Mid-changes: organize state changes
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 113 additions and 80 deletions
@ -5,19 +5,21 @@
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! chan go]]
[hasch.core :as hasch]))
(def initial-state {:hash (hasch/uuid cs/empty-state)
:state cs/empty-state})
(def states (atom [initial-state]))
(defn initial-state [grubs recipes]
[{:grubs (util/map-by-key :id grubs)
:recipes (util/map-by-key :id recipes)}])
(def states (ref []))
(defn get-history-state [states hash]
(:state (first (filter #(= (:hash %) hash) states))))
(defn add-history-state [current new-state]
(let [{:keys [state hash]} (first current)
(defn add-history-state [states new-state]
(let [{:keys [state hash]} (first states)
new-hash (hasch/uuid new-state)]
(if (= hash new-hash)
(conj current {:hash hash :state state}))))
(conj states {:hash hash :state state}))))
(defn receive-diff [states diff shadow-hash]
(let [state (:state (first states))
@ -30,84 +32,115 @@
:new-shadow state
:full-sync? true})))
(defn apply-diff? [states diff shadow-hash]
(get-history-state states shadow-hash))
(def state (atom cs/empty-state))
(def to-db (atom nil))
(def to-all (chan))
(def from-all (a/mult to-all))
(def state-history (atom []))
(defn make-client [in client-state states]
(let [out (chan)
full-sync! (fn [] (let [new-client (dosync (ref-set client-state @states))]
(a/put! out (cs/complete-sync-response new-client))))]
(when-let [{:keys [type diff shadow-hash state]} (<! in)]
(condp = type
:new-state (a/put! out (diff/diff-states @client-state (first @states)))
:diff (dosync
(let [state (:state (first @states))
shadow (get-history-state states shadow-hash)]
(if shadow
(do (alter states add-history-state (diff/patch-state state diff))
(alter client-state diff/patch-state shadow diff))
:full-sync (full-sync!)
(defn save-history-state [history new-state]
(when-not (= (hasch/uuid (last history)) (hasch/uuid new-state))
(conj history new-state)))
(defn get-history-state [hash]
(first (filter #(= (hasch/uuid %) hash) @state-history)))
(add-watch state :history (fn [_ _ _ new-state]
(swap! state-history save-history-state new-state)))
(defn initial-state [grubs recipes]
{:grubs (util/map-by-key :id grubs)
:recipes (util/map-by-key :id recipes)})
(defn sync-new-client! [to from]
(defn sync-new-client! [>client <client]
(let [client-id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)
client-state (atom cs/empty-state)
log (fn [& args]
(apply println client-id args))]
(add-watch state client-id (fn [_ _ _ current-state]
(let [msg (cs/diff-states @client-state current-state)]
(a/put! to msg)
(reset! client-state current-state))))
(a/go-loop []
(if-let [{:keys [type diff hash shadow-hash] :as msg} (<! from)]
(do (condp = type
(if (= (hasch/uuid @client-state) shadow-hash)
;; We have what they thought we had
;; Apply changes normally
(let [new-shadow (swap! client-state diff/patch-state diff)]
(log "Hash matched state, apply changes")
(if (= (hasch/uuid new-shadow) hash)
(let [new-state (swap! state diff/patch-state diff)]
(>! @to-db diff))
(do (log "Applying diff failed --> full sync")
(let [sync-state @state]
(reset! client-state sync-state)
(a/put! to (cs/complete-sync-response sync-state))))))
;; We have something different than they thought
;; Check history
(log "Hash check failed --> Reset from history")
(if-let [history-state (get-history-state shadow-hash)]
;; Found what they thought we had in history,
;; reset client state to this and continue as normal
(reset! client-state history-state)
(let [new-shadow (swap! client-state diff/patch-state diff)]
(if (= (hasch/uuid new-shadow) hash)
(let [new-state (swap! state diff/patch-state diff)]
(>! @to-db diff))
(do (log "Applying diff failed --> full sync")
