": "jours de ça",
"wAgo": "semaines de ça",
"mAgo": "mois de ça",
"ltAgo": "il y a longtemps",
"vrfy": "Vérification",
"appCrd": "Partagé via EnRecipes. Téléchargez-le sur F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid ou le Play Store.",
"gh": "Voir sur GitHub",
"priv": "Politique de confidentialité",
"guide": "Guide d’utilisation",
"opts": "Options",
"sVw": "Secouez pour voir une recette au hasard",
"sVwInfo": "Vous aide à choisir quoi cuisiner quand vous ne pouvez pas vous décider",
"rest": "Réinitialiser",
"restCuiL": "Réinitialiser la liste de cuisine",
"restCatL": "Réinitialiser la liste des catégories",
"restYUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités de rendement",
"restUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités",
"restInfo": "La réinitialisation d’une liste supprimera les entrées créées par l’utilisateur et restaurera les entrées par défaut. Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées.",
"restDone": "Réinitialisation terminée",
"resNF": "Recette introuvable",
"Quickest first": "La plus rapide d’abord",
"Slowest first": "La plus lente d’abord",
"Rating": "Évaluation",
@ -219,17 +219,12 @@
"Easy": "Facile",
"Moderate": "Modéré",
"Challenging": "Difficile",
"New cuisine": "",
"New unit": "",
"Remove cuisine?": "",
"Remove category?": "",
"Remove yield unit?": "",
"Remove unit?": "",
"Units": "",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "",
"Cuisine": "",
"Cuisines": "",
"All Cuisines": "",
"newCui": "Nouvelle cuisine",
"newUnit": "Nouvelle unité",
"Unit": "Unité",
"cui": "Cuisine",
"cuis": "Cuisines",
"allCuis": "Toutes les cuisines",
"American": "états-unienne",
"Brazilian": "brésilienne",
"British": "britannique",
@ -260,210 +255,51 @@
"Thai": "thaïlandaise",
"Turkish": "turque",
"Vietnamese": "vietnamienne",
"All Categories": "",
"All Tags": "",
"No tags available": "",
"Tags": "",
"separate with spaces": "",
"Import summary": "",
"recipes found": "",
"recipes imported": "",
"recipes already exists": "",
"recipes updated": "",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "",
"Created": "Créé le",
"Star rating": "",
"Untitled Recipe": "",
"Remove recipe from breakfast?": "",
"Remove recipe from lunch?": "",
"Remove recipe from dinner?": "",
"Remove recipe from snacks?": "",
"Import failed": "",
"Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.": "",
"Backup file seems empty.": "",
"Backup file has been modified externally.": "",
"Invalid file:": "",
"Combination": "",
"Donate": "",
"triedInfo": "Vous avez essayé cette recette:",
"delRecInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement la recette:",
"rmUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer l’unité:",
"rmYUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer l’unité de rendement:",
"rmCatInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer la catégorie:",
"rmCuiInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer la cuisine:",
"disc": "Cette recette a des modifications non enregistrées. Que voudriez-vous faire?",
"recListEmp": "Rien ici! Ajoutez quelques recettes et réessayez",
"aD": "Terminé!",
"strAdd": "Commencez à ajouter vos recettes!",
"help": "Aide",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes est un livre de cuisine numérique à code source ouvert et respectueux de la vie privée qui vous permet de créer, gérer et partager vos recettes",
"donate": "Faire un don",
"invFile": "Fichier invalide",
"buSuc": "Sauvegarde enregistrée avec succès dans le dossier de téléchargement",
"buMod": "Le fichier de sauvegarde a été modifié ailleurs",
"buEmp": "La sauvegarde est vide",
"buInc": "Fichier de sauvegarde mal formé ou corrompu",
"impFail": "L’importation a échoué",
"recRm": "Recette supprimée",
"untRec": "Recette sans titre",
"stars": "Évaluation étoilée",
"Filtered recipes": "Recettes filtrées",
"recU": "recettes mises à jour",
"recE": "recettes existent déjà",
"recI": "recettes importées",
"recF": "recettes trouvées",
"impSuc": "Importation réussie",
"tsInfo": "séparez par des espaces",
"ts": "Étiquettes",
"noTs": "Aucune étiquette disponible",
"allTs": "Toutes les étiquettes",
"allCats": "Toutes les catégories",
"allCuis": "Toutes les cuisines",
"cuis": "Cuisines",
"cui": "Cuisine",
"Unit": "Unité",
"newUnit": "Nouvelle unité",
"newCui": "Nouvelle cuisine",
"resNF": "Recette introuvable",
"restDone": "Réinitialisation terminée",
"restInfo": "La réinitialisation d’une liste supprimera les entrées créées par l’utilisateur et restaurera les entrées par défaut. Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées.",
"restUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités",
"restYUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités de rendement",
"restCatL": "Réinitialiser la liste des catégories",
"restCuiL": "Réinitialiser la liste de cuisine",
"rest": "Réinitialiser",
"sVwInfo": "Vous aide à choisir quoi cuisiner quand vous ne pouvez pas vous décider",
"sVw": "Secouez pour voir une recette au hasard",
"opts": "Options",
"guide": "Guide d’utilisation",
"priv": "Politique de confidentialité",
"gh": "Voir sur GitHub",
"appCrd": "Partagé via EnRecipes. Téléchargez-le sur F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid ou le Play Store.",
"vrfy": "Vérification",
"ltAgo": "il y a longtemps",
"mAgo": "mois de ça",
"wAgo": "semaines de ça",
"dAgo": "jours de ça",
"cPic": "Recadrer la photo",
"recPic": "Photo de recette",
"req": "Obligatoire",
"nwCat": "Nouvelle catégorie",
"nwYiU": "Nouvelle unité de rendement",
"rmCmb": "Combinaison retirée",
"rmN": "Note retirée",
"rmIns": "Instruction retirée",
"rmIng": "Ingrédient retiré",
"kEdit": "CONTINUER",
"disBtn": "IGNORER",
"unsaved": "Modifications non enregistrées",
"ser": "Chercher",
"dBtn": "SUPPRIMER",
"delRec": "Confirmation de suppression",
"conf": "Confirmer",
"rmTry": "Retiré d’Essayer plus tard",
"aTry": "Ajouté à Essayer plus tard",
"unfavd": "Retiré des Favoris",
"favd": "Ajouté aux Favoris",
"aFBu": "Ajouter une recette pour effectuer une sauvegarde",
"dend": "Accès refusé",
"conBtn": "CONTINUER",
"phtReq": "Une autorisation de stockage est requise pour définir une photo de recette.",
"impReq": "Une autorisation de stockage est requise pour importer des données.",
"expReq": "Une autorisation de stockage est requise pour exporter une sauvegarde.",
"grant": "Accorder l’accès",
"nLangInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser la nouvelle langue",
"nThmInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser le nouveau thème",
"rst": "REDÉMARRER",
"appRst": "Redémarrage de l’appli nécessaire",
"aNBtn": "AJOUTER",
"shr": "Partager",
"ovw": "Aperçu",
"rec": "Recette comme texte",
"pht": "Photo de recette",
"recTitle": "Ma recette saine",
"selRec": "Sélectionner une recette",
"aBtn": "AJOUTER",
"rmLIInfo": "Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées",
"rBtn": "RETIRER",
"cBtn": "ANNULER",
"srt": "Trier par",
"stp": "Étape",
"it": "Élément",
"nos": "Notes",
"no": "Note",
"cmbs": "Combinaisons",
"cmb": "Combinaison",
"inss": "Instructions",
"ins": "Instruction",
"ings": "Ingrédients",
"ing": "Ingrédient",
"yieldU": "Unité de rendement",
"yieldQ": "Quantité de rendement",
"cookT": "Temps de cuisson",
"prepT": "Temps de préparation",
"cat": "Catégorie",
"title": "Titre",
"editRec": "Modifier la recette",
"newRec": "Nouvelle recette",
"tgInfo": "Pour signaler des problèmes, faire des suggestions et des remarques",
"joinTG": "Rejoignez le groupe Telegram",
"ver": "Version",
"impInfo": "Prend en charge les sauvegardes complètes exportées par cette application",
"impBu": "Importer les données",
"buInfo": "Génère un fichier ZIP contenant toutes vos données qui peuvent être réimportées",
"expBu": "Exporter une sauvegarde complète",
"db": "Base de données",
"sysDef": "Selon le système",
"lang": "Langue",
"intf": "Interface",
"noRecsInFtr": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans les recettes filtrées",
"noRecsInFavs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste des favoris",
"noRecsInTL": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste Essayer plus tard",
"noRecs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recette",
"fsList": "Vos recettes favorites sont listées ici",
"noFavs": "Pas encore de favoris",
"tLInfo": "Les recettes que vous voulez essayer plus tard sont listées ici",
"pANo": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des notes",
"pACmb": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des combinaisons",
"pAIns": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des instructions",
"pAIng": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des ingrédients",
"plsAdd": "Utilisez le bouton plus pour en ajouter une",
"grocery": "Liste de courses",
"planner": "Organisateur de repas",
"favourites": "Favoris",
"trylater": "Essayer plus tard",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes nécessite une autorisation de stockage pour définir la photo de recette, exporter et importer des données",
"fil": "Recette comme fichier",
"SAT": "sam",
"FRI": "ven",
"THU": "jeu",
"WED": "mer",
"TUE": "mar",
"MON": "lun",
"SUN": "dim",
"December": "décembre",
"November": "novembre",
"October": "octobre",
"September": "septembre",
"August": "août",
"July": "juillet",
"June": "juin",
"May": "mai",
"April": "avril",
"March": "mars",
"February": "février",
"allTs": "Toutes les étiquettes",
"noTs": "Aucune étiquette disponible",
"ts": "Étiquettes",
"tsInfo": "séparez par des espaces",
"impSuc": "Importation réussie",
"recF": "recettes trouvées",
"recI": "recettes importées",
"recE": "recettes existent déjà",
"recU": "recettes mises à jour",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered recipes": "Recettes filtrées",
"Created": "Créé le",
"stars": "Évaluation étoilée",
"untRec": "Recette sans titre",
"recRm": "Recette supprimée",
"impFail": "L’importation a échoué",
"buInc": "Fichier de sauvegarde mal formé ou corrompu",
"buEmp": "La sauvegarde est vide",
"buMod": "Le fichier de sauvegarde a été modifié ailleurs",
"buSuc": "Sauvegarde enregistrée avec succès dans le dossier de téléchargement",
"invFile": "Fichier invalide",
"donate": "Faire un don",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes est un livre de cuisine numérique à code source ouvert et respectueux de la vie privée qui vous permet de créer, gérer et partager vos recettes",
"help": "Aide",
"January": "janvier",
"sltd": "sélectionné",
"recs": "recettes",
"delRecsInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement:",
"February": "février",
"March": "mars",
"April": "avril",
"May": "mai",
"June": "juin",
"July": "juillet",
"August": "août",
"September": "septembre",
"October": "octobre",
"November": "novembre",
"December": "décembre",
"SUN": "dim",
"MON": "lun",
"TUE": "mar",
"WED": "mer",
"THU": "jeu",
"FRI": "ven",
"SAT": "sam",
"trnsl": "Traduire",
"undo": "Annuler"
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"Try Later": "Essayer plus tard",
"Favourites": "Favoris",
"Meal Planner": "Organisateur de repas",
"Categories": "Catégories",
"trylater": "Essayer plus tard",
"favourites": "Favoris",
"planner": "Organisateur de repas",
"grocery": "Liste de courses",
"Settings": "Paramètres",
"About": "À propos",
"Appetizers": "Hors-d’œuvre",
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
"Patty": "Pâté",
"Loaf": "Miche",
"unit": "unité",
"Unit": "Unité",
"tsp": "c.à.c",
"dsp": "c.à.d",
"tbsp": "cuillérée",
@ -77,139 +76,139 @@
"small": "petit",
"medium": "moyen",
"large": "grand",
"Start adding your recipes!": "Commencez à ajouter vos recettes !",
"Use the plus button to add one": "Utilisez le bouton plus pour en ajouter une.",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des ingrédients.",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des instructions.",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des combinaisons.",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des notes.",
"All done!": "C’est fini !",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "Les recettes que vous voulez essayer plus tard sont listées ici.",
"No favourites yet": "Pas encore de favoris",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "Mettez les recettes en favoris pour les voir ici.",
"Category looks empty": "Ajoutez des catégories pour les voir ici.",
"No recipes found": "Aucune recette trouvée",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "Impossible de trouver de telles recettes.",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "Impossible de trouver de telles recettes dans cette catégorie.",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "Impossible de trouver de tels favoris.",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "Impossible de trouver de telles recettes à essayer plus tard.",
"Interface": "Interface",
"App language": "Langue",
"System default": "Système",
"strAdd": "Commencez à ajouter vos recettes !",
"plsAdd": "Utilisez le bouton plus pour en ajouter une",
"pAIng": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des ingrédients",
"pAIns": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des instructions",
"pACmb": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des combinaisons",
"pANo": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des notes",
"aD": "Terminé !",
"tLInfo": "Les recettes que vous voulez essayer plus tard sont listées ici",
"noFavs": "Pas encore de favoris",
"fsList": "Vos recettes favorites sont listées ici",
"noRecs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recette",
"noRecsInTL": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste Essayer plus tard",
"noRecsInFavs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste des favoris",
"noRecsInFtr": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans les recettes filtrées",
"intf": "Interface",
"lang": "Langue",
"sysDef": "Selon le système",
"Theme": "Thème",
"Light": "Clair",
"Dark": "Sombre",
"Database": "Base de données",
"Export a full backup": "Exporter une sauvegarde complète",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "Génère un fichier ZIP de toutes vos données que vous pouvez importer ailleurs.",
"Import from backup": "Importer depuis la sauvegarde",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Prend en charge les sauvegardes complètes exportées par cette application",
"Version": "Version",
"Join the Telegram group": "Rejoignez le groupe Telegram",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "pour signaler des problèmes, faire des suggestions et des remarques",
"Author": "Auteur·e",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"New recipe": "Nouvelle recette",
"Edit recipe": "Modifier la recette",
"Title": "Titre",
"Category": "Catégorie",
"Preparation time": "Temps de préparation",
"Cooking time": "Temps de cuisson",
"Yield quantity": "Quantité de rendement",
"Yield measured in": "Rendement mesuré en",
"Ingredient": "Ingrédient",
"Ingredients": "Ingrédients",
"Instruction": "Instruction",
"Instructions": "Instructions",
"Combinations": "Combinaisons",
"Note": "Note",
"Notes": "Notes",
"Item": "Élément",
"Step": "Étape",
"Sort by": "Trier par",
"Select a recipe": "Sélectionnez une recette",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "Ajoutez des recettes pour les voir ici.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "Ma recette saine",
"db": "Base de données",
"expBu": "Exporter une sauvegarde complète",
"buInfo": "Génère un fichier ZIP contenant toutes vos données qui peuvent être réimportées",
"impBu": "Importer les données",
"impInfo": "Prend en charge les sauvegardes complètes exportées par cette application",
"ver": "Version",
"joinTG": "Rejoignez le groupe Telegram",
"tgInfo": "Pour signaler des problèmes, faire des suggestions et des remarques",
"newRec": "Nouvelle recette",
"editRec": "Modifier la recette",
"title": "Titre",
"cat": "Catégorie",
"prepT": "Temps de préparation",
"cookT": "Temps de cuisson",
"yieldQ": "Quantité de portion",
"yieldU": "Unité de portion",
"ing": "Ingrédient",
"ings": "Ingrédients",
"ins": "Instruction",
"inss": "Instructions",
"cmb": "Combinaison",
"cmbs": "Combinaisons",
"no": "Note",
"nos": "Notes",
"it": "Élément",
"stp": "Étape",
"srt": "Trier par",
"cBtn": "ANNULER",
"rBtn": "RETIRER",
"rmCuiInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer la cuisine :",
"rmCatInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer la catégorie :",
"rmYUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer l'unité de rendement :",
"rmUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer l’unité :",
"rmLIInfo": "Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées",
"aBtn": "AJOUTER",
