2020-12-29 16:05:19 +05:30

537 lines
22 KiB

<Page @loaded="onPageLoad" @unloaded="onPageUnload">
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<FlexboxLayout row="0" col="2" alignItems="center">
<MDButton v-if="!filterTrylater" variant="text" class="bx" :text="recipe.tried ? icon.trylaterLine : icon.trylater" @tap="toggleTrylater" />
<MDButton v-else variant="text" class="bx" :text="icon.check" @tap="recipeTried" />
<MDButton variant="text" class="bx" :text="recipe.isFavorite ? icon.heart : icon.heartLine" @tap="toggleFavourite" />
<!-- <MDButton variant="text" class="bx" :text="icon.emptyCart" /> -->
<MDButton variant="text" v-if="!busy" class="bx" :text="icon.edit" @tap="editRecipe" />
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<TabStrip :androidElevation="viewIsScrolled ? 4 : 0">
<Label :text="'Overview' | L"></Label>
<Label :text="'Ingredients' | L"></Label>
<Label :text="'Instructions' | L"></Label>
<Label :text="'Notes' | L"></Label>
<Label :text="'Combinations' | L"></Label>
<ScrollView @scroll="onScroll">
<StackLayout width="100%" :height="screenWidth" verticalAlignment="center" class="imageHolder">
<Image v-if="recipe.imageSrc" :src="recipe.imageSrc" stretch="aspectFill" width="100%" :height="screenWidth" />
<Label v-else horizontalAlignment="center" class="bx" fontSize="160" :text="icon.image" />
<StackLayout margin="16 4 80">
<Label class="category" :text="`${$options.filters.L(recipe.cuisine)} • ${$options.filters.L(recipe.category)}`" />
<Label class="title orkm" :text="recipe.title" textWrap="true" />
<FlexboxLayout class="ratingContainer">
<Label class="rating bx" v-for="n in 5" :key="n" :text="recipe.rating < n ?icon.starLine:icon.star" @tap="setRating(n)" @longPress="setRating(n)" />
<Label class="attr" :text="`${$options.filters.L('Difficulty level')}: ${$options.filters.L(recipe.difficulty)}`" textWrap="true" />
<Label class="attr" :text="`${$options.filters.L('Preparation time')}: ${formattedTime(recipe.prepTime)}`" textWrap="true" />
<Label class="attr" :text="`${$options.filters.L('Cooking time')}: ${formattedTime(recipe.cookTime)}`" textWrap="true" />
<FlexboxLayout v-if="recipe.tags.length" class="tagsContainer" flexWrap="wrap">
<Label class="tagsTitle" :text="`${$options.filters.L('Tags')}: `" />
<Label v-for="(tag, index) in recipe.tags" :key="index" v-if="tag" :text="tag" class="tag" textWrap="false" />
<GridLayout rows="auto, auto" columns="*, *" class="overviewContainer">
<GridLayout class="overviewItem" row="0" col="0" rows="auto, auto" columns="*">
<MDRipple rowSpan="2" @tap="selectedTabIndex = 1" />
<Label row="0" class="bx" :text="icon.item" />
<Label row="1" class="itemCount" :text="
`${recipe.ingredients.length} ${
recipe.ingredients.length == 1
? $options.filters.L('Ingredient')
: $options.filters.L('Ingredients')
" textWrap="true" />
<GridLayout class="overviewItem" row="0" col="1" rows="auto, auto" columns="*">
<MDRipple rowSpan="2" @tap="selectedTabIndex = 2" />
<Label row="0" class="bx" :text="icon.step" />
<Label row="1" class="itemCount" :text="
`${recipe.instructions.length} ${
recipe.instructions.length == 1
? $options.filters.L('Instruction')
: $options.filters.L('Instructions')
" textWrap="true" />
<GridLayout class="overviewItem" row="1" col="0" rows="auto, auto" columns="*">
<MDRipple rowSpan="2" @tap="selectedTabIndex = 3" />
<Label row="0" class="bx" :text="icon.note" />
<Label row="1" class="itemCount" :text="
`${recipe.notes.length} ${
recipe.notes.length == 1
? $options.filters.L('Note')
: $options.filters.L('Notes')
" textWrap="true" />
<GridLayout class="overviewItem" row="1" col="1" rows="auto, auto" columns="*">
<MDRipple rowSpan="2" @tap="selectedTabIndex = 4" />
<Label row="0" class="bx" :text="icon.outline" />
<Label row="1" class="itemCount" :text="
`${recipe.combinations.length} ${
recipe.combinations.length == 1
? $options.filters.L('Combination')
: $options.filters.L('Combinations')
" textWrap="true" />
<Label class="attr small" :text="`${$options.filters.L('Last updated')}: ${formattedDate(recipe.lastModified)}`" textWrap="true" />
