Possibly fully working (poorly tested)

This commit is contained in:
Nicholas Kariniemi 2014-10-04 22:38:32 +03:00
parent d174b2236e
commit 48ba2c5449
11 changed files with 126 additions and 189 deletions

View file

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
{:source-paths ["src/cljx"] {:source-paths ["src/cljx"]
:output-path "target/generated/cljs" :output-path "target/generated/cljs"
:rules :cljs}]} :rules :cljs}]}
:source-paths ["src/clj" "src/test"] :source-paths ["src/clj" "src/test" "target/classes"]
:test-paths ["src/test"] :test-paths ["src/test"]
:ring {:handler grub.core/app} :ring {:handler grub.core/app}
:uberjar-name "grub-standalone.jar" :uberjar-name "grub-standalone.jar"

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(:require [grub.websocket :as ws] (:require [grub.websocket :as ws]
[grub.db :as db] [grub.db :as db]
[grub.test.integration.core :as integration-test] [grub.test.integration.core :as integration-test]
[grub.shared-state :as state] [grub.state :as state]
[ring.middleware.file :as file] [ring.middleware.file :as file]
[ring.util.response :as resp] [ring.util.response :as resp]
[compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET POST]] [compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET POST]]
@ -73,14 +73,14 @@
(reset! index-page prod-index-page) (reset! index-page prod-index-page)
(let [to-db (chan)] (let [to-db (chan)]
(db/connect-production-database to-db mongo-url) (db/connect-production-database to-db mongo-url)
(state/init to-db (db/get-current-grubs) (db/get-current-recipes)) (state/init-server to-db (db/get-current-grubs) (db/get-current-recipes))
(println "Starting production server on localhost:" port) (println "Starting production server on localhost:" port)
(start-server port))) (start-server port)))
(defn start-development-server [{:keys [port]}] (defn start-development-server [{:keys [port]}]
(let [to-db (chan)] (let [to-db (chan)]
(db/connect-development-database to-db) (db/connect-development-database to-db)
(state/init to-db (db/get-current-grubs) (db/get-current-recipes)) (state/init-server to-db (db/get-current-grubs) (db/get-current-recipes))
(println "Starting development server on localhost:" port) (println "Starting development server on localhost:" port)
(start-server port))) (start-server port)))

View file

@ -5,14 +5,12 @@
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! chan]]) [cljs.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! chan]])
(:require-macros [grub.macros :refer [log logs]])) (:require-macros [grub.macros :refer [log logs]]))
(defn connect-to-server [reset? state-changes] (defn init-app []
(let [to-remote (chan) (let [current-state (atom state/empty-state)
state-changes (view/render-app current-state)
to-remote (chan)
from-remote (chan)] from-remote (chan)]
(ws/connect-client! to-remote from-remote) (ws/connect-client! to-remote from-remote)
(state/sync-state! from-remote to-remote reset? state-changes))) (state/init-client from-remote to-remote state-changes current-state)))
(defn init-app []
(let [state-changes (view/render-app state/state)]
(connect-to-server true state-changes)))
(init-app) (init-app)