"selRec": "Sélectionner une recette",
"recListEmp": "Rien ici ! Ajoutez quelques recettes et réessayez",
"recTitle": "Ma recette saine",
"hr": "h",
"min": "min",
"Photo": "Photo",
"Recipe": "Recette",
"Overview": "Aperçu",
"Share": "Partager",
"shr": "Partager",
"pht": "Photo de recette",
"rec": "Recette comme texte",
"fil": "Recette comme fichier",
"ovw": "Aperçu",
"aNBtn": "AJOUTER",
"Restart required": "Redémarrage de l’appli nécessaire",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser le nouveau thème.",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser la nouvelle langue.",
"Grant permission": "Autoriser",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "Accordez l’autorisation de stockage pour importer vos données à partir d’une sauvegarde précédente.",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "Accordez l’autorisation de stockage pour sauvegarder les données EnRecipe sur l’appareil.",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "Ajoutez une recette d’abord pour effectuer une sauvegarde.",
"Added to Favourites": "Ajouté aux favoris",
"Removed from Favourites": "Retiré des favoris",
"Added to Try Later": "Ajouté à Essayer plus tard",
"Removed from Try Later": "Retiré d’Essayer plus tard",
"Delete recipe?": "Supprimer la recette ?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Supprimer la recette",
"Search": "Chercher",
"Unsaved changes": "Modifications non enregistrées",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "Annuler toutes les modifications non enregistrées de cette recette ?",
"Remove ingredient?": "Retirer l’ingrédient ?",
"Remove instruction?": "Retirer l’instruction ?",
"Remove combination?": "Retirer la combinaison ?",
"Remove note?": "Retirer la note ?",
"New yield unit": "Nouvelle unité de rendement",
"New category": "Nouvelle catégorie",
"Required": "Obligatoire",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "Accordez l’autorisation de stockage pour enregistrer une photo de recette.",
"Recipe photo": "Photo de recette",
"Crop photo": "Recadrer la photo",
"appRst": "Redémarrage de l’appli nécessaire",
"rst": "REDÉMARRER",
"nThmInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser le nouveau thème",
"nLangInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser la nouvelle langue",
"grant": "Accorder l’accès",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes nécessite une autorisation de stockage pour définir la photo de recette, exporter et importer des données",
"conBtn": "CONTINUER",
"dend": "Accès refusé",
"aFBu": "Ajouter une recette pour effectuer une sauvegarde",
"favd": "Ajouté aux Favoris",
"unfavd": "Retiré des Favoris",
"aTry": "Ajouté à Essayer plus tard",
"rmTry": "Retiré d’Essayer plus tard",
"conf": "Confirmer",
"delRecInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement la recette :",
"delRecsInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement :",
"recs": "recettes",
"sltd": "sélectionné",
"dBtn": "SUPPRIMER",
"ser": "Chercher",
"unsaved": "Modifications non enregistrées",
"disc": "Cette recette a des modifications non enregistrées. Que voudriez-vous faire ?",
"disBtn": "IGNORER",
"kEdit": "CONTINUER",
"rmIng": "Ingrédient retiré",
"rmIns": "Instruction retirée",
"rmN": "Note retirée",
"rmCmb": "Combinaison retirée",
"nwYiU": "Nouvelle unité de portion",
"nwCat": "Nouvelle catégorie",
"req": "Obligatoire",
"recPic": "Photo de recette",
"cPic": "Recadrer la photo",
"breakfast": "Petit déjeuner",
"lunch": "déjeuner",
"dinner": "dîner",
"snacks": "en-cas",
"You tried this recipe:": "Vous avez essayé cette recette :",
"triedInfo": "Vous avez essayé cette recette :",
"today": "aujourd’hui",
"yesterday": "hier",
"days ago": "jours de ça",
"weeks ago": "semaines de ça",
"months ago": "mois de ça",
"long time ago": "il y a longtemps",
"Verifying...": "Vérification…",
"Import successful": "Importé",
"Permission denied": "Autorisation refusée",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Partagé via EnRecipes. Téléchargez-le sur F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid ou le Play Store.",
"Contributors": "Contributeur·ice·s",
"Translator": "Traduit par",
"View on GitHub": "Voir sur GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Politique de confidentialité",
"User guide": "Guide d’utilisation",
"Options": "Options",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Secouez pour voir une recette au hasard",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Vous aide quand vous ne pouvez pas décider quoi cuisiner",
"Reset": "Réinitialiser",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "La réinitialisation des listes ne restaure que les entrées par défaut supprimées. Les entrées existantes ne sont pas supprimées.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Réinitialiser la liste des cuisines",
"Reset categories list": "Réinitialiser la liste des catégories",
"Reset yield units list": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités de rendement",
"Reset units list": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités",
"Reset successful": "Réinitialisation terminée",
"Recipe not found": "Recette introuvable",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Impossible de trouver de telles recettes.",
"dAgo": "jours de ça",
"wAgo": "semaines de ça",
"mAgo": "mois de ça",
"ltAgo": "il y a longtemps",
"vrfy": "Vérification",
"appCrd": "Partagé via EnRecipes. Téléchargez-le sur F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid ou le Play Store.",
"gh": "Voir sur GitHub",
"priv": "Politique de confidentialité",
"guide": "Guide d’utilisation",
"opts": "Options",
"sVw": "Secouez pour voir une recette au hasard",
"sVwInfo": "Vous aide à choisir quoi cuisiner quand vous ne pouvez pas vous décider",
"rest": "Réinitialiser",
"restCuiL": "Réinitialiser la liste de cuisine",
"restCatL": "Réinitialiser la liste des catégories",
"restYUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités de portion",
"restUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités",
"restInfo": "La réinitialisation d’une liste supprimera les entrées créées par l’utilisateur et restaurera les entrées par défaut. Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées.",
"restDone": "Réinitialisation terminée",
"resNF": "Recette introuvable",
"Quickest first": "La plus rapide d’abord",
"Slowest first": "La plus lente d’abord",
"Rating": "Évaluation",
@ -220,17 +219,12 @@
"Easy": "Facile",
"Moderate": "Modéré",
"Challenging": "Difficile",
"New cuisine": "Nouvelle cuisine",
"New unit": "Nouvelle unité",
"Remove cuisine?": "Retirer la cuisine ?",
"Remove category?": "Supprimer la catégorie ?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Retirer l’unité de rendement ?",
"Remove unit?": "Retirer l’unité ?",
"Units": "Unités",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir désinstaller",
"Cuisine": "Cuisine",
"Cuisines": "Cuisines",
"All Cuisines": "Toutes les cuisines",
"newCui": "Nouvelle cuisine",
"newUnit": "Nouvelle unité",
"Unit": "Unité",
"cui": "Cuisine",
"cuis": "Cuisines",
"allCuis": "Toutes les cuisines",
"American": "états-unienne",
"Brazilian": "Brésilienne",
"British": "Britannique",
@ -261,209 +255,51 @@
"Thai": "Thaïlandaise",
"Turkish": "Turque",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamienne",
"All Categories": "toutes les catégories",
"All Tags": "Toutes les étiquettes",
"No tags available": "Aucune étiquette disponible",
"Tags": "Étiquettes",
"separate with spaces": "séparer avec des espaces",
"Import summary": "Récapitulatif de l’importation",
"recipes found": "recettes trouvées",
"recipes imported": "recettes importées",
"recipes already exists": "recettes existent déjà",
"recipes updated": "recettes mises à jour",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "Résultat filtré",
"Created": "Créé le",
"Star rating": "Évaluation étoilée",
"Untitled Recipe": "Recette sans titre",
"Remove recipe from breakfast?": "Retirer la recette du petit déjeuner ?",
"Remove recipe from lunch?": "Retirer la recette du déjeuner ?",
"Remove recipe from dinner?": "Retirer la recette du dîner ?",
"Remove recipe from snacks?": "Retirer la recette des en-cas ?",
"Import failed": "L’importation a échoué",
"Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.": "Fichier de sauvegarde malformé ou corrompu.",
"Backup file seems empty.": "La sauvegarde est vide.",
"Backup file has been modified externally.": "Fichier de sauvegarde modifié ailleurs.",
"Invalid file:": "Fichier invalide :",
"Donate": "Faire un don",
"Combination": "Combinaison",
"help": "Aide",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes est un livre de cuisine numérique à code source ouvert et respectueux de la vie privée qui vous permet de créer, gérer et partager vos recettes",
"donate": "Faire un don",
"invFile": "Fichier invalide",
"buSuc": "Sauvegarde enregistrée avec succès dans le dossier de téléchargement",
"buMod": "Le fichier de sauvegarde a été modifié ailleurs",
"buEmp": "La sauvegarde est vide",
"buInc": "Fichier de sauvegarde mal formé ou corrompu",
"impFail": "L’importation a échoué",
"recRm": "Recette supprimée",
"untRec": "Recette sans titre",
"stars": "Évaluation étoilée",
"Filtered recipes": "Recettes filtrées",
"allCats": "Toutes les catégories",
"allTs": "Toutes les étiquettes",
"noTs": "Aucune étiquette disponible",
"ts": "Étiquettes",
"tsInfo": "séparez par des espaces",
"impSuc": "Importation réussie",
"recF": "recettes trouvées",
"recI": "recettes importées",
"recE": "recettes existent déjà",
"recU": "recettes mises à jour",
"recI": "recettes importées",
"recF": "recettes trouvées",
"impSuc": "Importation réussie",
"tsInfo": "séparez par des espaces",
"ts": "Étiquettes",
"noTs": "Aucune étiquette disponible",
"allTs": "Toutes les étiquettes",
"allCats": "Toutes les catégories",
"allCuis": "Toutes les cuisines",
"cuis": "Cuisines",
"cui": "Cuisine",
"newUnit": "Nouvelle unité",
"newCui": "Nouvelle cuisine",
"resNF": "Recette introuvable",
"restDone": "Réinitialisation terminée",
"restInfo": "La réinitialisation d’une liste supprimera les entrées créées par l’utilisateur et restaurera les entrées par défaut. Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées.",
"restUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités",
"restYUL": "Réinitialiser la liste des unités de portion",
"restCatL": "Réinitialiser la liste des catégories",
"restCuiL": "Réinitialiser la liste de cuisine",
"rest": "Réinitialiser",
"sVwInfo": "Vous aide à choisir quoi cuisiner quand vous ne pouvez pas vous décider",
"sVw": "Secouez pour voir une recette au hasard",
"opts": "Options",
"guide": "Guide d’utilisation",
"priv": "Politique de confidentialité",
"gh": "Voir sur GitHub",
"appCrd": "Partagé via EnRecipes. Téléchargez-le sur F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid ou le Play Store.",
"vrfy": "Vérification",
"ltAgo": "il y a longtemps",
"mAgo": "mois de ça",
"wAgo": "semaines de ça",
"dAgo": "jours de ça",
"triedInfo": "Vous avez essayé cette recette :",
"cPic": "Recadrer la photo",
"recPic": "Photo de recette",
"req": "Obligatoire",
"nwCat": "Nouvelle catégorie",
"nwYiU": "Nouvelle unité de portion",
"rmCmb": "Combinaison retirée",
"rmN": "Note retirée",
"rmIns": "Instruction retirée",
"rmIng": "Ingrédient retiré",
"kEdit": "CONTINUER",
"disBtn": "IGNORER",
"disc": "Cette recette a des modifications non enregistrées. Que voudriez-vous faire ?",
"unsaved": "Modifications non enregistrées",
"ser": "Chercher",
"dBtn": "SUPPRIMER",
"delRecInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement la recette :",
"delRec": "Confirmation de suppression",
"conf": "Confirmer",
"rmTry": "Retiré d’Essayer plus tard",
"aTry": "Ajouté à Essayer plus tard",
"unfavd": "Retiré des Favoris",
"favd": "Ajouté aux Favoris",
"aFBu": "Ajouter une recette pour effectuer une sauvegarde",
"dend": "Accès refusé",
"conBtn": "CONTINUER",
"phtReq": "Une autorisation de stockage est requise pour définir une photo de recette.",
"impReq": "Une autorisation de stockage est requise pour importer des données.",
"expReq": "Une autorisation de stockage est requise pour exporter une sauvegarde.",
"grant": "Accorder l’accès",
"nLangInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser la nouvelle langue",
"nThmInfo": "Redémarrez EnRecipes pour utiliser le nouveau thème",
"rst": "REDÉMARRER",
"appRst": "Redémarrage de l’appli nécessaire",
"aNBtn": "AJOUTER",
"shr": "Partager",
"ovw": "Aperçu",
"rec": "Recette comme texte",
"pht": "Photo de recette",
"recTitle": "Ma recette saine",
"recListEmp": "Rien ici ! Ajoutez quelques recettes et réessayez",
"selRec": "Sélectionner une recette",
"aBtn": "AJOUTER",
"rmLIInfo": "Les recettes existantes ne seront pas affectées",
"rmUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer l’unité :",
"rmYUInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer l'unité de rendement :",
"rmCatInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de retirer la catégorie :",
"rmCuiInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer la cuisine :",
"rBtn": "RETIRER",
"cBtn": "ANNULER",
"srt": "Trier par",
"stp": "Étape",
"it": "Élément",
"nos": "Notes",
"no": "Note",
"cmbs": "Combinaisons",
"cmb": "Combinaison",
"inss": "Instructions",
"ins": "Instruction",
"ings": "Ingrédients",
"ing": "Ingrédient",
"yieldU": "Unité de portion",
"yieldQ": "Quantité de portion",
"cookT": "Temps de cuisson",
"prepT": "Temps de préparation",
"cat": "Catégorie",
"title": "Titre",
"editRec": "Modifier la recette",
"newRec": "Nouvelle recette",
"tgInfo": "Pour signaler des problèmes, faire des suggestions et des remarques",
"joinTG": "Rejoignez le groupe Telegram",
"ver": "Version",
"impInfo": "Prend en charge les sauvegardes complètes exportées par cette application",
"impBu": "Importer les données",
"buInfo": "Génère un fichier ZIP contenant toutes vos données qui peuvent être réimportées",
"expBu": "Exporter une sauvegarde complète",
"db": "Base de données",
"sysDef": "Selon le système",
"lang": "Langue",
"intf": "Interface",
"noRecsInFtr": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans les recettes filtrées",
"noRecsInFavs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste des favoris",
"noRecsInTL": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recherche dans la liste Essayer plus tard",
"noRecs": "Aucune recette ne correspond à votre recette",
"fsList": "Vos recettes favorites sont listées ici",
"noFavs": "Pas encore de favoris",
"tLInfo": "Les recettes que vous voulez essayer plus tard sont listées ici",
"aD": "Terminé !",
"pANo": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des notes",
"pACmb": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des combinaisons",
"pAIns": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des instructions",
"pAIng": "Utilisez le bouton crayon pour ajouter des ingrédients",
"plsAdd": "Utilisez le bouton plus pour en ajouter une",
"strAdd": "Commencez à ajouter vos recettes !",
"grocery": "Liste de courses",
"planner": "Organisateur de repas",
"favourites": "Favoris",
"trylater": "Essayer plus tard",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes nécessite une autorisation de stockage pour définir la photo de recette, exporter et importer des données",
"fil": "Recette comme fichier",
"SAT": "sam",
"FRI": "ven",
"THU": "jeu",
"WED": "mer",
"TUE": "mar",
"MON": "lun",
"SUN": "dim",
"sltd": "sélectionné",
"delRecsInfo": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer définitivement :",
"December": "décembre",
"November": "novembre",
"October": "octobre",
"September": "septembre",
"August": "août",
"July": "juillet",
"June": "juin",
"May": "mai",
"April": "avril",
"March": "mars",
"February": "février",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered recipes": "Recettes filtrées",
"Created": "Créé le",
"stars": "Évaluation étoilée",
"untRec": "Recette sans titre",
"recRm": "Recette supprimée",
"impFail": "L’importation a échoué",
"buInc": "Fichier de sauvegarde mal formé ou corrompu",
"buEmp": "La sauvegarde est vide",
"buMod": "Le fichier de sauvegarde a été modifié ailleurs",
"buSuc": "Sauvegarde enregistrée avec succès dans le dossier de téléchargement",
"invFile": "Fichier invalide",
"donate": "Faire un don",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes est un livre de cuisine numérique à code source ouvert et respectueux de la vie privée qui vous permet de créer, gérer et partager vos recettes",
"help": "Aide",
"January": "janvier",
"recs": "recettes",
"February": "février",
"March": "mars",
"April": "avril",
"May": "mai",
"June": "juin",
"July": "juillet",
"August": "août",
"September": "septembre",
"October": "octobre",
"November": "novembre",
