Make state syncing code more explicit
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 11 additions and 14 deletions
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
(let [to-client (chan)
from-client (chan)]
(ws/add-connected-client! ws-channel to-client from-client)
(state/sync-new-client! states to-client from-client)))
(state/sync-new-client! to-client from-client states)))
(handler request))))
(defn handle-root [handler index]
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
(:require [grub.diff :as diff]
[grub.message :as message]
[grub.sync :as sync]
[hasch.core :as hasch]
#+clj [clojure.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! chan go]]
#+cljs [cljs.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! chan]])
#+cljs (:require-macros [grub.macros :refer [log logs]]
@ -16,13 +17,16 @@
(defmethod handle-event :diff [{:keys [hash diff states shadow client?] :as msg}]
(let [history-shadow (sync/get-history-state states hash)]
(if history-shadow
(let [new-states (sync/apply-diff states diff)
(let [state (sync/get-current-state states)
new-state (diff/patch-state state diff)
new-states (sync/add-history-state states new-state)
new-shadow (diff/patch-state history-shadow diff)
{new-diff :diff new-hash :hash} (sync/diff-states (sync/get-current-state new-states) new-shadow)]
new-diff (diff/diff-states new-shadow new-state)
new-hash (hasch/uuid new-shadow)]
{:out-event (when-not (sync/empty-diff? diff)
(message/diff-msg new-diff new-hash))
:new-states (if client?
(sync/new-state (sync/get-current-state new-states))
(sync/new-state new-state)
:new-shadow new-shadow})
(if client?
@ -42,7 +46,8 @@
:new-shadow state})
(defmethod handle-event :new-state [{:keys [client? state states shadow] :as event}]
(let [{:keys [diff hash]} (sync/diff-states state shadow)]
(let [diff (diff/diff-states shadow state)
hash (hasch/uuid shadow)]
{:new-states (sync/add-history-state states state)
:out-event (when-not (sync/empty-diff? diff) (message/diff-msg diff hash))}))
@ -67,7 +72,7 @@
([<remote >remote states initial-shadow] (make-agent true <remote >remote states initial-shadow)))
(defn sync-new-client! [states >client <client]
(defn sync-new-client! [>client <client states]
(let [client-id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)
state-change-events (chan 1 (map (fn [s] {:type :new-state :state s})))
client-events (chan)]
@ -32,13 +32,5 @@
(into [] (rest new-states))
(defn diff-states [state shadow]
{:hash (hasch/uuid shadow)
:diff (diff/diff-states shadow state)})
(defn apply-diff [states diff]
(let [new-state (diff/patch-state (get-current-state states) diff)]
(add-history-state states new-state)))
(defn empty-diff? [diff]
(= diff {:recipes {:deleted #{}, :updated nil}, :grubs {:deleted #{}, :updated nil}}))
Add table
Reference in a new issue