View file

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
(ns grub.state
(:require [grub.diff :as diff]
[grub.common-state :as cs]
[grub.message :as message]
[grub.sync :as sync]
[cljs.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! chan]]
[hasch.core :as hasch])
(:require-macros [grub.macros :refer [log logs]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]]))
(def state (atom sync/empty-state))
(def server-state (atom sync/empty-state))
(def unacked-states (atom {}))
(defn get-server-state [hash]
(if (= (hasch/uuid @server-state) hash)
(get @unacked-states hash)))
(defn send-state-changes-to-server! [state-changes from]
(go-loop []
(when-let [current-state (<! state-changes)]
(when-not (= @server-state current-state)
(let [msg (cs/diff-states @server-state current-state)]
(swap! unacked-states assoc (:hash msg) current-state)
(a/put! from msg)))
(defn handle-received-changes! [to from]
(go-loop []
(if-let [{:keys [type diff hash shadow-hash] :as msg} (<! to)]
(do (condp = type
(if-let [acked-server-state (get-server-state shadow-hash)]
(do (reset! server-state acked-server-state)
(reset! unacked-states {})
(let [new-server (swap! server-state #(diff/patch-state % diff))]
(if (= (hasch/uuid new-server) hash)
(swap! state diff/patch-state diff)
(do (log "State update failure --> full sync")
(a/put! from message/full-sync-request)))))
(do (log "Could not find server state locally --> full sync")
(a/put! from message/full-sync-request)))
:full-sync (do
(logs "Full sync")
(reset! unacked-states {})
(reset! server-state (:state msg))
(reset! state (:state msg)))
(logs "Invalid msg:" msg))
(remove-watch state :state))))
(defn sync-state! [to from reset? state-changes]
(send-state-changes-to-server! state-changes from)
(handle-received-changes! to from)
(a/put! from (if reset? message/full-sync-request (cs/diff-states @server-state @state))))

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
(defn send-pending-msg [websocket] (defn send-pending-msg [websocket]
(when (and (.isOpen websocket) (when (and (.isOpen websocket)
(not (nil? @pending-msg))) (not (nil? @pending-msg)))
(logs "Send message:" @pending-msg)
(.send websocket (pr-str @pending-msg)) (.send websocket (pr-str @pending-msg))
(reset! pending-msg nil))) (reset! pending-msg nil)))

View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
(ns grub.common-state
(:require [grub.diff :as diff]
[hasch.core :as hasch]))
(def empty-state {:grubs {} :recipes {}})
(def complete-sync-request {:type :complete})
(defn complete-sync-response [state]
{:type :complete
:state state})
(defn diff-msg [diff hash shadow-hash]
{:type :diff
:diff diff
:hash hash
:shadow-hash shadow-hash})
(defn diff-states [shadow state]
(let [diff (diff/diff-states shadow state)
hash (hasch/uuid state)
shadow-hash (hasch/uuid shadow)
msg (diff-msg diff hash shadow-hash)]

View file

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
(ns grub.shared-state
(:require [grub.diff :as diff]
[grub.message :as message]
[grub.sync :as sync]
#+clj [clojure.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! chan go]]
#+cljs [cljs.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! chan]])
#+cljs (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))
;; Server state
;; (def states (atom []))
(defn make-server-agent
([in out states] (make-server-agent in out states sync/empty-state))
([in out states initial-client-shadow]
(go (loop [client-shadow initial-client-shadow]
(when-let [msg (<! in)]
(condp = (:type msg)
(let [states* @states
shadow (sync/get-history-state states* (:hash msg))]
(if shadow
(let [new-states (sync/apply-diff states* (:diff msg))
new-shadow (diff/patch-state shadow (:diff msg))
{:keys [diff hash]} (sync/diff-states new-states new-shadow)]
(reset! states new-states)
(>! out (message/diff-msg diff hash))
(recur new-shadow))
(let [state (sync/get-current-state @states)]
(>! out (message/full-sync state))
(recur state))))
(let [state (sync/get-current-state @states)]
(>! out (message/full-sync state))
(recur state))
(let [{:keys [diff hash]} (sync/diff-states (:new-states msg) client-shadow)]
(>! out (message/diff-msg diff hash))
(recur client-shadow))
(recur client-shadow)))))))
(defn make-client-agent
([in out states] (make-client-agent in out states sync/empty-state))
([in out states initial-server-shadow]
(a/go-loop [server-shadow initial-server-shadow]
(when-let [msg (<! in)]
(condp = (:type msg)
(let [states* @states
shadow (sync/get-history-state states* (:hash msg))]
(if shadow
(let [new-states (sync/apply-diff states* (:diff msg))
new-shadow (diff/patch-state shadow (:diff msg))
{:keys [diff hash]} (sync/diff-states new-states new-shadow)]
(reset! states new-states)
(recur new-shadow))
(let [state (sync/get-current-state @states)]
(>! out (message/full-sync state))
(recur state))))
(let [state (:state msg)]
(reset! states [state])
(recur state))
(let [{:keys [diff hash]} (sync/diff-states (:new-states msg) server-shadow)]
(>! out (message/diff-msg diff hash))
(recur server-shadow))
(recur server-shadow))))))
;; TODO: Remove watch, close up channels properly
(defn sync-new-client! [>client <client]
;; (let [client-id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)
;; state-changes (chan)
;; state-change-events (a/map< (fn [s] {:type :new-state :new-states s}) state-changes)
;; client-events (chan)]
;; (add-watch states client-id (fn [_ _ _ new-states] (a/put! state-changes new-states)))
;; (a/pipe (a/merge [<client state-change-events]) client-events)
;; (make-server-agent client-events >client states)))
(defn init [to-db grubs recipes]
;; (reset! states (sync/initial-state grubs recipes))
;; (add-watch states :to-db (fn [_ _ old-states new-states]
;; (a/put! to-db (sync/get-current-state new-states)))))