"December": "décembre",
"SUN": "dim",
"MON": "lun",
"TUE": "mar",
"WED": "mer",
"THU": "jeu",
"FRI": "ven",
"SAT": "sam",
"trnsl": "Traduire",
"undo": "Annuler"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"app.name": "",
"EnRecipes": "",
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"trylater": "",
"favourites": "",
"planner": "",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"app.name": "",
"EnRecipes": "",
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"trylater": "",
"favourites": "",
"planner": "",
@ -87,10 +87,9 @@
"noFavs": "Ancora nessun preferito",
"fsList": "Le tue ricette preferite sono elencate qui",
"noRecs": "Nessuna ricetta corrisponde alla tua ricerca",
"noRecsInFavs": "Nessuna ricetta corrisponde alla tua ricerca nell’elenco dei preferiti",
"noRecsInTL": "Nessuna ricetta corrisponde alla tua ricerca nell’elenco Prova più tardi",
"noRecsInFavs": "Nessuna ricetta corrisponde alla tua ricerca nell’elenco dei preferiti",
"noRecsInFtr": "Nessuna ricetta corrisponde alla tua ricerca nelle ricette filtrate",
"noRecsHint": "",
"intf": "Interfaccia",
"lang": "Lingua",
"sysDef": "Predefinito del sistema",
@ -141,10 +140,11 @@
"recTitle": "La mia ricetta sana",
"hr": "h",
"min": "min",
"shr": "Condividi",
"pht": "Foto ricetta",
"rec": "Ricetta come testo",
"fil": "Ricetta come file",
"ovw": "Panoramica",
"shr": "Condividi",
"appRst": "Riavvio dell'app necessario",
@ -152,9 +152,7 @@
"nThmInfo": "Riavvia EnRecipes per utilizzare il nuovo tema",
"nLangInfo": "Riavvia EnRecipes per utilizzare la nuova lingua",
"grant": "Concedi l'accesso",
"expReq": "",
"impReq": "",
"phtReq": "",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes richiede l'autorizzazione all'archiviazione per impostare la foto della ricetta, esportare e importare i dati",
"nNBtn": "NON ADESSO",
"conBtn": "CONTINUA",
"dend": "Accesso negato",
@ -164,8 +162,10 @@
"aTry": "Aggiunta a Prova più tardi",
"rmTry": "Rimosso da Prova più tardi",
"conf": "Conferma",
"delRec": "",
"delRecInfo": "Stai per eliminare definitivamente la ricetta:",
"delRecsInfo": "Stai per eliminare definitivamente:",
"recs": "ricette",
"sltd": "selezionato",
"dBtn": "ELIMINA",
"ser": "Cerca",
"unsaved": "Modifiche non salvate",
@ -280,31 +280,26 @@
"donate": "Dona",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes è un ricettario digitale a codice aperto e rispettoso della riservatezza che ti consente di creare, gestire e condividere le tue ricette",
"help": "Aiuto",
"fil": "Ricetta come file",
"recs": "ricette",
"delRecsInfo": "Stai per eliminare definitivamente:",
"sltd": "selezionato",
"SAT": "sab",
"FRI": "ven",
"THU": "gio",
"WED": "mer",
"TUE": "mar",
"MON": "lun",
"SUN": "dom",
"December": "dicembre",
"November": "novembre",
"October": "ottobre",
"September": "settembre",
"August": "agosto",
"July": "luglio",
"June": "giugno",
"May": "maggio",
"April": "aprile",
"March": "marzo",
"February": "febbraio",
"January": "gennaio",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes richiede l'autorizzazione all'archiviazione per impostare la foto della ricetta, esportare e importare i dati",
"January": "gennaio",
"February": "febbraio",
"March": "marzo",
"April": "aprile",
"May": "maggio",
"June": "giugno",
"July": "luglio",
"August": "agosto",
"September": "settembre",
"October": "ottobre",
"November": "novembre",
"December": "dicembre",
"SUN": "dom",
"MON": "lun",
"TUE": "mar",
"WED": "mer",
"THU": "gio",
"FRI": "ven",
"SAT": "sab",
"trnsl": "Traduci",
"undo": "Annulla"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"app.name": "",
"EnRecipes": "",
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"trylater": "",
"favourites": "",
"planner": "",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"app.name": "",
"EnRecipes": "",
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"trylater": "",
"favourites": "",
"planner": "",
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"Try Later": "Prøv igjen senere",
"Favourites": "Favoritter",
"Meal Planner": "Måltidsplanlegger",
"Categories": "Kategorier",
"trylater": "Prøv igjen senere",
"favourites": "Favoritter",
"planner": "Måltidsplanlegger",
"grocery": "Handleliste",
"Settings": "Innstillinger",
"About": "Om",
"Appetizers": "Forretter",
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
"Patty": "Burger",
"Loaf": "Leiv",
"unit": "enhet",
"Unit": "Enhet",
"tsp": "ts",
"dsp": "bs",
"tbsp": "ss",
@ -77,139 +76,139 @@
"small": "liten",
"medium": "middels",
"large": "stor",
"Start adding your recipes!": "Legg til dine oppskrifter.",
"Use the plus button to add one": "Bruk +knappen for å legge til en",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "Bruk blyant-knappen for å legge til indigredienser",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "Bruk blyant-knappen for å legge instruksjoner",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "Bruk blyant-knappen for å legge til noen kombinasjoner",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "Bruk blyant-knappen for å legge til nonen anmerkninger",
"All done!": "Ferdig.",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "Oppskrifter du vil prøve senere vil vises her",
"No favourites yet": "Ingen favoritter enda",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "Oppskrifter du merker som favoritter vil vises her",
"Category looks empty": "Tom kategori",
"No recipes found": "Fant ingen oppskrifter",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "Fant ingen slike oppskrifter",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "Fant ingen slike oppskrifter i denne kategorien",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "Fant ingen slike oppskrifter i dine favoritter",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "Fant ingen slike oppskrifter for senere bruk",
"Interface": "Grensesnitt",
"App language": "Programspråk",
"System default": "Systemforvalg",
"strAdd": "Begynn å legge til oppskriftene dine.",
"plsAdd": "Bruk \"+\"-knappen for å legge til en",
"pAIng": "Bruk blyantknappen for å legge til ingredienser",
"pAIns": "Bruk blyantknappen for å legge til instrukser",
"pACmb": "Bruk blyantknappen for å legge til kombinasjoner",
"pANo": "Bruk blyantknappen for å legge til notiser",
"aD": "Ferdig.",
"tLInfo": "Oppskrifter du ønsker å prøve senere listes opp her",
"noFavs": "Ingen favoritter enda",
"fsList": "Dine favorittoppskrifter listes opp her",
"noRecs": "Ingen oppskrifter samsvarte med søket ditt",
"noRecsInTL": "Ingen oppskrifter samsvarte med søke ditt i «Prøves senere»-listen",
"noRecsInFavs": "Ingen oppskrifter samsvarer med ditt søk i favorittlisten",
"noRecsInFtr": "Ingen oppskrifter samsvarer med ditt søk i filtrerte oppskrifter",
"intf": "Grensesnitt",
"lang": "Språk",
"sysDef": "Systemforvalg",
"Theme": "Drakt",
"Light": "Lys",
"Dark": "Mørk",
"Database": "Database",
"Export a full backup": "Eksporter en full sikkerhetskopi",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "Lager en ZIP-fil som har all din data. Den kan du importere andre steder.",
"Import from backup": "Importer fra sikkerhetskopi",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Støtter fulle sikkerhetskopier eksporter av programmet",
"Version": "Versjon",
"Join the Telegram group": "Ta del i Telegram-gruppen",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "for innrapportering av feil, forslag og tilbakemeldinger",
"Author": "Utvikler",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B.",
"New recipe": "Ny oppskrift",
"Edit recipe": "Rediger oppskrift",
"Title": "Tittel",
"Category": "Kategori",
"Preparation time": "Forberedelsestid",
"Cooking time": "Tilberedningstid",
"Yield quantity": "Kapasitet antall",
"Yield measured in": "Avkastning målt i",
"Ingredient": "Indigrediens",
"Ingredients": "Indigredienser",
"ADD INGREDIENT": "Legg til indigrediens",
"Instruction": "Instruksjon",
"Instructions": "Instruksjoner",
"ADD STEP": "Legg til trinn",
"Combinations": "Kombinasjoner",
"ADD COMBINATION": "Legg til kombinasjon",
"Note": "Anmerkning",
"Notes": "Anmerkninger",
"ADD NOTE": "Legg til anmerkning",
"Item": "Element",
"Step": "Trinn",
"Sort by": "Sorter etter",
"CANCEL": "Avbryt",
"REMOVE": "Fjern",
"ADD": "Legg til",
"Select a recipe": "Velg en oppskrift",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "Legg til oppskrifter for å se dem her.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "Min sunne oppskrift",
"db": "Database",
"expBu": "Eksporter full sikkerhetskopi",
"buInfo": "Genererer en ZIP-fil inneholdende all din data som kan importeres tilbake",
"impBu": "Importer data",
"impInfo": "Støtter fulle sikkerhetskopier eksportert av dette programmet",
"ver": "Versjon",
"joinTG": "Ta del i Telegram-gruppen",
"tgInfo": "For innrapportering av problemer, forslag og tilbakemeldinger",
"newRec": "Ny oppskrift",
"editRec": "Rediger oppskrift",
"title": "Tittel",
"cat": "Kategori",
"prepT": "Tilberedelsestid",
"cookT": "Koketid",
"yieldQ": "Avkastningsmengde",
"yieldU": "Avkastningsenhet",
"ing": "Ingrediens",
"ings": "Ingredienser",
"aIngBtn": "Legg til ingrediens",
"ins": "Instruks",
"inss": "Instrukser",
"aStpBtn": "Legg til steg",
"cmb": "Kombinasjon",
"cmbs": "Kombinasjoner",
"addCmbBtn": "Legg til kombinasjon",
"no": "Notis",
"nos": "Notiser",
"aNoBtn": "Legg til notis",
"it": "Element",
"stp": "Steg",
"srt": "Sorter etter",
"cBtn": "Avbryt",
"rBtn": "Fjern",
"rmCuiInfo": "Du er i ferd med å fjerne dette kjøkkenet:",
"rmCatInfo": "Du er i ferd med å fjerne kategorien:",
"rmYUInfo": "Du er i ferd med å fjerne avkastningsenheten:",
"rmUInfo": "Du er i ferd med å fjerne enheten:",
"rmLIInfo": "Eksisterende oppskrifter vil ikke endres",
"aBtn": "Legg til",
"selRec": "Velg oppskrift",
"recListEmp": "Legg til oppskrifter for å se dem her",
"recTitle": "Min sunne oppskrift",
"hr": "t",
"min": "min",
"Photo": "Bilde",
"Recipe": "Oppskrift",
"Overview": "Oversikt",
"Share": "Del",
"ADD NEW": "Legg til ny",
"shr": "Del",
"pht": "Oppskriftsbilde",
"rec": "Oppskrift som tekst",
"fil": "Oppskrift som fil",
"ovw": "Oversikt",
"aNBtn": "Legg til ny",
"SET": "Sett",
"Restart required": "Omstart kreves",
"RESTART": "Omstart",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "Start programmet ny for å ikle ny drakt.",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "Start programmet på ny for å bruke nytt språk.",
"Grant permission": "Innvilg tilgang",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "Innvilg lagringstilgang for å importere dataen din fra en tidligere sikkerhetskopi.",
"NOT NOW": "Ikke nå",
"CONTINUE": "Fortsett",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "Innvilg lagringstilgang for å sikkerhetskopiere dataen din til enheten.",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "Legg til minst én oppskrift for å utføre en sikkerhetskopi",
"Added to Favourites": "Lagt til i favoritter",
"Removed from Favourites": "Fjernet fra favoritter",
"Added to Try Later": "Lagt til for senere bruk",
"Removed from Try Later": "Fjernet fra prøv senere",
"Delete recipe?": "Slett oppskrift?",
"DELETE": "Slett",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Er du sikker på at du vil slette oppskrift",
"Search": "Søk",
"Unsaved changes": "Ulagrede endringer",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "Er du sikker på at du vil forkaste alle ulagrede endringer i denne oppskriften?",
"DISCARD": "Forkast",
"KEEP EDITING": "Rediger videre",
"Remove ingredient?": "Fjern indigrediens?",
"Remove instruction?": "Fjern instruksjon?",
"Remove combination?": "Fjern kombinasjon?",
"Remove note?": "Fjern anmerkning?",
"New yield unit": "Ny utbytteenhet",
"New category": "Ny kategori",
"Required": "Påkrevd",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "Innvilg lagringstilgang for å sette oppskriftsbilde.",
"Recipe photo": "Oppskriftsbilde",
"REPLACE PHOTO": "Erstatt bilde",
"Crop photo": "Beskjær bilde",
"appRst": "Programomstart kreves",
"rst": "Omstart",
"nThmInfo": "Ny drakt vil ikles når programmet startes på ny",
"nLangInfo": "Nytt språk tas i bruk når programmet startes på ny",
"grant": "Innvilg tilgang",
"reqAcc": "Programmet krever lagringstilgang for å sette oppskriftsbilde, eksportere og importere data",
"nNBtn": "Ikke nå",
"conBtn": "Fortsett",
"dend": "Tilgang nektet",
"aFBu": "Legg til en oppskrift for å utføre sikkerhetskopi",
"favd": "Lagt til i favoritter",
"unfavd": "Fjernet fra favoritter",
"aTry": "Lagt til i «Prøves senere»",
"rmTry": "Fjernet fra «Prøves senere»",
"conf": "Bekreft",
"delRecInfo": "Du er i ferd med å slette denne oppskriften for godt:",
"delRecsInfo": "Du er i ferd med å slette dette for godt:",
"recs": "oppskrifter",
"sltd": "valgt",
"dBtn": "Slett",
"ser": "Søk",
"unsaved": "Ulagrede endringer",
"disc": "Denne oppskriften har ulagrede endringer. Hva ønsker du å gjøre?",
"disBtn": "Forkast",
"kEdit": "Fortsett å redigere",
"rmIng": "Ingrediens fjernet",
"rmIns": "Instruks fjernet",
"rmN": "Notis fjernet",
"rmCmb": "Kombinasjon fjernet",
"nwYiU": "Ny avkastningsenhet",
"nwCat": "Ny kategori",
"req": "Påkreft",
"recPic": "Oppskriftsbilde",
"repBtn": "Erstatt bilde",
"cPic": "Beskjær bilde",
"breakfast": "frokost",
"lunch": "lunsj",
"dinner": "middag",
"snacks": "snacks",
"You tried this recipe:": "Du har prøvd denne oppskriften:",
"triedInfo": "Du prøvde denne oppskriften:",
"today": "i dag",
"yesterday": "i går",
"days ago": "dager siden",
"weeks ago": "uker siden",
"months ago": "måneder siden",
"long time ago": "for lenge siden",
"Verifying...": "Bekrefter …",
"Import successful": "Importert",
"Permission denied": "Tilgang nektet",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Delt via EnRecipes. Skaff de på F-Droid eller IzzyOnDroid.",
"Contributors": "Bidragsytere",
"Translator": "Oversatt av",
"View on GitHub": "Vis på GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Personvernspraksis",
"User guide": "Brukerguide",
"Options": "Innstillinger",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Rist for å vise tilfeldig oppskrift",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Hjelper deg å velge hva du skal lage når du ikke kan bestemme deg",
"Reset": "Tilbakestill",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "TIlbakestilling av lister gjenoppretter kun forvalgte oppføringer. Eksisterende oppføringer slettes ikke.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Tilbakestill kjøkkenliste",
"Reset categories list": "Tilbakestill kategoriliste",
"Reset yield units list": "Tilbakestill utbytteenhetsliste",
"Reset units list": "TIlbakestill enhetslister",
"Reset successful": "Tilbakestilt",
"Recipe not found": "Fant ikke oppskrift",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Fant ingen slike oppskrifter",
"dAgo": "dager siden",
"wAgo": "uker siden",
"mAgo": "måneder siden",
"ltAgo": "for lenge siden",
"vrfy": "Bekrefter",
"appCrd": "Delt via EnRecipes. Hent det på F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid eller Play-butikken.",
"gh": "Vis på GitHib",
"priv": "Personvernspraksis",
"guide": "Brukerveilending",
"opts": "Innstillinger",
"sVw": "Rist for å vise tilfeldig oppskrift",
"sVwInfo": "Hjelper deg å velge hva du skal lage når du ikke kan bestemme deg",
"rest": "Tilbakestill",
"restCuiL": "Tilbakestill kjøkkenliste",
"restCatL": "Tilbakestill kategoriliste",
"restYUL": "Tilbakestill avkastningsenhetsliste",
"restUL": "Tilbakestill enhetsliste",
"restInfo": "Tilbakestilling av en liste vil slette brukeropprettede oppføringer og gjenopprette forvalgte oppføringer. Eksisterende oppføringer vil ikke påvirkes.",
"restDone": "Tilbakestilt",
"resNF": "Fant ikke oppskrift",
"Quickest first": "Raskeste først",
"Slowest first": "Tregeste først",
"Rating": "Vudering",
@ -220,17 +219,12 @@
"Easy": "Enkelt",
"Moderate": "Moderat",
"Challenging": "Utfordrende",
"New cuisine": "Nytt kjøkken",
"New unit": "Ny enhet",
"Remove cuisine?": "Fjern kjøkken?",
"Remove category?": "Fjern kategori?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Fjern utbytteenhet?",
"Remove unit?": "Fjern enhet?",
"Units": "Enheter",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne",
"Cuisine": "Kjøkken",
"Cuisines": "Kjøkken",
"All Cuisines": "Alle kjøkken",
"newCui": "Nytt kjøkken",
"newUnit": "Ny enhet",
"Unit": "Enhet",
"cui": "Kjøkken",
"cuis": "Kjøkken",
"allCuis": "Alle kjøkken",
"American": "Amerikansk",
"Brazilian": "Brasiliansk",
"British": "Britisk",
@ -261,205 +255,51 @@
"Thai": "Thailandsk",
"Turkish": "Tyrkisk",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamesisk",
"All Categories": "Alle kategorier",
"All Tags": "Alle etiketter",
"No tags available": "Ingen tilgjengelige etiketter",
"Tags": "Etiketter",
