Factor out some client/server common state ops
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 83 additions and 84 deletions
@ -14,32 +14,15 @@
{:grubs (util/map-by-key :id grubs)
:recipes (util/map-by-key :id recipes)})
(defn sync-remote-changes [to-client state* server-shadow]
(let [server-shadow* @server-shadow]
(when (not= state* server-shadow*)
(let [diff (sync/diff-states server-shadow* state*)
msg {:type :diff
:diff diff
:hash (hasch/uuid state*)
:shadow-hash (hasch/uuid server-shadow*)}]
(println "Sync because:")
(println "Server = " state*)
(println "Client = " server-shadow*)
(println "Diff:" diff)
(println "Send" (hasch/uuid server-shadow*) "->" (hasch/uuid state*))
(a/put! to-client msg)
;; TODO: only reset server shadow if send succeeds
(reset! server-shadow state*)))))
(defn sync-new-client! [to from]
(let [client-id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)
server-shadow (atom cs/empty-state)]
(add-watch state client-id (fn [k ref old new]
(sync-remote-changes to new server-shadow)))
(add-watch state client-id (fn [_ _ _ new-state]
(when-let [msg (cs/diff-states new-state server-shadow)]
(a/put! to msg)
(reset! server-shadow new-state))))
(a/go-loop []
(let [{:keys [type diff hash shadow-hash] :as msg} (<! from)]
(if (not (nil? msg))
(when-let [{:keys [type diff hash shadow-hash] :as msg} (<! from)]
(condp = type
:diff (do
(println "Received client diff:" shadow-hash "->" hash)
@ -58,8 +41,8 @@
:complete (let [new-state (reset! server-shadow @state)]
(a/put! to (cs/complete-sync-response new-state)))
(println "Invalid msg:" msg))
(remove-watch state client-id))))))
(remove-watch state client-id)))))
(defn init [_to-db grubs recipes]
(reset! state (initial-state grubs recipes))
@ -7,46 +7,31 @@
[cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]]))
(def app-state (atom cs/empty-state))
(def client-shadow (atom cs/empty-state))
(defn sync-local-changes [to-remote state*]
(let [client-shadow* @client-shadow]
(when (not= state* client-shadow*)
(let [diff (sync/diff-states client-shadow* state*)
msg {:type :diff
:diff diff
:hash (hasch/uuid state*)
:shadow-hash (hasch/uuid client-shadow*)}]
(logs "Sync because:")
(logs "Server = " client-shadow*)
(logs "Client = " state*)
(logs "Diff:" diff)
(logs "Send" (hasch/uuid client-shadow*) "->" (hasch/uuid state*))
;; TODO: reset client shadow only if send succeeds
(a/put! to-remote msg)
(reset! client-shadow state*)))))
(defn sync-state! [to from]
(let [client-shadow (atom cs/empty-state)]
(add-watch app-state :app-state (fn [_ _ _ new]
(when-let [msg (cs/diff-states new @client-shadow)]
(a/put! from msg)
;; TODO: reset shadow only if send succeeds
(reset! client-shadow new))))
(go-loop []
(when-let [{:keys [type diff hash shadow-hash] :as msg} (<! to)]
(condp = type
:diff (do
(logs "Received server diff:" shadow-hash "->" hash)
(logs "Before shadow:" (hasch/uuid @client-shadow) @client-shadow)
;(logs "Received server diff:" shadow-hash "->" hash)
;(logs "Before shadow:" (hasch/uuid @client-shadow) @client-shadow)
(if (= (hasch/uuid @client-shadow) shadow-hash)
(log "Before hash check: good")
(log "Before hash check: FAIL"))
(let [new-shadow (swap! client-shadow #(sync/patch-state % diff))
new-state (swap! app-state #(sync/patch-state % diff))]
(logs "After shadow:" (hasch/uuid @client-shadow) @client-shadow)
;(logs "After shadow:" (hasch/uuid @client-shadow) @client-shadow)
(if (= (hasch/uuid new-shadow) hash)
(log "After hash check: good")
(log "After hash check: FAIL"))))
:complete (do (log "Received complete sync, reset state")
(logs msg)
(reset! client-shadow (:state msg))
:complete (do (reset! client-shadow (:state msg))
(reset! app-state (:state msg)))
(logs "Invalid msg:" msg))
(add-watch app-state :app-state (fn [k ref old new] (sync-local-changes from new)))
(a/put! from cs/complete-sync-request))
(a/put! from cs/complete-sync-request)))
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
(defn send-pending-msg [websocket]
(when (and (.isOpen websocket)
(not (nil? @pending-msg)))
(.send websocket @pending-msg)
(.send websocket (pr-str @pending-msg))
(reset! pending-msg nil)))
(defn on-connected [websocket event]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
(ns grub.common-state
(:require [grub.sync :as sync]
[hasch.core :as hasch]))
(def empty-state {:grubs {} :recipes {}})
(def complete-sync-request {:type :complete})
(defn complete-sync-response [state]
{:type :complete
:state state})
(defn diff-msg [diff hash shadow-hash]
{:type :diff
:diff diff
:hash hash
:shadow-hash shadow-hash})
(defn diff-states [state shadow*]
(let [shadow shadow*]
(when (not= state shadow)
(let [diff (sync/diff-states shadow state)
hash (hasch/uuid state)
shadow-hash (hasch/uuid shadow)
msg (diff-msg diff hash shadow-hash)]
;(logs "Sync because:")
;(logs "Local = " state)
;(logs "Remote = " shadow)
;(logs "Diff:" diff)
;(logs "Send" shadow-hash "->" hash)
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