import Vue from "vue" import Vuex from "vuex" Vue.use(Vuex) export default new Vuex.Store({ state: { recipes: [ // { // imageSrc: null, // title: "Mediterranean Salad", // category: "Salads", // prepTime: "12:25", // cookTime: "00:30", // portionSize: 1, // ingredients: [ // { // item: "Cucumbers, Seeded And Sliced", // quantity: 3, // unit: "unit", // }, // { // item: "Crumbled Feta Cheese", // quantity: 1.5, // unit: "cup", // }, // { // item: "Black Olives, Pitted And Sliced", // quantity: 1, // unit: "cup", // }, // { // item: "Diced Roma Tomatoes", // quantity: 3, // unit: "cup", // }, // { // item: "Diced Oil Packed Sun Dried Tomatoes, Drained, Oil Reserved", // quantity: 0.3, // unit: "cup", // }, // { // item: "Onion, Sliced", // quantity: 1.5, // unit: "unit", // }, // { // item: "Cucumbers, Seeded And Sliced", // quantity: 3, // unit: "unit", // }, // { // item: "Crumbled Feta Cheese", // quantity: 1.5, // unit: "cup", // }, // { // item: "Black Olives, Pitted And Sliced", // quantity: 1, // unit: "cup", // }, // { // item: "Diced Roma Tomatoes", // quantity: 3, // unit: "cup", // }, // { // item: "Diced Oil Packed Sun Dried Tomatoes, Drained, Oil Reserved", // quantity: 0.3, // unit: "cup", // }, // { // item: "Onion, Sliced", // quantity: 1.5, // unit: "unit", // }, // { // item: "Cucumbers, Seeded And Sliced", // quantity: 3, // unit: "unit", // }, // { // item: "Crumbled Feta Cheese", // quantity: 1.5, // unit: "cup", // }, // { // item: "Black Olives, Pitted And Sliced", // quantity: 1, // unit: "cup", // }, // { // item: "Diced Roma Tomatoes", // quantity: 3, // unit: "cup", // }, // { // item: "Diced Oil Packed Sun Dried Tomatoes, Drained, Oil Reserved", // quantity: 0.3, // unit: "cup", // }, // { // item: "Onion, Sliced", // quantity: 1.5, // unit: "unit", // }, // ], // instructions: [ // "In a large salad bowl, toss together the cucumbers, feta cheese, olives, roma tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, 2 tablespoons reserved sun-dried tomato oil, and red onion.", // "Chill until serving.", // "In a large salad bowl, toss together the cucumbers, feta cheese, olives, roma tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, 2 tablespoons reserved sun-dried tomato oil, and red onion. In a large salad bowl, toss together the cucumbers, feta cheese, olives, roma tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, 2 tablespoons reserved sun-dried tomato oil, and red onion.", // "Chill until serving.", // "Chill until serving.", // "In a large salad bowl, toss together the cucumbers, feta cheese, olives, roma tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, 2 tablespoons reserved sun-dried tomato oil, and red onion.", // "Chill until serving.", // "Chill until serving.", // "Chill until serving.", // "Chill until serving.", // "Chill until serving.", // ], // notes: [ // "Per Serving: 130.6 calories; protein 5.5g 11% DV; carbohydrates 9.3g 3% DV; fat 8.8g 14% DV; cholesterol 25mg 8% DV; sodium 486.4mg 20% DV.", // "Per Serving: 130.6 calories; protein 5.5g 11% DV; carbohydrates 9.3g 3% DV; fat 8.8g 14% DV; cholesterol 25mg 8% DV; sodium 486.4mg 20% DV.", // "Per Serving: 130.6 calories; protein 5.5g 11% DV; carbohydrates 9.3g 3% DV; fat 8.8g 14% DV; cholesterol 25mg 8% DV; sodium 486.4mg 20% DV.", // ], // references: [ // "", // "", // "", // "", // ], // isFavorite: true, // tried: false, // lastModified: "2020-10-18T17:37:51.798Z", // }, // { // imageSrc: null, // title: "Fresh Tomato Sauce", // category: "Sauces", // prepTime: "00:45", // cookTime: "00:35", // portionSize: 1, // ingredients: [], // instructions: [], // notes: [], // references: [], // isFavorite: true, // tried: true, // lastModified: "2020-10-15T17:37:51.798Z", // }, // { // imageSrc: null, // title: "Creamy Mushroom Herb Pasta", // category: "Lunch", // prepTime: "00:10", // cookTime: "00:15", // portionSize: 1, // ingredients: [], // instructions: [], // notes: [], // references: [], // isFavorite: false, // tried: false, // lastModified: "2020-10-12T17:37:51.798Z", // }, // { // imageSrc: null, // title: "Grilled Cheese Sandwich", // category: "Lunch", // prepTime: "00:50", // cookTime: "00:12", // portionSize: 1, // ingredients: [], // instructions: [], // notes: [], // references: [], // isFavorite: false, // tried: true, // lastModified: "2020-10-03T17:37:51.798Z", // }, ], viewIsScrolled: false, icon: { home: "\ued99", heart: "\ued94", heartOutline: "\uead6", label: "\uedaf", cog: "\ued05", info: "\ueda7", menu: "\ueb2a", search: "\uebbc", sort: "\ueb2b", plus: "\ueb89", close: "\uec4e", image: "\ueae9", back: "\ue988", save: "\uee48", camera: "\uecc2", share: "\uee51", edit: "\uee17", theme: "\ued09", folder: "\ued7c", backup: "\uee48", restore: "\ueadc", link: "\ueb09", file: "\ued60", user: "\uee8e", trash: "\uee83", donate: "\ued41", musttry: "\uec96", musttryOutline: "\ue9bb", }, units: [ "unit", "tsp", "Tbsp", "oz", "cup", "pt", "qt", "lb", "gal", "ml", "L", "mg", "g", "kg", "mm", "cm", "m", "in", "°C", "°F", ], categories: [ "Appetizers", "BBQ", "Beverages", "Breads", "Breakfast", "Desserts", "Dinner", "Drinks", "Healthy", "Lunch", "Main dishes", "Meat", "Noodles", "Pasta", "Poultry", "Rice", "Salads", "Sauces", "Seafood", "Side dishes", "Snacks", "Soups", "Undefined", "Vegan", "Vegetarian", ], currentComponent: "EnRecipes", }, mutations: { addRecipe(state, recipe) { }, addCategory(state, category) { let a = state.categories.filter((e) => e === category).length if (a == 0) { state.categories.push(category) state.categories.sort() } }, overwriteRecipe(state, { index, recipe }) { Object.assign([index], recipe) }, deleteRecipe(state, index) {, 1) }, toggleFavorite(state, index) {[index].isFavorite = ![index].isFavorite }, toggleMustTry(state, index) {[index].tried = ![index].tried }, setCurrentComponent(state, comp) { state.currentComponent = comp }, renameCategory(state, { current, updated }) { let a = state.categories.filter((e) => e === updated).length if (a == 0) { // add updated category to categories state.categories.splice(state.categories.indexOf(current), 1) state.categories.push(updated) state.categories.sort() // rename all occurences, i) => { if (e.category == current) {[i].category = updated } }) } }, }, actions: { addRecipe({ commit }, recipe) { commit("addRecipe", recipe) }, addCategory({ commit }, category) { commit("addCategory", category) }, overwriteRecipe({ commit }, updatedRecipe) { commit("overwriteRecipe", updatedRecipe) }, deleteRecipe({ commit }, index) { commit("deleteRecipe", index) }, toggleFavorite({ commit }, index) { commit("toggleFavorite", index) }, toggleMustTry({ commit }, index) { commit("toggleMustTry", index) }, setCurrentComponent({ commit }, comp) { commit("setCurrentComponent", comp) }, renameCategory({ commit }, category) { commit("renameCategory", category) }, }, })