"separate with spaces": "inndel med mellomrom",
"Import summary": "Importsammendrag",
"recipes found": "oppskrifter funnet",
"recipes imported": "oppskrifter importert",
"recipes already exists": "oppskrifter finnes allerede",
"recipes updated": "oppskrifter oppdatert",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "Filtrert resultat",
"Created": "Opprettet",
"Star rating": "Stjernevurdering",
"Untitled Recipe": "Oppskrift uten tittel",
"Remove recipe from breakfast?": "Fjern oppskrift fra frokost?",
"Remove recipe from lunch?": "Fjern oppskrift fra lunsj?",
"Remove recipe from dinner?": "Fjern oppskrift fra middag?",
"Remove recipe from snacks?": "Fjern oppskrift fra snacks?",
"Import failed": "Kunne ikke importere",
"Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.": "Sikkerhetskopifilen er feilformatert eller skadet.",
"Backup file seems empty.": "Sikkerhetskopifilen ser ut til å være tom.",
"Backup file has been modified externally.": "Sikkerhetskopifilen har blitt endret eksternt.",
"Invalid file:": "Ugyldig fil:",
"Donate": "Doner",
"Combination": "Kombinasjon",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes er et fritt kokeboksprogram som respekterer ditt personvern. Du kan opprette lage og dele dine oppskrifter.",
"restInfo": "Tilbakestilling av en liste vil slette brukeropprettede oppføringer og gjenopprette forvalgte oppføringer. Eksisterende oppføringer vil ikke påvirkes.",
"restUL": "Tilbakestill enhetsliste",
"restYUL": "Tilbakestill avkastningsenhetsliste",
"restCatL": "Tilbakestill kategoriliste",
"restCuiL": "Tilbakestill kjøkkenliste",
"sVwInfo": "Hjelper deg å velge hva du skal lage når du ikke kan bestemme deg",
"sVw": "Rist for å vise tilfeldig oppskrift",
"nwYiU": "Ny avkastningsenhet",
"rmYUInfo": "Du er i ferd med å fjerne avkastningsenheten:",
"yieldU": "Avkastningsenhet",
"yieldQ": "Avkastningsmengde",
"SAT": "Sat",
"FRI": "Fre",
"THU": "Tor",
"WED": "Ons",
"TUE": "Tir",
"MON": "Man",
"SUN": "Søn",
"December": "Desember",
"November": "November",
"October": "Oktober",
"September": "September",
"August": "August",
"July": "July",
"June": "June",
"May": "May",
"April": "April",
"March": "March",
"February": "Februar",
"January": "Januar",
"trySer": "Søk i alle oppskriftene?",
"help": "Hjelp",
"donate": "Doner",
"invFile": "Ugyldig fil",
"buSuc": "Sikkerhetskopi lagret i nedlastingsmappe",
"buMod": "Sikkerhetskopifilen ble endret annetsteds hen",
"buEmp": "Sikkerhetskopifilen er tom",
"buInc": "Feilformatert eller skadet sikkerhetskopifil",
"impFail": "Import mislyktes",
"recRm": "Oppskrift fjernet",
"untRec": "Oppskrift uten tittel",
"stars": "Stjernevurdering",
"Filtered recipes": "Filtrerte oppskrifter",
"recU": "oppskrifter oppdatert",
"recE": "oppskrifter finnes allerede",
"recI": "oppskrifter importert",
"recF": "oppskrifter funnet",
"impSuc": "Importert",
"tsInfo": "inndel med mellomrom",
"ts": "Etiketter",
"noTs": "Ingen tilgjengelige etiketter",
"allTs": "Alle etiketter",
"allCats": "Alle kategorier",
"allCuis": "Alle kjøkken",
"cuis": "Kjøkken",
"cui": "Kjøkken",
"newUnit": "Ny enhet",
"newCui": "Nytt kjøkken",
"resNF": "Fant ikke oppskrift",
"restDone": "Tilbakestilt",
"rest": "Tilbakestill",
"opts": "Innstillinger",
"guide": "Brukerveilending",
"priv": "Personvernspraksis",
"gh": "Vis på GitHib",
"appCrd": "Delt via EnRecipes. Hent det på F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid eller Play-butikken.",
"vrfy": "Bekrefter",
"ltAgo": "for lenge siden",
"mAgo": "måneder siden",
"wAgo": "uker siden",
"dAgo": "dager siden",
"triedInfo": "Du prøvde denne oppskriften:",
"cPic": "Beskjær bilde",
"repBtn": "Erstatt bilde",
"recPic": "Oppskriftsbilde",
"req": "Påkreft",
"nwCat": "Ny kategori",
"rmCmb": "Kombinasjon fjernet",
"rmN": "Notis fjernet",
"rmIns": "Instruks fjernet",
"rmIng": "Ingrediens fjernet",
"kEdit": "Fortsett å redigere",
"disBtn": "Forkast",
"disc": "Denne oppskriften har ulagrede endringer. Hva ønsker du å gjøre?",
"unsaved": "Ulagrede endringer",
"ser": "Søk",
"dBtn": "Slett",
"sltd": "valgt",
"recs": "oppskrifter",
"delRecsInfo": "Du er i ferd med å slette dette for godt:",
"delRecInfo": "Du er i ferd med å slette denne oppskriften for godt:",
"rmTry": "Fjernet fra «Prøves senere»",
"conf": "Bekreft",
"aTry": "Lagt til i «Prøves senere»",
"unfavd": "Fjernet fra favoritter",
"favd": "Lagt til i favoritter",
"aFBu": "Legg til en oppskrift for å utføre sikkerhetskopi",
"dend": "Tilgang nektet",
"conBtn": "Fortsett",
"nNBtn": "Ikke nå",
"reqAcc": "Programmet krever lagringstilgang for å sette oppskriftsbilde, eksportere og importere data",
"grant": "Innvilg tilgang",
"nLangInfo": "Nytt språk tas i bruk når programmet startes på ny",
"nThmInfo": "Ny drakt vil ikles når programmet startes på ny",
"rst": "Omstart",
"appRst": "Programomstart kreves",
"aNBtn": "Legg til ny",
"ovw": "Oversikt",
"fil": "Oppskrift som fil",
"rec": "Oppskrift som tekst",
"pht": "Oppskriftsbilde",
"shr": "Del",
"recTitle": "Min sunne oppskrift",
"recListEmp": "Legg til oppskrifter for å se dem her",
"selRec": "Velg oppskrift",
"aBtn": "Legg til",
"rmLIInfo": "Eksisterende oppskrifter vil ikke endres",
"rmUInfo": "Du er i ferd med å fjerne enheten:",
"rmCatInfo": "Du er i ferd med å fjerne kategorien:",
"rmCuiInfo": "Du er i ferd med å fjerne dette kjøkkenet:",
"rBtn": "Fjern",
"cBtn": "Avbryt",
"srt": "Sorter etter",
"stp": "Steg",
"it": "Element",
"aNoBtn": "Legg til notis",
"nos": "Notiser",
"no": "Notis",
"addCmbBtn": "Legg til kombinasjon",
"cmbs": "Kombinasjoner",
"cmb": "Kombinasjon",
"aStpBtn": "Legg til steg",
"inss": "Instrukser",
"ins": "Instruks",
"aIngBtn": "Legg til ingrediens",
"ings": "Ingredienser",
"ing": "Ingrediens",
"cookT": "Koketid",
"prepT": "Tilberedelsestid",
"cat": "Kategori",
"title": "Tittel",
"editRec": "Rediger oppskrift",
"newRec": "Ny oppskrift",
"tgInfo": "For innrapportering av problemer, forslag og tilbakemeldinger",
"joinTG": "Ta del i Telegram-gruppen",
"ver": "Versjon",
"impInfo": "Støtter fulle sikkerhetskopier eksportert av dette programmet",
"impBu": "Importer data",
"buInfo": "Genererer en ZIP-fil inneholdende all din data som kan importeres tilbake",
"expBu": "Eksporter full sikkerhetskopi",
"db": "Database",
"sysDef": "Systemforvalg",
"lang": "Språk",
"intf": "Grensesnitt",
"noRecsInFtr": "Ingen oppskrifter samsvarer med ditt søk i filtrerte oppskrifter",
"noRecsInFavs": "Ingen oppskrifter samsvarer med ditt søk i favorittlisten",
"noRecsInTL": "Ingen oppskrifter samsvarte med søke ditt i «Prøves senere»-listen",
"noRecs": "Ingen oppskrifter samsvarte med søket ditt",
"fsList": "Dine favorittoppskrifter listes opp her",
"noFavs": "Ingen favoritter enda",
"tLInfo": "Oppskrifter du ønsker å prøve senere listes opp her",
"aD": "Ferdig.",
"pANo": "Bruk blyantknappen for å legge til notiser",
"pACmb": "Bruk blyantknappen for å legge til kombinasjoner",
"pAIns": "Bruk blyantknappen for å legge til instrukser",
"pAIng": "Bruk blyantknappen for å legge til ingredienser",
"strAdd": "Begynn å legge til oppskriftene dine.",
"plsAdd": "Bruk \"+\"-knappen for å legge til en",
"grocery": "Handleliste",
"planner": "Måltidsplanlegger",
"favourites": "Favoritter",
"trylater": "Prøv igjen senere",
"allTs": "Alle etiketter",
"noTs": "Ingen tilgjengelige etiketter",
"ts": "Etiketter",
"tsInfo": "inndel med mellomrom",
"impSuc": "Importert",
"recF": "oppskrifter funnet",
"recI": "oppskrifter importert",
"recE": "oppskrifter finnes allerede",
"recU": "oppskrifter oppdatert",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered recipes": "Filtrerte oppskrifter",
"Created": "Opprettet",
"stars": "Stjernevurdering",
"untRec": "Oppskrift uten tittel",
"recRm": "Oppskrift fjernet",
"impFail": "Import mislyktes",
"buInc": "Feilformatert eller skadet sikkerhetskopifil",
"buEmp": "Sikkerhetskopifilen er tom",
"buMod": "Sikkerhetskopifilen ble endret annetsteds hen",
"buSuc": "Sikkerhetskopi lagret i nedlastingsmappe",
"invFile": "Ugyldig fil",
"donate": "Doner",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes er et fritt kokeboksprogram som respekterer ditt personvern. Du kan opprette lage og dele dine oppskrifter.",
"help": "Hjelp",
"trySer": "Søk i alle oppskriftene?",
"January": "Januar",
"February": "Februar",
"March": "March",
"April": "April",
"May": "May",
"June": "June",
"July": "July",
"August": "August",
"September": "September",
"October": "Oktober",
"November": "November",
"December": "Desember",
"SUN": "Søn",
"MON": "Man",
"TUE": "Tir",
"WED": "Ons",
"THU": "Tor",
"FRI": "Fre",
"SAT": "Sat",
"trnsl": "Oversett",
"undo": "Angre"
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"Try Later": "Later proberen",
"Favourites": "Favoriten",
"Meal Planner": "Maaltijdenplanner",
"Categories": "Categorieën",
"trylater": "",
"favourites": "",
"planner": "",
"grocery": "",
"Settings": "Instellingen",
"About": "Over",
"Appetizers": "Voorgerechten",
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
"Patty": "Pasteitje",
"Loaf": "Brood",
"unit": "eenheid",
"Unit": "Eenheid",
"tsp": "TL",
"dsp": "SL",
"tbsp": "EL",
@ -77,139 +76,139 @@
"small": "kleine",
"medium": "middelgroot",
"large": "groot",
"Start adding your recipes!": "Begin met het toevoegen van uw recepten!",
"Use the plus button to add one": "Gebruik het plusteken om er een toe te voegen",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "Gebruik het potloodicoon om wat ingrediënten toe te voegen",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "Gebruik het potloodicoon om wat voorbereidingen toe te voegen",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "Gebruik het potloodicoon om enkele combinaties toe te voegen",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "Gebruik het potloodicoon om wat aantekeningen toe te voegen",
"All done!": "Alles klaar!",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "Recepten die u markeert als proberen later zal hier worden vermeld",
"No favourites yet": "Nog geen favorieten",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "Recepten die u als favoriet markeert staan hier vermeld",
"Category looks empty": "Categorie is leeg",
"No recipes found": "Geen recepten gevonden",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "Uw zoekopdracht kwam niet overeen met recepten",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "Uw zoekopdracht kwam niet overeen met recepten in deze categorie",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "Uw zoekopdracht kwam niet overeen met de recepten in uw favorieten",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "Uw zoekopdracht kwam niet overeen met de recepten in uw Try Later-lijst",
"Interface": "Gebruikersinterface",
"App language": "App taal",
"System default": "Systeem Standaard",
"strAdd": "",
"plsAdd": "",
"pAIng": "",
"pAIns": "",
"pACmb": "",
"pANo": "",
"aD": "",
"tLInfo": "",
"noFavs": "",
"fsList": "",
"noRecs": "",
"noRecsInTL": "",
"noRecsInFavs": "",
"noRecsInFtr": "",
"intf": "",
"lang": "",
"sysDef": "",
"Theme": "Thema",
"Light": "Helder",
"Dark": "Donker",
"Database": "Databank",
"Export a full backup": "Exporteren naar backup",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "Maakt een zip-bestand aan met alle gegevens. Dit bestand kan opnieuw worden geïmporteerd.",
"Import from backup": "Importieren vom Backup",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Ondersteunt volledige back-ups die vanuit deze app worden geëxporteerd",
"Version": "Versie",
"Join the Telegram group": "Sluit zich aan bij de telegrammengroep",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "voor het melden van problemen, suggesties en feedback",
"Author": "Auteur",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"New recipe": "Nieuw recept",
"Edit recipe": "Recept aanpassen",
"Title": "Titel",
"Category": "Categorie",
"Preparation time": "Voorbereidingstijd",
"Cooking time": "Kooktijd",
"Yield quantity": "Opbrengstbedrag",
"Yield measured in": "Opbrengst gemeten in",
"Ingredient": "Ingrediënt",
"Ingredients": "Ingrediënten",
"Instruction": "Voorbereiding",
"Instructions": "Voorbereidingen",
"Combinations": "Combinaties",
"Note": "Opmerking",
"Notes": "Opmerkingen",
"Item": "Artikel",
"Step": "Stap",
"Sort by": "Sorteren op",
"Select a recipe": "Recept selecteren",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "Niets hier! Voeg wat recepten toe en probeer het opnieuw.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "Mijn Gezond Recept",
"db": "",
"expBu": "",
"buInfo": "",
"impBu": "",
"impInfo": "",
"ver": "",
"joinTG": "",
"tgInfo": "",
"newRec": "",
"editRec": "",
"title": "",
"cat": "",
"prepT": "",
"cookT": "",
"yieldQ": "",
"yieldU": "",
"ing": "",
"ings": "",
"aIngBtn": "",
"ins": "",
"inss": "",
"aStpBtn": "",
"cmb": "",
"cmbs": "",
"addCmbBtn": "",
"no": "",
"nos": "",
"aNoBtn": "",
"it": "",
"stp": "",
"srt": "",
"cBtn": "",
"rBtn": "",
"rmCuiInfo": "",
"rmCatInfo": "",
"rmYUInfo": "",
"rmUInfo": "",
"rmLIInfo": "",
"aBtn": "",
"selRec": "",
"recListEmp": "",
"recTitle": "",
"hr": "h",
"min": "min",
"Photo": "FOTO",
"Recipe": "Recept",
"Overview": "Overzicht",
"Share": "Deel",
"shr": "",
"pht": "",
"rec": "",
"fil": "",
"ovw": "",
"aNBtn": "",
"Restart required": "Herstart nodig",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "EnRecipes moeten opnieuw worden opgestart om de wijziging van het onderwerp in werking te laten treden.",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "EnRecipes moeten opnieuw worden opgestart om de nieuw ingestelde taal te wijzigen",
"Grant permission": "Toestemming",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "EnRecipes heeft toestemming nodig om uw gegevens uit een eerdere back-up te importeren.",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "EnRecipes heeft toestemming nodig om uw gegevens op dit apparaat op te slaan.",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "Voeg ten minste één recept toe om een back-up te maken",
"Added to Favourites": "Toegevoegd aan favorieten",
"Removed from Favourites": "Uit favorieten verwijderd",
"Added to Try Later": "Toegevoegd in Later proberen",
"Removed from Try Later": "Verwijderd uit Probeer Later",
"Delete recipe?": "Recept verwijderen?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Wil je echt het recept verwijderen",
"Search": "Zoeken",
"Unsaved changes": "Onopgeslagen veranderingen",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "Wilt u niet opgeslagen wijzigingen in dit recept weggooien?",
"Remove ingredient?": "Ingrediënten verwijderen?",
"Remove instruction?": "Voorbereiding verwijderen?",
"Remove combination?": "Combinatie verwijderen?",
"Remove note?": "Noot verwijderen?",
"New yield unit": "Nieuwe opbrengsteenheid",
"New category": "Nieuwe categorie",
"Required": "Benodigd",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "EnRecipes heeft toestemming nodig om receptfoto's in te stellen.",
"Recipe photo": "Receptfoto",
"Crop photo": "Een foto afknippen",
"appRst": "",
"rst": "",
"nThmInfo": "",
"nLangInfo": "",
"grant": "",
"reqAcc": "",
"nNBtn": "",
"conBtn": "",
"dend": "",
"aFBu": "",
"favd": "",
"unfavd": "",
"aTry": "",
"rmTry": "",
"conf": "",
"delRecInfo": "",
"delRecsInfo": "",
"recs": "",
"sltd": "",
"dBtn": "",
"ser": "",
"unsaved": "",
"disc": "",
"disBtn": "",
"kEdit": "",
"rmIng": "",
"rmIns": "",
"rmN": "",
"rmCmb": "",
"nwYiU": "",
"nwCat": "",
"req": "",
"recPic": "",
"repBtn": "",
"cPic": "",
"breakfast": "Ontbijt",
"lunch": "Middag",
"dinner": "Diner",
"snacks": "Hapje",
"You tried this recipe:": "Je probeerde dit recept:",
"triedInfo": "",
"today": "vandaag",
"yesterday": "Gisteren",
"days ago": "voorgaande dagen",
"weeks ago": "voorgaande weken",
"months ago": "voorgaande maanden",
"long time ago": "lang geleden",
"Verifying...": "Het controleren…",
"Import successful": "Succesvol importeren",
"Permission denied": "toestemming geweigerd",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Gedeeld via EnRecipes. Haal het in de Play Store of bij F-Droid.",
"Contributors": "Medewerkers",
"Translator": "Translator",
"View on GitHub": "View on GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Privacy policy",
"User guide": "User guide",
"Options": "Options",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Shake to view random recipe",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Reset cuisines list",
"Reset categories list": "Reset categories list",
"Reset yield units list": "Reset yield units list",
"Reset units list": "Reset units list",
"Reset successful": "Reset successful",
"Recipe not found": "Recipe not found",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result",
"dAgo": "",
"wAgo": "",
"mAgo": "",
"ltAgo": "",
"vrfy": "",
"appCrd": "",
"gh": "",
