"Kunne ikke importere" "Invalid file:" "Backup file has been modified externally." "Backup file seems empty." "Backup file is incorrect or corrupt." "Remove recipe from snacks?" "Remove recipe from dinner?" "Remove recipe from lunch?" "Remove recipe from breakfast?" "Untitled Recipe" "Star rating" "Created" "Filtered result" "OK" "recipes updated" "recipes already exists" "recipes imported" "recipes found" "Import summary" "separate with spaces" "Tags" "No tags available" "All Tags" "All Categories" "Vietnamese" "Turkish" "Thai" "Swedish" "Sri Lankan" "Spanish" "Scottish" "Russian" "Portuguese" "Nigerian" "Mexican" "Korean" "Kenyan" "Jewish" "Japanese" "Jamaican" "Italian" "Irish" "Indian" "Greek" "German" "French" "Filipino" "English" "Egyptian" "Danish" "Chinese" "British" "Brazilian" "American" "All Cuisines" "Cuisines" "Cuisine" "Are you sure you want to remove" "Units" "Remove unit?" "Remove yield unit?" "Remove category?" "Remove cuisine?" "New unit" "New cuisine" "Challenging" "Moderate" "Easy" "Oldest first" "Newest first" "Last updated" "Difficulty level" "Rating" "Slowest first" "Quickest first" "Your search did not match any recipes in the filtered result" "Recipe not found" "Reset successful" "Reset units list" "Reset yield units list" "Reset categories list" "Reset cuisines list" "Resetting a list will NOT delete your existing entries but only restores the deleted default entries." "Reset" "Helps you choose what to cook when you can\'t decide" "Shake to view random recipe" "Options" "User guide" "Privacy policy" "View on GitHub" "Translator" "Bidragyder" "Deles via EnRecipes. Få det på Play Butik eller fra F-Droid." "Tilladelse nægtet" "Import vellykket" "Check..." "lang tid siden" "Måneder før" "Uger før" "Dage før" "i går" "dag" "Du har prøvet denne opskrift:" "Snackbar" "Aftensmad" "Frokost" "Morgenmad" "Beskæring af et foto" "UDSKIFT FOTO" "Opskrift Foto" "EnRecipes kræver opbevaring tilladelse til at sætte opskriften fotos." "Nødvendig" "Neue-kategori" "Nyt Udbytte Enhed" "Bemærk fjerne?" "Kombination fjerne?" "Forberedelse fjerne?" "Ingredienser fjerne?" "KASSERE" "KASSERE" "Vil du kassere ikke-gemte ændringer i denne opskrift?" "Ikke-Gemte Ændringer" "Søge" "Vil du virkelig slette opskriften" "SLETTE" "Slet opskrift?" "Fjernet fra senere prøve" "Tilføjet i prøve senere" "Fjernet fra favoritter" "Tilføjet Til Favoritter" "Tilføj mindst en opskrift for at udføre en sikkerhedskopi" "EnRecipes kræver tilladelse til opbevaring for at sikkerhedskopiere dine data på denne enhed." "FORTSÆTTE" "IKKE NU" "EnRecipes hukommelse krævede tilladelse til at importere dine data fra en tidligere sikkerhedskopi." "Give tilladelse" "EnRecipes skal genstartes, for at det nyligt indstillede sprog ændres" "EnRecipes skal genstartes for at emneændringen kan træde i kraft." "GENSTARTE" "En genstart er påkrævet" "INDSTILLE" "OPRET NYE" "Dele" "Oversigt" "Opskrift" "Foto" "min" "h" "Min Sunde Opskrift" "Der er intet her! Tilføj nogle opskrifter og prøv igen." "Opskrift vælg" "TILFØJE" "FJERNE" "ANNULLERE" "Sorter efter" "Trin" "Element" "TILFØJ NOTER" "Noter" "Note" "TILFØJE KOMBINATION" "Kombinationer" "TILFØJ TRIN" "Forberedelser" "Forberedelse" "TILFØJE INGREDIENS" "Ingredienser" "Ingrediens" "Udbytte målt i" "Udbyttebeløb" "Tilberedningstid" "Forberedelsestid" "kategori" "Titel" "Opskrift Rediger" "Ny Opskrift" "Vishnu Raghav B" "Forfatter" "til rapportering af problemer, forslag og Feedback" "Deltag i telegram-gruppen" "version" "Understøtter fuld sikkerhedskopier eksporteret af denne App" "Import fra Backup" "Opretter en fileip-fil, der indeholder alle data. Denne fil kan importeres igen." "Eksporter til en sikkerhedskopi" "Database" "Mørk" "Lyst" "Emne" "Systemstandard" "App Sprog" "Interface" "Din søgning matchede ikke Opskrifter i din senere prøveliste" "Din søgning matchede ikke Opskrifter i dine favoritter" "Din søgning stemte ikke overens med opskrifter i denne kategori" "Din søgning stemte ikke overens med opskrifter" "Ingen opskrifter fundet" "Kategori er tom" "Opskrifter, som du markerer som favoritter, er vist her" "Ingen favoritter endnu" "Opskrifter, der er markeret med try later, vises her" "Alle gjort!" "Brug pen-ikonet til at tilføje nogle noter" "Brug pennikonet til at tilføje nogle kombinationer" "Brug penikonet til at tilføje nogle forberedelser" "Brug pen-ikonet