2021-04-23 20:09:32 +05:30

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"aap": "",
"About": "Quant a",
"aBtn": "",
"aD": "",
"addCmbBtn": "",
"aFBu": "",
"aIngBtn": "",
"allCats": "Totes les categories",
"allCuis": "",
"allTs": "Totes les etiquetes",
"American": "",
"aNoBtn": "",
"app.name": "EnRecipes",
"appCrd": "",
"Appetizers": "Aperitius",
"appInfo": "LEnRecipes és un receptari digital, de codi obert i privat, que us permet crear, gestionar i compartir les vostres receptes",
"apply": "",
"appRst": "Cal reiniciar laplicació",
"April": "abril",
"aStpBtn": "",
"August": "agost",
"Barbecue": "Barbacoes",
"Beverages": "Begudes",
"Black": "",
"Brazilian": "",
"Breads": "Pans",
"breakfast": "",
"British": "",
"buEmp": "",
"buFol": "",
"buInc": "",
"buInfo": "",
"buMod": "",
"cat": "",
"cBtn": "",
"Challenging": "",
"Chinese": "",
"clove": "",
"cm": "",
"cmbs": "",
"conBtn": "CONTINUA",
"conf": "Confirma",
"cookT": "",
"cPic": "Escapça la foto",
"Created": "",
"cui": "",
"cup": "",
"Cup": "Tassa",
"dAgo": "",
"Danish": "",
"Dark": "",
"db": "",
"dBtn": "SUPRIMEIX",
"December": "desembre",
"delRecInfo": "",
"delRecsInfo": "",
"Desserts": "Postres",
"detailed": "",
"Difficulty level": "",
"dinner": "",
"disBtn": "DESCARTALS",
"disc": "Aquesta recepta té canvis no desats. Què voleu fer?",
"donate": "",
"dozen": "",
"drop": "",
"dsp": "",
"Easy": "",
"editRec": "",
"Egyptian": "",
"English": "",
"EnRecipes": "EnRecipes",
"expBu": "",
"expip": "",
"expSuc": "",
"favourites": "Preferits",
"February": "febrer",
"Filipino": "",
"Filtered recipes": "",
"fl oz": "",
"fltr": "",
"Fluid Ounce": "Unça líquida",
"French": "",
"FRI": "DV.",
"fsList": "",
"g": "",
"gal": "",
"Gallon": "Galó",
"German": "",
"gh": "",
"Gram": "Gram",
"Greek": "",
"grid": "Graella",
"grocery": "Llista de queviures",
"guide": "",
"Healthy": "",
"hr": "",
"impBu": "",
"impFail": "Ha fallat la importació",
"impInfo": "",
"impip": "",
"impSuc": "",
"in": "",
"Indian": "",
"ings": "",
"inss": "",
"intf": "",
"invFile": "El fitxer no és vàlid",
"Irish": "",
"it": "",
"Italian": "",
"Jamaican": "",
"January": "gener",
"Japanese": "",
"Jewish": "",
"joinTG": "",
"July": "juliol",
"June": "juny",
"kEdit": "",
"Kenyan": "",
"kg": "",
"Kilogram": "Quilogram",
"Korean": "",
"l": "",
"lang": "",
"large": "",
"Last updated": "",
"lb": "",
"leaf": "",
"Light": "",
"listVM": "",
"Litre": "Litre",
"Loaf": "",
"ltAgo": "",
"lunch": "",
"mAgo": "",
"Main dishes": "",
"March": "març",
"May": "maig",
"Meat": "Carn",
"medium": "",
"Mexican": "Mexicana",
"mg": "",
"Millilitre": "Mil·lilitre",
"min": "",
"minimal": "",
"ml": "",
"Moderate": "",
"MON": "DL.",
"newCui": "",
"Newest first": "",
"newRec": "",
"newUnit": "",
"Nigerian": "",
"nLangInfo": "",
"nNBtn": "ARA NO",
"no": "",
"noAccSensor": "",
"noFavs": "",
"Noodles": "Fideus",
"noRecs": "",
"nos": "",
"November": "novembre",
"nwCat": "Categoria nova",
"nwYiU": "",
"October": "octubre",
"OK": "Dacord",
"Oldest first": "",
"opts": "",
"Ounce": "Unça",
"oz": "",
"Pasta": "Pasta",
"Patty": "",
"photogrid": "",
"pht": "Foto de la recepta",
"piece": "",
"Piece": "Peça",
"pinch": "",
"planner": "Planificador dàpats",
"plsAdd": "",
"Portuguese": "",
"Poultry": "",
"Pound": "Lliura",
"prepT": "",
"priv": "",
"pt": "",
"qt": "",
"Quickest first": "",
"Rating": "",
"rBtn": "",
"rec": "Recepta com a text",
"recE": "",
"recF": "",
"recI": "",
"recListEmp": "",
"recPic": "",
"recRm": "",
"recs": "",
"recTitle": "",
"recU": "",
"req": "",
"resNF": "",
"rest": "",
"restCatL": "",
"restCuiL": "",
"restDone": "",
"restInfo": "",
"restUL": "",
"restYUL": "",
"Rice": "Arròs",
"rmCatInfo": "",
"rmCmb": "",
"rmCuiInfo": "",
"rmIng": "",
"rmIns": "",
"rmN": "",
"rmUInfo": "",
"rmYUInfo": "",
"Roll": "",
"rp": "",
"rst": "REINICIA",
"Russian": "",
"Salads": "Amanides",
"SAT": "DS.",
"Sauces": "Salses",
"Scottish": "",
"Seafood": "Peix i marisc",
"selRec": "",
"September": "setembre",
"ser": "Cerca",
"Serving": "Ració",
"Settings": "Paràmetres",
"shr": "Comparteix",
"Side dishes": "Guarnicions",
"simple": "",
"Slowest first": "",
"sltd": "",
"small": "",
"snacks": "piscolabis",
"Soups": "Brous",
"Spanish": "Espanyola",
"Sri Lankan": "",
"srpu": "",
"srt": "",
"sru": "",
"stars": "",
"stick": "",
"stp": "",
"strAdd": "",
"SUN": "DG.",
"sVw": "",
"sVwInfo": "",
"Swedish": "",
"swm": "",
"sysDef": "",
"Tablespoon": "Cullerada",
"tbsp": "",
"Teaspoon": "Culleradeta",
"Thai": "",
"Theme": "",
"THU": "DJ.",
"title": "",
"tLInfo": "",
"today": "",
"triedInfo": "",
"trnsl": "Tradueix",
"trylater": "Per a provar més tard",
"trySer": "",
"ts": "Etiquetes",
"tsInfo": "",
"tsp": "",
"TUE": "DT.",
"Turkish": "",
"Undefined": "Sense definir",
"unit": "",
"Unit": "",
"unsaved": "Canvis no desats",
"untRec": "Recepta sense títol",
"Vegan": "Veganes",
"Vegetarian": "Vegetarianes",
"Vietnamese": "",
"wAgo": "",
"WED": "DC.",
"yesterday": "",
"yieldQ": "",
"yieldU": "",
"yld": ""