src/cljx/grub/state.cljx Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
(ns grub.state
(:require [grub.diff :as diff]
[grub.message :as message]
[grub.sync :as sync]
#+clj [clojure.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! chan go]]
#+cljs [cljs.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! chan]])
#+cljs (:require-macros [grub.macros :refer [log logs]]
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))
(defn make-agent
([client? in out states] (make-agent client? in out states sync/empty-state))
([client? in out states initial-shadow]
(go (loop [shadow initial-shadow]
(when-let [msg (<! in)]
(condp = (:type msg)
(let [states* @states
shadow (sync/get-history-state states* (:hash msg))]
#+cljs (logs "diff msg:" msg)
#+clj (println "diff msg:" msg)
(if shadow
(let [new-states (sync/apply-diff states* (:diff msg))
new-shadow (diff/patch-state shadow (:diff msg))
{:keys [diff hash]} (sync/diff-states (sync/get-current-state new-states) new-shadow)]
(reset! states new-states)
(when-not client? (>! out (message/diff-msg diff hash))) ;; HERE
(recur new-shadow))
(if client?
(do (>! out message/full-sync-request)
(recur shadow))
(let [state (sync/get-current-state states*)]
(>! out (message/full-sync state))
(recur state)))))
(if client?
(let [state (:state msg)]
#+cljs (logs "received full sync")
(reset! states (sync/new-state state))
(recur state))
(let [state (sync/get-current-state @states)]
#+clj (println "sending full sync")
(>! out (message/full-sync state)) ;; HERE
(recur state)))
(let [{:keys [diff hash]} (sync/diff-states (:state msg) shadow)]
#+cljs (logs "new state")
#+clj (println "new state")
(if client?
(when-not (sync/empty-diff? diff)
(>! out (message/diff-msg diff hash)))
(>! out (message/diff-msg diff hash)))
(recur shadow))
(recur shadow)))))))
(defn make-server-agent
([in out states] (make-agent false in out states))
([in out states initial-shadow] (make-agent false in out states initial-shadow)))
(defn make-client-agent
([in out states] (make-agent true in out states))
([in out states initial-shadow] (make-agent true in out states initial-shadow)))
(def states (atom []))
(def empty-state sync/empty-state)
;; TODO: Remove watch, close up channels properly
(defn sync-new-client! [>client <client]
(let [client-id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)
state-changes (chan)
state-change-events (a/map< (fn [s] {:type :new-state :state s}) state-changes)
client-events (chan)]
(add-watch states client-id (fn [_ _ _ new-states]
(a/put! state-changes (sync/get-current-state new-states))))
(a/go-loop []
(let [[val _] (a/alts! [<client state-change-events])]
(if val
(do (>! client-events val)
(do #+clj (println "client disconnected, clean up")
(remove-watch states client-id)
(a/close! <client)
(a/close! state-change-events)))))
(make-server-agent client-events >client states)))
(defn init-server [to-db grubs recipes]
(reset! states (sync/initial-state grubs recipes))
(add-watch states :to-db (fn [_ _ old-states new-states]
(a/put! to-db (sync/get-current-state new-states)))))
(defn init-client [in out state-changes current-state]
(reset! states (sync/initial-state {} {}))
(add-watch states :render (fn [_ _ _ new-states]
(let [new-state (sync/get-current-state new-states)]
(reset! current-state new-state))))
(a/pipe (a/map< (fn [s]
(swap! states sync/add-history-state s)
{:type :new-state :state s}) state-changes) in)
(make-client-agent in out states)
(a/put! out message/full-sync-request))