<Label class="attr small" :text="`${$options.filters.L('Created')}: ${formattedDate(recipe.created)}`" textWrap="true" />
<ScrollView @scroll="onScroll">
<GridLayout v-if="!recipe.ingredients.length" rows="*, auto, *, 88" columns="*" class="emptyStateContainer">
<StackLayout col="0" row="1" class="emptyState">
<Label class="bx icon" :text="icon.item" textWrap="true" />
<Label class="title orkm" :text="'Use the pencil button to add some ingredients' | L" textWrap="true" />
<StackLayout v-else padding="16 16 72">
<AbsoluteLayout class="inputField">
<TextField width="50%" v-model="yieldMultiplier" keyboardType="number" />
<Label top="0" class="fieldLabel" :text="`${$options.filters.L('Required')} ${$options.filters.L(recipe.yield.unit)}`" />
<Label padding="16 0 8" class="title orkm" :text="
`${$options.filters.L('Ingredients')} (${positiveYieldMultiplier} ${$options.filters.L(recipe.yield.unit)})`
" textWrap="true" />
<StackLayout v-for="(item, index) in recipe.ingredients" :key="index">
<check-box class="ingredient" checkPadding="16" fillColor="#ff5200" :text="
? roundedQuantity(item.quantity) + ' '
: ''
}${roundedQuantity(item.quantity) ? $options.filters.L(item.unit) + ' ' : ''}${
" />
<ScrollView @scroll="onScroll">
<GridLayout v-if="!recipe.instructions.length" rows="*, auto, *, 88" columns="*" class="emptyStateContainer">
<StackLayout col="0" row="1" class="emptyState">
<Label class="bx icon" :text="icon.step" textWrap="true" />
<Label class="title orkm" :text="'Use the pencil button to add some instructions' | L" textWrap="true" />
<StackLayout v-else padding="20 16 62">
<GridLayout columns="auto ,*" v-for="(instruction, index) in recipe.instructions" :key="index">
<Label col="0" colSpan="2" class="instruction" :class="{
noBorder: index === recipe.instructions.length - 1,
}" :text="instruction" textWrap="true" />
<Label class="count orkm" col="0" :text="index + 1" />
<ScrollView @scroll="onScroll">
<GridLayout v-if="!recipe.notes.length" rows="*, auto, *, 88" columns="*" class="emptyStateContainer">
<StackLayout col="0" row="1" class="emptyState">
<Label class="bx icon" :text="icon.note" textWrap="true" />
<Label class="title orkm" :text="'Use the pencil button to add some notes' | L" textWrap="true" />
<StackLayout v-else padding="20 16 62" @loaded="createNotes">
<ScrollView @scroll="onScroll">
<GridLayout v-if="!recipe.combinations.length" rows="*, auto, *, 88" columns="*" class="emptyStateContainer">
<StackLayout col="0" row="1" class="emptyState">
<Label class="bx icon" :text="icon.outline" textWrap="true" />
<Label class="title orkm" :text="'Use the pencil button to add some combinations' | L" textWrap="true" />
<StackLayout v-else padding="0 0 80">
<GridLayout columns="auto, *" v-for="(combination, index) in recipe.combinations" :key="index" androidElevation="1" class="combination">
<MDRipple colSpan="2" @tap="viewCombination(combination)" />
<Label col="0" class="bx" :text="icon.food" />
<Label col="1" verticalAlignment="center" class="combinationTitle" :text="getCombinationTitle(combination)" textWrap="true" />
<GridLayout id="btnFabContainer" rows="*, auto" columns="*, auto">
<transition name="dolly" appear>
<MDFloatingActionButton row="1" col="1" src="res://share" @tap="shareHandler" v-if="showFab" />
import {
from "@nativescript/core"
import {
from "nativescript-feedback"
import * as Toast from "nativescript-toast"
import * as SocialShare from "@nativescript/social-share"
import {
from "@nativescript/localize"
const intl = require( "nativescript-intl" );
import {
from "vuex"
import EditRecipe from "./EditRecipe.vue"
import ViewRecipe from "./ViewRecipe.vue"
import ShareChooser from "./modal/ShareChooser.vue"
let feedback = new Feedback()
export default {
props: [ "filterTrylater", "recipeID" ],
data() {
return {
busy: false,
yieldMultiplier: 1,
recipe: null,
showFab: false,
selectedTabIndex: 0,
currentRecipeID: this.recipeID,
viewIsScrolled: false,
isScrolled: [ false, false, false, false, false, false ],
