Add back midje and remove unused test
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 1 additions and 89 deletions
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
[org.clojure/tools.cli "0.3.1"]
[sablono "0.3.4"]
[cljs-uuid "0.0.4"]
[midje "1.6.3"]
[com.cognitect/transit-clj "0.8.275"]
[com.cognitect/transit-cljs "0.8.220"]
[com.datomic/datomic-pro "0.9.5173" :exclusions [com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-annotations]]]
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
(ns grub.test.integration.core
(:require [grub.db :as db]
[grub.websocket :as ws]
[grub.state :as state]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! chan go]]
[ :as taxi]
[clj-webdriver.core :as webdriver]
[clojure.test :as test]))
;; (def server-port 3456)
;; (def site-url (str "http://localhost:" server-port))
;; ;; Hard-coded path to chromedriver
;; (defn set-chromedriver-path! []
;; (System/setProperty "" "bin/chromedriver"))
;; (defn get-driver [url]
;; (webdriver/start {:browser :chrome} url))
;; (defn get-rand-grub []
;; (str "testgrub" (rand-int 10000)))
;; (defn add-grub [driver grub-text]
;; (taxi/input-text driver "#add-grub-input" grub-text)
;; (taxi/click driver "#add-grub-btn"))
;; (defn test-grubs-saved-to-server [url driver]
;; (taxi/to driver url)
;; (let [grubs (repeatedly 4 get-rand-grub)]
;; (doseq [grub grubs]
;; (add-grub driver grub))
;; (Thread/sleep 200)
;; (taxi/refresh driver)
;; (Thread/sleep 200)
;; (doseq [grub grubs]
;; (test/is (taxi/find-element driver {:value grub})
;; "Previously added grubs should be loaded on refresh")))
;; (db/clear-all))
;; (defn test-added-grubs-sync [url driver1 driver2]
;; (taxi/to driver1 url)
;; (taxi/to driver2 url)
;; (let [grubs (repeatedly 4 get-rand-grub)]
;; (doseq [grub grubs]
;; (add-grub driver1 grub))
;; (doseq [grub grubs]
;; (test/is (taxi/find-element driver2 {:value grub})
;; "Added grubs should appear in other browser"))))
;; (defn get-rand-recipe []
;; {:name (str "recipe" (rand-int 10000))
;; :grubs "grubs\nstuff\nmorestuff"})
;; (defn add-recipe [driver {:keys [name grubs]}]
;; (taxi/click driver "#new-recipe-name")
;; (taxi/input-text driver "#new-recipe-name" name)
;; (taxi/input-text driver "#new-recipe-grubs" grubs)
;; (taxi/click driver "#save-recipe-btn"))
;; (defn test-added-recipes-sync [url driver1 driver2]
;; (taxi/to driver1 url)
;; (taxi/to driver2 url)
;; (let [recipes (repeatedly 4 get-rand-recipe )]
;; (doseq [recipe recipes]
;; (add-recipe driver1 recipe))
;; (doseq [{:keys [name]} recipes]
;; (test/is (taxi/find-element driver2 {:value name})
;; "Added recipes should appear in other browser"))))
;; (defn run-tests [site-url driver1 driver2]
;; (test-grubs-saved-to-server site-url driver1)
;; (test-added-grubs-sync site-url driver1 driver2)
;; (test-added-recipes-sync site-url driver1 driver2))
;; (defn start-db-and-websocket-server! []
;; (let [to-db (chan)]
;; (db/connect-and-handle-events to-db "grub-integration-test")
;; (state/init-server to-db (db/get-current-state))))
;; (defn run []
;; (println "Starting integration test")
;; (set-chromedriver-path!)
;; (start-db-and-websocket-server!)
;; (let [driver1 (get-driver site-url)
;; driver2 (get-driver site-url)]
;; (run-tests site-url driver1 driver2)
;; (taxi/quit driver1)
;; (taxi/quit driver2))
;; (db/clear-all))
Add table
Reference in a new issue