View file

@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
:recipes (util/map-by-key :id recipes)}] :recipes (util/map-by-key :id recipes)}]
[{:state state :hash (hasch/uuid state)}])) [{:state state :hash (hasch/uuid state)}]))
(defn new-state [state]
[{:hash (hasch/uuid state)
:state state}])
(defn get-current-state [states] (defn get-current-state [states]
(:state (last states))) (:state (last states)))
@ -24,7 +28,8 @@
(conj states {:hash new-hash :state new-state})))) (conj states {:hash new-hash :state new-state}))))
(defn diff-states [states shadow] (defn diff-states [states shadow]
(let [state (get-current-state states)] (let [state states;(get-current-state states)
{:hash (hasch/uuid shadow) {:hash (hasch/uuid shadow)
:diff (diff/diff-states shadow state)})) :diff (diff/diff-states shadow state)}))
@ -32,3 +37,5 @@
(let [new-state (diff/patch-state (get-current-state states) diff)] (let [new-state (diff/patch-state (get-current-state states) diff)]
(add-history-state states new-state))) (add-history-state states new-state)))
(defn empty-diff? [diff]
(= diff {:recipes {:deleted #{}, :updated nil}, :grubs {:deleted #{}, :updated nil}}))

View file

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
(defn start-db-and-websocket-server! [] (defn start-db-and-websocket-server! []
(let [to-db (chan)] (let [to-db (chan)]
(db/connect-and-handle-events to-db "grub-integration-test") (db/connect-and-handle-events to-db "grub-integration-test")
(state/init to-db (db/get-current-grubs) (db/get-current-recipes)))) (state/init-server to-db (db/get-current-grubs) (db/get-current-recipes))))
(defn run [] (defn run []
(println "Starting integration test") (println "Starting integration test")

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(ns grub.test.unit.state (ns grub.test.unit.state
(:require [grub.shared-state :as state] (:require [grub.state :as state]
[clojure.test :refer :all] [clojure.test :refer :all]
[midje.sweet :refer :all] [midje.sweet :refer :all]
[hasch.core :as hasch] [hasch.core :as hasch]
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
:recipes {}}) :recipes {}})
client-state {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}} client-state {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}}
msg {:type :new-state msg {:type :new-state
:new-states @states} :state (:state (last @states))}
in (chan 1) in (chan 1)
out (chan 1)] out (chan 1)]
(state/make-server-agent in out states client-state) (state/make-server-agent in out states client-state)
@ -156,9 +156,7 @@
server-out (chan) server-out (chan)
client-state-changes (chan 1) client-state-changes (chan 1)
msg {:type :new-state msg {:type :new-state
:new-states (hashed-states :state {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed true}} :recipes {}}}]
{:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}}
{:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed true}} :recipes {}})}]
(a/pipe client-out server-in) (a/pipe client-out server-in)
(a/pipe server-out client-in) (a/pipe server-out client-in)
(state/make-client-agent client-in client-out client-states server-shadow) (state/make-client-agent client-in client-out client-states server-shadow)
@ -185,9 +183,7 @@
server-in (chan) server-in (chan)
server-out (chan) server-out (chan)
msg {:type :new-state msg {:type :new-state
:new-states (hashed-states :state {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed true}} :recipes {}}}
{:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}}
{:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed true}} :recipes {}})}
client-state-changes (chan 1)] client-state-changes (chan 1)]
(a/pipe client-out server-in) (a/pipe client-out server-in)
(a/pipe server-out client-in) (a/pipe server-out client-in)