{ "app.name": "EnRecipes", "EnRecipes": "EnRecipes", "Try Later": "Probar luego", "Favourites": "Favoritos", "Meal Planner": "Planificador de comida", "Categories": "Categorías", "DONE": "LISTO", "RENAME": "RENOMBRAR", "Settings": "Ajustes", "About": "Acerca de", "Appetizers": "Aperitivos", "Barbecue": "Barbacoa", "Beverages": "Bebidas", "Breads": "Panes", "Breakfast": "Desayuno", "Desserts": "Postres", "Dinner": "Cena", "Drinks": "Drinks", "Healthy": "Saludable", "Lunch": "Almuerzo", "Main dishes": "Platos principales", "Meat": "Carnes", "Noodles": "Fideos", "Pasta": "Pasta", "Poultry": "Pollería", "Rice": "Arroz", "Salads": "Ensaladas", "Sauces": "Salsas", "Seafood": "Comida del mar", "Side dishes": "Platos de acompañamiento", "Snacks": "Bocadillo", "Soups": "Sopas", "Undefined": "Indefinido", "Vegan": "Vegano", "Vegetarian": "Vegetariano", "Serving": "Servicio", "Piece": "Pieza", "Teaspoon": "Cucharadita", "Tablespoon": "Cucharada", "Fluid Ounce": "Onza líquida", "Ounce": "Onza", "Pound": "Libra", "Gram": "Gramo", "Kilogram": "Kilogramo", "Cup": "Taza", "Gallon": "Galon", "Millilitre": "Mililitro", "Litre": "Litro", "Roll": "Enrollar", "Patty": "Empanada", "Loaf": "Hogaza", "unit": "unidad", "Unit": "Unidad", "tsp": "tsp", "dsp": "dsp", "tbsp": "tbsp", "fl oz": "oz liq", "cup": "taza", "pt": "parte", "qt": "cuarto", "gal": "gal", "ml": "ml", "l": "l", "oz": "onz", "lb": "lb", "mg": "mg", "g": "g", "kg": "kg", "cm": "cm", "in": "pulg", "leaf": "hoja", "clove": "clavo", "piece": "porción", "pinch": "pizca", "drop": "gota", "dozen": "docena", "stick": "rama", "small": "pequeño", "medium": "mediano", "large": "grande", "Start adding your recipes!": "¡Comienza a agregar tus recetas!", "Use the plus button to add one": "Usa el botón más para agregar una", "Use the pencil button to add some ingredients": "Usa el lapiz para agregar ingredientes", "Use the pencil button to add some instructions": "Usa el boton del lapiz para agregar instrucciones", "Use the pencil button to add some combinations": "Usa el botón del lapiz para agregar mezclas", "Use the pencil button to add some notes": "Usa el botón del lapiz para agregar notas", "All done!": "¡Listo!", "Recipes you mark as try later will be listed here": "Las recetas que marques como intentar luego serán listadas aquí", "No favourites yet": "No tienes favoritos todavía", "Recipes you mark as favourite will be listed here": "Las recetas que marques como favoritas serán listadas aquí", "Category looks empty": "Categoría vacía", "No recipes found": "No se encontraron recetas", "Your search did not match any recipes": "Tu búsqueda no concuerda con recetas", "Your search did not match any recipes in this category": "Tu búsqueda no concuerda con recetas de esta categoría", "Your search did not match any recipes in your favourites": "Tu búsqueda no concuerda con recetas en tus favoritos", "Your search did not match any recipes in your try later list": "Tu búsqueda no concuerda con recetas en tu listado de intentar luego", "Interface": "Interfaz", "App language": "Lenguaje", "System default": "Default del sistema", "Theme": "Tema", "Light": "Claro", "Dark": "Oscuro", "Database": "Base de datos", "Export a full backup": "Exportar un respaldo completo", "Generates a zip file that contains all your data. This file can be imported back.": "Generar un archivo zip con tus datos. Este puede ser importado nuevamente.", "Import from backup": "Importar de un respaldo", "Supports full backups exported by this app": "Soporta respaldos completos exportados por esta app", "Version": "Version", "View project on GitHub": "Mirar el proyecto en GitHub", "Join the Telegram group": "Únete al grupo de Telegram", "for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback": "para reportar problemas, sugerencias y devoluciones", "Author": "Autor", "Vishnu Raghav B": "Vishnu Raghav B", "Follow on GitHub": "Seguir en GitHub", "Follow on Mastodon": "Seguir en