(let [sync-state @state]
(reset! client-state sync-state)
(a/put! to (cs/complete-sync-response sync-state)))))))
;; Not found in history, do complete sync
(do (log "Hash check failed, not in history --> full sync")
(let [sync-state @state]
(reset! client-state sync-state)
(a/put! to (cs/complete-sync-response sync-state)))))))
:complete (let [new-state (reset! client-state @state)]
(log "full sync")
(a/put! to (cs/complete-sync-response new-state)))
(log "Invalid msg:" msg))
state-changes (chan)
events (chan)
client-state (ref cs/empty-state)]
(add-watch states client-id (fn [_ _ _ [state _]] (a/put! state-changes state)))
(a/pipe (a/merge <client
(a/map< (fn [s] {:type :new-state :state s}) state-changes))
(let [out (make-client events client-id client-state states)]
(a/go-loop [] (if-let [v (<! out)]
(do (>! >client v)
(remove-watch state client-id)))))
(remove-watch states client-id))))
;; (let [full-sync! (fn [] (let [new-client (dosync (ref-set client-state @states))]
;; (a/put! >client (cs/complete-sync-response new-client))))]
;; (a/go-loop
;; []
;; (if-let [{:keys [type diff shadow-hash state]} (<! events)]
;; (condp = type
;; :new-state (a/put! >client (diff/diff-states @client-state (first @states)))
;; :diff (dosync
;; (let [state (:state (first @states))
;; shadow (get-history-state states shadow-hash)]
;; (if shadow
;; (do (alter states add-history-state (diff/patch-state state diff))
;; (alter client-state diff/patch-state shadow diff))
;; (full-sync!))))
;; :full-sync (full-sync!))
;; (remove-watch states client-id))))
;; (defn sync-new-client! [to from]
;; (let [client-id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)
;; state-changes (chan)]
;; (add-watch states client-id (fn [_ _ _ [current-state _]]
;; (put! state-changes current-state)))
;; (a/go-loop [client-state cs/empty-state]
;; (if-let [[{:keys [type] :as msg} c] (<! from)]
;; (do (condp = type
;; :diff
;; (if (= (hasch/uuid @client-state) shadow-hash)
;; ;; We have what they thought we had
;; ;; Apply changes normally
;; (let [new-shadow (swap! client-state diff/patch-state diff)]
;; (log "Hash matched state, apply changes")
;; (if (= (hasch/uuid new-shadow) hash)
;; (let [new-state (swap! state diff/patch-state diff)]
;; (>! @to-db diff))
;; (do (log "Applying diff failed --> full sync")
;; (let [sync-state @state]
;; (reset! client-state sync-state)
;; (a/put! to (cs/complete-sync-response sync-state))))))
;; ;; We have something different than they thought
;; ;; Check history
;; (do
;; (log "Hash check failed --> Reset from history")
;; (if-let [history-state (get-history-state shadow-hash)]
;; ;; Found what they thought we had in history,
;; ;; reset client state to this and continue as normal
;; (do
;; (reset! client-state history-state)
;; (let [new-shadow (swap! client-state diff/patch-state diff)]
;; (if (= (hasch/uuid new-shadow) hash)
;; (let [new-state (swap! state diff/patch-state diff)]
;; (>! @to-db diff))
;; (do (log "Applying diff failed --> full sync")
;; (let [sync-state @state]
;; (reset! client-state sync-state)
;; (a/put! to (cs/complete-sync-response sync-state)))))))
;; ;; Not found in history, do complete sync
;; (do (log "Hash check failed, not in history --> full sync")
;; (let [sync-state @state]
;; (reset! client-state sync-state)
;; (a/put! to (cs/complete-sync-response sync-state)))))))
;; :complete (let [new-state (reset! client-state @state)]
;; (log "full sync")
;; (a/put! to (cs/complete-sync-response new-state)))
;; (log "Invalid msg:" msg))
;; (recur))
;; (remove-watch state client-id)))))
(defn init [_to-db grubs recipes]
(reset! state (initial-state grubs recipes))
(reset! states (initial-state grubs recipes))
(reset! to-db _to-db))
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