"priv": "",
"guide": "",
"opts": "",
"sVw": "",
"sVwInfo": "",
"rest": "",
"restCuiL": "",
"restCatL": "",
"restYUL": "",
"restUL": "",
"restInfo": "",
"restDone": "",
"resNF": "",
"Quickest first": "Quickest first",
"Slowest first": "Slowest first",
"Rating": "Rating",
@ -220,17 +219,12 @@
"Easy": "Easy",
"Moderate": "Moderate",
"Challenging": "Challenging",
"New cuisine": "New cuisine",
"New unit": "New unit",
"Remove cuisine?": "Remove cuisine?",
"Remove category?": "Remove category?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Remove yield unit?",
"Remove unit?": "Remove unit?",
"Units": "Units",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Are you sure you want to remove",
"Cuisine": "Cuisine",
"Cuisines": "Cuisines",
"All Cuisines": "All Cuisines",
"newCui": "",
"newUnit": "",
"Unit": "Eenheid",
"cui": "",
"cuis": "",
"allCuis": "",
"American": "American",
"Brazilian": "Brazilian",
"British": "British",
@ -261,28 +255,51 @@
"Thai": "Thai",
"Turkish": "Turkish",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamese",
"All Categories": "All Categories",
"All Tags": "All Tags",
"No tags available": "No tags available",
"Tags": "Tags",
"separate with spaces": "separate with spaces",
"Import summary": "Import summary",
"recipes found": "recipes found",
"recipes imported": "recipes imported",
"recipes already exists": "recipes already exists",
"recipes updated": "recipes updated",
"allCats": "",
"allTs": "",
"noTs": "",
"ts": "",
"tsInfo": "",
"impSuc": "",
"recF": "",
"recI": "",
"recE": "",
"recU": "",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "Filtered result",
"Filtered recipes": "",
"Created": "Created",
"Star rating": "Star rating",
"Untitled Recipe": "Untitled Recipe",
"Remove recipe from breakfast?": "Remove recipe from breakfast?",
"Remove recipe from lunch?": "Remove recipe from lunch?",
"Remove recipe from dinner?": "Remove recipe from dinner?",
"Remove recipe from snacks?": "Remove recipe from snacks?",
"Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.": "Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.",
"Backup file seems empty.": "Backup file seems empty.",
"Backup file has been modified externally.": "Backup file has been modified externally.",
"Invalid file:": "Invalid file:",
"Import failed": "Importeren mislukt"
"stars": "",
"untRec": "",
"recRm": "",
"impFail": "",
"buInc": "",
"buEmp": "",
"buMod": "",
"buSuc": "",
"invFile": "",
"donate": "",
"appInfo": "",
"help": "",
"trySer": "",
"January": "",
"February": "",
"March": "",
"April": "",
"May": "",
"June": "",
"July": "",
"August": "",
"September": "",
"October": "",
"November": "",
"December": "",
"SUN": "",
"MON": "",
"TUE": "",
"WED": "",
"THU": "",
"FRI": "",
"SAT": "",
"trnsl": "",
"undo": ""
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"app.name": "",
"EnRecipes": "",
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"trylater": "Experimentar depois",
"favourites": "Favoritos",
"planner": "Planejador de refeições",
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"Try Later": "Tente Depois",
"Favourites": "Favoritos",
"Meal Planner": "Planeador de Refeições",
"Categories": "Categorias",
"trylater": "",
"favourites": "",
"planner": "",
"grocery": "",
"Settings": "Definições",
"About": "Sobre",
"Appetizers": "Aperitivos",
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
"Patty": "Empada",
"Loaf": "Loaf",
"unit": "unidade",
"Unit": "Unidade",
"tsp": "colher de chá",
"dsp": "colher de sobremesa",
"tbsp": "colher de sopa",
@ -77,139 +76,139 @@
"small": "pequeno",
"medium": "médio",
"large": "grande",
"Start adding your recipes!": "Comece a adicionar suas receitas!",
"Use the plus button to add one": "Use o botão de adição para adicionar uma",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "Use o botão lápis para adicionar alguns ingredientes",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "Use o botão lápis para adicionar algumas instruções",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "Use o botão lápis para adicionar algumas combinações",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "Use o botão lápis para adicionar algumas notas",
"All done!": "Tudo feito!",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "As receitas que você marcar como tentativa mais tarde serão listadas aqui",
"No favourites yet": "Ainda não há favoritos",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "As receitas que marcar como favoritas serão listadas aqui",
"Category looks empty": "Categoria parece vazia",
"No recipes found": "Nenhuma receita encontrada",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "A sua pesquisa não encontrou nenhuma receita",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "A sua pesquisa não encontrou nenhuma receita nesta categoria",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "A sua pesquisa não encontrou nenhuma receita em seus favoritos",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "A sua pesquisa não encontrou nenhuma receita na sua lista tentar mais tarde",
"Interface": "Interface",
"App language": "Linguagem da App",
"System default": "Padrão do sistema",
"strAdd": "",
"plsAdd": "",
"pAIng": "",
"pAIns": "",
"pACmb": "",
"pANo": "",
"aD": "",
"tLInfo": "",
"noFavs": "",
"fsList": "",
"noRecs": "",
"noRecsInTL": "",
"noRecsInFavs": "",
"noRecsInFtr": "",
"intf": "",
"lang": "",
"sysDef": "",
"Theme": "Tema",
"Light": "Claro",
"Dark": "Escuro",
"Database": "Base de Dados",
"Export a full backup": "Exportar um backup completo",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "Gera um arquivo zip que contém todos os seus dados. Este arquivo pode ser importado de volta.",
"Import from backup": "Importar do backup",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Suporta backups completos exportados por este aplicativo",
"Version": "Versão",
"Join the Telegram group": "Entrar no grupo do Telegram",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "para reportar problemas, sugestões e feedback",
"Author": "Autor",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"New recipe": "Nova receita",
"Edit recipe": "Editar receita",
"Title": "Título",
"Category": "Categoria",
"Preparation time": "Tempo de preparação",
"Cooking time": "Tempo de cozimento",
"Yield quantity": "Quantidade de porções",
"Yield measured in": "Porções medidas em",
"Ingredient": "Ingredientes",
"Ingredients": "Ingredientes",
"Instruction": "Instrução",
"Instructions": "Instruções",
"Combinations": "Combinações",
"Note": "Nota",
"Notes": "Notas",
"Item": "Item",
"Step": "Passo",
"Sort by": "Ordenar por",
"Select a recipe": "Selecionar a receita",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "Nada aqui! Adicione algumas receitas e tente novamente.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "A Minha Receita Saudável",
"db": "",
"expBu": "",
"buInfo": "",
"impBu": "",
"impInfo": "",
"ver": "",
"joinTG": "",
"tgInfo": "",
"newRec": "",
"editRec": "",
"title": "",
"cat": "",
"prepT": "",
"cookT": "",
"yieldQ": "",
"yieldU": "",
"ing": "",
"ings": "",
"aIngBtn": "",
"ins": "",
"inss": "",
"aStpBtn": "",
"cmb": "",
"cmbs": "",
"addCmbBtn": "",
"no": "",
"nos": "",
"aNoBtn": "",
"it": "",
"stp": "",
"srt": "",
"cBtn": "",
"rBtn": "",
"rmCuiInfo": "",
"rmCatInfo": "",
"rmYUInfo": "",
"rmUInfo": "",
"rmLIInfo": "",
"aBtn": "",
"selRec": "",
"recListEmp": "",
"recTitle": "",
"hr": "hr",
"min": "min",
"Photo": "Foto",
"Recipe": "Receita",
"Overview": "Visão Global",
"Share": "Partilhar",
"shr": "",
"pht": "",
"rec": "",
"fil": "",
"ovw": "",
"aNBtn": "",
"SET": "SET",
"Restart required": "É necessário reiniciar",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "EnRecipes precisa ser reiniciada para que a alteração do tema tenha efeito.",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "EnRecipes precisa ser reiniciada para que a alteração da lingua tenha efeito.",
"Grant permission": "Garantir permissão",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "EnRecipes requer permissão de armazenamento para importar seus dados de um backup anterior.",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "EnRecipes requer permissão de armazenamento para fazer backup de seus dados neste dispositivo.",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "Adicione pelo menos uma receita para fazer um backup",
"Added to Favourites": "Adicionado aos Favoritos",
"Removed from Favourites": "Removido dos Favoritos",
"Added to Try Later": "Adicionada a Tentar Mais Tarde",
"Removed from Try Later": "Removida de Tentar Mais Tarde",
"Delete recipe?": "Eliminar Receita?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Tem certeza que deseja eliminar a receita",
"Search": "Procurar",
"Unsaved changes": "Alterações não salvas",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "Tem certeza que deseja descartar as alterações não salvas nesta receita?",
"Remove ingredient?": "Remover ingrediente?",
"Remove instruction?": "Remover instrução?",
"Remove combination?": "Remover combinação?",
"Remove note?": "Remover nota?",
"New yield unit": "Nova unidade de porção",
"New category": "Nova categoria",
"Required": "Requerido",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "EnRecipes requer permissão de armazenamento para definir a foto da receita.",
"Recipe photo": "Foto da receita",
"Crop photo": "Cortar foto",
"appRst": "",
"rst": "",
"nThmInfo": "",
"nLangInfo": "",
"grant": "",
"reqAcc": "",
"nNBtn": "",
"conBtn": "",
"dend": "",
"aFBu": "",
"favd": "",
"unfavd": "",
"aTry": "",
"rmTry": "",
"conf": "",
"delRecInfo": "",
"delRecsInfo": "",
"recs": "",
"sltd": "",
"dBtn": "",
"ser": "",
"unsaved": "",
"disc": "",
"disBtn": "",
"kEdit": "",
"rmIng": "",
"rmIns": "",
"rmN": "",
"rmCmb": "",
"nwYiU": "",
"nwCat": "",
"req": "",
"recPic": "",
"repBtn": "",
"cPic": "",
"breakfast": "café da manhã",
"lunch": "almoço",
"dinner": "jantar",
"snacks": "lanches",
"You tried this recipe:": "Tentou esta receita:",
"triedInfo": "",
"today": "hoje",
"yesterday": "ontem",
"days ago": "dias atrás",
"weeks ago": "semanas atrás",
"months ago": "meses atrás",
"long time ago": "há muito tempo",
"Verifying...": "A Verificar…",
"Import successful": "Importado com sucesso",
"Permission denied": "Permissão recusada",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Partilhado via EnRecipes. Download na Play Store ou F-Droid.",
"Contributors": "Contribuidores",
"Translator": "Tradutor",
"View on GitHub": "Ver no GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Política de Privacidade",
"User guide": "Guia de Utilização",
"Options": "Opções",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Agite para ver receita aleatória",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Ajuda a escolher o que cozinhar quando não consegue decidir",
"Reset": "Redefinir",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "A redefinição de uma lista NÃO excluirá as entradas existentes, mas apenas restaurará as entradas padrão excluídas.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Redefinir lista de cozinhas",
"Reset categories list": "Redefinir lista de categorias",
"Reset yield units list": "Redefinir lista de porções",
"Reset units list": "Redefinir lista de unidades",
"Reset successful": "Redefinição com sucesso",
"Recipe not found": "Receita não encontrada",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "A sua pesquisa não encontrou nenhuma receita no resultado filtrado",
"dAgo": "",
"wAgo": "",
"mAgo": "",
"ltAgo": "",
"vrfy": "",
"appCrd": "",
"gh": "",
"priv": "",
"guide": "",
"opts": "",
"sVw": "",
"sVwInfo": "",
"rest": "",
"restCuiL": "",
"restCatL": "",
"restYUL": "",
"restUL": "",
"restInfo": "",
"restDone": "",
"resNF": "",
"Quickest first": "Mais rápidas primeiro",
"Slowest first": "Mais lentas primeiro",
"Rating": "Avaliação",
@ -220,17 +219,12 @@
"Easy": "Fácil",
"Moderate": "Moderada",
"Challenging": "Desafiadora",
"New cuisine": "Nova cozinha",
"New unit": "Nova unidade",
"Remove cuisine?": "Remover cozinha?",
"Remove category?": "Remover categoria?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Remover unidade de porção?",
"Remove unit?": "Remover unidade?",
"Units": "Unidades",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Tem certeza que pretende remover",
"Cuisine": "Cozinha",
"Cuisines": "Cozinhas",
"All Cuisines": "Todas as Cozinhas",
"newCui": "",
"newUnit": "",
"Unit": "Unidade",
"cui": "",
"cuis": "",
"allCuis": "",
"American": "Americana",
"Brazilian": "Brasileira",
"British": "Britânica",
@ -261,28 +255,51 @@
"Thai": "Tailandesa",
"Turkish": "Turca",
"Vietnamese": "Vietnamita",
"All Categories": "Todas as Categorias",
"All Tags": "Todas as Etiquetas",
"No tags available": "Sem etiquetas disponíveis",
"Tags": "Etiquetas",
"separate with spaces": "separa com espaços",
"Import summary": "Importar sumário",
"recipes found": "receitas encontradas",
"recipes imported": "receitas importadas",
"recipes already exists": "receita já existe",
"recipes updated": "receitas atualizadas",
"allCats": "",
"allTs": "",
"noTs": "",
"ts": "",
"tsInfo": "",
"impSuc": "",
"recF": "",
"recI": "",
"recE": "",
"recU": "",
"OK": "OK",
"Filtered result": "Resultados filtrados",
"Filtered recipes": "",
"Created": "Criado",
"Star rating": "Classificação por estrelas",
"Untitled Recipe": "Receita Sem Título",
"Remove recipe from breakfast?": "Remove recipe from breakfast?",
"Remove recipe from lunch?": "Remove recipe from lunch?",
"Remove recipe from dinner?": "Remove recipe from dinner?",
"Remove recipe from snacks?": "Remove recipe from snacks?",
"Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.": "Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.",
"Backup file seems empty.": "Backup file seems empty.",
"Backup file has been modified externally.": "Backup file has been modified externally.",
"Invalid file:": "Invalid file:",
"Import failed": "Importeren mislukt"
"stars": "",
"untRec": "",
"recRm": "",
"impFail": "",
"buInc": "",
"buEmp": "",
"buMod": "",
"buSuc": "",
"invFile": "",
"donate": "",
"appInfo": "",
"help": "",
"trySer": "",
"January": "",
"February": "",
"March": "",
"April": "",
"May": "",
"June": "",
"July": "",
"August": "",
"September": "",
"October": "",
"November": "",
"December": "",
"SUN": "",
"MON": "",
"TUE": "",
"WED": "",
"THU": "",
"FRI": "",
"SAT": "",
"trnsl": "",
"undo": ""
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"Try Later": "Попробовать позже",
"Favourites": "Избранное",
"Meal Planner": "Планировщик питания",
"Categories": "Категории",
"trylater": "Попробовать позже",
"favourites": "Избранное",
"planner": "Планировщик питания",
"grocery": "Список продуктов",
"Settings": "Настройки",
"About": "О приложении",
"Appetizers": "Закуски",
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
"Patty": "Лепешка",
"Loaf": "Буханка",
"unit": "единица измерения",
"Unit": "Единица измерения",
"tsp": "ч.л..",
"dsp": "д.л.",
"tbsp": "ст.л.",
@ -77,139 +76,139 @@
"small": "маленький",
"medium": "средний",
"large": "большой",
"Start adding your recipes!": "Начните добавлять свои рецепты!",
"Use the plus button to add one": "Используйте кнопку плюса, чтобы добавить рецепт",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить ингредиенты",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить инструкции",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить несколько комбинаций",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить заметки",
"All done!": "Все сделано!",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "Здесь будут перечислены рецепты, которые вы хотите попробовать позже",
"No favourites yet": "Пока что нет любимых рецептов",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "Здесь будут перечислены рецепты, которые вы отметили как любимые.",
"Category looks empty": "Похоже что в категории нет рецептов",
"No recipes found": "Рецептов не найдено",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "По вашему запросу ничего не найдено",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "По вашему запросу ничего не найдено в этой категории",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "В избранном по вашему запросу ничего не найдено ",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "В списке \"Попробовать позже\" по вашему запросу ничего не найдено",
"Interface": "Интерфейс",
"App language": "Язык приложения",
"System default": "По умолчанию",
"strAdd": "Начните добавлять свои рецепты!",
"plsAdd": "Используйте кнопку плюса, чтобы добавить рецепт",
"pAIng": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить ингредиенты",
"pAIns": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить инструкции",
