Reorganize sync tests into integration

This commit is contained in:
Nicholas Kariniemi 2014-10-06 22:18:39 +03:00
parent 12ac165f24
commit 4b743f420b
2 changed files with 75 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
(ns grub.test.integration.synchronization
(:require [grub.state :as state]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[midje.sweet :refer :all]
[hasch.core :as hasch]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [<!! >!! chan go]]))
(defn hashed-states [& states]
(->> states
(map (fn [s] {:hash (hasch/uuid s)
:state s}))
(into [])))
(defn states-atom [& states]
(atom (apply hashed-states states)))
(defn <!!? [c]
(let [[v p] (a/alts!! [c (a/timeout 100)])]
(fact "Client-only changes synced with server"
(let [client-shadow {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed true}} :recipes {}}
client-states (states-atom
{:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}}
{:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed true}} :recipes {}})
server-shadow {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}}
server-states (states-atom server-shadow)
client-in (chan)
client-out (chan)
server-in (chan)
server-out (chan)
client-state-changes (chan 1)
msg {:type :new-state
:state {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed true}} :recipes {}}}]
(a/pipe client-out server-in)
(a/pipe server-out client-in)
(state/make-client-agent client-in client-out client-states server-shadow)
(state/make-server-agent server-in server-out server-states client-shadow)
(add-watch client-states :test (fn [_ _ _ new-states] (a/put! client-state-changes new-states)))
(>!! client-in msg)
(<!!? client-state-changes)
(:state (last @client-states)) => {:grubs {"1" {:completed true, :text "2 apples"}}
:recipes {}}
(:state (last @server-states)) => {:grubs {"1" {:completed true, :text "2 apples"}}
:recipes {}}))
(fact "Client and server changes synced"
(let [client-shadow {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}}
client-states (states-atom
{:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}}
{:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed true}} :recipes {}})
server-shadow {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}}
server-states (states-atom
{:grubs {"1" {:text "4 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}})
client-in (chan)
client-out (chan)
server-in (chan)
server-out (chan)
msg {:type :new-state
:state {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed true}} :recipes {}}}
client-state-changes (chan 1)]
(a/pipe client-out server-in)
(a/pipe server-out client-in)
(state/make-client-agent client-in client-out client-states server-shadow)
(state/make-server-agent server-in server-out server-states client-shadow)
(add-watch client-states :test (fn [_ _ _ new-states] (a/put! client-state-changes new-states)))
(>!! client-in msg)
(<!!? client-state-changes)
@client-states => (hashed-states
{:grubs {"1" {:completed true, :text "4 apples"}}, :recipes {}})
@server-states => (hashed-states
{:grubs {"1" {:completed false, :text "2 apples"}}, :recipes {}}
{:grubs {"1" {:completed false, :text "4 apples"}}, :recipes {}}
{:grubs {"1" {:completed true, :text "4 apples"}}, :recipes {}})))

View file

@ -147,58 +147,3 @@
:recipes {:deleted #{}, :updated nil}}
:hash (hasch/uuid client-state)})))
(fact "Client-only changes synced with server"
(let [client-shadow {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed true}} :recipes {}}
client-states (states-atom
{:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}}
{:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed true}} :recipes {}})
server-shadow {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}}
server-states (states-atom server-shadow)
client-in (chan)
client-out (chan)
server-in (chan)
server-out (chan)
client-state-changes (chan 1)
msg {:type :new-state
:state {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed true}} :recipes {}}}]
(a/pipe client-out server-in)
(a/pipe server-out client-in)
(state/make-client-agent client-in client-out client-states server-shadow)
(state/make-server-agent server-in server-out server-states client-shadow)
(add-watch client-states :test (fn [_ _ _ new-states] (a/put! client-state-changes new-states)))
(>!! client-in msg)
(<!!? client-state-changes)
(:state (last @client-states)) => {:grubs {"1" {:completed true, :text "2 apples"}}
:recipes {}}
(:state (last @server-states)) => {:grubs {"1" {:completed true, :text "2 apples"}}
:recipes {}}))
(fact "Client and server changes synced"
(let [client-shadow {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}}
client-states (states-atom
{:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}}
{:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed true}} :recipes {}})
server-shadow {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}}
server-states (states-atom
{:grubs {"1" {:text "4 apples" :completed false}} :recipes {}})
client-in (chan)
client-out (chan)
server-in (chan)
server-out (chan)
msg {:type :new-state
:state {:grubs {"1" {:text "2 apples" :completed true}} :recipes {}}}
client-state-changes (chan 1)]
(a/pipe client-out server-in)
(a/pipe server-out client-in)
(state/make-client-agent client-in client-out client-states server-shadow)
(state/make-server-agent server-in server-out server-states client-shadow)
(add-watch client-states :test (fn [_ _ _ new-states] (a/put! client-state-changes new-states)))
(>!! client-in msg)
(<!!? client-state-changes)
@client-states => (hashed-states
{:grubs {"1" {:completed true, :text "4 apples"}}, :recipes {}})
@server-states => (hashed-states
{:grubs {"1" {:completed false, :text "2 apples"}}, :recipes {}}
{:grubs {"1" {:completed false, :text "4 apples"}}, :recipes {}}
{:grubs {"1" {:completed true, :text "4 apples"}}, :recipes {}})))