til at tilføje nogle ingredienser" "Brug plusknappen til at tilføje en" "Begynd at tilføje dine opskrifter!" "stor" "medium" "lille" "stok" "dusin" "dråbe" "klemme" "stykke" "spaltes" "blad" "in" "cm" "kg" "g" "mg" "Pf" "oz" "l" "ml" "gal" "qt" "pt" "Kop" "fl" "EL" "SL" "TL" "Enhed" "enhed" "Brød" "Patty" "Roller" "Liter" "Ml" "Gallon" "Kop" "Kilo" "Gram" "Pund" "Ounce" "Flydende Ounce" "EL" "TL" "Stykke" "Serverer" "Vegetarisk" "Vegansk" "Ikke defineret" "Suppe" "Snackbar" "Sideretter" "Skaldyr" "Sauce" "Salater" "Ris" "Fjerkræ" "Pasta" "Noodle" "Kød" "Hovedret" "Mittag" "Sund" "Drink" "Abendessen" "Dessertbuffet" "Morgenmad" "Brød" "Drink" "Grill" "Forret" "Om" "Indstilling" "Kategori" "Måltid planner" "Favorit" "Prøv senere" "EnRecipes" "EnRecipes" "EnRecipes" "EnRecipes" "SEARCH IN ALL THE RECIPES?" "Help" "EnRecipes is an open source, privacy-friendly digital cookbook that lets you create, manage and share your recipes" "Donate" "Invalid file" "Backup saved successfully to the Download folder" "The backup file was modified elsewhere" "The backup file is empty" "Malformed or corrupt backup file" "Import failed" "Recipe removed" "Untitled Recipe" "Star rating" "Filtered recipes" "recipes updated" "recipes already exists" "recipes imported" "recipes found" "Import success" "separate with spaces" "Tags" "No tags available" "All Tags" "All Categories" "All Cuisines" "Cuisines" "Cuisine" "New unit" "New cuisine" "Recipe not found" "Reset done" "Resetting a list will delete user-created entries and restore default entries. Existing recipes will not be affected." "Reset unit list" "Reset yield unit list" "Reset category list" "Reset cuisine list" "Reset" "Helps you choose what to cook when you can\'t decide" "Shake to view random recipe" "Options" "User guide" "Privacy policy" "View on GitHub" "Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on F-Droid, IzzyOnDroid or the Play Store." "Verifying" "a long time ago" "months ago" "weeks ago" "days ago" "You tried this recipe:" "Crop photo" "REPLACE PHOTO" "Recipe photo" "Required" "New category" "New yield unit" "Combination removed" "Note removed" "Instruction removed" "Ingredient removed" "KEEP EDITING" "DISCARD" "This recipe has unsaved changes. What would you like to do?" "Unsaved changes" "Search" "DELETE" "You are about to permanently delete the recipe:" "Delete confirmation" "Confirm" "Removed from Try Later" "Added to Try Later" "Removed from Favourites" "Added to Favourites" "Add a recipe to perform a backup" "Access denied" "CONTINUE" "NOT NOW" "EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo, export and import data" "Grant access" "Restart EnRecipes to use the new language" "Restart EnRecipes to use the new theme" "RESTART" "App restart required" "ADD NEW" "Overview" "Recipe as file" "Recipe as text" "Recipe photo" "Share" "My Healthy Recipe" "Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again" "Select recipe" "ADD" "Existing recipes will not be affected" "You are about to remove the unit:" "You are about to remove the yield unit:" "You are about to remove the category:" "You are about to remove the cuisine:" "REMOVE" "CANCEL" "Sort by" "Step" "Item" "ADD NOTE" "Notes" "Note" "ADD COMBINATION" "Combinations" "Combination" "ADD STEP" "Instructions" "Instruction" "ADD INGREDIENT" "Ingredients" "Ingredient" "Yield unit" "Yield quantity" "Cooking time" "Preparation time" "Category" "Title" "Edit recipe" "New recipe" "For reporting issues, suggestions and feedback" "Join the Telegram group" "Version" "Supports full backups exported by this app" "Import data" "Generates a ZIP file containing all your data that can be imported back" "Export full backup" "Database" "System default" "Language" "Interface" "No recipes match your search in the Filtered recipes" "No recipes match your search in the Favourites list" "No recipes match your search in the Try Later list" "No recipes match your search" "Your favourite recipes are listed here" "No favourites yet" "Recipes you want to try later are listed here" "All done!" "Use the pencil button to add notes" "Use the pencil button to add combinations" "Use the pencil button to add instructions" "Use the pencil button to add ingredients" "Use the plus button to add one" "Start adding your recipes!" "Grocery List" "Meal Planner" "Favourites" "Try Later" "Donate" "Combination"