Mastodon", "New recipe": "Nueva receta", "Edit recipe": "Editar receta", "Title": "Titulo", "Category": "Categoria", "Preparation time": "Tiempo de preparación", "Cooking time": "Tiempo de cocción", "Yield quantity": "Cantidad", "Yield measured in": "Cantidad medida en", "Ingredient": "Ingrediente", "Ingredients": "Ingredientes", "ADD INGREDIENT": "AGREGAR INGREDIENTE", "Instruction": "Instrucción", "Instructions": "Instrucciones", "ADD STEP": "AGREGAR PASO", "Combinations": "Combinaciones", "ADD COMBINATION": "AGREGA COMBINACIÓN", "Note": "Nota", "Notes": "Notas", "ADD NOTE": "AGREGAR NOTA", "Item": "Item", "Step": "Paso", "Note": "Nota", "Sort by": "Ordenada por", "Natural order": "Orden natural", "Duration": "Duración", "Last modified": "Última modificación", "CANCEL": "CANCELAR", "REMOVE": "REMOVER", "ADD": "AGREGAR", "Select a recipe": "Elegir una receta", "Nothing here! Add some recipes and try again.": "¡Nada por aquí! Agregar algunas recetas e intenta nuevamente.", "My Healthy Recipe": "Mi receta saludable", "hr": "hr", "min": "min", "Photo": "Foto", "Recipe": "Receta", "Overview": "Resumen", "Share": "Compartir", "ADD NEW": "AGREGAR NUEVA", "SET": "ESTABLECER", "Restart required": "Reinicio requerido", "RESTART": "REINICIAR", "EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the theme change to take effect.": "EnRecipes debe reiniciarse para que el cambio de tema surta efecto.", "EnRecipes needs to be restarted for the app language to take effect.": "EnRecipes debe reiniciarse para que el cambio de lenguaje surta efecto.", "Grant permission": "Dar permmiso", "EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to import your data from a previous backup.": "EnRecipes requiere el permiso de almacenamiento para importar tus datos de un respaldo previo.", "NOT NOW": "NO AHORA", "CONTINUE": "CONTINUAR", "EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to backup your data to this device.": "EnRecipes requiere el permiso de almacenamiento para respaldar los datos en este dispositivo", "Add at least one recipe to perform a backup": "Agrega al menos una receta para realizar un respaldo", "Added to Favourites": "Agregar a favoritos", "Removed from Favourites": "Remover de favoritos", "Added to Try Later": "Agrega a Intentar luego, "Removed from Try Later": "Remueve de Intentar luego", "Delete recipe?": "¿Borrar receta?", "DELETE": "BORRAR", "Are you sure you want to delete the recipe": "Seguro que quieres borrar la receta", "Search": "Buscar", "Rename category": "Renombrar categoria", "Unsaved changes": "Cambios no guardados", "Are you sure you want to discard unsaved changes to this recipe?": "¿Seguro que quieres descartar los cambios no guardados de esta receta?", "DISCARD": "DESCARTAR", "KEEP EDITING": "CONTINUAR EDITANDO", "Remove ingredient?": "¿Remover ingrediente?", "Remove instruction?": "¿Remover instrucción?", "Remove combination?": "¿Remover combinación?", "Remove note?": "¿Remover nota?", "New yield unit": "Nueva unidad de medida", "New category": "Nueva categoría", "Required": "Requerido", "EnRecipes requires storage permission in order to set recipe photo.": "EnRecipes requiere el permiso de almacenamiento para colocar la foto de receta.", "Recipe photo": "Foto de receta", "REPLACE PHOTO": "REEMPLAZAR FOTO", "Crop photo": "Recortar foto", "breakfast": "desayuno", "lunch": "almuerzo", "dinner": "cena", "snacks": "bocadillos", "You tried this recipe:": "Haz intentado esta receta:", "today": "hoy", "yesterday": "ayer", "days ago": "algunos dias atrás", "weeks ago": "semanas atrás", "months ago": "hace meses", "long time ago": "hace mucho tiempo", "Verifying...": "Verificando...", "Import successful": "Importado satisfactoriamente", "Permission denied": "Permiso denegado", "Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid.": "Compartido via EnRecipes. Consíguela en Play Store o F-Droid.", "Contributors": "Contribuyentes", "Translations:": "Traducciones:" }