"pACmb": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить несколько комбинаций",
"pANo": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить заметки",
"aD": "Все сделано!",
"tLInfo": "Здесь будут перечислены рецепты, которые вы хотите попробовать позже",
"noFavs": "Пока что нет любимых рецептов",
"fsList": "Здесь будут перечислены рецепты, которые вы отметили как любимые",
"noRecs": "По вашему запросу ничего не найдено",
"noRecsInTL": "В списке \"Попробовать позже\" по вашему запросу ничего не найдено",
"noRecsInFavs": "В избранном по вашему запросу ничего не найдено",
"noRecsInFtr": "В отфильтрованных рецептах по вашему запросу ничего не найдено",
"intf": "Интерфейс",
"lang": "Язык",
"sysDef": "По умолчанию",
"Theme": "Тема",
"Light": "Светлая",
"Dark": "Темная",
"Database": "База данных",
"Export a full backup": "Экспорт полной резервной копии",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "Создает zip-файл, содержащий все ваши данные. Этот файл можно импортировать обратно.",
"Import from backup": "Импорт из резервной копии",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "Поддерживает полные резервные копии, созданные этим приложением",
"Version": "Версия",
"Join the Telegram group": "Присоединяйтесь к группе в Telegram",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "для сообщения о проблемах, предложений и отзывов",
"Author": "Автор",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B",
"New recipe": "Новый рецепт",
"Edit recipe": "Редактировать рецепт",
"Title": "Заголовок",
"Category": "Категория",
"Preparation time": "Время подготовки",
"Cooking time": "Время готовки",
"Yield quantity": "Подавать в количестве",
"Yield measured in": "Подавать в",
"Ingredient": "Ингредиент",
"Ingredients": "Ингредиенты",
"Instruction": "Инструкция",
"Instructions": "Инструкции",
"Combinations": "Комбинации",
"Note": "Заметка",
"Notes": "Заметки",
"Item": "Ингредиент",
"Step": "Шаг",
"Sort by": "Сортировать по",
"Select a recipe": "Выберите рецепт",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "Здесь ничего! Добавьте рецепты и попробуйте еще раз.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "Мой полезный рецепт",
"db": "База данных",
"expBu": "Экспорт полной резервной копии",
"buInfo": "Создает zip-файл, содержащий все ваши данные, которые можно будет импортировать обратно",
"impBu": "Импортировать данные",
"impInfo": "Поддерживает полные резервные копии, созданные этим приложением",
"ver": "Версия",
"joinTG": "Присоединяйтесь к группе в Telegram",
"tgInfo": "Для сообщения о проблемах, предложений и отзывов",
"newRec": "Новый рецепт",
"editRec": "Редактировать рецепт",
"title": "Заголовок",
"cat": "Категория",
"prepT": "Время подготовки",
"cookT": "Время готовки",
"yieldQ": "Подавать в количестве",
"yieldU": "Подавать в",
"ing": "Ингредиент",
"ings": "Ингредиенты",
"ins": "Инструкция",
"inss": "Инструкции",
"aStpBtn": "ДОБАВИТЬ ШАГ",
"cmb": "Комбинация",
"cmbs": "Комбинации",
"no": "Заметка",
"nos": "Заметки",
"it": "Ингредиент",
"stp": "Шаг",
"srt": "Сортировать по",
"cBtn": "ОТМЕНИТЬ",
"rBtn": "УДАЛИТЬ",
"rmCuiInfo": "Вы собираетесь удалить кухню:",
"rmCatInfo": "Вы собираетесь удалить категорию:",
"rmYUInfo": "Вы собираетесь удалить единицу измерения подачи:",
"rmUInfo": "Вы собираетесь удалить единицу измерения:",
"rmLIInfo": "На существующие рецепты это не повлияет",
"aBtn": "ДОБАВИТЬ",
"selRec": "Выберите рецепт",
"recListEmp": "Здесь ничего нет! Добавьте рецепты и попробуйте еще раз",
"recTitle": "Мой полезный рецепт",
"hr": "ч",
"min": "мин",
"Photo": "Фото",
"Recipe": "Рецепт",
"Overview": "Краткое описание",
"Share": "Поделиться",
"shr": "Поделиться",
"pht": "Фото рецепта",
"rec": "Рецепт в виде текста",
"fil": "Рецепт в виде файла",
"ovw": "Краткое описание",
"Restart required": "Требуется перезапуск",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "Необходимо перезапустить приложение, чтобы изменение темы вступило в силу.",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "Необходимо перезапустить приложение, чтобы изменение языка вступило в силу.",
"Grant permission": "Предоставить разрешение",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "EnRecipes требует доступ к файлам, чтобы импортировать ваши данные из предыдущей резервной копии.",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "EnRecipes требует доступ к файлам для резервного копирования ваших данных на это устройство.",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "Добавьте хотя бы один рецепт для резервного копирования",
"Added to Favourites": "Добавлено в избранное",
"Removed from Favourites": "Удалено из избранного",
"Added to Try Later": "Добавлено в \"Попробовать позже\"",
"Removed from Try Later": "Удалено из \"Попробовать позже\"",
"Delete recipe?": "Удалить рецепт?",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить рецепт",
"Search": "Поиск",
"Unsaved changes": "Несохраненные изменения",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "Вы уверены, что хотите отменить несохраненные изменения этого рецепта?",
"Remove ingredient?": "Удалить ингредиент?",
"Remove instruction?": "Удалить инструкцию?",
"Remove combination?": "Удалить комбинацию?",
"Remove note?": "Удалить заметку?",
"New yield unit": "Новая единица измерения подачи",
"New category": "Новая категория",
"Required": "Требуется",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "EnRecipes требует доступ к файлам, чтобы установить фото для рецепта.",
"Recipe photo": "Фото для рецепта",
"Crop photo": "Обрезать фотографию",
"appRst": "Требуется перезапуск приложения",
"nThmInfo": "Перезапустите EnRecipes, чтобы использовать новую тему",
"nLangInfo": "Перезапустите EnRecipes, чтобы использовать новый язык",
"grant": "Предоставить разрешение",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes требует доступ к файлам для установки фото рецептов, экспорта и импорта данных",
"nNBtn": "НЕ СЕЙЧАС",
"conBtn": "ПРОДОЛЖИТЬ",
"dend": "В доступе отказано",
"aFBu": "Добавьте рецепт для резервного копирования",
"favd": "Добавлено в избранное",
"unfavd": "Удалено из избранного",
"aTry": "Добавлено в \"Попробовать позже\"",
"rmTry": "Удалено из \"Попробовать позже\"",
"conf": "Подтвердить",
"delRecInfo": "Вы собираетесь полностью удалить рецепт:",
"delRecsInfo": "Вы собираетесь безвозвратно удалить:",
"recs": "рецепты",
"sltd": "выбрано",
"dBtn": "УДАЛИТЬ",
"ser": "Поиск",
"unsaved": "Несохраненные изменения",
"disc": "В этом рецепте есть несохраненные изменения. Что бы Вы хотели сделать?",
"disBtn": "ОТМЕНИТЬ",
"rmIng": "Ингредиент удален",
"rmIns": "Инструкция удалена",
"rmN": "Заметка удалена",
"rmCmb": "Комбинация удалена",
"nwYiU": "Новая единица измерения подачи",
"nwCat": "Новая категория",
"req": "Требуется",
"recPic": "Фото рецепта",
"repBtn": "ЗАМЕНИТЬ ФОТО",
"cPic": "Обрезать фотографию",
"breakfast": "Завтрак",
"lunch": "обед",
"dinner": "ужин",
"snacks": "закуски",
"You tried this recipe:": "Вы пробовали этот рецепт:",
"triedInfo": "Вы пробовали этот рецепт:",
"today": "сегодня",
"yesterday": "вчера",
"days ago": "несколько дней назад",
"weeks ago": "несколько недель назад",
"months ago": "несколько месяцев назад",
"long time ago": "давно",
"Verifying...": "Проверка …",
"Import successful": "Импортировано успешно",
"Permission denied": "В доступе отказано",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Отправлено через EnRecipes. Скачайте его в Play Store или F-Droid.",
"Contributors": "Участники",
"Translator": "Переводчик",
"View on GitHub": "Проект на GitHub",
"Privacy policy": "Политика конфиденциальности",
"User guide": "Руководство пользователя",
"Options": "Параметры",
"Shake to view random recipe": "Встряхнуть, чтобы показать случайный рецепт",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "Помогает выбрать, что приготовить, когда вы не можете решить",
"Reset": "Сброс",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "Сброс списка НЕ удалит ваши существующие записи, а только восстановит удаленные записи по умолчанию.",
"Reset cuisines list": "Сбросить список кухонь",
"Reset categories list": "Сбросить список категорий",
"Reset yield units list": "Сбросить список единиц измерения подачи",
"Reset units list": "Сбросить список единиц измерения",
"Reset successful": "Сброс выполнен успешно",
"Recipe not found": "Рецепт не найден",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "По вашему запросу не найдено ни одного рецепта в отфильтрованном результате",
"dAgo": "дней назад",
"wAgo": "недель назад",
"mAgo": "месяцев назад",
"ltAgo": "давно",
"vrfy": "Проверка",
"appCrd": "Отправлено через EnRecipes. Загрузите его на F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid или в Play Store.",
"gh": "Посмотреть на GitHub",
"priv": "Политика конфиденциальности",
"guide": "Руководство пользователя",
"opts": "Параметры",
"sVw": "Встряхнуть, чтобы показать случайный рецепт",
"sVwInfo": "Помогает выбрать, что приготовить, когда вы не можете решить",
"rest": "Сброс",
"restCuiL": "Сбросить список кухонь",
"restCatL": "Сбросить список категорий",
"restYUL": "Сбросить список единиц измерения подачи",
"restUL": "Сбросить список единиц измерения",
"restInfo": "Сброс списка удалит записи, созданные пользователем, и восстановит записи по умолчанию. На существующие рецепты это не повлияет.",
"restDone": "Сброс выполнен",
"resNF": "Рецепт не найден",
"Quickest first": "Самый быстрый сначала",
"Slowest first": "Сначала самые медленные",
"Rating": "Рейтинг",
@ -220,17 +219,12 @@
"Easy": "Легкий",
"Moderate": "Средний",
"Challenging": "Сложный",
"New cuisine": "Новая кухня",
"New unit": "Новая единица измерения",
"Remove cuisine?": "Удалить кухню?",
"Remove category?": "Удалить категорию?",
"Remove yield unit?": "Удалить единицу измерения подачи?",
"Remove unit?": "Удалить единицу измерения?",
"Units": "Единицы измерения",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "Вы уверены что хотите удалить",
"Cuisine": "Кухня",
"Cuisines": "Кухни",
"All Cuisines": "Все кухни",
"newCui": "Новая кухня",
"newUnit": "Новая единица измерения",
"Unit": "Единица измерения",
"cui": "Кухня",
"cuis": "Кухни",
"allCuis": "Все кухни",
"American": "Американская",
"Brazilian": "Бразильская кухня",
"British": "Британская",
@ -261,202 +255,51 @@
"Thai": "Тайская",
"Turkish": "Турецкая",
"Vietnamese": "Вьетнамская",
"All Categories": "Все категории",
"All Tags": "Все теги",
"No tags available": "Нету доступных тегов",
"Tags": "Теги",
"separate with spaces": "разделяйте пробелами",
"Import summary": "Общая информация про импорт",
"recipes found": "рецепты найдены",
"recipes imported": "рецепты импортированы",
"recipes already exists": "рецепты уже существуют",
"recipes updated": "рецепты обновлены",
"OK": "ОК",
"Filtered result": "Отфильтрованный результат",
"Created": "Создано",
"Star rating": "Оценка",
"Untitled Recipe": "Рецепт без названия",
"Remove recipe from breakfast?": "Убрать рецепт из завтраков?",
"Remove recipe from lunch?": "Убрать рецепт из обедов?",
"Remove recipe from dinner?": "Убрать рецепт из ужиныов?",
"Remove recipe from snacks?": "Убрать рецепт из закусок?",
"Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.": "Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.",
"Backup file seems empty.": "Backup file seems empty.",
"Backup file has been modified externally.": "Backup file has been modified externally.",
"Invalid file:": "Invalid file:",
"Import failed": "Импорт не удался",
"fil": "Рецепт в виде файла",
"invFile": "Неверный формат файла",
"mAgo": "месяцев назад",
"wAgo": "недель назад",
"dAgo": "дней назад",
"rec": "Рецепт в виде текста",
"help": "Помощь",
"SAT": "СБ",
"FRI": "ПТ",
"THU": "ЧТ",
"WED": "СР",
"TUE": "ВТ",
"MON": "ПН",
"SUN": "ВС",
"December": "Декабрь",
"November": "Ноябрь",
"October": "Октябрь",
"September": "Сентябрь",
"August": "Август",
"July": "Июль",
"June": "Июнь",
"May": "Май",
"April": "Апрель",
"March": "Март",
"February": "Февраль",
"January": "Январь",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes - это цифровая кулинарная книга с открытым исходным кодом, обеспечивающая конфиденциальность, которая позволяет вам создавать, управлять и делиться своими рецептами",
"donate": "Пожертвовать",
"buSuc": "Резервная копия успешно сохранена в папку Загрузки",
"buMod": "Файл резервной копии был изменен в другом месте",
"buEmp": "Файл резервной копии пуст",
"buInc": "Неправильный или поврежденный файл резервной копии",
"impFail": "Импорт не удался",
"recRm": "Рецепт удален",
"untRec": "Рецепт без названия",
"stars": "Оценка",
"Filtered recipes": "Отфильтрованные рецепты",
"recU": "рецепты обновлены",
"recE": "рецепты уже существуют",
"recI": "рецепты импортированы",
"recF": "рецепты найдены",
"impSuc": "Импортировано успешно",
"tsInfo": "разделяйте пробелами",
"ts": "Теги",
"noTs": "Нету доступных тегов",
"allTs": "Все теги",
"allCats": "Все категории",
"allCuis": "Все кухни",
"cuis": "Кухни",
"cui": "Кухня",
"newUnit": "Новая единица измерения",
"newCui": "Новая кухня",
"resNF": "Рецепт не найден",
"restDone": "Сброс выполнен",
"restInfo": "Сброс списка удалит записи, созданные пользователем, и восстановит записи по умолчанию. На существующие рецепты это не повлияет.",
"restUL": "Сбросить список единиц измерения",
"restYUL": "Сбросить список единиц измерения подачи",
"restCatL": "Сбросить список категорий",
"restCuiL": "Сбросить список кухонь",
"rest": "Сброс",
"sVwInfo": "Помогает выбрать, что приготовить, когда вы не можете решить",
"sVw": "Встряхнуть, чтобы показать случайный рецепт",
"opts": "Параметры",
"guide": "Руководство пользователя",
"priv": "Политика конфиденциальности",
"gh": "Посмотреть на GitHub",
"appCrd": "Отправлено через EnRecipes. Загрузите его на F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid или в Play Store.",
"vrfy": "Проверка",
"ltAgo": "давно",
"triedInfo": "Вы пробовали этот рецепт:",
"cPic": "Обрезать фотографию",
"repBtn": "ЗАМЕНИТЬ ФОТО",
"recPic": "Фото рецепта",
"req": "Требуется",
"nwCat": "Новая категория",
"nwYiU": "Новая единица измерения подачи",
"rmCmb": "Комбинация удалена",
"rmN": "Заметка удалена",
"rmIns": "Инструкция удалена",
"rmIng": "Ингредиент удален",
"disBtn": "ОТМЕНИТЬ",
"disc": "В этом рецепте есть несохраненные изменения. Что бы Вы хотели сделать?",
"unsaved": "Несохраненные изменения",
"ser": "Поиск",
"dBtn": "УДАЛИТЬ",
"sltd": "выбрано",
"recs": "рецепты",
"delRecsInfo": "Вы собираетесь безвозвратно удалить:",
"delRecInfo": "Вы собираетесь полностью удалить рецепт:",
"conf": "Подтвердить",
"rmTry": "Удалено из \"Попробовать позже\"",
"aTry": "Добавлено в \"Попробовать позже\"",
"unfavd": "Удалено из избранного",
"favd": "Добавлено в избранное",
"aFBu": "Добавьте рецепт для резервного копирования",
"dend": "В доступе отказано",
"conBtn": "ПРОДОЛЖИТЬ",
"nNBtn": "НЕ СЕЙЧАС",
"reqAcc": "EnRecipes требует доступ к файлам для установки фото рецептов, экспорта и импорта данных",
"grant": "Предоставить разрешение",
"nLangInfo": "Перезапустите EnRecipes, чтобы использовать новый язык",
"nThmInfo": "Перезапустите EnRecipes, чтобы использовать новую тему",
"appRst": "Требуется перезапуск приложения",
"ovw": "Краткое описание",
"pht": "Фото рецепта",
"shr": "Поделиться",
"recTitle": "Мой полезный рецепт",
"recListEmp": "Здесь ничего нет! Добавьте рецепты и попробуйте еще раз",
"selRec": "Выберите рецепт",
"aBtn": "ДОБАВИТЬ",
"rmLIInfo": "На существующие рецепты это не повлияет",
"rmUInfo": "Вы собираетесь удалить единицу измерения:",
"rmYUInfo": "Вы собираетесь удалить единицу измерения подачи:",
"rmCatInfo": "Вы собираетесь удалить категорию:",
"rmCuiInfo": "Вы собираетесь удалить кухню:",
"rBtn": "УДАЛИТЬ",
"cBtn": "ОТМЕНИТЬ",
"srt": "Сортировать по",
"stp": "Шаг",
"it": "Ингредиент",
"nos": "Заметки",
"no": "Заметка",
"cmbs": "Комбинации",
"cmb": "Комбинация",
"aStpBtn": "ДОБАВИТЬ ШАГ",
"inss": "Инструкции",
"ins": "Инструкция",
"ings": "Ингредиенты",
"ing": "Ингредиент",
"yieldU": "Подавать в",
"yieldQ": "Подавать в количестве",
"cookT": "Время готовки",
"prepT": "Время подготовки",
"cat": "Категория",
"title": "Заголовок",
"editRec": "Редактировать рецепт",
"newRec": "Новый рецепт",
"tgInfo": "Для сообщения о проблемах, предложений и отзывов",
"joinTG": "Присоединяйтесь к группе в Telegram",
"ver": "Версия",
"impInfo": "Поддерживает полные резервные копии, созданные этим приложением",
"impBu": "Импортировать данные",
"buInfo": "Создает zip-файл, содержащий все ваши данные, которые можно будет импортировать обратно",
"expBu": "Экспорт полной резервной копии",
"db": "База данных",
"sysDef": "По умолчанию",
"lang": "Язык",
"intf": "Интерфейс",
"noRecsInFtr": "В отфильтрованных рецептах по вашему запросу ничего не найдено",
"noRecsInFavs": "В избранном по вашему запросу ничего не найдено",
