2020-12-29 16:05:19 +05:30

148 lines
6 KiB

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<Label class="title orkm" :text="'About' | L" col="1" />
<ScrollView @scroll="onScroll">
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<Label :text="'Version' | L" />
<Label :text="getVersion" class="info" textWrap="true" />
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<Label verticalAlignment="center" col="1" :text="'User guide' | L" textWrap="true" />
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<Label verticalAlignment="center" col="1" :text="'Donate' | L" textWrap="true" />
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<Label :text="'for reporting issues, suggestions and feedback' | L" class="info" textWrap="true" />
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<Label :text="'Translator' | L" class="info" textWrap="true" />
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<Label :text="'Translator' | L" class="info" textWrap="true" />
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import {
} from "@nativescript/core"
import {
} from "vuex"
import * as utils from "~/shared/utils"
export default {
computed: {
...mapState( [ "icon", "currentComponent" ] ),
getVersion() {
let ctx = Application.android.context
return ctx.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo( ctx.getPackageName(), 0 ).versionName
data() {
return {
viewIsScrolled: false,
appTheme: "Light",
methods: {
...mapActions( [ "setCurrentComponentAction" ] ),
onPageLoad( args ) {
const page = args.object;
page.bindingContext = new Observable();
this.setCurrentComponentAction( "About" )
showDrawer() {
onScroll( args ) {
this.viewIsScrolled = args.scrollY ? true : false
openURL( url ) {
Utils.openUrl( url )