2013-08-17 16:29:29 +00:00
(ns grub.state-spec
(:require [specljs.core]
[grub.state :as state])
(:require-macros [specljs.core :refer [describe it before
should= should-contain
[grub.macros :refer [log logs]]))
"grub state"
(before (reset! state/grubs []))
2013-08-18 07:08:38 +00:00
2013-08-17 16:29:29 +00:00
(describe "Add grub"
(it "should add a grub to the state when an add event comes"
(let [test-grub {:_id 12345 :grub "testgrub" :completed true}
add-event (assoc test-grub :event :add)]
(state/handle-event add-event)
(should-contain test-grub @state/grubs))))
2013-08-18 07:08:38 +00:00
2013-08-17 16:29:29 +00:00
(describe "Create grub"
(it "should add a new grub to the state when a create event comes"
(let [test-grub {:grub "testgrub"}
expected-grub (assoc test-grub :completed false)
create-event (assoc test-grub :event :create)]
(state/handle-event create-event)
(let [created-grub (first @state/grubs)]
(should= (:grub created-grub) (:grub test-grub)))))
(it "should generate an _id for the new grub"
(let [test-grub {:grub "testgrub"}
create-event (assoc test-grub :event :create)]
(state/handle-event create-event)
(let [added-grub (first (filter #(= (:grub %) (:grub test-grub))
(should-not-be-nil (:_id added-grub))))))
2013-08-18 07:08:38 +00:00
2013-08-17 16:29:29 +00:00
(describe "Complete grub"
(it "should complete a grub in the state when a complete event comes"
(let [test-grub {:_id 234243 :grub "testgrub" :completed false}
expected-grub (assoc test-grub :completed true)
complete-event (-> (select-keys [:_id])
(assoc :event :complete))]
(reset! state/grubs [test-grub])
(state/handle-event complete-event)
(should-contain expected-grub @state/grubs))))
2013-08-18 07:08:38 +00:00
2013-08-17 16:29:29 +00:00
(describe "Uncomplete grub"
(it "should uncomplete a grub in the state when an uncomplete event comes"
(let [test-grub {:_id 234243 :grub "testgrub" :completed true}
expected-grub (assoc test-grub :completed false)
complete-event (-> (select-keys [:_id])
(assoc :event :uncomplete))]
(reset! state/grubs [test-grub])
(state/handle-event complete-event)
(should-contain expected-grub @state/grubs))))
2013-08-18 07:08:38 +00:00
2013-08-17 16:29:29 +00:00
(describe "Delete grub"
(it "should delete a grub from the state when a delete event comes"
(let [test-grub {:_id 234243 :grub "testgrub" :completed true}
delete-event {:_id (:_id test-grub) :event :delete}]
(reset! state/grubs [test-grub])
(state/handle-event delete-event)
(should= [] @state/grubs)))))