2013-08-05 15:19:52 +00:00
(ns grub.websocket
2013-09-30 10:11:59 +00:00
(:require [grub.db :as db]
2013-08-05 15:19:52 +00:00
[org.httpkit.server :as httpkit]
2014-10-10 19:48:39 +00:00
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! chan go]]
[cognitect.transit :as t])
(:import [java.io ByteArrayInputStream ByteArrayOutputStream]))
2013-08-05 15:19:52 +00:00
2014-08-19 20:24:19 +00:00
(defn disconnected [status ws-channel to from]
(println "Client disconnected:" (.toString ws-channel) "with status" status)
(a/close! to)
(a/close! from))
2014-10-10 19:48:39 +00:00
(defn write-msg [msg]
(let [out (ByteArrayOutputStream. 4096)
writer (t/writer out :json)]
(t/write writer msg)
(.toString out)))
(defn read-msg [msg]
(let [in (ByteArrayInputStream. (.getBytes msg))
reader (t/reader in :json)]
(t/read reader)))
2014-08-19 20:24:19 +00:00
(defn add-connected-client! [ws-channel to from]
2014-08-09 21:26:35 +00:00
(println "Client connected:" (.toString ws-channel))
2014-08-19 20:24:19 +00:00
(a/go-loop [] (if-let [event (<! to)]
2014-10-10 19:48:39 +00:00
(do (httpkit/send! ws-channel (write-msg event))
2014-08-19 20:24:19 +00:00
(httpkit/close ws-channel)))
2014-10-10 19:48:39 +00:00
(httpkit/on-receive ws-channel #(a/put! from (read-msg %)))
2014-08-19 20:24:19 +00:00
(httpkit/on-close ws-channel #(disconnected % ws-channel to from)))