"noRecs": "По вашему запросу ничего не найдено",
"noRecsInTL": "В списке \"Попробовать позже\" по вашему запросу ничего не найдено",
"fsList": "Здесь будут перечислены рецепты, которые вы отметили как любимые",
"noFavs": "Пока что нет любимых рецептов",
"tLInfo": "Здесь будут перечислены рецепты, которые вы хотите попробовать позже",
"aD": "Все сделано!",
"pANo": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить заметки",
"pACmb": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить несколько комбинаций",
"pAIns": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить инструкции",
"pAIng": "Используйте кнопку карандаша, чтобы добавить ингредиенты",
"plsAdd": "Используйте кнопку плюса, чтобы добавить рецепт",
"strAdd": "Начните добавлять свои рецепты!",
"grocery": "Список продуктов",
"planner": "Планировщик питания",
"favourites": "Избранное",
"trylater": "Попробовать позже",
"trnsl": "Перевести"
"allTs": "Все теги",
"noTs": "Нету доступных тегов",
"ts": "Теги",
"tsInfo": "разделяйте пробелами",
"impSuc": "Импортировано успешно",
"recF": "рецепты найдены",
"recI": "рецепты импортированы",
"recE": "рецепты уже существуют",
"recU": "рецепты обновлены",
"OK": "ОК",
"Filtered recipes": "Отфильтрованные рецепты",
"Created": "Создано",
"stars": "Оценка",
"untRec": "Рецепт без названия",
"recRm": "Рецепт удален",
"impFail": "Импорт не удался",
"buInc": "Неправильный или поврежденный файл резервной копии",
"buEmp": "Файл резервной копии пуст",
"buMod": "Файл резервной копии был изменен в другом месте",
"buSuc": "Резервная копия успешно сохранена в папку Загрузки",
"invFile": "Неверный формат файла",
"donate": "Пожертвовать",
"appInfo": "EnRecipes - это цифровая кулинарная книга с открытым исходным кодом, обеспечивающая конфиденциальность, которая позволяет вам создавать, управлять и делиться своими рецептами",
"help": "Помощь",
"January": "Январь",
"February": "Февраль",
"March": "Март",
"April": "Апрель",
"May": "Май",
"June": "Июнь",
"July": "Июль",
"August": "Август",
"September": "Сентябрь",
"October": "Октябрь",
"November": "Ноябрь",
"December": "Декабрь",
"SUN": "ВС",
"MON": "ПН",
"TUE": "ВТ",
"WED": "СР",
"THU": "ЧТ",
"FRI": "ПТ",
"SAT": "СБ",
"trnsl": "Перевести",
"undo": ""
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"app.name": "என்ரெசிபீஸ்",
"EnRecipes": "என்ரெசிபீஸ்",
"Try Later": "பின்னர் முயற்சிக்க",
"Favourites": "பிடித்தவை",
"Meal Planner": "உணவுத் திட்டம்",
"Categories": "பிரிவுகள்",
"trylater": "பின்னர் முயற்சிக்க",
"favourites": "பிடித்தவை",
"planner": "உணவுத் திட்டம்",
"grocery": "மளிகை பட்டியல்",
"Settings": "அமைப்புகள்",
"About": "பற்றி",
"Appetizers": "பசித்தூண்டி",
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
"Patty": "வடை",
"Loaf": "ரொட்டித் துண்டு",
"unit": "அலகு",
"Unit": "அலகு",
"tsp": "டீஸ்பூன்",
"dsp": "இனிப்பு ஸ்பூன்",
"tbsp": "தேக்கரண்டி",
@ -77,139 +76,139 @@
"small": "சிறிய",
"medium": "நடுத்தர",
"large": "பெரிய",
"Start adding your recipes!": "உங்கள் சமையல் குறிப்புகளைச் சேர்க்கத் தொடங்குங்கள்!",
"Use the plus button to add one": "ஒரு சமையல் குறிப்பைச் சேர்க்க பிளஸ் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "தேவையான பொருட்களைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "செய்முறைகளைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "சில சேர்க்கைகளைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"Use the pencil button to add some notes": "சில குறிப்புகளைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"All done!": "அனைத்தும் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளன!",
"Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "முயற்சிக்க வேண்டும் என நீங்கள் குறிக்கும் சமையல் குறிப்புகள் இங்கே பட்டியலிடப்படும்",
"No favourites yet": "இன்னும் பிடித்தவை எதுவும் இல்லை",
"Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "நீங்கள் பிடித்ததாகக் குறிக்கும் சமையல் குறிப்புகள் இங்கே பட்டியலிடப்படும்",
"Category looks empty": "இந்த பகுப்பில் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளும் இல்லை",
"No recipes found": "எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளும் இல்லை",
"Your search did not match any recipes": "உங்கள் தேடல் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளுடனும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "உங்கள் தேடல் இப்பகுப்பில் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளுடனும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "உங்கள் தேடல் உங்களுக்கு பிடித்தவற்றில் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளுடனும் பொருந்தவில்லைை",
"Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "உங்கள் தேடல் நீங்கள் முயற்சிக்க வேண்டிய பட்டியலில் உள்ள எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளுடனும் பொருந்தவில்ல",
"Interface": "இடைமுகம்",
"App language": "பயன்பாட்டு மொழி",
"System default": "கணினி இயல்புநிலை",
"strAdd": "உங்கள் சமையல் குறிப்புகளைச் சேர்க்கத் தொடங்குங்கள்!",
"plsAdd": "ஒன்றைச் சேர்க்க பிளஸ் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"pAIng": "தேவையான பொருட்களைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"pAIns": "செய்முறைகளைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"pACmb": "சேர்க்கைகளைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"pANo": "குறிப்புகளைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"aD": "அனைத்தும் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளன!",
"tLInfo": "நீங்கள் பின்னர் முயற்சிக்க விரும்பும் சமையல் குறிப்புகள் இங்கே பட்டியலிடப்படும்",
"noFavs": "பிடித்தவை எதுவும் இல்லை",
"fsList": "உங்களுக்கு பிடித்த சமையல் குறிப்புகள் இங்கே பட்டியலிடப்படும்",
"noRecs": "உங்கள் தேடலுடன் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"noRecsInTL": "பின்னர் முயற்சிக்க பட்டியலில் உங்கள் தேடலுடன் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"noRecsInFavs": "பிடித்தவை பட்டியலில் உங்கள் தேடலுடன் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"noRecsInFtr": "வடிகட்டப்பட்ட சமையல் குறிப்புகளில் உங்கள் தேடலுடன் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"intf": "இடைமுகம்",
"lang": "மொழி",
"sysDef": "அமைப்பு இயல்புநிலை",
"Theme": "தீம்",
"Light": "ஒளி",
"Dark": "இருள்",
"Database": "தரவுத்தளம்",
"Export a full backup": "முழு காப்புப்பிரதியை ஏற்றுமதி செய்க",
"Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "இது உங்கள் எல்லா தரவையும் கொண்ட ஒரு ஜிப் கோப்பை உருவாக்குகிறது. இந்த கோப்பை மீண்டும் இறக்குமதி செய்யலாம்.",
"Import from backup": "காப்புப்பிரதியிலிருந்து இறக்குமதி செய்க",
"Supports full backups exported by this app": "இந்த பயன்பாட்டின் மூலம் ஏற்றுமதி செய்யப்பட்ட முழு காப்புப்பிரதிகளை ஆதரிக்கும்",
"Version": "பதிப்பு",
"Join the Telegram group": "டெலிகிராம் குழுவில் சேரவும்",
"for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "சிக்கல்கள், பரிந்துரைகள் மற்றும் கருத்துக்களைப் புகாரளிக்க",
"Author": "ஆக்கியோன்",
"Vishnu Raghav B": "பா. விஷ்ணு ராகவ்",
"New recipe": "புதிய சமையல் குறிப்பு",
"Edit recipe": "சமையல் குறிப்பை திருத்து",
"Title": "தலைப்பு",
"Category": "பகுப்பு",
"Preparation time": "தயாரிப்பு நேரம்",
"Cooking time": "சமைக்கும் நேரம்",
"Yield quantity": "மகசூல் அளவு",
"Yield measured in": "மகசூல் அலகு",
"Ingredient": "தேவையான பொருள்",
"Ingredients": "தேவையான பொருட்கள்",
"ADD INGREDIENT": "பொருளைச் சேர்",
"Instruction": "செய்முறை",
"Instructions": "செய்முறைகள்",
"ADD STEP": "செய்முறையைச் சேர்",
"Combinations": "சேர்க்கைகள்",
"ADD COMBINATION": "சேர்க்கையைச் சேர்",
"Note": "குறிப்பு",
"Notes": "குறிப்புகள்",
"ADD NOTE": "குறிப்பைச் சேர்",
"Item": "பொருள்",
"Step": "செயஂமுறை",
"Sort by": "வரிசை விதி",
"CANCEL": "ரத்துசெய்",
"REMOVE": "அகற்று",
"ADD": "சேர்",
"Select a recipe": "ஒரு சமையல் குறிப்பை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்",
"Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "இங்கு எதுவுமில்லை! சில சமையல் குறிப்பிப்புகளை சேர்த்து மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்.",
"My Healthy Recipe": "எனது ஆரோக்கியமான சமையல் குறிப்பு",
"db": "தரவுத்தளம்",
"expBu": "முழு மறுபிரதி ஏற்றுமதி",
"buInfo": "மீண்டும் இறக்குமதி செய்யக்கூடிய உங்கள் எல்லா தரவையும் கொண்ட ஒரு ZIP கோப்பை உருவாக்குகிறது",
"impBu": "தரவு இறக்குமதி",
"impInfo": "இந்த பயன்பாட்டின் மூலம் ஏற்றுமதி செய்யப்பட்ட முழு காப்புப்பிரதிகளை ஆதரிக்கும்",
"ver": "பதிப்பு",
"joinTG": "டெலிகிராம் குழுவில் சேரவும்",
"tgInfo": "சிக்கல்கள், பரிந்துரைகள் மற்றும் கருத்துக்களைப் புகாரளியுங்கள்",
"newRec": "புதிய சமையல் குறிப்பு",
"editRec": "சமையல் குறிப்பை திருத்து",
"title": "தலைப்பு",
"cat": "பகுப்பு",
"prepT": "தயாரிப்பு நேரம்",
"cookT": "சமைக்கும் நேரம்",
"yieldQ": "மகசூல் அளவு",
"yieldU": "மகசூல் அலகு",
"ing": "தேவையான பொருள்",
"ings": "தேவையான பொருட்கள்",
"aIngBtn": "பொருளைச் சேர்",
"ins": "செய்முறை",
"inss": "செய்முறைகள்",
"aStpBtn": "செய்முறையைச் சேர்",
"cmb": "சேர்க்கை",
"cmbs": "சேர்க்கைகள்",
"addCmbBtn": "சேர்க்கையைச் சேர்",
"no": "குறிப்பு",
"nos": "குறிப்புகள்",
"aNoBtn": "குறிப்பைச் சேர்",
"it": "பொருள்",
"stp": "செய்முறை",
"srt": "இதன்படி வரிசைப்படுத்து",
"cBtn": "ரத்துசெய்",
"rBtn": "அகற்று",
"rmCuiInfo": "நீங்கள் உணவு வகையை நீக்க உள்ளீர்கள்:",
"rmCatInfo": "நீங்கள் பகுப்பை நீக்க உள்ளீர்கள்:",
"rmYUInfo": "நீங்கள் மகசூல் அலகு நீக்க உள்ளீர்கள்:",
"rmUInfo": "நீங்கள் அலகு நீக்க உள்ளீர்கள்:",
"rmLIInfo": "தற்போதுள்ள சமையல் குறிப்புகள் பாதிக்கப்படாது",
"aBtn": "சேர்",
"selRec": "செய்முறையைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்",
"recListEmp": "இங்கு எதுவுமில்லை! சில சமையல் குறிப்பிப்புகளை சேர்த்து மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்",
"recTitle": "எனது ஆரோக்கியமான சமையல் குறிப்பு",
"hr": "மணி",
"min": "நிமிடம்",
"Photo": "புகைப்படம்",
"Recipe": "சமையல் குறிப்பு",
"Overview": "கண்ணோட்டம்",
"Share": "பகிர்",
"ADD NEW": "புதியனவற்றை சேர்",
"shr": "பகிர்",
"pht": "சமையல் குறிப்பு புகைப்படம்",
"rec": "சமையல் குறிப்பு உரையாக",
"fil": "சமையல் குறிப்பு கோப்பாக",
"ovw": "கண்ணோட்டம்",
"aNBtn": "புதியவை சேர்",
"SET": "அமை",
"Restart required": "மறுதொடக்கம் தேவை",
"RESTART": "மறுதொடக்கம்",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "தீம் மாற்றம் நடைமுறைக்கு வருவதற்கு என்ரெசிபீஸ் ஐ மீண்டும் தொடங்க வேண்டும்.",
"EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "பயன்பாட்டு மொழி நடைமுறைக்கு வருவதற்கு என்ரெசிபீஸ் ஐ மீண்டும் தொடங்க வேண்டும்.",
"Grant permission": "அனுமதி வழங்கவும்",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "முந்தைய காப்புப்பிரதியிலிருந்து உங்கள் தரவை இறக்குமதி செய்ய என்ரெசிபீஸ்க்கு சேமிப்பு அனுமதி தேவைப்படுகிறது.",
"NOT NOW": "இப்போது இல்லை",
"CONTINUE": "தொடர்",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "இந்தச் சாதனத்தில் உங்கள் தரவை காப்புப் பிரதி எடுக்க என்ரெசிபீஸ்க்கு சேமிப்பக அனுமதி தேவைப்படுகிறது.",
"Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "காப்புப்பிரதி செய்ய குறைந்தபட்சம் ஒரு சமையல் குறிப்பு சேர்க்கவும்",
"Added to Favourites": "பிடித்தவையில் சேர்க்கப்பட்டது",
"Removed from Favourites": "பிடித்தவற்றிலிருந்து அகற்றப்பட்டது",
"Added to Try Later": "பின்னர் முயற்சிக்க சேர்க்கப்பட்டது",
"Removed from Try Later": "பின்னர் முயற்சிப்பதில் இருந்து நீக்கப்பட்டது",
"Delete recipe?": "சமையல் குறிப்பை நீக்கவா?",
"DELETE": "நீக்கு",
"Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "இந்த சமையல் குறிப்பை நீக்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா",
"Search": "தேடு",
"Unsaved changes": "சேமிக்கப்படாத மாற்றங்கள்",
"Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "இந்த சமையல் குறிப்பில் சேமிக்கப்படாத மாற்றங்களை நிராகரிக்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா?",
"DISCARD": "நிராகரி",
"KEEP EDITING": "தொடர்ந்து திருத்து",
"Remove ingredient?": "பொருளை அகற்றவா?",
"Remove instruction?": "செய்முறையை அகற்றவா?",
"Remove combination?": "சேர்க்கையை அகற்றவா?",
"Remove note?": "குறிப்பை அகற்றவா?",
"New yield unit": "புதிய மகசூல் அலகு",
"New category": "புதிய பகுப்பு",
"Required": "தேவையான",
"EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "சமையல் குறிப்பு புகைப்படத்தை அமைக்க என்ரெசிபீஸ்க்கு சேமிப்பு அனுமதி தேவை.",
"Recipe photo": "சமையல் குறிப்பு புகைப்படம்",
"REPLACE PHOTO": "புகைப்படத்தை மாற்று",
"Crop photo": "படத்தை வெட்டு",
"appRst": "பயன்பாட்டு மறுதொடக்கம் தேவை",
"rst": "மறுதொடக்கம்",
"nThmInfo": "புதிய தீம் பயன்படுத்த என்ரெசிபீஸ் ஐ மறுதொடக்கம் செய்யுங்கள்",
"nLangInfo": "புதிய மொழியைப் பயன்படுத்த என்ரெசிபீஸ் ஐ மறுதொடக்கம் செய்யுங்கள்",
"grant": "அனுமதி வழங்கவும்",
"reqAcc": "செய்முறை புகைப்படம் அமைக்க, தரவை ஏற்றுமதி மற்றும் இறக்குமதி செய்ய என்ரெசிபீஸ்க்கு சேமிப்பு அனுமதி தேவை",
"nNBtn": "இப்போது இல்லை",
"conBtn": "தொடர்",
"dend": "அனுமதி மறுக்கப்பட்டது",
"aFBu": "காப்புப்பிரதி செய்ய சமையல் குறிப்பைச் சேர்க்கவும்",
"favd": "பிடித்தவையில் சேர்க்கப்பட்டது",
"unfavd": "பிடித்தவற்றிலிருந்து அகற்றப்பட்டது",
"aTry": "பின்னர் முயற்சிக்க சேர்க்கப்பட்டது",
"rmTry": "பின்னர் முயற்சிப்பதில் இருந்து அகற்றப்பட்டது",
"conf": "உறுதிசெய்க",
"delRecInfo": "நீங்கள் சமையல் குறிப்பை நிரந்தரமாக நீக்க உள்ளீர்கள்:",
"delRecsInfo": "நீங்கள் நிரந்தரமாக நீக்க உள்ளீர்கள்:",
"recs": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள்",
"sltd": "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டது",
"dBtn": "நீக்கு",
"ser": "தேடு",
"unsaved": "சேமிக்கப்படாத மாற்றங்கள்",
"disc": "இந்த சமையல் குறிப்பில் சேமிக்கப்படாத மாற்றங்கள் உள்ளன. நீங்கள் என்ன செய்ய விரும்புகிறீர்கள்?",
"disBtn": "நிராகரி",
"kEdit": "தொடர்ந்து திருத்து",
"rmIng": "தேவையான பொருள் நீக்கப்பட்டது",
"rmIns": "செய்முறை நீக்கப்பட்டது",
"rmN": "குறிப்பு நீக்கப்பட்டது",
"rmCmb": "சேர்க்கை நீக்கப்பட்டது",
"nwYiU": "புதிய மகசூல் அலகு",
"nwCat": "புதிய பகுப்பு",
"req": "தேவையான",
"recPic": "சமையல் குறிப்பு புகைப்படம்",
"repBtn": "புகைப்படத்தை மாற்று",
"cPic": "படத்தை வெட்டு",
"breakfast": "காலை உணவு",
"lunch": "மதிய உணவு",
"dinner": "இரவு உணவு",
"snacks": "தின்பண்டங்கள்",
"You tried this recipe:": "இச்சமையல் குறிப்பை முயற்சித்தீர்கள்:",
"triedInfo": "இச்சமையல் குறிப்பை முயற்சித்தீர்கள்:",
"today": "இன்று",
"yesterday": "நேற்று",
"days ago": "நாட்களுக்கு முன்பு",
"weeks ago": "வாரங்களுக்கு முன்பு",
"months ago": "மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு",
"long time ago": "வெகுகாலத்திற்கு முன்பு",
"Verifying...": "சரிபார்க்கிறது…",
"Import successful": "வெற்றிகரமாக இறக்குமதி செய்யப்பட்டது",
"Permission denied": "அனுமதி மறுக்கப்பட்டது",
"Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "என்ரெசிபீஸ் வழியாக பகிரப்பட்டது. அதை ப்ளே ஸ்டோர் அல்லது எஃப்-டிரயோடு இருந்து பெறுங்கள்.",
"Contributors": "பங்களிப்பாளர்கள்",
"Translator": "மொழிபெயர்ப்பாளர்",
"View on GitHub": "கிட்ஹப்பில் காண்க",
"Privacy policy": "தனியுரிமைக் கொள்கை",
"User guide": "பயனர் வழிகாட்டி",
"Options": "விருப்பங்கள்",
"Shake to view random recipe": "சாதனத்தை அசைத்து சீரற்ற சமையல் குறிப்பை காண்க",
"Helps you choose what to cook when you can't decide": "நீங்கள் தீர்மானிக்க முடியாதபோது என்ன சமைக்க வேண்டும் என்பதைத் தேர்வுசெய்ய உதவும்",
"Reset": "மீட்டமை",
"Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries.": "பட்டியலை மீட்டமைப்பது உங்கள் இருக்கும் உள்ளீடுகளை நீக்காது, ஆனால் நீக்கப்பட்ட இயல்புநிலை உள்ளீடுகளை மட்டுமே மீட்டமைக்கும்.",
"Reset cuisines list": "உணவு வகைகள் பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"Reset categories list": "பகுப்புகள் பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"Reset yield units list": "மகசூல் அலகுகள் பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"Reset units list": "அலகுகள் பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"Reset successful": "வெற்றிகரமாக மீட்டமைக்கப்பட்டது",
"Recipe not found": "சமையல் குறிப்பு கிடைக்கவில்லை",
"Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result": "உங்கள் தேடல் வடிகட்டப்பட்ட முடிவில் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளுடனும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"dAgo": "நாட்களுக்கு முன்பு",
"wAgo": "வாரங்களுக்கு முன்பு",
"mAgo": "மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு",
"ltAgo": "நீண்ட காலத்திற்கு முன்பு",
"vrfy": "சரிபார்க்கிறது",
"appCrd": "என்ரெசிபீஸ் வழியாக பகிரப்பட்டது. அதை எஃப்-டிரயோடு, IzzyOnDroid அல்லது ப்ளே ஸ்டோர் இருந்து பெறுங்கள்.",
"gh": "கிட்ஹப்பில் காண்க",
"priv": "தனியுரிமைக் கொள்கை",
"guide": "பயனர் வழிகாட்டி",
"opts": "விருப்பங்கள்",
"sVw": "சாதனத்தை அசைத்து சீரற்ற சமையல் குறிப்பை காண்க",
"sVwInfo": "நீங்கள் தீர்மானிக்க முடியாதபோது என்ன சமைக்கலாம் என்பதைத் தேர்வுசெய்ய உதவும்",
"rest": "மீட்டமை",
"restCuiL": "உணவு வகை பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"restCatL": "பகுப்பு பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"restYUL": "மகசூல் அலகு பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"restUL": "அலகு பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"restInfo": "பட்டியலை மீட்டமைப்பது பயனர் உருவாக்கிய உள்ளீடுகளை நீக்கி இயல்புநிலை உள்ளீடுகளை மீட்டமைக்கும். தற்போதுள்ள சமையல் குறிப்புகள் பாதிக்கப்படாது.",
"restDone": "மீட்டமைக்கப்பட்டது",
"resNF": "சமையல் குறிப்பு கிடைக்கவில்லை",
"Quickest first": "விரைவானவை முதலில்",
"Slowest first": "மெதுவானவை முதலில்",
"Rating": "மதிப்பீடு",
@ -220,17 +219,12 @@
"Easy": "எளிது",
"Moderate": "மிதமானது",
"Challenging": "சவாலானது",
"New cuisine": "புதிய உணவு வகை",
