Refactor grub view - remove dommy dependence

This commit is contained in:
Nicholas Kariniemi 2013-10-21 20:43:58 +03:00
parent e5698f4ff4
commit 42c02397a0
2 changed files with 26 additions and 14 deletions

View file

@ -30,6 +30,18 @@
filtered-chan (a/filter< #(not (dommy/descendant? (.-target %) elem)) c)]
{:unlisten unlisten :chan filtered-chan}))
(defn get-clicks [elem]
(listen elem :click))
(defn get-enters [elem]
(let [{c :chan unlisten :unlisten}
(listen elem :keyup)]
{:unlisten unlisten
:chan (a/filter< #(= (.-keyIdentifier %) "Enter") c)}))
(defn get-body-enters []
(get-enters (sel1 :body)))
(def add-grub-text
(node [:input.form-control {:id "add-grub-input" :type "text" :placeholder "2 grubs"}]))
@ -137,6 +149,9 @@
(-activate! [this])
(-deactivate! [this])
(-id [this])
(-grub-text [this])
(-complete! [this])
(-uncomplete! [this])
(-completed? [this])
@ -174,6 +189,11 @@
(-deactivate! [this]
(dommy/remove-class! this :grub-active))
(-id [this]
(.-id this))
(-grub-text [this]
(.-value (sel1 this :.grub-input)))
(-complete! [this]
(dommy/add-class! this :completed)
(dommy/replace! (sel1 this ".glyphicon")

View file

@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
(ns grub.view.grub
(:require [grub.view.dom :as dom]
[dommy.core :as dommy]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! chan]])
(:require-macros [grub.macros :refer [log logs and-let]]
[dommy.macros :refer [sel1]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]]))
(defn get-add-grub-clicks []
(:chan (dom/listen dom/add-grub-btn :click)))
(:chan (dom/get-clicks dom/add-grub-btn)))
(defn get-add-grub-enters []
(->> (:chan (dom/listen dom/add-grub-text :keyup))
(a/filter< #(= (.-keyIdentifier %) "Enter"))))
(:chan (dom/get-enters dom/add-grub-text)))
(defn get-create-events []
(let [events (a/merge [(get-add-grub-clicks)
@ -77,14 +74,9 @@
(>! out (= c timeout))))
(defn get-enters []
(let [{c :chan unlisten :unlisten} (dom/listen (sel1 :body) :keyup)]
{:unlisten unlisten
:chan (a/filter< #(= (.-keyIdentifier %) "Enter") c)}))
(defn make-grub-update-event [grub-elem orig-grub-text]
(let [grub-text (.-value (sel1 grub-elem :.grub-input))
id (.-id grub-elem)]
(let [grub-text (dom/-grub-text grub-elem)
id (dom/-id grub-elem)]
(when (not (= grub-text orig-grub-text))
{:event :update-grub
:grub grub-text
@ -92,11 +84,11 @@
(defn wait-for-update-event [grub]
(let [out (chan)
orig-grub (.-value (sel1 grub :.grub-input))]
orig-grub (dom/-grub-text grub)]
(go (let [{bodyclick :chan
unlisten-bodyclick :unlisten} (dom/get-away-clicks grub)
{enter :chan
unlisten-enter :unlisten} (get-enters)]
unlisten-enter :unlisten} (dom/get-body-enters)]
(dom/-set-editing! grub)
(a/alts! [bodyclick enter])