hideActionBar: false,
computed: {
...mapState( [ "icon", "recipes" ] ),
screenWidth() {
return Screen.mainScreen.widthDIPs
positiveYieldMultiplier() {
return Math.abs( this.yieldMultiplier ) > 0 ? Math.abs( parseFloat( this.yieldMultiplier ) ) : 1
isLightMode() {
return Application.systemAppearance() === "light"
methods: {
...mapActions( [ "toggleStateAction", "setCurrentComponentAction", "overwriteRecipeAction", "setRecipeAsTriedAction", "setRatingAction" ] ),
onPageLoad( args ) {
const page = args.object;
page.bindingContext = new Observable();
this.busy = false
setTimeout( ( e ) => {
this.setCurrentComponentAction( "ViewRecipe" )
}, 500 )
this.showFab = true
this.yieldMultiplier = this.recipe.yield.quantity
this.keepScreenOn( true )
onPageUnload() {
this.keepScreenOn( false )
niceDates( time ) {
let lastTried = new Date( time ).getTime()
let now = new Date().getTime()
let midnight = new Date().setHours( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
let diff = ( now - lastTried ) / 1000
let dayDiff = Math.ceil( diff / 86400 )
if ( isNaN( dayDiff ) || dayDiff < 0 ) return ""
function duration( value ) {
return localize( value )
return (
( diff < 86400 && lastTried > midnight && duration( "today" ) ) || ( dayDiff == 1 && "yesterday" ) || ( dayDiff < 7 && dayDiff + " " + duration( "days ago" ) ) || ( dayDiff < 31 && Math.round( dayDiff / 7 ) + " " + duration(
"weeks ago" ) ) || ( dayDiff < 366 && Math.round( dayDiff / 30 ) + " " + duration( "months ago" ) ) || ( dayDiff > 365 && duration( "long time ago" ) ) )
selectedIndexChange( args ) {
this.selectedTabIndex = args.object.selectedIndex
this.viewIsScrolled = this.isScrolled[ this.selectedTabIndex ]
showLastTried() {
feedback.show( {
title: `${localize('You tried this recipe:')} ${this.niceDates(
titleColor: new Color( `${this.isLightMode ? "#f1f3f5" : "#212529"}` ),
backgroundColor: new Color( "#ff5200" ),
} )
roundedQuantity( quantity ) {
return Math.abs( Math.round(
( quantity / this.recipe.yield.quantity ) * this.positiveYieldMultiplier * 100 ) / 100 )
keepScreenOn( boolean ) {
let activity = Application.android.foregroundActivity || Application.android.startActivity
let window = activity.getWindow()
if ( boolean ) window.addFlags( android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON )
else window.clearFlags( android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON )
formattedTime( time ) {
let t = time.split( ":" )
let h = parseInt( t[ 0 ] )
let m = parseInt( t[ 1 ] )
let hr = localize( 'hr' )
let min = localize( 'min' )
return h ? ( m ? `${h} ${hr} ${m} ${min}` : `${h} ${hr}` ) : `${m} ${min}`
formattedDate( date ) {
let d = new Date( date )
var dateFormat = new intl.DateTimeFormat( null, {
'year': 'numeric',
'month': 'long',
'day': 'numeric',
'hour': 'numeric',
'minute': 'numeric',
} ).format( d );
return `${dateFormat}`
isValidURL( string ) {
let pattern = new RegExp( "^https?|^www", "ig" )
return pattern.test( string )
getCombinationTitle( id ) {
return this.recipes.filter( ( e ) => e.id === id )[ 0 ].title
syncCombinations() {
let combinationForOtherRecipes = this.recipes.filter(
( e ) => e.combinations.indexOf( this.currentRecipeID ) >= 0 || this.recipe.combinations.includes( e.id ) ).map( ( e ) => e.id )
this.recipe.combinations = combinationForOtherRecipes
this.overwriteRecipeAction( {
id: this.currentRecipeID,
recipe: this.recipe,
} )
onScroll( args ) {
this.viewIsScrolled = this.isScrolled[ this.selectedTabIndex ] = args.scrollY > 8 ? true : false
editRecipe() {
this.showFab = false
this.busy = true
this.$navigateTo( EditRecipe, {
props: {
navigationFromView: true,
filterTrylater: this.filterTrylater,
recipeID: this.currentRecipeID,
backstackVisible: false,
} )
viewCombination( combination ) {
this.recipe = this.recipes.filter( ( e ) => e.id === combination )[ 0 ]
this.currentRecipeID = combination
this.selectedTabIndex = 0
( e ) => this.recipe.tried && this.recipe.lastTried && this.showLastTried(), 500 )
shareHandler() {
if ( this.recipe.imageSrc ) {
this.$showModal( ShareChooser, {