"New unit": "புதிய அலகு",
"Remove cuisine?": "உணவு வகையை அகற்றவா?",
"Remove category?": "பகுப்பை அகற்றவா?",
"Remove yield unit?": "மகசூல் அலகை அகற்றவா?",
"Remove unit?": "அலகை அகற்றவா?",
"Units": "அலகுகள்",
"Are you sure you want to remove": "இதை நிச்சயமாக அகற்ற விரும்புகிறீர்களா",
"Cuisine": "உணவு வகை",
"Cuisines": "உணவு வகைகள்",
"All Cuisines": "அனைத்து உணவு வகைகள்",
"newCui": "புதிய உணவு வகை",
"newUnit": "புதிய அலகு",
"Unit": "அலகு",
"cui": "உணவு வகை",
"cuis": "உணவு வகைகள்",
"allCuis": "அனைத்து உணவு வகைகள்",
"American": "அமெரிக்க",
"Brazilian": "பிரேசிலிய",
"British": "பிரிட்டிஷ்",
@ -261,206 +255,51 @@
"Thai": "தாய்",
"Turkish": "துருக்கிய",
"Vietnamese": "வியட்நாமிய",
"All Categories": "அனைத்து பகுப்புகள்",
"All Tags": "அனைத்து குறிச்சொற்கள்",
"No tags available": "குறிச்சொற்கள் எதுவுமில்லை",
"Tags": "குறிச்சொற்கள்",
"separate with spaces": "இடைவெளிகளுடன் பிரிக்கவும்",
"Import summary": "இறக்குமதி சுருக்கம்",
"recipes found": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் கண்டறியப்பட்டது",
"recipes imported": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் இறக்குமதி செய்யப்பட்டது",
"recipes already exists": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் ஏற்கனவே உள்ளது",
"recipes updated": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்டது",
"OK": "சரி",
"Filtered result": "வடிகட்டப்பட்ட முடிவு",
"Created": "உருவாக்கப்பட்டது",
"Star rating": "நட்சத்திர மதிப்பீடு",
"Untitled Recipe": "பெயரிடப்படாத சமையல் குறிப்பு",
"Remove recipe from breakfast?": "காலை உணவில் இருந்து சமையல் குறிப்பை அகற்றவா?",
"Remove recipe from lunch?": "மதிய உணவில் இருந்து சமையல் குறிப்பை அகற்றவா?",
"Remove recipe from dinner?": "இரவு உணவில் இருந்து சமையல் குறிப்பை அகற்றவா?",
"Remove recipe from snacks?": "தின்பண்டங்களிலிருந்து சமையல் குறிப்பை அகற்றவா?",
"Import failed": "இறக்குமதி தோல்வியுற்றது",
"Backup file is incorrect or corrupt.": "காப்பு கோப்பு தவறானது அல்லது சிதைந்துள்ளது.",
"Backup file seems empty.": "காப்பு கோப்பு காலியாக உள்ளது.",
"Backup file has been modified externally.": "காப்பு கோப்பு வெளிப்புறமாக மாற்றப்பட்டுள்ளது.",
"Invalid file:": "தவறான கோப்பு:",
"rmTry": "பின்னர் முயற்சிப்பதில் இருந்து அகற்றப்பட்டது",
"stp": "செய்முறை",
"aTry": "பின்னர் முயற்சிக்க சேர்க்கப்பட்டது",
"unfavd": "பிடித்தவற்றிலிருந்து அகற்றப்பட்டது",
"favd": "பிடித்தவையில் சேர்க்கப்பட்டது",
"aFBu": "காப்புப்பிரதி செய்ய சமையல் குறிப்பைச் சேர்க்கவும்",
"dend": "அனுமதி மறுக்கப்பட்டது",
"conBtn": "தொடர்",
"nNBtn": "இப்போது இல்லை",
"phtReq": "செய்முறை புகைப்படத்தை அமைக்க சேமிப்பு அனுமதி தேவை.",
"impReq": "காப்புப்பிரதியை இறக்குமதி செய்ய சேமிப்பு அனுமதி தேவை.",
"expReq": "காப்புப்பிரதியை ஏற்றுமதி செய்ய சேமிப்பு அனுமதி தேவை.",
"grant": "அனுமதி வழங்கவும்",
"nLangInfo": "புதிய மொழியைப் பயன்படுத்த என்ரெசிபீஸ் ஐ மறுதொடக்கம் செய்யுங்கள்",
"nThmInfo": "புதிய தீம் பயன்படுத்த என்ரெசிபீஸ் ஐ மறுதொடக்கம் செய்யுங்கள்",
"rst": "மறுதொடக்கம்",
"appRst": "பயன்பாட்டு மறுதொடக்கம் தேவை",
"aNBtn": "புதியவை சேர்",
"shr": "பகிர்",
"ovw": "கண்ணோட்டம்",
"rec": "சமையல் குறிப்பு உரையாக",
"pht": "சமையல் குறிப்பு புகைப்படம்",
"recTitle": "எனது ஆரோக்கியமான சமையல் குறிப்பு",
"recListEmp": "இங்கு எதுவுமில்லை! சில சமையல் குறிப்பிப்புகளை சேர்த்து மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்",
"selRec": "செய்முறையைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்",
"aBtn": "சேர்",
"rmLIInfo": "தற்போதுள்ள சமையல் குறிப்புகள் பாதிக்கப்படாது",
"rmUInfo": "நீங்கள் அலகு நீக்க உள்ளீர்கள்:",
"rmYUInfo": "நீங்கள் மகசூல் அலகு நீக்க உள்ளீர்கள்:",
"rmCuiInfo": "நீங்கள் உணவு வகையை நீக்க உள்ளீர்கள்:",
"rmCatInfo": "நீங்கள் பகுப்பை நீக்க உள்ளீர்கள்:",
"rBtn": "அகற்று",
"cBtn": "ரத்துசெய்",
"srt": "இதன்படி வரிசைப்படுத்து",
"it": "பொருள்",
"aNoBtn": "குறிப்பைச் சேர்",
"nos": "குறிப்புகள்",
"no": "குறிப்பு",
"addCmbBtn": "சேர்க்கையைச் சேர்",
"cmbs": "சேர்க்கைகள்",
"cmb": "சேர்க்கை",
"aStpBtn": "செய்முறையைச் சேர்",
"inss": "செய்முறைகள்",
"ins": "செய்முறை",
"aIngBtn": "பொருளைச் சேர்",
"ings": "தேவையான பொருட்கள்",
"ing": "தேவையான பொருள்",
"yieldU": "மகசூல் அலகு",
"yieldQ": "மகசூல் அளவு",
"cookT": "சமைக்கும் நேரம்",
"prepT": "தயாரிப்பு நேரம்",
"cat": "பகுப்பு",
"title": "தலைப்பு",
"editRec": "சமையல் குறிப்பை திருத்து",
"newRec": "புதிய சமையல் குறிப்பு",
"tgInfo": "சிக்கல்கள், பரிந்துரைகள் மற்றும் கருத்துக்களைப் புகாரளியுங்கள்",
"joinTG": "டெலிகிராம் குழுவில் சேரவும்",
"ver": "பதிப்பு",
"impInfo": "இந்த பயன்பாட்டின் மூலம் ஏற்றுமதி செய்யப்பட்ட முழு காப்புப்பிரதிகளை ஆதரிக்கும்",
"impBu": "தரவு இறக்குமதி",
"buInfo": "மீண்டும் இறக்குமதி செய்யக்கூடிய உங்கள் எல்லா தரவையும் கொண்ட ஒரு ZIP கோப்பை உருவாக்குகிறது",
"expBu": "முழு மறுபிரதி ஏற்றுமதி",
"db": "தரவுத்தளம்",
"noRecs": "உங்கள் தேடலுடன் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"sysDef": "அமைப்பு இயல்புநிலை",
"lang": "மொழி",
"intf": "இடைமுகம்",
"noRecsInFtr": "வடிகட்டப்பட்ட சமையல் குறிப்புகளில் உங்கள் தேடலுடன் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"noRecsInFavs": "பிடித்தவை பட்டியலில் உங்கள் தேடலுடன் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"noRecsInTL": "பின்னர் முயற்சிக்க பட்டியலில் உங்கள் தேடலுடன் எந்த சமையல் குறிப்புகளும் பொருந்தவில்லை",
"tLInfo": "நீங்கள் பின்னர் முயற்சிக்க விரும்பும் சமையல் குறிப்புகள் இங்கே பட்டியலிடப்படும்",
"fsList": "உங்களுக்கு பிடித்த சமையல் குறிப்புகள் இங்கே பட்டியலிடப்படும்",
"noFavs": "பிடித்தவை எதுவும் இல்லை",
"aD": "அனைத்தும் செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளன!",
"pANo": "குறிப்புகளைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"pACmb": "சேர்க்கைகளைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"pAIns": "செய்முறைகளைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"pAIng": "தேவையான பொருட்களைச் சேர்க்க பென்சில் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"plsAdd": "ஒன்றைச் சேர்க்க பிளஸ் பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும்",
"strAdd": "உங்கள் சமையல் குறிப்புகளைச் சேர்க்கத் தொடங்குங்கள்!",
"grocery": "மளிகை பட்டியல்",
"planner": "உணவுத் திட்டம்",
"favourites": "பிடித்தவை",
"trylater": "பின்னர் முயற்சிக்க",
"ltAgo": "நீண்ட காலத்திற்கு முன்பு",
"triedInfo": "இச்சமையல் குறிப்பை முயற்சித்தீர்கள்:",
"unsaved": "சேமிக்கப்படாத மாற்றங்கள்",
"ser": "தேடு",
"dBtn": "நீக்கு",
"trySer": "எல்லா சமையல் குறிப்புகளிலும் தேடவா?",
"help": "உதவி",
"appInfo": "என்ரெசிபீஸ் என்பது ஒரு திறந்த மூல, தனியுரிமைக்கு ஏற்ற டிஜிட்டல் சமையல் புத்தகம், இது உங்கள் சமையல் குறிப்புகளை உருவாக்க, நிர்வகிக்க மற்றும் பகிர உதவுகிறது",
"donate": "நன்கொடை செய்க",
"invFile": "தவறான கோப்பு",
"buSuc": "காப்பு கோப்பு பதிவிறக்ககோப்புறையில் வெற்றிகரமாக சேமிக்கப்பட்டது",
"buMod": "காப்பு கோப்பு வேறு இடத்தில் மாற்றப்பட்டுள்ளது",
"buEmp": "காப்பு கோப்பு காலியாக உள்ளது",
"buInc": "தவறான அல்லது சிதைந்த காப்பு கோப்பு",
"impFail": "இறக்குமதி தோல்வியுற்றது",
"recRm": "சமையல் குறிப்பு நீக்கப்பட்டது",
"untRec": "தலைப்பிடாத சமையல் குறிப்பு",
"stars": "நட்சத்திர மதிப்பீடு",
"Filtered recipes": "வடிகட்டப்பட்ட சமையல் குறிப்புகள்",
"recU": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்டது",
"recE": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் ஏற்கனவே உள்ளது",
"recI": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் இறக்குமதி செய்யப்பட்டது",
"recF": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் கண்டறியப்பட்டது",
"impSuc": "வெற்றிகரமாக இறக்குமதி செய்யப்பட்டது",
"tsInfo": "இடைவெளிகளுடன் பிரிக்கவும்",
"ts": "குறிச்சொற்கள்",
"noTs": "குறிச்சொற்கள் எதுவும் கிடைக்கவில்லை",
"allTs": "அனைத்து குறிச்சொற்கள்",
"allCats": "அனைத்து பகுப்புகள்",
"allCuis": "அனைத்து உணவு வகைகள்",
"cuis": "உணவு வகைகள்",
"cui": "உணவு வகை",
"newUnit": "புதிய அலகு",
"newCui": "புதிய உணவு வகை",
"resNF": "சமையல் குறிப்பு கிடைக்கவில்லை",
"restDone": "மீட்டமைக்கப்பட்டது",
"restInfo": "பட்டியலை மீட்டமைப்பது பயனர் உருவாக்கிய உள்ளீடுகளை நீக்கி இயல்புநிலை உள்ளீடுகளை மீட்டமைக்கும். தற்போதுள்ள சமையல் குறிப்புகள் பாதிக்கப்படாது.",
"restUL": "அலகு பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"restYUL": "மகசூல் அலகு பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"restCatL": "பகுப்பு பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"restCuiL": "உணவு வகை பட்டியலை மீட்டமை",
"rest": "மீட்டமை",
"sVwInfo": "நீங்கள் தீர்மானிக்க முடியாதபோது என்ன சமைக்கலாம் என்பதைத் தேர்வுசெய்ய உதவும்",
"sVw": "சாதனத்தை அசைத்து சீரற்ற சமையல் குறிப்பை காண்க",
"opts": "விருப்பங்கள்",
"guide": "பயனர் வழிகாட்டி",
"priv": "தனியுரிமைக் கொள்கை",
"gh": "கிட்ஹப்பில் காண்க",
"appCrd": "என்ரெசிபீஸ் வழியாக பகிரப்பட்டது. அதை எஃப்-டிரயோடு, IzzyOnDroid அல்லது ப்ளே ஸ்டோர் இருந்து பெறுங்கள்.",
"vrfy": "சரிபார்க்கிறது",
"mAgo": "மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு",
"wAgo": "வாரங்களுக்கு முன்பு",
"dAgo": "நாட்களுக்கு முன்பு",
"cPic": "படத்தை வெட்டு",
"repBtn": "புகைப்படத்தை மாற்று",
"recPic": "சமையல் குறிப்பு புகைப்படம்",
"req": "தேவையான",
"nwCat": "புதிய பகுப்பு",
"nwYiU": "புதிய மகசூல் அலகு",
"rmCmb": "சேர்க்கை நீக்கப்பட்டது",
"rmN": "குறிப்பு நீக்கப்பட்டது",
"rmIns": "செய்முறை நீக்கப்பட்டது",
"rmIng": "தேவையான பொருள் நீக்கப்பட்டது",
"kEdit": "தொடர்ந்து திருத்து",
"disBtn": "நிராகரி",
"disc": "இந்த சமையல் குறிப்பில் சேமிக்கப்படாத மாற்றங்கள் உள்ளன. நீங்கள் என்ன செய்ய விரும்புகிறீர்கள்?",
"delRecInfo": "நீங்கள் சமையல் குறிப்பை நிரந்தரமாக நீக்க உள்ளீர்கள்:",
"conf": "உறுதிசெய்க",
"reqAcc": "செய்முறை புகைப்படம் அமைக்க, தரவை ஏற்றுமதி மற்றும் இறக்குமதி செய்ய என்ரெசிபீஸ்க்கு சேமிப்பு அனுமதி தேவை",
"fil": "சமையல் குறிப்பு கோப்பாக",
"SAT": "சனி",
"FRI": "வெள்ளி",
"THU": "வியாழன்",
"WED": "புதன்",
"MON": "திங்கள்",
"SUN": "ஞாயிறு",
"TUE": "செவ்வாய்",
"December": "டிசம்பர்",
"November": "நவம்பர்",
"October": "அக்டோபர்",
"September": "செப்டம்பர்",
"August": "ஆகஸ்ட்",
"July": "ஜூலை",
"June": "ஜூன்",
"May": "மே",
"April": "ஏப்ரல்",
"March": "மார்ச்",
"February": "பிப்ரவரி",
"allTs": "அனைத்து குறிச்சொற்கள்",
"noTs": "குறிச்சொற்கள் எதுவும் கிடைக்கவில்லை",
"ts": "குறிச்சொற்கள்",
"tsInfo": "இடைவெளிகளுடன் பிரிக்கவும்",
"impSuc": "வெற்றிகரமாக இறக்குமதி செய்யப்பட்டது",
"recF": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் கண்டறியப்பட்டது",
"recI": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் இறக்குமதி செய்யப்பட்டது",
"recE": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் ஏற்கனவே உள்ளது",
"recU": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள் புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்டது",
"OK": "சரி",
"Filtered recipes": "வடிகட்டப்பட்ட சமையல் குறிப்புகள்",
"Created": "உருவாக்கப்பட்டது",
"stars": "நட்சத்திர மதிப்பீடு",
"untRec": "தலைப்பிடாத சமையல் குறிப்பு",
"recRm": "சமையல் குறிப்பு நீக்கப்பட்டது",
"impFail": "இறக்குமதி தோல்வியுற்றது",
"buInc": "தவறான அல்லது சிதைந்த காப்பு கோப்பு",
"buEmp": "காப்பு கோப்பு காலியாக உள்ளது",
"buMod": "காப்பு கோப்பு வேறு இடத்தில் மாற்றப்பட்டுள்ளது",
"buSuc": "காப்பு கோப்பு பதிவிறக்ககோப்புறையில் வெற்றிகரமாக சேமிக்கப்பட்டது",
"invFile": "தவறான கோப்பு",
"donate": "நன்கொடை செய்க",
"appInfo": "என்ரெசிபீஸ் என்பது ஒரு திறந்த மூல, தனியுரிமைக்கு ஏற்ற டிஜிட்டல் சமையல் புத்தகம், இது உங்கள் சமையல் குறிப்புகளை உருவாக்க, நிர்வகிக்க மற்றும் பகிர உதவுகிறது",
"help": "உதவி",
"trySer": "எல்லா சமையல் குறிப்புகளிலும் தேடவா?",
"January": "ஜனவரி",
"sltd": "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டது",
"recs": "சமையல் குறிப்புகள்",
"delRecsInfo": "நீங்கள் நிரந்தரமாக நீக்க உள்ளீர்கள்:",
"February": "பிப்ரவரி",
"March": "மார்ச்",
"April": "ஏப்ரல்",
"May": "மே",
"June": "ஜூன்",
"July": "ஜூலை",
"August": "ஆகஸ்ட்",
"September": "செப்டம்பர்",
"October": "அக்டோபர்",
"November": "நவம்பர்",
"December": "டிசம்பர்",
"SUN": "ஞாயிறு",
"MON": "திங்கள்",
"TUE": "செவ்வாய்",
"WED": "புதன்",
"THU": "வியாழன்",
"FRI": "வெள்ளி",
"SAT": "சனி",
"trnsl": "மொழிபெயர்",
"undo": "பின்வாங்கு"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"app.name": "",
"EnRecipes": "",
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"trylater": "",
"favourites": "",
"planner": "",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
"compilerOptions": {
/* Visit https://aka.ms/tsconfig.json to read more about this file */
/* Basic Options */
// "incremental": true, /* Enable incremental compilation */
"target": "es5", /* Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018', 'ES2019', 'ES2020', or 'ESNEXT'. */
"module": "commonjs", /* Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', 'es2020', or 'ESNext'. */
// "lib": [], /* Specify library files to be included in the compilation. */
// "allowJs": true, /* Allow javascript files to be compiled. */
// "checkJs": true, /* Report errors in .js files. */
// "jsx": "preserve", /* Specify JSX code generation: 'preserve', 'react-native', or 'react'. */
// "declaration": true, /* Generates corresponding '.d.ts' file. */
// "declarationMap": true, /* Generates a sourcemap for each corresponding '.d.ts' file. */
// "sourceMap": true, /* Generates corresponding '.map' file. */
// "outFile": "./", /* Concatenate and emit output to single file. */
// "outDir": "./", /* Redirect output structure to the directory. */
// "rootDir": "./", /* Specify the root directory of input files. Use to control the output directory structure with --outDir. */
// "composite": true, /* Enable project compilation */
// "tsBuildInfoFile": "./", /* Specify file to store incremental compilation information */
// "removeComments": true, /* Do not emit comments to output. */
// "noEmit": true, /* Do not emit outputs. */
// "importHelpers": true, /* Import emit helpers from 'tslib'. */
// "downlevelIteration": true, /* Provide full support for iterables in 'for-of', spread, and destructuring when targeting 'ES5' or 'ES3'. */
// "isolatedModules": true, /* Transpile each file as a separate module (similar to 'ts.transpileModule'). */
/* Strict Type-Checking Options */
"strict": true, /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */
// "noImplicitAny": true, /* Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */
// "strictNullChecks": true, /* Enable strict null checks. */
// "strictFunctionTypes": true, /* Enable strict checking of function types. */
// "strictBindCallApply": true, /* Enable strict 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods on functions. */
// "strictPropertyInitialization": true, /* Enable strict checking of property initialization in classes. */
// "noImplicitThis": true, /* Raise error on 'this' expressions with an implied 'any' type. */
// "alwaysStrict": true, /* Parse in strict mode and emit "use strict" for each source file. */
/* Additional Checks */
// "noUnusedLocals": true, /* Report errors on unused locals. */
// "noUnusedParameters": true, /* Report errors on unused parameters. */
// "noImplicitReturns": true, /* Report error when not all code paths in function return a value. */
// "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, /* Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement. */
/* Module Resolution Options */
// "moduleResolution": "node", /* Specify module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node.js) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre-1.6). */
// "baseUrl": "./", /* Base directory to resolve non-absolute module names. */
// "paths": {}, /* A series of entries which re-map imports to lookup locations relative to the 'baseUrl'. */
// "rootDirs": [], /* List of root folders whose combined content represents the structure of the project at runtime. */
// "typeRoots": [], /* List of folders to include type definitions from. */
// "types": [], /* Type declaration files to be included in compilation. */
// "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, /* Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking. */
"esModuleInterop": true, /* Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES Modules via creation of namespace objects for all imports. Implies 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports'. */
// "preserveSymlinks": true, /* Do not resolve the real path of symlinks. */
// "allowUmdGlobalAccess": true, /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */
/* Source Map Options */
// "sourceRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations. */
// "mapRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */
// "inlineSourceMap": true, /* Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file. */
// "inlineSources": true, /* Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file; requires '--inlineSourceMap' or '--sourceMap' to be set. */
/* Experimental Options */
// "experimentalDecorators": true, /* Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators. */
// "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, /* Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators. */
/* Advanced Options */
"skipLibCheck": true, /* Skip type checking of declaration files. */
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true /* Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file. */
Add table
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