props: {
title: "Share",
} ).then( ( result ) => {
switch ( result ) {
case "photo":
ImageSource.fromFile( this.recipe.imageSrc ).then( ( res ) => {
SocialShare.shareImage( res, "Share recipe photo using" )
} )
case "recipe":
} )
} else {
shareRecipe() {
let overview = `${
}\n\n${localize( "Cuisine" )}: ${localize( this.recipe.cuisine)}\n${localize( "Category" )}: ${localize( this.recipe.category)}\n${localize( "Tags" )}: ${this.recipe.tags.join(", ")}\n${localize( "Star rating" )}: ${this.recipe.rating}\n${localize( "Difficulty level" )}: ${localize( this.recipe.difficulty)}\n${localize("Preparation time")}: ${this.formattedTime(
)}\n${localize( "Cooking time" )}: ${this.formattedTime(this.recipe.cookTime)}\n`
let shareContent = overview
if ( this.recipe.ingredients.length ) {
let ingredients = `\n\n${localize( "Ingredients" )} (${
} ${localize( this.recipe.yield.unit )}):\n\n`
this.recipe.ingredients.forEach( ( e ) => {
ingredients += `- ${
? this.roundedQuantity(e.quantity) + " " + this.$options.filters.L(e.unit) + " "
: ""
} )
shareContent += ingredients
if ( this.recipe.instructions.length ) {
let instructions = `\n\n${localize( "Instructions" )}:\n\n`
this.recipe.instructions.forEach( ( e, i ) => {
instructions += `${i + 1}. ${e}\n\n`
} )
shareContent += instructions
if ( this.recipe.notes.length ) {
let notes = `\n${localize( "Notes" )}:\n\n`
this.recipe.notes.forEach( ( e, i ) => {
notes += `${i + 1}. ${e}\n\n`
} )
shareContent += notes
if ( this.recipe.combinations.length ) {
let combinations = `\n${localize( "Combinations" )}:\n\n`
this.recipe.combinations.forEach( ( e, i ) => {
combinations += `${i + 1}. ${this.getCombinationTitle(e)}\n\n`
} )
shareContent += combinations
let sharenote = '\n' + localize( "Shared via EnRecipes. Get it on Play Store or F-Droid." )
shareContent += sharenote
SocialShare.shareText( shareContent, "Share recipe using" )
toggle( key, setDate ) {
this.toggleStateAction( {
id: this.currentRecipeID,
recipe: this.recipe,
} )
toggleFavourite() {
this.recipe.isFavorite ? Toast.makeText( localize( "Removed from Favourites" ) ).show() : Toast.makeText( localize( "Added to Favourites" ) ).show()
this.toggle( "isFavorite" )
toggleTrylater() {
this.recipe.tried ? Toast.makeText( localize( "Added to Try Later" ) ).show() : Toast.makeText( localize( "Removed from Try Later" ) ).show()
this.toggle( "tried" )
recipeTried() {
this.setRecipeAsTriedAction( {
id: this.currentRecipeID,
recipe: this.recipe,
} )
setRating( rating ) {
if ( rating !== this.recipe.rating ) {
this.setRatingAction( {
id: this.currentRecipeID,
recipe: this.recipe,
} )
createNote( note, i ) {
const vm = this
let regex = /(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/g
const grid = new GridLayout()
const firstCol = new ItemSpec( 1, "auto" )
const secondCol = new ItemSpec( 1, "star" )
const label1 = new Label()
const label2 = new Label()
label1.class = "note"
label1.textWrap = true
label2.class = "noteCount orkm"
label2.text = i + 1
let formattedString = new FormattedString()
let textArray = note.split( regex )
function createSpan( text, isUrl ) {
let span = new Span()
span.text = text
span.fontSize = 14
if ( isUrl ) {
span.textDecoration = "underline"
span.color = "#ff5200"
span.on( "linkTap", () => Utils.openUrl( text ) )
formattedString.spans.push( span )
textArray.forEach( ( text ) => {
createSpan( text, regex.test( text ) )
} )
label1.formattedText = formattedString
grid.addChild( label1 )
grid.addChild( label2 )
GridLayout.setColumn( label1, 0 )
GridLayout.setColumn( label2, 0 )
GridLayout.setColumnSpan( label1, 2 )
grid.addColumn( firstCol )
grid.addColumn( secondCol )
return grid
createNotes( args ) {
const stack = args.object
if ( !stack.getChildrenCount() ) {
this.recipe.notes.forEach( ( note, i ) => {
stack.addChild( this.createNote( note, i ) )
} )
created() {
this.recipe = this.recipes.filter( ( e ) => e.id === this.currentRecipeID )[ 0 ]
mounted() {
this.showFab = true
( e ) => this.recipe.tried && this.recipe.lastTried && this.showLastTried(), 500 )